
Hi! Here is the book made by me and Thunder! Hope you like it. Go check out book 1 if you haven’t yet!
This is super duper long!
Life in Minecraft #2: True Power
Chapter 1: Astro 😛 1
Chapter 2: The 1st Day and Last Day of Torture 3
Chapter 3: The Demon of Stupidity 5
Chapter 4: Shot into the Unknown 7
Chapter 5: The Nerd and Idiot 10
Chapter 6: The Day of The Mare 11
Chapter 7: Help 14
Chapter 8: Secret Santa 16
Chapter 9: I Believe I Can Fly! 18
Chapter 11: A Fun Road Trip! Destination: Death! 22
Chapter 12: Ewwww! 24
Chapter 13/Epilogue: Nethermager Partylager! 28
Chapter 1: Astro 😛
Hi. I’m Astro.
You probably know me from Thunder’s diary (That he is deeply proud of) but this is my diary.
So adventure with me through my story-like life that includes the action (heck yeah!), the violence (mhm), the blood (well), the romance (ew), and most importantly, the cheesy dad jokes! (yeah baby!)
Wait, when did the boring, dark, brave Nirvan turn into a comedian on Minetime?
Well on the inside I’m like this, but on my outside everyone thinks I’m super quiet and cool.
Not true
Not true at all!
Okay, a little true.
But that’s it!
Anyways, we had just beaten Herobrine (I proudly put the arrow I stabbed him with on the wall) and Xoria was rebuilt.
It now is almost indestructible because it is on a floating island, has a gigantic wall with crazy defenses, and an invincible enchanted wolf that has grown to be large enough to be ridden on (his name is Shredder, and he belongs to Thunder).
My mom is back but then disappeared again into the cosmos. (aka work thingy meeting vacation)
I got a big aquarium for Blueberry and now he sits in my room.
Since my house was destroyed, I got a new one.
Now, you’re probably wondering where I got that money.
Tons of people were so thankful to us for saving the world that they gave us money.
I donated like 85% of the money to charity and saved the rest.
Anyway, my house is a minimalist modern house off the side of the beach.
It’s not big, it has 3 bedrooms. (2 are for me and my mom and the other one is for if someone like for example Thunder comes)
I got a huge aquarium for Blueberry too.
What I like most about the house is that you can see an underwater stronghold if you look at the ocean from the balcony.
It’s very mysterious and dangerous to go in there.
Plus, everyone who’s gone in didn’t come out.
Anyways, I can’t believe almost 1 year has passed since I last was in Xoria.
I’m turning 11 soon! Comet turns 15 tomorrow, Void turns 15 the day before that, and Thunder turns 17 2 months later.
Anyways, Comet is doing some movies about his journeys, showing off, spending tons of money, and doing lots of interviews.
I’m fine with him being King Midas but I’m not fine with him telling wrong things in the story.
Like yesterday when he had a podcast on some show, he said that he had the nightmare and he defeated Herobrine by himself and he found the sword.
That’s a lot of he’s.
But I guess it’s fine because no one really believes him.
Anyway, Comet was so busy being himself that we couldn’t celebrate his birthday party.
Then the day after that was my birthday.
It wasn’t too bad, I got a GoKart from Thunder (yay!), a PS5 from Void (thanks!), and an, uh.
A guide on getting girls from Comet?
Ugh, I hate romance if you haven’t noticed yet.
Void’s birthday party was fun, we did some laser tag (Obviously). (I got him an XBox Series X)
After a little bit, our fame lowered a lot.
I LOVED that because it means a peanut brain will stop sending me emails to buy a gasoline toothbrush.
I don’t like my teeth getting smoked though, so no thanks.
Anyways, let’s fast forward to August 18, aka the first day of school.
Chapter 2: The 1st Day and Last Day of Torture
Okay, so this was going to be my first time in High School.
You might be saying “bUt AsTrO, yOu ShOuLd Be In MiDdLe ScHoOl!1!1!!”
Well in Xoria, we go from Elementary school to Middle school then you start a job, unless it is a job that needs classifications, you do not need high school. And I went to summer school to make up for the middle school I missed last year. I want to be an Astronomer, so I need to go to high school.
But I am part time Archer as well.
Anyways, how I wake up is by Blueberry licking my face. He’s so cute, that I just can’t stay asleep and not pet him.
At the same time, I also think it’s a smart choice because I get to now be with all my best friends.
I wake up at 7:00 and go to school at 8:00.
I use my new GoKart to get there, park it in the parking spot I rented there and headed in.
My school is called, “Gold Glimmer High School,”
I found my friends there.
The school is a private one. There are 1200 students there.
I looked at my schedule. I have more than one class and teacher which makes it a lot more complicated.
Here’s my funky schedule:
   AP Algebraic Solutions (math, good class)
   AP Astronomy (science, fav class)
   AP PE (Soccer, boringggg)
   AP  History (social studies, nice)
   AP Literature (reading/writing, ok this sucks)
   AP Archery (topper)
   AP Mob defense (boring, because I am a topper)
   AP potions (useful adn topper)
   AP Farming (not interested)
AP Mining (kind of useful)
AP Crafting (I am second best)
AP Combat (why is there combat and mob defense???)
Something like a false fire alarm happened and the teachers were trying to find out why.
For that time, we kinda just hung out in the hallways.
Then we had our classes,
But during school something bugged me, something Herobrine had said, “I won’t be gone. Summoner Entity will find you.”  I tried putting together the words.
“Entity,” what goes with entity? I tried numbers, words, until I knew it. Entity 303. I thought.
“Oh. God.”
After school I told my friends about all I had thought of, and they were as surprised as I was.
“This quest is going to be harder than I thought,” Thunder said.
“So what you’re saying is that Entity 303 sucked up all of Herobrine’s remaining power and is now twice as strong?!?!?” Void said.
“Yup” I said.
“So how exactly are we going to beat him then?” Comet pointed out.
“I have no idea,” I said.
“Then I know exactly what our fate is. . . DOOM”  Comet said.
And he was right. . .
Chapter 3: The Demon of Stupidity
At warrior time, our teacher, Mr. Darren, taught us more about the army.
You might know him from Rigved’s diary, he was the one who introduced us to the Ranks of Warriors.
He gave me a bow called the Storm Bow “For the prophecy,”
Prophecy more like um, um, ummmmmm.
It’s hard to make up a joke, I wonder how my dad did it.
But during the class we saw a red bolt coming out of the sky.
It took us a moment to realize what it was.
“DEMON!!!!!” Comet yelled before I could even say anything.
The demon went to the door and came in.
“I won’t destroy your city,”
It was Entity-303.
More like-
Okay, I’m sorry.
He destroyed everything in a 2 foot radius, not even because he wanted to, because he couldn’t control his crazy power. That’s insane.
“Come with me and I won’t,” He said.
Me and my friends came. The power was too insane. We might have beaten Herobrine somehow, but this was different.
We don’t have the sword (Thunder left it in his super high security vault)
And 2.
We went to him.
“And you are coming with them,” He pointed at a girl named Serena.
“Wha-” She said.
He pulled her and teleported us.
We were in some distorted realm.
We were all lying on the ground. We just started getting up until-
“It just started getting really hot in here,” Comet said.
“Uhmm, who are you directing that to Comet?” Thunder said.
“You know,” He nodded his head at that girl.
“What are you talking about????” I said.
“Nevermind,” Thunder said.
“Oh god, I think I know what’s happening. . .” Void whispered.
“Um, hi?” Serena said.
“Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-” Comet started.
“Why did Entity-303 drag you with us?” Thunder said.
“I have a long history too. I’m part of the prophecy too, just like you,” She said.
“Well welcome to the VERY COOL club of boys who kick demon butts,” I said.
She giggled, even though that wasn’t really a joke.
Comet looked like I had punched him.
“What are all of your names? I never got your names.” She said,
“I’m Astro Electro,” I said.
“I know,” She said
Well, that was weird because I never told or even met her.
“I’m Comet Cosmo,”
“No, your Comet Diamondcube,” I corrected.
“No, I’m Comet COSMO,”
“Are you trying to impress her?” Void said.
“Okay then, why aren’t you saying your real name,” Thunder said.
“Anyway, I’m Thunder Dragontamer,” He said.
“And I’m Void Distort,”
“Cool, I’m Serena Corlese,”
“And I’m Entity 303,”
It was Entity-303!
“Okay, why are you here?” I said.
“To kill you peacefully,”
“Well, I’m just gonna-”
He started shooting ginormous laser beams from his hands.
A huge beam hit all of us.
First I felt pain,
And that’s pretty much it.
Then everything went black.

Chapter 4: Shot into the Unknown
Then I woke up with Serena on my side.
I groaned and stood up.
Serena stood up next to me.
“Where are we?” She asked.
“I have no idea,” I said.
She whispered something to herself.
“I wish Blueberry was here,” I said to myself.
“Who’s Blueberry?”
“My pet blue axolotl, the only one remaining. I left him at home though,”
We were back in the overworld.
In a forest of flowers.
Suddenly, a huge storm came. It was like it was never sunny.
The flowers turned grey and limped.
“Aww, it was so beautiful before!” Serena said sadly.
“I know. But there’s got to be a reason why it turned dark so suddenly,”
“I am the reason,”
“Not you again,” Me and Serena said at the same time.
It was Entity-303.
“Look, what do you want?” I took a step closer.
“Your death. Then I would like to suck your souls out,” He said.
He blasted another huge red ray of light.
Serena screamed and hugged me.
Then everything went black again.
Luckily, I shortly woke up in a dark room.
I have Nyctophobia, so this definitely gave me goosebumps.
“Astro? Are you there?”
I saw Serena to my right.
We were both chained up in a bunch of iron chains.
“Any idea of how to get out, Ast?”
“Not really,”
Suddenly I heard a door squeak, and a light came from a door, with a figure in it.
If that wasn’t enough, I heard random weird noises coming from the walls.
This totally triggered my senses. My eyes went crazy, I could hear my heartbeat loudly in my ears, My whole body was shaking, I couldn’t breathe, and my teeth kept clicking against each other.
“Ast! Are you okay!?” Serena yelled.
“It’s too dark- I can’t-”
It started intensifying. The sounds got louder, my eyes were still going haywire, and my feet started jamming at each other.
Then the figure came and hit me in the face.
I went unconscious.
“Not anymore. He has serious Nyctophobia, so much that it might kill him,” It was Entity-303 again.
“Soon I will send him to where he’s always wanted to go- Mars,”
Entity-303 picked me up by the neck
He hanged me on a wall.
“Noooooo!” Serena said, flailing her feet.
He got out his gun, an RPG.
He aimed at me and reloaded.
“AST NOO!!!!!!!!!”
“It’s okay, I will still be in this world,” I said faintly.
“To Mars and- well not back!” Entity-303 laughed evilly.
He shot me, and everything went black for the third time in an hour.
But it wasn’t going to be another hour.
And it might not even be forever.
Since I was not aware of what happened after, let’s switch to Void’s point of view.
Chapter 5: The Nerd and Idiot
I and Comet were stuck together now in a weird purple-ish and brown and white-ish structure. We both had no idea what we were in, it seemed overgrown, everywhere we looked were vines, roots, and foliage.
“Hrmmm, how should we get out of here?” Comet said.
“I know! We can get the roots and uhh do something with them?” He said.
Comet kept on repeating many ideas that wouldn’t work.
“How about you give me your shield and I use the edges of it to cut those vines over there” I said.
“Great idea!” Comet said as he handed me his shield.
“Did you get that from my idea of shooting at the sky?” Comet asked.
“How does that even have to do with this?” I groaned.
I walked over to the vines and cut them. It opened it to a much, much bigger room, but it was different from the first room; it didn’t have any nature or foliage. We started to hear a clunking sound coming from the floor.
“Not good, last time we heard that vexes came out of the walls,” I said.
“You mean axes? If so, I heard that I-”
“Just shut up,” I groaned again.
I quickly spotted something for cover.
“There!” I said
We got under something that looked like a bench, But instead of hundreds of vexes coming out of the wall we saw a weird pedestal in the middle of the room.
“A tripwire must’ve activated that when we came into here” I said.
“Well, it didn’t trip us, it just-” Comet said.
“I know Comet. You don’t need to give comments on things that are not logical so instead let’s focus on looking closer at this pedesta- woah, it’s a quiver filled with top quality arrows. I think Astro would love this thing.”
Comet started walking towards it.
“Wait! It could be a trap” I said
“But what if it’s not” Comet shot back.
“That’s a risk to take, I’d rather not have risky situations happening” I said.
“If it is a trap we need to find a way to deactivate it.” I said.
“But the only thing is, we don’t have anything to use to deactivate it.”
I looked around the place with Comet following me.
“How about we go split up and you look for stuff too” I said.
Finally we both found enough metal and scrap to make a wrench and a wire cutter.
I got work on deactivating the trap.
“Done.” I said.
We snatched the quiver and stuck it in our pack.
Suddenly, the floor before m
I wonder what everyone else is doing.
Let’s do another switch to Thunder.
Chapter 6: The Day of The Mare
I woke up.
I didn’t see anyone near me, just red bricks.
A nether fortress.
A ton of wither skeletons and blazes started running towards me.
“YAAAAAHHHH!” I started running like Jeb(a super-fast Guardian).
Thunder-Jeb? Nevermind. Anyways, I fell out of the nether fortress.
I almost died in the process, but I’m alive.
I wish someone was here, or near.
Suddenly I had a nightmare out of nowhere.
A dark room, with a boy and girl there- was that Astro and Serena?
Suddenly, a light appeared from a door.
The dream went on until they killed Astro, and then I woke up.
Was that real? No way.
Suddenly I got teleported.
I was in the overworld and I saw Comet, Void, and Serena.
“Where’s Astro?” I and Void said at the same time.
She started kind of sniffing and then said, “Gone,”
“It’s okay, we didn’t need him anyways babe,” Comet blurted out.
“What did you call me!?”
“He said nothing!” I and Void said quickly.
“What are you doing!!??!” I whispered to Comet.
“Well, it’s obvious she likes me more than you,”
“Did you hit your head??????” Void said.
I don’t know, but Comet’s been acting weird lately. It’s not because of the fame. After we fought with Herobrine, he’s been acting like this.
We just kind of waited in silence until I said, “Okay, let’s go,”
While we walked I explained the dream.
“Dude, I think you are going bonkers again,” Comet said, apparently trying to act cool (which I thought was kind of annoying)
“Well, since it happened it probably wasn’t him going bonkers,” Serena said.
“Yeah I agree,” Comet said.
That kind of backfired on him. . .
“Wait, what? You agreed that you are wrong!?” Void said.
“And I never went bonkers in our journey, whether or not you told that to the people that listen to your stupid podcast,” I said
“Yeah you did!” Comet said.
“I wish Astro was here, so we could beat you up together,” I growled.
“I don’t see how you managed to go on that adventure if you always argue like this,” Serena said.
“We never did adventures like this. That was a different Comet. This is more like Meteor,” Void said.
I laughed.
Comet went red in the face, and Serena giggled a little, making him go as red as an apple, that I’m sure a horse would eat.
Unfortunately, there were no horses nearby.
I wish I had a horse spawn egg.
“Wait, we are just wandering around! How do we find Astro?” I said
Serena started crying a bit again.
“He’s somewhere, there,” She pointed into the sky.
“Wait wait wait, are you telling me he is in space?” Void said.
“Entity 303 said he would send him to Mars, but he probably didn’t have the super expensive tech to survive on Mars, because Xoria has no versions!” she said, almost creating an ocean.
“Oh. Well, I guess we just have to move on, even though we basically already forgot about that idiot,” Comet said.
We all gave Comet dark stares that said “If you say that one more time, you’ll be on the other side of the universe in no time,”
That shut him up for a long time.
“It’s getting dark. Let’s set up camp. We will find that demon tomorrow,” I said.
“I am the best at making camp! I will make your tent, my lady,”  Comet said.
“GRAMMARS,” Void blurted out randomly.
“I will hit you in the butt, my idiot,” Serena snapped back at Comet.
“You know, you can make the entire camp if you are so good,” I told him.
“Sorry, the Comet Epic Tent Building Service is only for ladies,”
“But what if we ARE ladies,” I said.
There was an awkward silence.
We all fell onto the ground in laughter.
After that we decided to make our own tents.
And we slept there.
I kind of was quiet. During our Journey, Astro would lay down and count the stars out loud. He would tell me if he found any constellations. If he found the sword constellation, I would put my sword up to see if it was the correct shape (because it was rare). We would also give him our enchanted stuff to keep his fear away.
Oh, I remember those times.
But wait, is Astro alive?
Chapter 7: Help
My eyes flickered open.
No way!
I sat up. I was on a red rock biome.
But I looked at myself.
Wait a Minute.
No. That’s not possible. This is a dream.
I inhaled. The air was as fresh as Earth.
I stood up and walked around. Normally, the second you were in space, your body would explode. But none of that was happening.
I set my backup tent.
It wasn’t until I finished it did I realize how hungry and thirsty I was.
I was going to die on Mars. I didn’t even say a proper goodbye to my friends, family, and Blueberry.
I got out my phone. I made it myself.
There was no wifi (duh) and I couldn’t text my friends.
I wanted to send a goodbye message. Just to see that I was here once.
I started recording.
“Uh hi. I’m going to die here. I have food and water for a week or two, but after that, I’m gone. I hope you find me,”
I stopped recording.
This was no joke. I have no idea how I was still alive up to this point. I should be dead by now.
That week or two passed. I didn’t have water or food. I was really thirsty and hungry.
I pulled out my storm bow. Why did Mr. Darren give it to me?
I looked at my arrows.
I had to take my chances.
My teacher told me if I wanted to shoot at the moon, that would be 1/134,532 chances.
But to shoot all the way from Mars to Earth, and right near where my friends were.
I did some quick calculations. 1/382,832,526,864,863,728,432…
I couldn’t do that.
1 in 382 tre-trillion-quadrillion. 1 in 382 tre-trillion-quadrillion.
I tied a paper to the bow.
“I’m on Mars. I am barely alive. If you are not Thunder, Comet, Void, or Serena, please give this message to them or just help me anyway. Get me back. I’ll die at sundown. This is Astro Electro,”
Then I shot it.
Just like that, it was headed somewhere in Saodix(the state where Xoria was located). It would never work.
Please go to my friends. Please go to my friends. Please go to my friends. Please go to my friends. I repeated in my head.
I was putting everything I’ve ever wanted-had-liked-loved- even hated on that planet.
And I wasn’t going to give up.
Suddenly, a spark happened. I closed my eyes.
I felt like my brain was my body now. I put everything I could into that spark.
Suddenly, my eyes were no longer where I was. I was on the arrow. It was probably going to land somewhere near Loexia.
But I don’t know how- but I started controlling the arrow’s movement into making it go to where my friends were (Which is Fresole).
I suddenly saw my friends out of the corner of my eye, and I went towards them. They were in the middle of the cornfield near a tree.
Comet. Tree. Annoyance.
I guess I just had to get revenge!
Again to Thunder’s perspective.
Chapter 8: Secret Santa
Ok, it has literally been 2 weeks since my last entry. We thought we lost Astro forever, but we found evidence that he is alive (How? I don’t know). Luckily, it came in the middle of an annoyance attack started by Comet. He was telling the list of things needed to be done at sunset if we want camp setup. Just then, an arrow came and pinned Comet to a tree. It had a message. It was short, but it made Serena burst into tears.
“I’m on Mars. I am barely alive. If you are not Thunder, Comet, Void, or Serena, please give this message to them or just help me anyway. Get me back. I’ll die at sundown. This is Astro Electro,”
“He’s alive!” She shrieked in her tears.
How the heck would we get him from Mars anyway??? M.A.S.A. (the Minecraft Aeronautics and Space Administration) will never even do anything to help, same with SpaceY. Even if they find out we’re telling the truth by checking Mars or something, they won’t spend millions of bucks on just 1 person. Besides, it would be too late.
We ran to the nearest M.A.S.A. office, and stormed in.
“Please, we need help! Please, it’s serious!” Serena yelled out.
Someone came rolling in.
“What is it?”
“Our um-”friend”- is stuck on Mars!” Comet said.
There was a short silence and then she said “WHAT!?”
“Yeah! I’m serious!”
“I believe you. We found some intelligent life on Mars. First we just thought it’s a hoax, but now it might be real. But how the heck did they get on Mars!? By the way, I’m Joanna Catorston,” Joanna said.
“To be honest, I have no idea how he got on Mars either,” I said.
We headed to the main office where they showed where he was located. He had made his own camp! How!?
“That’s crazy. He has to be chosen by god! He has to-”
Ring ring! Something interrupted Joanna’s speech.
What was that?
Ring ring!
It was coming from my phone.
I plucked it out of my pocket and looked at it.
I think I dislocated my jaw.
“What is it???”
On my phone it said,
Astro D. Electro.
He was calling me!
I instantly accepted.
“Guys?” I heard a faint and rusty noise say.
“ASTRO!?” We all yelled.
“Yeah. I don’t know if this is a dream or something, but I’m on Mars,”
“We see. Astro, I really can’t save you. It’ll take too long. We can’t come to you,” I said.
“Oh, okay. Then I’ll just come to you,”
“What do you me-”
The phone call was canceled and there was beeping along with flashing lights from the radar.
“Something has entered the atmosphere,”
Chapter 9: I Believe I Can Fly!
I’m flying!
I have no idea how but I’m flying!
I think Mars has some secret power in it and it is connected to people with a disordered genetic code. Ok, now that I am thinking of it, it’s sounding really weird.
Anyway, I hit the ground with a THUNK!
Well, actually a BOOM!
And maybe you could multiply the loudness by 10 or 20 to make it more realistic.
It hurt way less than I expected though. I barely felt anything!
“Astro?” I heard a voice say.
It was Thunder and everyone else.
“Guys?” I said
“Astro!” said Serena, running up to me and hugging me.
Everyone else did too.
“Stop! You’re suffocating me!” I yelped.
Suddenly, an orb kind of came out of me, pushing all of them off.
“What was that!?” We all said, including me.
“Wait, why did you do it and say what was that as if one of us did it?” Comet said.
“I don’t know how I did it!” I said.
“Yes, you do!”
“No, I don’t!”
“Do you know how to get fame and fortune? No! So why do you think you’re not saying it!”
“Not everything is about fame and fortune, Comet!” Thunder hopped in.
Everyone started getting in the argument about it until I yelled “ENOUGH!” And I did the orb thing
Suddenly, we heard a few weird noises.
“Ast, are you doing that?” Serena said
“That isn’t me…” I said.
Then we saw it. A giant ravager flying toward us with Entity 303 on top.
“Hehehe!” He snickered.
“Ahhyayoo!” Entity screamed. He went flying in the opposite direction, and the Ravager just disintegrated
“What?-” We all said.
I was glowing and making a giant purple transparent shield around us, and something was wrong with my eyes. Well, not really wrong, but they were also glowing.
Then Entity 303 got up. His red eyes were burning with hatred.
“Where’d you learn that little brother?” He sneered.
“Someone was reading a book,” I held out the book I had taken from the woodland mansion.
“So you did take the book,” Comet said.
“And we also took this,” Thunder held out his hand, and the sword appeared from his hand.
“YOU DARE TO MESS WITH ME, A DEMON!?” Entity-303 yelled.
“You dare to mess with us?” Thunder yelled back. “Monster Bane is with us, and he ain’t nice!”
“Monster Bane?” I said.
“I named the sword Monster Bane,”
Void took out his gun, and Serena took out her first aid kit (she’s a Doctor role).
And Comet-
He faced us?
“Comet, what are you doing?” We said.
“Do not mess with the Entity Master,” he said robotically.
“What!? What in the world do you mean!?” Thunder yelled.
His eyes turned red.
Entity-303 laughed.
“You see, right before Herobrine died, he stabbed Comet with a chip. He put it at the top of his mouth until it reached his brain. Ever since then, Comet has been acting stupid and not helping you,” He said.
“No joke,” Void rolled his eyes.
“So now, he’s a minion of mine. And you can’t do anything about it!” Entity-303 laughed maniacally.
He shot an energy beam at us.
Well, I don’t know if I was seeing things, but I just shot one to counter.
Of course, the counter didn’t do much, and Entity-303’s energy beam came rolling in.
Then I created some sort of mirror that reflected the attack, which Entity-303 dodged.
“I have no idea what I just did, but it was cool!” I said.
Entity-303 whispered something to himself.
“You really don’t stand a chance for my real power, so I’ll just come later to destroy you,” He said, and he and Comet disappeared.
After they left, we kind of just got our breath back, and then Void said, “How the notch did you do that,”
“I don’t know, ask him yourself!”
“Notch probably is busy with work,”
“I didn’t mean actually meet God,”
“I know, I know,”
“Hip!” I heard a familiar voice say.
“Wait a minute,” I said.
I looked behind me.
“Blueberry!” I said.
Blueberry jumped on my shoulder and started licking my scratches like usual.
“Hey Ast, you look different!” Serena said.
“I do?” I looked at myself.
“Your eyes- they’re like, dark bluish-purple!”
“Yeah!” Thunder and Void said.
“Weird,” I said.
“Uh-oh,” Joanna said behind us.
“What is it?”
“I just detected a large amount of energy from near the stronghold,”
“Do you think that could be Entity-303?” Void asked.
“I think so. Do you know why that’s bad?”
“The stronghold has the end portal that leads it to the end,” She said.
“However, in the end… well it’s a complicated story. That’ll be for another time. But to put in perspective, just after the end was actually discovered and the ender dragon was defeated, control of the end was sleak. Many conquerors raided it and got power. But a very resilient man, Astral Electro the Third, was part of the end royal family all for all. But his kingdom was taken from his grasp, and his ancestors and descendants were all either executed or sent to very harsh concentration camps in the nether.-”
“Wait, Astral Electro? Ast, that’s your last name! You’re part of the royal end family!”
“WHAT!?” We all went tumbling down.
“If that is really true, then that means- you’re the last descendant of the end royal family! Astral and Astro do sound very familiar, and only a Physic can contain that power you have!”
“Physic?” Thunder said.
“Yes, a Physic! You’ve probably heard of a Necromancer right?”
“Yeah, we fought a lot before, Entity-303 isn’t the first one,”
“Well-wait what?” Joanna said in confusion.
“Long story, keep going,”
“As I was saying, a Physic is a role in the Roles of warriors. A Legendary one in fact. Only someone part of the royal end family can possess that power. Now, back to what I was trying to say, Astral took over the end to reunite his lost kingdom. However, there is a deadly portal. A portal that opened when the first- and last- ender dragon was defeated. The myth says that if you hop in the portal, the portal will give you a large amount of ancient power, and even Notch won’t be able to withstand it-”
“What!? If Entity-303 is trying to get all that power, we’ve got to stop him- to the end!” Serena said.
“Well, if that’s what you want to do, I won’t stop you. But there’s one thing I would like for you to do,” Joanna said.
“What is that?”
“Would you all like to upgrade? The army was destroyed, including the General, Commander, and Lieutenant. So I’m asking, Thunder, you can be General, Void, you can be Commander, and Serena can you be a Lieutenant?”
“YES!” We all shouted.
“Well, it’s final! I’ll go tell the new mayor the news! Good luck with your journey!”
“Bye!” I waved.
“Whew, that was a lot,” Void said.
“But now…” I said, “Let’s do this!”
Chapter 11: A Fun Road Trip! Destination: Death!
We got the map for the stronghold and headed there.
What was that?
We ran towards the stronghold
“We meet again,”
“Not you ag-”
“GOD!?” We all yelled.
“Yes. Before you go, I want to grant you another upgrade,” God said.
“Again? That’s so quick!” Void said.
“Yes indeed. And you’ll have another one soon,”
“There’s no role beyond Mythical though…” Thunder said.
“Oh, that’s not true. Good luck. Thunder, you’re a Destroyer. Void you’re a Rocketeer. Serena, you’re a Savior. And Astro, you’re a Wizard. Oh yeah, and Comet’s a Guardian,”
“Wait- Wizard? Also, don’t do comet’s he’s-”
“Got to go bye!” And God disappeared.
We ran ahead to see the stronghold in ruins.
Firstly, we encountered a huge and treacherous maze, we went through twists and turns.
“Oh Astro, I forgot to give this to you. Remember when we were all separated?” Void said.
“Yeah” I said.
“Well when me and Comet were together we found this” He said while holding up a top-notch quiver filled with high quality arrows.
“Wow! Thank you!” I said,
But right then the floor below us began to tremble and fall apart, And silverfish started coming out of the floor.
“I think we should RUNNNNNNN!” Thunder said.
We slid to the right and went through lots of sharp turns and finally got to the end of the maze.
“Phew” I said.
Right at the edge of sight we saw it.
The end portal.
“I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT MY WHOLE LIFE! I’M FREEEEE!” And I jumped in before anyone could say a word.
“Well let’s go in too,” Serena said and the others jumped in.
We were on an obsidian platform that had a bridge to the island. The end was in ruins. I could tell that it had been abandoned for a long time.
There was also an elevator, but it looked non-functioning so we just went up the other way (an escalator).
“I see you’ve found me,”
“Surrender right now Entity-303!” I said.
“Hoho! Bro thinks he can beat me!”
My skin started turning red because of my hate.
“We can! We’re Mythical Roles now! Mythical!” Thunder said.
“That doesn’t matter. I’m the second most powerful role in the world, almost as powerful as Notch,” Entity-303 smirked.
“Yeah yeah yeah, shut up ‘Brother Idiot’!” I snapped.
That really pissed him off, so he blasted me back and tied me to an obsidian pillar by conjuring ropes.
“Ast!!” Serena yelled.
He blasted them far away and did the same thing.
I took a deep breath and blew a large wind wave at Entity-303.
“Well, you will stay here until I bring the Zombies for the torture!” he cackled.
I saw that Thunder had ran to safety though, and his face gave me a mischievous grin…
Chapter 12: Ewwww!
Thunder has been gone for a while now,  and I am starting to get worried. My powers were not working. Panic was setting in, and those Zombies could come any minute. Then, Comet came. He was red-eyed and had 3 sharp knives circling him.
“Lord Entity decided the torture would be better done with me then those idiotic zombies. Time to experience PAIN!” he yelled.
This was bad. Really bad. His knives shot at us in all directions. The knives were stabbing us and we were not only losing health, but it had some enchantment that was causing a lot of pain to us. We were all screaming in pain. But then, it happened. Thunder and 3 boys appeared with a crack! One of them shot arrows and untied our ropes, and the rest came and started attacking Comet. He just disappeared and summoned weird armored monsters, and they fought.  Thunder put Monster Bane on his back, and he got electrical powers. He was shooting lightning and was slaughtering the monsters. The other was holding a diamond sword that was longer, sharper, and more powerful than any sword I had seen (well, except Monster Bain) and the other had a diamond scythe that had a red jewel inside which was giving it power, and he was throwing it and penetrating the armour instantly.
My eyes glew up. I jumped out of the ropes and shot tons of energy waves. My wounds also healed.
“What the Notch. I better tell Entity-303,” Comet ran away.
“Come back you idiot!” Void started shooting his rockets from his RPG.
“Get away, Comet, I will finish them off,” Entity-303 came.
“No you won’t!” I yelled.
My glowing eyes grew brighter, and I started levitating.
I blasted many energy beams and tried to destroy Entity 303, but try as I might, he just blocked everything.
“Time to use my TRUE power!”
He blasted the ground apart, threw all of us up into the air, and slammed us at rocket speed.
Void and Serena, and the 3 mystery boys instantly passed out, and I and Thunder just layed on the ground.
Entity-303 took out his RPG.
“Hiya!” I flinged off the floor and smacked him in the face.
“Hiyaya!” He hit me with his RPG and I went hurling towards an end tower.
Thunder stood up, dodged the rocket Entity-303 blasted, and hit him hard with his sword.
“You’re going to pay for that!” Entity-303 yelled.
BOOM! I don’t know what happened but it wasn’t good. And Thunder laid motionless on the ground.
I tried getting my head off the ground, but Entity-303 stepped on my head and kept it down.
“Well well well, I guess it’s finally time to kill my lil bro,”
“You’re the little one here,” I muttered.
He kicked me in the face.
“Surrender and no more toture. It will be quick and painless,”
“Something has entered the atmosphere,” I whispered.
“Mhm, what is it-”
A huge ray was being shot from the moon, directly at Entity-303.
“AHH!” He yelled. He was shot directly in the face.
“Take that, oldy,” I stood up.
“No! That’s not possible! Noooo!” His body faded away like in the movie Minecrafters: Infinity War (also, highly recommend it) and it flew up in the sky, never to be seen again.
“Urahh!” my body started transforming. My left side was turning black- like an enderman. Until it finally invelped the whole left side of my body.
“ROAR!” I roared like an ender dragon.
“Notch christ, what happened to you?” Void said, standing up.
“I’m an Endermaster,” I said. I didn’t try to say that, it just flew out of my mouth.
The others were all bruised and bloody, and Thunder’s face was covered in blood.
“Wow, an Error-202 role! Nice!” a Boy said.
“Who are you?” I asked.
They removed their helmets and I recognized them.
“Mr. Darren? Sky? Alex?”
You know about Mr. Darren, Sky is Thunder’s older brother, and Alex is Sky’s best friend.
“What’s an Error-202 role?” Thunder asked.
“Let me tell you the story,” Darren said, “A myth from long ago. The myth is that there are 6 Error-202 roles: God, Demon, Skylander, Nethermager, Endermaster, and Moblord. You probably know about God and Demon- you just fought a Demon! They’re both claimed ‘Gods’. All the other roles are ‘Demigods’. In order to become Endermaster, you must be part of the End royal family and learn Necromancy. To be a Skylander you have to be ‘The Chosen One’. For Nethermager, you have, uh- I don’t really know actually. And to be Moblord, you have to get corrupted by the soul of a Necromancer, Summoner, or Demon,” He explained.
“So I could be a Skylander! No way!” Thunder yelled.
“Wow,” Serena exclaimed “I never thought one of my friends would become an Endermaster!”
“Anyways, good bye,” And they ran off.
“Anyway,” Void said, “Let’s get back”
We went to the far end of the island.
“I’m taking the elevator,” Void and Thunder said.
“But it doesn’t work,” said Serena.
Blueberry hopped on my shoulder. I forgot that he was there.
“Guys, i’ve made up my mind,” I said.
“What?” They all said.
“I’m going to stay in the end and civilize it again. I want to follow Astral’s footsteps and unite the kingdom once again! That is if you want me to come instead,” I said.
“Dude, you can do what your heart says is right. We will inform your family in Xoria,” Void said.
“Yeah, hope mom can come, I’ll see you guys whenever you want to visit,”
Void started spamming the button
“Dude it doesn’t work,” said Thunder.
“I’m taking the escalator,” said Serena.
“Okay then,” said Void, practically punching the down button on the elevator.
“Bye Serena,” I waved.
“Bye Ast!” Serena waved back.
But then like Serena forgot something, she started running back up the escalator.
Then she got close. I mean real close, and then-
Ding! The elevator opened finally.
“Well imma head out…” And Thunder and Void backpedaled into the elevator and the elevator closed.
My face and Serena’s face turned as red as my Lightning McMinecraft travel suitcase.
“Well, I guess bye,” She waved and smiled.
“Bye!” I waved.
And we all lived happily ever after
The End!
Get it? The End? I’m in the End? Get it? No? Well whatever.
Anyway, goodbye!
Chapter 13/Epilogue: Nethermager Partylager!
“I can’t believe you were defeated by that-” I almost cursed, “Idiot,”
“It’ssss okay, Comet. Inhale my ssssoul! Become a Nethermager! Fulfill my destiny!” Master Entity said from his sleek soul.
“Yes master. I will,” I breathed very deeply.
A lot of power went in me, and my eyes glowed red like my master
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes! Now go my new Nether king! Go!” Master cackled.
The Start.

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