
The Worst Day Ever

One day Brandon, Aleaha, Andrea, and I were all at home. Brandon, my dad, was sitting on the couch watching TV and every 10 minutes he would get a shot of pain in his wrist. I could tell it hurt. Brandon just got his second surgery and his red and black colored cast on one week ago at Faith Hospital.

Seven Weeks Earlier

    Brandon, Aleaha, Andrea, and Breyton were out at Lancaster Event Center. Breyton and Brandon went out for one practice of riding dirt bikes. Brandon’s second practice was running smoothly. On his third lap a rider was down on the catch of the jump and there were only three flaggers on the whole track. Brandon went off the jump with it in third gear, and then ran into the rider’s bike. While all that was happening five kids were like, “Look there goes Brandon!”

My Mom yelled, “That’s not our Brandon.”

I screamed back frantically,  “Yes it is and I just hope he’s alright.”

My mom and I ran out on the track. We were around Brandon in a matter of seconds. Brandon’s handlebar mounts were destroyed. His front tire was bent bad. His kill switch was broke. Ten minutes later we found that he had a concussion, got a shattered wrist, and a separated shoulder. Brandon was asking Scotty Miller what he had done on the enormous jump. Scotty told him that he almost went over the bars on the jump. We got to Bryan West Medical at 8:30 P.M. I didn’t get to see Brandon till 10:00P.M. By the time I got to bed it was 12:00A.M. The next morning Brandon wanted us to get to the hospital at 7:30A.M, but we didn’t get there till 9:00 A.M. Aleaha and I were excited to see Brandon. At 1:30P.M we got to bring Brandon home. Everyday went by the same for a whole week.


One Week Later

    At 10:30A.M Brandon was on the phone with his dad and he got a non-stop pain. He started crying because it hurt so bad. We went to Bergan Mercy Hospital all night for Brandon’s surgery. At 3:00A.M the next morning Brandon got his surgery. He got his first surgery. When we got home Brandon was just laying on the couch. My cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles all came to stay the night. My cousins destroyed my room. They all slept in my room.

The next morning we got up and played with my NERF guns for a whole hour. After that we went outside at 12:30A.M to ride dirt bikes. We rode in sloppy mud for 2 hours straight. We ate a snack before we rode again. The last 2 hours we rode in nice and dry dirt. At five o’clock they all had to leave. It took Hayden, Reid, Corey, and Sara 3 hours to get home in Topeka, Kansas. It took Alice, Kurt, Kyle, and the two dogs Lucy and Husker 2 hours to get home in Norfolk, Nebraska. Aleaha and I were playing inside until 7 o’clock. At 7:30P.M Aleaha went to take a bath. I said to my mom “When will Brandon be better?”

“I don’t know Breyton”, my mom replied.

The next morning I woke up at 7:30. I went downstairs to a smell of fresh steaming hot breakfast. At 8 o’clock I could still feel the taste of breakfast run straight down my throat. At 9 o’clock Aleaha and I were running around in my room which is upstairs.

The next morning went by the exact same. We were going to go to the grocery stores after my sister’s nap. We went to the stores Walmart, Hyvee, and Sam’s Club. At first I thought this trip would take us two hours. It was actually four hour to go shopping. By the time we got home it was two in the afternoon. At three I went to go ride my dirt bikes for a little bit. By the time I was done riding my dirt bikes it was all ready 5:30 at night.


One Week After That

    The next week went by with having to go to school. Everyday went by the exact same. I went to school, came home had a snack, and then I would play with my sister for the rest of the night. I’d watch TV for a half an hour. Then I’d go to bed for the night. The next morning, which was a Saturday, I woke up to a smell of scrambled eggs. I went up for thirds it was so good. When I was done eating my lunch I went to ride my dirt bike. My sister was sleeping when I was riding my dirt bike. I was done riding my dirt bike when my sister got up because I had to watch my sister while my mom was outside. We watch animal shows on TV.

Two Weeks Later

    “Last night I still had a dream about when you went down out at Lancaster,” I replied to my dad.

“Breyton I don’t want to think about this right now.”

“Anyways, do you remember what happened when you crashed?”

“No, but I only know that there was a rider behind me and I didn’t want to run into him if I moved over or…”

“Or would you’d of done something else, or what?”

“You interrupted my sentence, and what I was going to say was I probably would of wheelied over the bike.”

“What did you do?”

“I tried to wheelie over the bike, but I was going to fast.”

“Anyways, why was that guy on the catch of the jump?”

“Well probably because there were about three flaggers on the whole track.”

“I want you fixed up, like now.”

“Still that was a fun night before you crashed.”

“Yes, yes it was Breyton.”

“Can we eat breakfast yet?”

“Ya, sure.”

They ate scrambled eggs, toasted bread, and sausage. When they were done eating they played Uno, Doctor Dreadful, and a dirt bike game. “Uno, I got the Uno,” my dad yelled.

“Really, you stopped my winning streak,” I yelled.

“I’ve won the last five games in a row.”

All of that ten days of the two weeks at school went by with getting up at seven in the morning and going to school at seven forty-five in the morning.


     Two Weeks After That

    “It’s finally time for Brandon to get his second surgery, right,” I asked my mom.

“Yes, it’s finally time,” my mom told me.

After that school day my grandma picked me up and took me to Columbus, NE. I finally saw my three year old cousins. I had the best day when I was over at my aunt’s house. When my grandma picked me up from my aunt’s house we went home at four thirty-three. We left to go to a pizza place called Godfathers. I had a lot of pizza there. I also played games in the arcade that was there. I got a lot of bouncy balls from a bouncy ball baseball machine. I didn’t go to bed because I was thinking so much about my dad. When we got home I played my trumpet for a half an hour. I also played the drums and the clarinet. I had a great time. We also went to the movie rent center and got the movie BOSS BABY. I stayed up until twelve at night watching the movie BOSS BABY.


One Week Later

  The next morning was amazing. I got up, had breakfast which was scrambled eggs, toasted bread, and sausage. I had to go back to my house at eleven in the morning.  When I got home I played with my sister for probably two hours. I had to go ride dirt bikes because I wanted to go ride dirt bikes. At five at night I went to take a shower. It felt good to take one. I went to my friends house the next day and I played for a long time. I rode my bicycle up to his house for exercise. When I came home food was on the table waiting for my to eat it. I liked what was on the plate. It was country fried steak.

The next week was a great week because I went to school and had a sandwich everyday at lunch. On Saturday I woke up and had hot chocolate. I also had scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. When I was done eating my breakfast I was playing with my sister and we were both running around like maniacs. When we were done running around we were going to watch TV. The show was probably going to be an animal show. We also started to watch the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We had a good time watching the movie. My sister had to go take a nap after we ate pizza rolls for lunch. I really liked the pizza rolls. I also had mac n’ cheese.  The flavor was extra cheesy. I had almost the hole box. An hour later I went to go ride my dirt bikes. When I was done at two in the afternoon. At three we went to the grocery stores to get a lot of stuff. After that I went to bed at nine o’clock at night and I woke up to a little bit of noise from my sister whining.


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