
Here is a fun story by Tyan

As Gameknight999 ventured through the oppressive heat in the Nether with his NPC friends, his senses were on high alert for blazes, zombie pigmen and… A loud shriek pierced the air. Ghasts. Ghasts are gigantic white blocks with tentacles attached to them. They...

Check this out from Zombie-slayer

i walked off into minecraft then i saw my brother firerocker1 then it started to rain something i thought was not possible it was raining XP i checked the updates and found out someone made a XP mod and this was a glitch from the mod then my two younger brothers...

I love this from RainaLovesStampy…nice work!

There was nothing. Literally nothing. It was a gaping hole in the ground. Gameknight closed his eyes, and thought about what had happened there. He could almost hear the screams of the NPCs who must have died here. It was strange… it sounded like they were...

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