by Mark Cheverton | Jul 26, 2015 | Fan Fiction
Horrified NPC villagers huddled in one corner of the room Gameknight999 is in. There was also at least six bandits in the room, one of them held Crafter with the bandit’s arm tightly around Gameknight’s friend’s neck with a knife next to it.... by Mark Cheverton | May 10, 2015 | Fan Fiction
Once Gameknight was walking by Crafter’s village when he heard a low humming sound. When he turned around, he discovered the sound was from the Ender Lord, one of Minecraft’s most important leader. The Ender Lord looks like a normal enderman but with a... by Mark Cheverton | May 10, 2015 | Fan Fiction
Gameknight ran as fast as minecraft would let him. I need to save Crafter’s village! Gameknight thought. The sun set, and the moon rose in the night sky. Gameknight reached the village well, grabbed two buckets, and filled them. he ran to the source of the fire.... by Mark Cheverton | May 10, 2015 | Fan Fiction
The withers then forced on The-user-that-is-not-a-user and made sounds that will make the bravest hearts shudder. Gameknight, seeing that he is in target of all the withers, has only one choice. Sacrifice. He just so happens to have TNT in his inventory. Then... by Mark Cheverton | May 10, 2015 | Fan Fiction
Gameknight sliced through the zombie as he was sprinting towards the village. He was near the mountains. Gameknight’s head was filled with thoughts like; what if Malacoda Came to the village and was hiding to jump out and attack Gameknight when he went inside... by Mark Cheverton | Apr 16, 2015 | Fan Fiction
One day, gameknight was walking to Crafter’s village. On his way, he ran into an iorn golem! The iorn golem just stared at gameknight. “That was weird” gameknight said. He contiued walking. The iorn golem followed gameknight. Then, the golem stopped...