by Mark Cheverton | Nov 26, 2020 | Fan Fiction
Phantom Spies Gameknight walked quietly through the passages that led from the crafting chamber. He couldn’t believe how much work the villagers had put into it- besides the tunnels leading from village to village they had made store rooms, extra bedrooms,... by Mark Cheverton | Nov 26, 2020 | Fan Fiction
INTRODUCTION If your pet runs off and gets lost, do you dare go after it? Pets eh? Not the smartest bunch. How many have you lost? Not, like, they ran head-first into a creeper kind of lost, but they actually ran off and got lost-lost. That’s what happened to me.... by Mark Cheverton | Nov 26, 2020 | Fan Fiction
Herders adventure Herder I ran through the underbrush, my sword at my side. As I did a wolf joined me followed by another and another. Soon fifty of them were at my side howling... by Mark Cheverton | Nov 26, 2020 | Fan Fiction
Chapter 15: the redstone accidentCrafter is now up in the netherack ceiling why gameknight, and the wither skeletons are fighting the blazes, they had the blazes surrounded and pushing them into the crater, hunter, stitcher and the archers of any kind are now firing... by Mark Cheverton | Nov 26, 2020 | Fan Fiction
Chapter 3 When I woke, I immediately noted that I felt much better. Opening my eyes, I saw a beautiful room full of sunlight, sweet sounds of birds chirping, and musical laughter. I pulled back the soft silken sheets on the large bed I was in and swung my legs... by Mark Cheverton | Nov 11, 2020 | Fan Fiction
Chapter II The Otter Ernest was an otter with a strong sense of will. He had a condition called the Bloodwrath. It made you partially unharmable… for a while. It also makes you extremely mad. You kill everything in sight. Ernest was a warrior. He was a member of the...