by Mark Cheverton | Sep 4, 2020 | Fan Fiction
NULL’S WAR – BOOK 2 “DIE!”Gameknight screamed. Crafter splashed a potion’s of slowness and weakness on Gameknight and then splashed potions of swiftness and strencth on himself Monet then Monkeypants. “Quick!! Get him to the prison and take him... by Mark Cheverton | Sep 4, 2020 | Fan Fiction
Prologue… Blaster had to run back to the village! *pant* “HEl- a villager screamed but then was cut off. Blaster was filled with guilt but still had some hope left. “Wait is that a village? Blaster asked his friend Digger. “Um…I think it is a village but... by Mark Cheverton | Sep 4, 2020 | Fan Fiction
Watcher and HEWA. By Judah Chapter one: arrival Watcher slowly got out of his bed. Today was his first peaceful day since he had sent Krale to the void and banished the phantoms, Withers, and distorted monsters to the new server plane. It had been a week but... by Mark Cheverton | Sep 4, 2020 | Fan Fiction
A Story That Could Be True If you were exchanged in the cradle and your real mother died without ever telling the story then no one knows your name, and somewhere in the world your father is lost and needs you but you are far away. He can never find how true you... by Mark Cheverton | Sep 4, 2020 | Fan Fiction
The Pranksters’ diary by Judah Prank one Anjin Today I had an idea. Me and my friend Andrew could start a pranking club and I would be the president. I told Andrew my plan and he liked it alot. So today is our first prank and I was a little nervous. We were... by Mark Cheverton | Sep 4, 2020 | Fan Fiction
Trapped craft book 1 By Judah “Emma left,” said Lucy. Emma turned in that direction to see a zombie pigman raising his sword at her. Quickly she swung her sword hard. The monster vanished leaving a gold nugget behind. “Thanks” said Emma “That pigman was about to kill...