
Mayo and the Racusion Energy Collision


Chapter 1 A dark night

It was dark outside in the savanna. ALSknetucky1’s best horseman Preston matches was at a village. What he didn’t know is that a bunch of skeletons on skeleton horses were heading towards them.

    Down in the Crafter’s house the Crafter gave Preston a piece of paper. The Crafter had Curly gray hair with brown eyes with a gray stripe running down his black clothes.

    “Keep this safe,” the Crafter said “Without Awesomeclash this world has no balance.”

    “With you there is a chance.” Preston replied “ALS has been searching a long time for this,”

    “I’d do anything for ALS,” the Crafter replied.

    Suddenly the Crafter’s dog started barking and gesturing outside the house. In a confused,and frightened way Preston said “We’ve got some visitors.”

    Preston and the Crafter exited the building when they saw the skeletons on the skeleton horses Preston said “Hide in the crafting chamber,” His orange face turned red with horror.

    “You must leave.” the Crafter said “Go,”

    Preston turned and ran towards his own horse. While ambling through the village he saw the villagers grabbing their swords,bows,spears,clubs,axes whatever weapon they had. When the skeleton horses closed in the skeletons dismounted their horses. The battle started the villagers fought the skeleton invaders,but few were getting shot.

    The skeletons fired at the villagers while the magma skeletons banged their stone swords on the closer villagers.

    Preston ran to a white horse with a black head when he got on a skeleton noticed and shot the horse. The arrow pierced the horse’s liver. It yelped in agony and died. Cecilia meowed then gestured west where two skeletons were

    “I see them,” Preston replied to  Cecilia. Cecilia was a siamese cat and is very skeptical.

    Preston threw a pyro denton grenade at the skeleton’s. 5 were destroyed, there bones were scattered on the grass. Preston turned to Cecilia. He attached the piece of paper on Cecilia’s collar.

“Take this paper and bring it back to ALS.” Preston ordered “I’ll come back for you I promise,” Cecilia hastened away,and Preston got out his throwing daggers he threw them at three skeletons.

One skeleton turned to his fallen squad mate. He held his skull then hustled behind a building.

Preston looked in the sky. Four skeleton horses appeared. One had a user,it had a golden crown on with gray skin and black eyes and a black robe,one had a wither skeleton in Chainmail armor,and the others carried regular skeletons. Two skeletons came holding the Crafter.

“Long time no see,” the user mocked

“Varridian have you turned to the dark side of the Racusion energy,” the Crafter responded

“You know what I’m here for,” Varridian said sternly

“I wouldn’t dare to help you!” shouted the Crafter

“Give us the map to Awesomeclash,” demanded Varridian

“Your monster alliance is not supported by my government,” responded the Crafter

“You’ll die if you continue to be relentless,” Varridian warned the Crafter

“I don’t fear you,” the Crafter replied “I’ll never give you the map.”

“Very well then,” Varridian said. He drew out his Enchanted Magical blade and struck the Crafter. Preston threw a dagger at him,but he redirected the dagger and teleported Preston to him. A magma skeleton knocked him over.

“Who’s going to talk first?” asked Preston

“Interrogate him at the base,” ordered Varridian.

Two skeletons grabbed on to Preston. Then Varridian ordered for the village to be blown up. When all the skeletons were riding their horses a flaming arrow struck some dynamite. It blew up, in the distance Cecilia watched the explosion. She meowed in dismay as she thought that Preston had died.

The tuxedo cat ran off. A rattlesnake slithered by the cat without being noticed.

The skeleton horses closed in on a lava waterfall. When the lava waterfall opened a pathway to an enormous base was seen.

“Pretty cool isn’t it,” Varridian murmured to Preston

“Yes very cool,” Preston replied sarcastically

Varridian ignored the sarcasm in Preston’s tone. When the skeleton horses were brought in the stable two skeletons grabbed Preston and carried him towards a interrogation chamber. One skeleton in particular went towards an elevator,but didn’t actually go upstairs. He took off his mask and revealed himself to be a human!

The human was named Austin Mayo. He was a millionaire with about 67 million dollars. He had black hair with a curly mustache. Austin took a few deep breaths then attempted to flee from the skeleton base.

Stay calm stay calm Austin thought.

He mounted his very own skeleton voice,but was stopped by these words

“AN-4920 put your bow in your sack,” Captain Edrona-Saj said

“Yes Captain Edrona,” Austin replied

“Were you sent on a mission?” Captain Edrona-Saj asked

“Sorry Captain I-” Austin replied trying to keep his fib a secret

“You are now under my orders and won’t violate me.” Captain Edrona-Saj interrupted. Austin dismounted his skeleton horse. Drat I failed again I must do it with Captain Edrona-Saj out of the bay Austin thought.

Somberly Austin paced towards a strategy room where he was supposed to be.

Two other skeletons were snickering at Austin’s failure.


Chapter 2 Life with Audrey

Audrey chopped some Pine tree wood,her stone axe making a CLANG! On the wood. Audrey had brown eyes with black hair she also had pigtails. She wore a tan sleeveless shirt with a tan pants,she also had brown saddle shoes. She also had tan sleeves that covered her elbows.

She carried the Pine wood and made them into pine planks

This should be useful for tool trading with Dalton Bush Audrey thought

She slid down the grassy hill on a carveboard sled. When she reached a maroon,white,and yellow speeder. Audrey put the pine wood,the carveboard sled,and her Beretta 92 pistol. In a fishing net attached to the speeder.

Once they were loaded in her speeder she pushed a button and turned on the engine and sped off towards a desert a small lake was near a wrecked attack copter. A huge outpost was swas in the distance.

The outpost was called the Guuri trading grounds. Audrey parked her speeder on a marble parking area. She grabbed the pine wood and her pistol. She trudged through the sand to get to the stand where she wanted to go.

When she reached the cleaning area Audrey scrubbed the sand off the pine wood.

A woman with short gray hair,and brown eyes was playing the guitar. Then Audrey felt pain on her back. Two men poked a quarterstaff on her back. One man was hispanic with a mole on his forehead,green eyes,had a gold hat,a black cloak and a robe. The other had a unibrow red shaggy hair,amber eyes,with a black goatee,he wore a black hoodie,and combat pants.

“Blah blah blah Aud,” one said

“You two are never getting a job!” Audrey snapped. Her tone sounded like their boss Erin Fuetees.

“We’ll see about that,” the hispanic man replied

The other man chuckled his head off. The woman that was playing the guitar earlier turned to Audrey and whispered

“I’m sorry those two were bothering you.”

“Why are you sorry?” Audrey asked meekly

“Those two are King Bryant,and Wesley Kennedy they work for my mom,” the woman replied

In the distance King and Wesley were hitting down people selling potatoes.

“They look like cruel folks.” Audrey said worriedly

“Indeed they are,” the woman responded

Audrey got up excusing that the woman wasn’t asking where she was going. When she got to Dalton Bushes stand she stood patiently while one trader gave him a redstone reactor and got 5 bottles of water.

Dalton Bush was tall had freckles with a black charmer he had water blue eyes with a black apron and all yellow clothes.

    “This wood you brought me is worth.” Dalton said “1 bottle of water,”

    “What?” Audrey snapped “You said 10 stacks of pine wood will be 10 water bottles,”

    “I’m not a man of my word,so I don’t care about trading stuff in for water.” Dalton replied. He ducked under a table and pulled out a RMB-93 shotgun. Knowing that Dalton was going to shoot her Audrey pulled out her Beretta 92 pistol and shot Dalton in the head.

    Blood gushed out of Dalton’s head. The civilians screamed,and police sirens were heard in the distance

    I should get out before I’m caught. Audrey thought. She dashed as fast as her legs could carry her. One officer told her to stop,but she just tranquilised the officer and hopped on her speeder.

    Police helicopters had their scanners on all of the Guuri outpost. They didn’t notice Audrey zip by on her speeder.

    Phewie that was really close Audrey thought. She didn’t need water much anymore because she lived near a river. She actually lived in a plain with a river running through it. The river was called the jacuzzi river. It went 347 miles on both ends!

    It was called Jacuzzi river because a boy about 11 years old named it.

    As Audrey approached the river she could see her small cottage. Audrey turned left and parked her speeder in a half open yellow rectangle. A visitor was at Audrey’s door. The visitor had long black hair with brown eyes he wore a white polo shirt with black jeans.

    “Hi I am Barrett Mathis.” the guy introduced

    “I’m Audrey Lowe,” Audrey replied

    The two shook hands. “Why are you here?” Audrey asked

    “To bring your tax bill,” Barrett responded.

    Audrey was shocked at that news. Audrey moved out of her local town pretending to go to college,but she didn’t know that President Schroos has found out about her plan.

    “I’m still in college this isn’t my house.” Audrey lied

    “Schroos knows you pretended to leave town,” Barrett snapped

    Audrey punched Barrett’s stomach. While Barrett moaned Audrey pulled out her Beretta 92 and shot Barrett’s chest. Audrey threw his body in a nearby ravine. When Audrey walked inside. She put some fruits,and veggies in her blender and heated up some pork chop. When her smoothie and pork chop was ready she sat down outside.

    The sun was almost down when Audrey heard a big MEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

    She rushed over with a knife in her hand. When she reached the forest near the local town of Asduradish she saw a tuxedo cat trapped in the leaves of a shrub.

    The cat meowed for help.

    “Poor thing,” Audrey mumbled

    She ran over with her knife. She cut the branches around the cat. It rubbed on Audrey when she freed her.

    “What’s that thing on your collar?” Audrey asked.

    The cat swatted at Audrey’s hand when she tried to touch the thing on it’s collar. Why would a cat seem so lovable and not want people to touch it? Audrey thought.

    Audrey peered at the cat’s collar.

    “Your name is Cecilia right?” Audrey asked

    The cat just walked towards Audrey while wagging her tail. I guess that is the name Audrey thought.

    “Asduradish is east,” Audrey told Cecilia “The Guuri trading outpost is south,stay away from any wreckage you see down the jacuzzi river it can tear you in half.”

    Audrey turned back to her house,but Cecilia followed her

    “To find your owner go to Asduradish.” Audrey said confused. She hiked down towards her house. Cecilia meowed again

    “I don’t shelter pets in my house.” Audrey snapped

    Cecilia meowed in dismay. Turning towards the direction of the sun. Seeing the sun setting she sighed then gestured for Cecilia to follow her. Cecilia meowed with optimism.

    “I won’t keep you for two days,” Audrey said.

    Cecilia just ignored her and ran in front of Audrey.


Chapter 3 Interrogating Preston

    A skeleton jockey entered the base of skeletons. In the prisoner chamber lied Preston. His head was covered with blood.

    “I had no idea you were ALS’ best horseman.” lied Varridian “Comfortable.”

    “Why should I be.” responded Preston

    “I’m amazed.” Varridian said sarcastically “Are best ministers can’t get out where you hid the map.”

    “I won’t betray ALS that easily,” snapped Preston

    Varridian used his Racusion energy to rip off some of Preston’s skin, a huge rash was seen on his forehead.

    “Now will you tell me where the map is?” asked Varridian

    “ALS will not be defeated by you,” murmured Preston. Knowing that Preston had no other choice but to use his mind trick. He tried to open Preston’s mouth to send in his mind wave,but Preston was stubborn.

    He wouldn’t open up his mouth. Varridian exited the torture chamber.

    “He’s too stubborn we need a plan of getting him to speak,” Varridian told Commander Nofair.

    “What do we do about the map?” Nofair asked

    “We threaten ALS and then he will tell,” ordered Varridian.

    “He’s going to want proof.” Nofair snapped “What will we do,”

    “Don’t underestimate the power of the Racusion energy,” warned Varridian

    “I’m not afraid of your little powers,” Nofair mocked

    Nofair felt a sting in his forehead then he felt his veins boiling then his skin started bleeding. Nofair gasped for breath. His banana skin was turning red his black clothes were covered with holes.

    “Forgive me,” Nofair gasped

    “Just this once I will forgive you,but next time it is instant death.” Varridian replied

    Varridian walked towards Preston’s chamber. When he entered the chamber Preston scowled.

    “What trick do you have on me?” Preston asked

    “Oh not much,” Varridian lied,as he pulled out his enchanted dark magic blade.

    “We have ALS,” Varridian duped. “He’ll die if you don’t tell where the map is.”

    “I want proof!” Preston demanded

    “Very well then,” Varridian replied “He is gorilla glued on a chair with his mouth


    “I’d like to see him,” Preston said

    “NO!” yelled Varridian “Tell me where the map is and you’ll see him.”

    “Alright alright it’s on the collar of my cat Cecilia.” Preston informed Varridian. Varridian crossed his eyes.

“Give me detail.” he demanded

“It’s black and white with a scar on her back left paw.” Preston replied

‘Good to know,” Varridian said acting like he appreciated the information Preston gave him. Varridian left the chamber where Preston was in.

He informed Commander Nofair “It’s in the collar of a black and white cat with a scar on it’s back left paw,”

“If it is in the desert that we raided it will soon be ours,” Nofair responded

“That will be your responsibility.” Varridian assigned Nofair.

Nofair rolled his eyes then walked towards a hallway.


Chapter 4 Cecilia wanted

    Cecilia jumped down from Audrey’s speeder

    “Your master might show up.” Audrey said “Just have a little faith,”

    Cecilia meowed and then pounced on a random rattlesnake stalking it. I guess she didn’t hear me Audrey thought. Once Cecilia was finished killing the rattlesnake Audrey gestured for her to follow.

    Suddenly an immense robot loomed over Audrey it had red eyes and police clothing and a nametag saying Clinton Notawor the huge robot uppercutted Audrey. She fell on the hard sandy floor

    “Sorry ma’am but this area is restricted due to double murders.” Clint said

    Audrey’s eyes widened “Was Dalton Bush one of them?” she asked

    “He was one,” Clint responded “The other one was a woman named Melanie Conklin,”

    “What happened to her?” Audrey asked

    “Melanie sworn that she was poisoned.” Clint replied.

    Audrey was shocked. She hadn’t heard of anyone get poisoned excluding food poisoning. She was getting concerned about Melanie,but not about Dalton. Suddenly Cecilia bit off Clinton’s right leg seeing a chance Audrey grabbed a nearby baton and chopped off Clint’s robotic head.

    Cecilia sat down and licked her paw.

    “Hey Cecilia thanks for what you did,” Audrey whispered

    Cecilia just meowed then rubbed on Audrey’s leg. The siren’s of police car’s were heard in the distance Uh oh Audrey thought. She ran towards an empty stand and put the closed sign up. A police officer with a Ruger Vaquero revolver was standing over her the officer turned around his long brown hair shook.

    That was really close Audrey thought. Suddenly a police officer came flying on the stand Audrey was hiding on.

    Here comes trouble Audrey thought

    “Stay down,” Audrey whispered to Cecilia. The cat licked her paws. She grabbed the officer’s Marlin 336 and shot a guy with a sack. The guy with the sack had slicked back blonde hair with brown eyes he had a gray under armor hoodie on with khaki pants,and was also rollerskating.

    The burglar was carrying a 44 magnum as a self defense weapon. Audrey shot the robber in the leg. He screamed in agony as the police arrested him.

    “Thanks stranger for helping us out,” a police officer in a smokey bear hat yelled “We also want that cat,”

    “Never,” Audrey snapped

    The policeman scowled.

    “Our German Shepard fleet is not as helpful as that tuxedo cat,” a police officer protested.

“I’m taking care of this cat until her master returns.” Audrey said.

She gestured for Cecilia to follow her. The police were chagrin,as they walked out they planned to hurt her. The leader told them to track down Audrey’s house.


Chapter 5 Dramatic Escape

    Austin entered the room Preston was being held hostage.

    “Varridian wants the prisoner,” he lied

    The restraints were removed from Preston’s arms,and legs. Austin directed him towards an elevator.

    “Okay if you do what I say I can get you out of here,” Austin whispered

    “Why would a monster help a human?” Preston asked

    Austin groaned then removed his mask. When he revealed himself to be human Preston almost fainted. He had to slap Preston to get him to pay attention.

    “I’m going to get you out of here, can you fly a skull fighter?” Austin asked

    “A what.” Preston replied

    “A skull fighter.” Austin explained

    “I can fly it,” Austin reassured.

    “Well let’s get going,” Austin said.

    Austin put on his skeleton mask and acted like he was transporting

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