
Clash of the skeletons

Chapter 1

Blaster sat on his bed in his room, looking out at his window. It had been day’s, even weeks, since the battle with Za-nul and his army. Standing up, he opened his door to go visit his friends.

‘Danger’ Someone said in his head.

Tharus, is that you?’ Blaster thought, communicating to Tharus. Being struck by a lighting bolt from Odessius’s trident, he magically survived the attack and somebody named Tharus was communicating to him in his brain.

No, I’m Barelotren’ The voice said back.

Blaster drew the Flail of regrets from the mysterious ender chest he gotten from.

“Flail, is that you?” Blaster asked as he looked down at the enchanted steel Flail. The Flail was incredibly strong and deadly, crafted from a famous blacksmith, Mironatuis. He had asked about this Flail at Mapper, so he knew the Flail pretty much.

How dare you! I just said, it is Barelotren” The Flail replied.

Blaster held the Flail over him. He felt a little dumb apologizing to a weapon, but he did it any way.

“Sorry” Blaster said, then put it away.


Having the best eyesight a villager could ever have, Blaster spotted a small glimpse of an arrow.
Blaster instantly went alert.

Drawing his enchanted Bow, he ran up the stairs to the desert’s village Watchtower.

He spotted a skeleton standing near the entrance of the desert village, not wearing any head gear, which was strange.

Normal skeleton’s in Minecraft would have burnt in the sunrays, but this skeleton seemed fine.

Despite Blaster wondering, the skeleton spotted him and fired three arrow at Blaster, striking him directly in the chest.

Blaster, without any armor on, this was the end for him.

Suddenly, a person wielding a Dironical blade stepped forward, deflected the arrows easily and turned back at him. She had golden blonde hair and diamond blue eye’s fitting the rarest gems perfectly. Blaster instantly recognized who she was.

“Blaster, what were you thinking! You could have got your self killed, for Notch’s sake” Hunter said.

Blaster smiled.

“Hi Hunter. It’s always good to see you” Blaster said.

“Anyway, did you see something unusual about the skeleton?”

Blaster said.

“Well, it wasn’t wearing a helmet?” Hunter said doubtfully.

“Exactly! And that can’t be true” Blaster said.

Chapter 2

Reaper, the skeleton king, sat one his throne, looking at his bow.

“Our maker, Herobrine wants our enemy, the little kid-wizard Blaster, and I don’t even know how to!” Reaper said, clutching his head in his bony hand.

“I think I can help you with that” Herobrine said, teleporting in front of Reaper.

Herobrine was holding a white glass.

“The Eye of Searching?” Reaper replied, looking the glasses doubtfully.

“Yes” Herobrine said, handing them over.

“What does it do?” Reaper asked.

“It allows you to see your enemy at any distance, as long as you are thinking of them” Herobrine said.

“Thank you, maker” Reaper said, accepting the gift.

“By the way, you need to have this” Herobrine said, handing Reaper an enchanted, white bow.

“Remember to use is wisely” Herobrine said, then teleported away.

Chapter 3


Blaster woke up from his bed with a start. He checked his clock. It was midnight.

Blaster quickly donned his Enchanted Dragon Scale armor he got from the Hydra and drew Wave.

He caught sight on fire and spotted it.

Then Blaster froze when he realized this was Hunter’s home.

Thinking fast, he put away his magical sword a took out a bucket of water.

Rushing to Hunter’s home, he poured the water over at Hunter’s roof, but the water wasn’t enough.

“Take this” Mapper said, Behind him.

Blaster took the Fire resistance potion from Mapper and drank it. Orange bubbles appeared around Blaster, signally it hade been effective.

Blaster stepped into Hunter’s house, searching for any sign of Hunter.

‘Hunter?” Blaster cried out.

There was no reply.

Blaster spotted a dironical sword on the floor. He bent over to pick it up, and then he saw it. Dropped item’s floated on the floor, indicating Hunter was killed in the fire.

“Hunter, nooooo…” Blaster said, tears welling up in his eye’s.

He picked up all the rest of Hunter’s belongings when he spotted a enchanted golden apple.
“A ENCHANTED GOLDEN APPLE!” Blaster said in shock.

Suddenly, he could see words shifting on the apple.

Blaster put the enchanted golden apple away.

Watcher met him at the entrance.

“Where’s Hunter?” Asked Watcher.

“She died in the fire” Blaster replied, sadly.

Blaster went in his house and sat down on his bed. He took out the enchanted golden apple and looked down at it.

“I’m going to avenge her” Blaster said, drawing Wave and looking the razor-sharp-edge, ready for battle.

Chapter 4

The next morning, Blaster told the village about going to avenge Hunter, and rescue her, if hopefully alive.

“Everyone that joins me, step forward” Blaster said.

Watcher stepped forward, dressed in Diamond armor and wielding two, curved blade’s he used in the zombie army to kill Za-nul for killing his brother.

Blaster sighed.

Watcher, losing his parents when he was only 7 at war, he vowed revenge and enjoys killing monsters.

Cutter stepped forward, a long with Digger, Woodcutter, Herder, Crafter, Mapper, and a few Warriors.

“Let’s get going” Blaster said.

Running though the desert and reaching a forest, the slowed to a walk.

“How are you doing?” Watcher said.

Blaster looked back.

Watcher was dressed in a leather armor dyed forest green.

“I’m okay” Blaster replied.

“Look. I’m really sorry about Hunter, okay?” Watcher said. “I wanted to help you, but I didn’t want to get caught on fire”

“It’s okay” Blaster said.

Taking out Hunter’s sword, Blaster looked down on it. He could almost see Hunter’s face, pleading him to help.

“I’m sorry” Blaster said down at the sword, then put it away.

“I saw who did it” Watcher said.


“There was a skeleton who was on a skeleton horse and he was activating up TNT

“Mapper, which way do we get to skeleton cave?” Blaster asked.

Mapper whipped out a map and a compass.

“Ummm… We go north” He replied.

Shifting to a sprint, Blaster ran though the forest, with Cutter, Woodcutter, Crafter, Herder and Mapper.

“Let’s stop for the light” Woodcutter said, using his axe to chop down some few trees.

Whiss… Clang!

What was that?” Said Watcher, drawing his two, curved sword, the enchantments giving the ground a purple hue.

‘What enchantment have you got on it?” Mapper said.

“Well, on the right one, it has Sharpness, Sweeping edge, Bane of arthropods, Mending, and Unbreaking with all the enchantments the maximum level. The left one is enchanted with Mending, Smite, sweeping edge, and Unbreaking” Watcher said, glancing on his two Blade’s and running off.

Mapper threw a potion of strength, leaping, night vision and swiftness on Blaster.

Drawing a shield and Wave, Blaster ran off to join Watcher.


Blaster, turning around, brought up his shield in front of him to block a few of those sharp, deadly projectiles.


An arrow his Blaster’s shield, the arrowhead stopping inches from his face.

Slashing at a skeleton, he quickly attack one one the right, then bringing the shield up to block arrows.

Suddenly, a skeleton jumped out of nowhere and attack his own skeletons, nocking them over, giving time to attack.

Woodcutter stepped forward, his axe cleaving though bone’s like they were just tree’s.

Watcher, jumping into the fight, swung his two curved blade’s around, bones dropping on the ground, in less than a few minutes, what was left of the skeleton group was just bone’s, ton of XP, and some Bows and arrows.

Watcher, seeing a surviving skeleton near Blaster, brought his left Blade back, then threw the curved sword at the miniature skeleton, the curved sword swinging it a death blow.

Blaster, seeing the attack in the corner of his eye, stopped the attack with his sword in midair.

‘Why did you do that?” Watcher said, aiming back for another blow.

‘He is a friend” Blaster replied, putting a hand on the young skeleton’s bony shoulder.

‘If it wasn’t for him, I would be dead” Blaster said.

“Yes. I saw him help fight Blaster the skeleton’s” Woodcutter agreed.

“Why did you help him?” Woodcutter said.

The skeleton sighed.

“Our king, Reaper, forced the young skeleton’s that weren’t strong enough to jump in lava, but I’m unique. I can basically use any weapon in Minecraft, but Reaper didn’t care and said I wasn’t enough. So I fled. Reaper send a group of skeleton’s after me, and while I didn’t have any chance of surviving, I joined you. By the way, my name is Rakier” The skeleton said.

Suddenly, the little skeleton flinched and started to back up. He looked at Blaster, very scared.

“What’s wrong?” Blaster said, confused.

The skeleton took one look at Blaster’s yellowish-brown hair, then, using his hands, he protected his head, excepting a strike.

“You’re a wizard!” Rakier said, shakily.

“How do you know?” Blaster said, looking at the young skeleton.

“Reaper is sending a whole army after you now” Rakier said in alarm.

“The Eye of Searching” Muttered Mapper behind Blaster.

“Well anyway, besides using The Eye of Searching, he also took in a beautiful girl with blonde hair, it make’s me think of the golden sunshine, and blue crystalline eye’s. Is she your girlfriend?” Rakier asked, looking at Blaster’s face.

Blaster blushed deep red, and at the same time, he turned back and nodded to Watcher.

“That’s Hunter, my best friend” Blaster said. “What did he do to her?”

“He put her in a tight dungeon and would stab her every minute” Rakier said.

Putting his weapons away, he took out the enchanted golden apple and looked down at it.

Don’t worry, Hunter, I’m coming for you Blaster thought.

Chapter 5

Please stop Hunter thought as Reaper stabbed Hunter again in the back. It hurt more than anything.

Finally, Reaper came to a stop.

Leaving Hunter bleeding on the floor, he left.

“Oh Blaster, I need you more than ever” Hunter said quietly to herself. She had lost all her belongings. Her only hope was that Blaster had collected them and now on his way.

Hunter checked her last remaining two hearts.

I bet a thousand tons of diamond I won’t get outta here alive Hunter thought.

Taking an apple from her inventory, she quickly devoured the item, allowing her food bar to fill up and allowing her health to regenerate.

She hid an iron sword in her inventory, in case she was in critically danger and had to fight herself out.

Looking down at the stiff cobblestone, she followed the patterns of the stone.

Chapter 6

Running fast with his friends at his heels, Blaster ran though the forest. Butting away his weapons and drawing a bow, nocked an arrow and pointed it forward. The arrow instantly went on fire, the Flame enchantment allowing Blaster to shoot flaming arrows.

The arrows landed on the floor, giving enough light to see what was in front of them.

Blaster fired arrow after arrow, the Infinity enchantment making it impossible to run out of arrows.

Suddenly, the flaming arrow reflected on a bright piece of metal.

Whipping out The Flail of Regret’s and putting away his enchanted bow, he scanned his surroundings, his keen eyesight catching every movement.

Suddenly, Winger was at his side, her enchanted bow giving their surroundings a purple glow.

“Got anything?” Winger asked.

“Not y-” Blaster started to say.

Herobrine emerged from the darkness, clad in Dragon scale armor and wielding a vibraitum sword.

‘Dragon scale? That can’t be” Blaster said, looking at his enchanted set and Herobrine’s mundane set.

Herobrine smirked.

“I have anything I want”

Blaster swung his Flail at Herobrine, the spikes becoming sharper as the Ball met his target.

The spikes hit Herobrine, but the Dragon scale absorbed most of the damage, leaving behind deep gashes.

Woodcutter stepped forward, his axe swinging around, daring Herobrine to come any closer.

Herobrine teleported behind Blaster, hitting him in the back.

The Enchanted Dragon scale armor doing its job, protected Blaster from the strike but pushing him forward.

Putting away his Flail and drawing Wave, he cut at Herobrine, only his blade to meet with his.

Kicking Herobrine in a pressure point in the leg, he cut at his head, taking some HP.

Elbowing Herobrine in the stomach, he slashed at Herobrine, Wave cutting deep into his armor.

Herobrine teleported away, to stop Blaster from hitting his head.

He left book and quilt on the ground.

Picking it up, Blaster opened the book.

THIS IS NOT THE LAST TIME. YOUR BELOVED HUNTER WILL DIE. TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK. . . HP TAKEN AWAY FROM HER THIS MOMENT-HB, it read. Showing this to Watcher, he exclaimed the writing closely.

“If there is a tick tock, and HP taken away, Herobrine, or Reaper, is probably poisoning him” Watcher said. “It could be poison, or wither effect”

Thinking about his friend’s words, Blaster considered the two types of poison.

“Must be the Wither effect” Blaster said.

“Why?” Watcher replied.

“Because Herobrine dislikes villagers and loves monsters, the wither effect will be more painful because it continues until death” Blaster said.

Watcher picked up his left curved blade and tossed them in the air, the sharp edge swinging in circle’s. Grabbing the hilt when it fell to arm height, he tossed them in the air again like they were just toys.

‘Dig the block underneath you’ Barelotren said.

Taking out his Iron pickaxe, Blaster swung it at the block underneath him. Shards of rock flew in all directions.

“What are you doing, Blaster?” Watcher asked him.

Blaster ignored h his friend.

After two strong swings, the block underneath Blaster finally shattered. Underneath was a chest.

Opening the box, be took out a pair of curved swords, exactly same as the sword on Watcher’s hand. It was enchanted, and made out of emerald.

Handing the curved swords to Watcher, he took out a big battle axe, made with the same materiel as the two curved swords.

Handing it to Cutter, he reached again in and took out a big enchanted round icon shield made out of vibraitum and dironical. The outer circle of the shield was painted with blue, while the inner one was painted red.

“Fire protection IV, Projectile protection IV, Blast protection IV, Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Thorns III, Loyalty I, Mending I, and Curse of Binding I. It is also very light.” Blaster said.

Mapper raised his eyebrows in confusion.

“You are only possible to add Unbreaking, Mending and Curse of binding on a shield” Mapper said.

“Must be another magical weapon” Watcher said.


“It a charged creeper!”

“Looks like your shield came in handy” Watcher said, hopping behind Blaster.

Lifting the big shield to protect him from the blast and usined his free hand to push the shield forward in case the impact knocked the shield backwards.

The shield suddenly went on fire, except the fire had a magenta glow.

The magenta colored fire surrounded all the villagers, protecting them from the blast.

Carefully lifting his head from the shield, Blaster peek over from his shield.

The creeper was gone.

“Your new shield is nice” Watcher said, elbowing Blaster in the back.

Blaster, taken by surprise, fell forward and flung the shield out of his grip.

The shield went in a straight line, while spinning in circles. The edges of the shield became sharper as it flew though the air. It hit the nearest tree and embedded the edges in the trunk with an impressive clunk.

There was a huge crack in the oak log.

After a second, the shield instantly returned to his owner, Blaster.

“What?” Watcher said, looking at the new shield.

Blaster looked equally confused.

“Try hitting that tree while aiming at me” Watcher said, bracing himself for an attack, if possible.

Concentrating on the tree but aiming at Watcher, he flung the shield again.

The shield flew at Watcher for a few seconds, then changed directions, hitting the tree Watcher was pointing to, then returning to Blaster.

“What about strength?” Cutter said, his huge emerald battle axe in his hands.

Bringing the axe up for an attack, Cutter swung the axe with much force as he could muster.

The was a loud clang as the two weapons met, and as if on cue, the shield when on fire just a split second before the axe met with the shield.

Cutter pulled back, expecting a big dent, but the shield stayed the same.

Cutter swung over and over again, but the shield stayed the same the same and Blaster didn’t even flinch under the attack.

Cutter came to a stop when he finished the tenth swing.

“That shield is very tough” Cutter said.

Chapter 7

Finally, Hunter got bored looking at the lines on cobblestone. Looking at inventory, she found out she only had a few things left. 9 pieces of bread, two apples, an Iron sword and a severely damaged wooden shield.

Then, the door to the dungeon opened.

  1. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Hunter thought.

Reaper stepped in, holding an arrow of decay.

Then, Herobrine stepped in.

Dressed in Dragon scale armor, be lifted Hunter’s chin.

“You aren’t poisoning her enough” Herobrine said.

Kicking Hunter squarely in the chest, he walked back at Reaper.

He explained his plan to him. A smile creped up at Reaper’s face.

Herobrine walked back a Hunter.

He kicked her up the wall.

He put a hand on Hunter’s shoulder.

He injected all his powers into Hunter’s brain.

Hunter blinked once, then her eye’s became white.

“Arise, Hunterbrine. You will help me”

He took Hunter’s hand, then walked back to his castle.

Chapter 8

Walking though the woods, he stopped to rest.

“Woodcutter, can you light a fire” Blaster said.

“No problem” Woodcutter replied.

He put a stripped oak log on the ground and used a Flint-and steel to light it up.

Placing a wool block on the ground, Blaster sat on it.


An arrow head straight for Blaster.

Wave lifted itself to block the arrow, slicing the arrow cleanly in half.

“Skeleton’s again?” Watcher said behind him.

“Yes” Rakier said, lifting two Iron swords, one in each hand.

“You can duel wield?” Mapper said.

“Well, yeah, I can dual wield” Rakier said.

Herobrine appeared in front of Blaster.

“I told you this wasn’t the last time. Now, would you like to meet my new pet, Hunterbrine?”

Herobrine stepped back, then turned left to leave Hunterbrine here.

“No, that can’t be” Blaster said, drawing his vibraitum shield and Wave.

He heard a swoosh of a sword

Instinctively he ducked, the sharp sword barley hitting his shoulder.

Blaster turned around, to find Herobrine holding his sword.

Swinging the sword to hit Blaster head, Blaster brought his shield up to block the attack.

There was a sharp crack, as Herobrine’s sword broke in half.

Teleporting behind Blaster, Herobrine hit Blaster in the back.


An arrow broke off some of his Enchanted Dragon scale armor, leaving behind deep gashes. That was something Blaster never seen before.

Reaper appeared in front of Blaster.

“Surprised you, huh?” Reaper said.

Blaster looked at Reaper’s bow.

“The fossil bow of destruction” Blaster said.

“Yes, and arrows of decay” Reaper said, nocking an arrow.

Reaper shot the arrow dead center at Blaster’s chest. His Enchanted dragon scale armor barley protected him from the attack, but hardly stopped the arrow tip. The arrow was so close that Blaster could feel the arrow tip against his chest.

Pulling the arrow out, Blaster raised his shield if Reaper fired another arrow.

Reaper fired arrow after arrow, but the vibraitum shield and the magenta colored fire kept and burned the arrows away.

Slicing at Reaper’s bow, he quickly raised his shield after every attack from Wave, just in case Reaper fired again.

After one final critical hit, Reaper gave in and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Collecting Reaper’s drops, he quickly ran back to join is friends attacking skeleton’s.


All the NPC’s drew wooden shield and stayed close to their neighbors, forming a barricade of wood and steel in the middle of the sea of skeleton’s and NPC’s.

“ARCHES, OPEN FIRE!” Blaster shouted, drawing his bow and nocking three arrows at a time.

“PUSH FORWARD!” Blaster shouted.

The NPC’s let out a battle cry and pushed forward, stopping the front line of skeleton’s from firing.

The arches rained arrows down at the skeletons, destroying many.
“NOW, RETRET!” Blaster yelled.

Running to Cutter, he told him to collect all the swordsmen.

“Let them stand behind the people with shields” Blaster said.

“We should charge” Cutter said.

“Wait” Blaster said, firing a trolley of arrows at a skeleton

“The barricade won’t hold for long” One villager said.

“They are advancing”

“We need to attack”

We should pull back our wall…”

Blaster asked Woodcutter to get Trapper.

“What can I do for you?” Trapper asked, her black hair swinging in all directions.

After Blaster had explained Trapper his plan, a smile crept up on her face.

“Can you do this?” Blaster asked.

Trapper gave Blaster a mischievous grin.

“On it” She said.

Blaster looked up at Cutter, his steely gray eye staring down at him.

“What do we do now?” He asked.

‘Just wait” Blaster said. “For Trapper to finish”


An explosion rocketed on the right. Then on the left.

Blaster smiled at Cutter.

“I think it is time to do what you want to do” Blaster said.

Cutter smiled, then yelled,


All the NPC’s pulled back their shields and drew weapon’s, crashing into the skeleton’s army.

Blaster quickly pulled Rakier back as an arrow whizzed past him.

“Stay behind me for a while” Blaster said.

“Captain Ratlan” Rakier said, glancing in front of Blaster.

Carefully peeking over his shield, he spotted a skeleton two blocks taller than him, wielding an enchanted golden battle axe.

The skeleton swung his battle axe at Blaster.

Wave when up to deflect the strike, but Blaster almost dropped it when to blow met his sword.

Moving faster than anyone thought possible, Ratlan swung it again at Blaster neck.

Wave went up, franticly trying to deflect the blows.

After a fifth blow, the swing broke his grip and Wave clattered on the ground. Blaster could sense Wave panting heavily.

Somebody swooshed past him, attacking Ratlan furiously.

All he seen was a blur of black and curved blade’s.

Watcher backed up, his steel, enchanted blades in his hands, panting heavily.

Ratlan swung his axe at Watcher.

Watcher brought up his blade’s; to block the attack.

The swing of the axe would likely shatter the blades.

Pulling Watcher back, Blaster brought up his shield just as the axe was about to hit Watcher.

Ratlan flashed red, then stepped back.

“Thorns enchantment” Blaster said.

Shielding Watcher and himself, he quickly picked up Wave.

Slashing at Ratlan’s legs, he pushed forward with his shield, the fire and Thorns enchantment doing damage on the skeleton.

“Retreat!” Ratlan called.

Putting away Wave and his shield, he offered a hand to Watcher.

“You okay?” Blaster said.

“Not a scratch at all” Watcher replied, putting away his swords.

“Two Fossil Bow of destruction” Blaster said, drawing both.

He handed the extra one to Winger.

Quickly running to Mapper, Blaster took out the Eye of Searching.

“I’m putting it on to see where the skeletons are going” Blaster said.

But before Blaster could move a muscle, Mapper stopped him.

“That thing demands high payment. It uses HP to charge itself. It doesn’t work on hostile mobs, though” Mapper said, taking out a potion of regeneration.

Blaster quickly put on the glasses, then thought of Ratlan.

It showed a big room, with a helmet sitting in the middle. The Iron helmet was polished that it reflected its surroundings, blending in.

Suddenly, the Eye needed reaching and bit into Blaster HP.

He flashed red with damage, but the regeneration potion crashed into his back, rejuvenating his health.

Concentrating on the room, he saw there was a huge room, 20 blocks wide, the length 20 blocks, and 20 blocks high.

The whole room was made out of enchanted gold blocks, with gold pressure plates and dispensers on the walls.

The glasses bit into his health again, so Blaster took it off.

“What did you see?” Mapper said.

“A huge room made with enchanted gold blocks, with an enchanted helmet and dispensers and golden pressure points at the ground” Blaster said.

Mapper considered this information carefully.

“If there are golden pressure points, it is a weighted pressure plate. Only dropped items will activate them” Mapper said.

Whiss… Crack!

An arrow hit a tree near Blaster.

Drawing his bow, his pulled back the string, then fired in the direction the arrow was coming from.

16 skeleton horsemen emerged from the darkness, each with a enchanted Iron helmet and a enchanted bow.

The first skeleton shot a flaming arrow from his bow, the arrowhead embedding in his Enchanted scale armor.

That was something Blaster never seen before.

That arrow could break my indestructible armor!” Blaster said, putting away his bow and drawing both Wave and his shield.

He knew that enchanted bows could break the strong scale, but a normal enchanted bow was too hyperbole

Slashing at the skeleton’s horse legs, he brought up his shield to block an arrows attack.

Watcher’s curved swords and Cutter’s big battle axe did more damage, but all three of them backed up when the saw Charged creepers emerging from the tree’s.

“Stop!” A girl’s voice came from behind the trees.

A 11-year-old girl ran out from the darkness. She had blue hair, was wearing a magenta T-shirt and a black sweatshirt. She wore a purple shorts, and had trainers on with with and blue stripes. She also had glowing, white eyes, but they weren’t creepy like Herobrine’s.

“I’m Edina, Princess of the End. Why have you come to harm my friends?” Edina said.

“They were attacking us first” Watcher said, gripping both of his steel blades firmly.

Edina looked at the nearest skeleton horsemen.

“Is this true?” Edina asked.

The skeleton horsemen nodded.

“Who your bodyguard?” Watcher smirked.

“My bodyguard? “Edina grinned, then snapped her fingers.

An end portal appeared, then a Enderdragon’s head popped out.

“What would you like me to do for you?” The Enderdragon said.

“Prepare the portal to my house” Edina said.

“As you wish”

The end portal disappeared.

“Now, I will show you my skills” Edina said.

She pointed to Watcher.

“I’m gonna duel you”

Kicking Watcher in the chest with lighting speed, she landed a barrage of punches and strikes to Watcher head.

Watcher swung his blade’s to Edina’s head, but stepped back and drew an enchanted vibraitum sword.

Bringing to two swords together, Edina put her sword in the middle, and with a sharp click of her wrist, she sent the two swords flying back.

Back-kicking Watcher in the kidneys, she teleported behind Watcher’s back.

Putting away her sword, she put her arm around Watcher neck and pulled back, strangling him.

Then, she pushed forward and executed a pressure point on Watcher’s neck.

Kicking Watcher in the back, she sent him flying head first into a tree trunk.

Watcher fell on the floor, blood dripping from his mouth.

“Want more?” Edina said, elbows cocked, hands balled into fists.

“No” Watcher said.

Edina smiled, pulled him up and offered him a healing potion.

“Sorry, my skills may be a little cruel, so if you want to punch me back, don’t hesitate.

Blaster noticed Watcher blush slightly, then said,

“Not at all”

He likes her. It has to be Blaster thought.

Then, Edina turned to Blaster.

“You want your girlfriend back?” She asked.

Blaster stared at her, eye’s wide with shock.
“How do you know?” Blaster said.

Edina rolled her eye’s.

“Of Course, Herobrine’s my brother. I became good friends with Hunter, but Herobrine attacked me and turned Hunter into Hunterbrine!”

Edina pulled back her blue hair to reveal a scar on her face.

“He attacked me, so I fled to the end. The Endermen king, freyd, adopted me”

“Now, if you want her back, follow me” Edina said, then stepped in the end portal.

Following Edina though the portal, Blaster looked around at his surroundings.

He spotted an Endermen.

Blaster quickly lowered his head, knowing if he looks at it, it will turn hostile.

“Don’t. Freyd told people with me are allowed to look at it. It is a sign of friendship”

Blaster looked at the Endermen in the eye. It’s purple eyes.

The Endermen’s purple eye lit up, then raised his long arm to pat Blaster’s hair.

“Take this” Edina said, handing Blaster an ender pearl.

“You see that portal there? Throw the ender pearl in there and you will find yourself in my room. Don’t miss, because I only brought a few of them with me”

Throwing his ender pearl though the portal, exchanging some of his health, and each heart taking him closer to Hunter.

Chapter 9

Blaster found himself in a room made with purple blocks.

“Take this” Edina said.

She put a purple box on the ground.

“This is a shulker box. It acts like a chest, except that is doesn’t spill the contents on the floor when you pick it up” She explained

Opening the box, Blaster looked at what was inside.

Plenty of food, added up could help you survive for a whole month. A whole set of vibraitum armor, enchanted. A vibraitum pickaxe, axe, shovel and sword, enchanted.

There was a lot of healing potions and regeneration, swiftness and night vision, splash potions of healing, harming, and poison.

There where also a lot of…

“Enchanted golden apples and vibraitum! Where did you get all that from?” Blaster exclaimed, shocked.

Edina stared at him like he had asked her that can could you eat meat.

“The end has a lot of vibraitum in it. If you look at our mine’s, you will find a lot of vibraitum ore’s. And the apples? I took them from Herobrine”

Handing shulker chests around, she quickly built another end portal.

“We are going to the ice plains spikes” Edina said as she disappeared though the portal.

Blaster opened his eye’s, glad to find himself back in the over world.

“Were in the ice plains!” Watcher shouted.

It snowing hard.

Blaster drew his shield, then held it above his head, using it like an umbrella.

“Where are we going exactly?” Watcher shouted.

“Herobrine’s castle!”  Edina called back. Her voice was barley audible in the snowing biome.

I think I see it!” Winger said to Blaster, moving towards his big brother.

Winger pointed to a castle in front of him.

Blaster drew Wave.

“GET YOUR WEAPONS OUT READY!” Blaster shouted.

Everyone instantly drew weapons and shields.

Blaster caught something in the corner of his eye.

Focusing on the mysterious creature, Blaster scanned his surroundings, but nothing came up.

Suddenly, Arrows came speeding at them.

That’s when it hit him.

“SKELETONS!” Watcher shouted.

Blaster raised his shield just as the arrows hit him, bouncing of his shield.

“I see you want her back” Herobrine said, appearing in front of Blaster.

“But let me warn you, you will have to defeat Hunterbrine to win her back. Otherwise, I will throw her in lava.

With that, Herobrine teleported away, leaving behind Hunterbrine standing in front of him.

Hunterbrine swung her sword at Blaster.

Blaster went to block the attack with Wave, but the impact was strong. Wave absorbed little of the damage, the power rippling on Blaster’s arm and making it go numb for an instant.

Edina appeared in front of Blaster, a vibraitum sword in her hands.

“I don’t want to do this” Edina pleaded, but Hunterbrine took no notice.

“Speaking of Hunter, I think this knucklehead needs to talk with you”

Hunterbrine’s white eye’s faded, to reveal a pair of diamond blue.

“Hunter?’ Blaster asked.

Hunter nodded.

“What shall I do?” Hunter asked, eye wide with fear.

“Just relax” Blaster said.

“But I don’t want to hurt you” Hunter said.

Hunter’s eyes suddenly drifted back in to white, indicating the talk was over.

Hunterbrine’s sword met with Wave in a shower of sparks.

Edina swung her sword at Hunterbrine’s dironical blade, giving Blaster advantage.

Blaster slashed at Hunterbrine, doing some damage.

But Blaster leaving his guard unprotected, Hunterbrine kicked Blaster hard in the chest.

During that moment of distraction, Hunterbrine thrust her sword at Edina.

Blaster watched in horror as the sword went straight for Edina’s heart.

Watcher suddenly appeared at he side, deflecting the blow with his sabre.

Woodcutter and Trapper ran forward, Redstone torches and TNT in their hands.

“Its TNT time!” They shouted.

Chapter 10


Blaster eyes snapped open.

There was a huge crater in the ground.

Looking around, he found Hunter lifelessly lying on the floor.

Blaster ran forward and knelt beside Hunter.

“Hunter?” He said

There was no reply.

Blaster shook Hunter gently.

“Hunterbrine must have left and left her shell empty behind” Mapper said.

“NO! I refuse to believe it” Blaster said.

Blaster looked back at the small amount of villagers and dropped items on the ground.

“Oh hi, Blaster” Someone said.

Blaster looked down, Hunter looking up at him.

Quickly standing up, Hunter looked at her surroundings.

“So many people lost their lives to get me” Hunter said, looking at the ground.

“Hunter, we can worry about that later. Right now, lets go home” Edina said, lifting Hunter’s chin gently.

“Edina!” Hunter said, hugging her friend.

“I’m going to be in the End for a while, so I will see you soon” Edina said, opening her end portal.

“Anyone want to come with me?” She asked.

“I could use some company”

Watcher stepped forward.

“I’d love to” He said.

Edina smiled at him, and the in the blink of an eye, she was gone



















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