
Webby screamed as she fell out of the landing bay of the Sunchaser, piloted by the ever-crashing Launchpad. “Hang on, Webby! I’ll catch you!” Jennifer called out, firing her equipped rockets. “Hurry, Jennifer!” Della said, watching in wide-eyed horror as Webby hurled swiftly down to the ground. At the last moment, Jennifer caught Webby seconds before she would have crashed on a boulder below.

“Are you okay?” Jennifer asked, powering off her rockets. “Yeah, I’m fine! Nothing broken!” Webby replied, hopping onto the sand. “Look out below! I’m coming in for a landing!” a voice called out. The pair looked just in time to see the Sunchaser colliding with the side of a towering pyramid. “Look at him. He always botches the landing, but in the most loveable way,” Webby joked, walking toward the base of the giant pyramid.

A person in desert garb stepped in front of Webby. “ابتعد عن الهرم أيها الشاب المعتدي,” the cloaked figure said in a foreign language. Jennifer walked up to the heavily dressed stranger and stood bravely. نحن لا نعني أي” إهانة بالمجيء إلى هنا. لقد جئنا إلى هنا من أجل المعرفة وليس للسرقة. نأتي كحلفاء لا كأعداء. أعتذر عن الاصطدام الأخير بهرمكم المحترم والمقدس. أعطي أقصى درجات الإخلاص في كلامي,” Jennifer said in the same foreign language.

“You said you come here for knowledge? Are you with her?” the heavily clothed stranger asked, with a prominent Egyptian accent. “نعم. أنا جينيفر ، وهذا هو أحد معارفي ، Webbigail Vanderquack ، الابنة الثانية لـ Scrooge McDuck,” Jennifer confirmed in a foreign language. The hooded stranger nodded and stepped aside to allow Jennifer and Webby to walk freely.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Webby tapped Jennifer’s shoulder. “You can speak in Arabic?” she asked her friend. “I can. Not just Arabic but almost 7,117 different languages, as a matter of fact,” Jennifer replied. “Wow,” Webby whispered, impressed. “What did you say to that guy?” Webby asked.

“I said this first: We do not mean any offense to come here. We came here for knowledge, not for theft. We come as allies, not enemies. I apologize for the recent collision with your esteemed and sacred pyramid. I give the utmost sincerity in my words. This is my acquaintance, Webbigail Vanderquack, second daughter of Scrooge McDuck,” Jennifer quoted, with perfect translation. Webby looked genuinely impressed, and the two continued walking to the base of the ancient pyramid.

Launchpad fell out of the cockpit and landed roughly on the desert sand below. “Oof! Still made it,” Launchpad said, with a few missing teeth. With that, he passed out. The others clambered out from the Sunchaser and landed neatly beside the unconscious Launchpad. “Anyone hurt?” Mrs. Beakley asked everyone. The group shook their heads. “Good. The less injured people the better,” she said, marching up to the main entrance to the pyramid.

A tap on the shoulder made Jennifer turn around. It was Huey. “How did you fly through the air after Webby? Do you have state-of-the-art rocket boots?” he asked, inspecting Jennifer’s shoes. Jennifer had an internal conflict with how to answer Huey’s question. After a brief moment of thinking, Jennifer answered. “These rocket boots? I actually built them myself,” she explained.

“Interesting!” Huey replied, before moving on ahead to the nearby Egyptian village. Jennifer thought of something. Turning to the crashed Sunchaser, Jennifer activated her scanning capabilities and analyzed the internal structure of the damaged seaplane. She found at least ten different damaged parts of the air-based vehicle and reconstructed a blueprint of it.

“Guys? I think I can manually repair the Sunchaser, but I’m going to need a few materials and equipment,” Jennifer said, powering on her rockets to ascend toward the wreckage. Quick as lightning, Jennifer moved almost like a blur, repairing the internal structure of the Sunchaser and repairing it with expert speed.

Descending back down to the ground, Jennifer wiped her hands against each other. “The Sunchaser is back in perfect shape, with a few selective upgrades and minor modifications,” Jennifer said, smiling proudly. “How did you do that? I thought you said you needed some equipment!” Huey said, in astonished disbelief. Jennifer pulled out some repair tools from her backpack, as an explanation.

“How did you move that fast?” Lena asked, stepping in between Jennifer and Huey. Jennifer didn’t need to think before answering Lena’s question. “My shoes enable me to move in the blink of an eye,” she explained. “If your shoes allow for superhuman speed, then prove it,” Huey challenged. Jennifer said nothing. Bending over, Jennifer tapped both sides of her shoes and they beeped.

Without saying a word, Jennifer zoomed off, leaving a cloud of desert sand trailing behind her. After only a few seconds, she reappeared as quickly as she’d left. “How’s that for proof?” Jennifer asked. Huey stood in astonished speechlessness. “Wow, Jennifer! You really do have superhuman speed!” Webby commented. Just before Jennifer could say anything, a lightning bolt shot past her, a hair’s breadth away from striking her in the head.

Jennifer’s defense programming was triggered by the sudden attack, making her activate her rockets and lift up into the air.

Scanning the current environment for the probable source of the lightning bolt attack

After a moment of observation, Jennifer’s highly sophisticated scanner detected another oncoming lightning bolt, which was headed straight for her. With a swift dodge to the left, Jennifer effortlessly avoided the menacing lightning bolt. Activating both her defibrillators, which could be used as weapons, Jennifer lifted them both up and blasted two balls of crackling electricity. A far-off sound of crumbling rock indicated that Jennifer had landed a blow.


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