
Hi my name is willie and I’m an only child, but I have friends which are not what they seem like My friends are all farm animals. My cow’s names are cupcake and Coby is a girl. My third friend is actually a dog named Duke. She’s young And a fit dog meant for herding cattle but she likes trying to bite at their butts which is a good strategy for herding Cattle.

One day my mom said,“  Were going to move to Nebraska but not for two days or so,”

So I went to pack up my things in the barn. There was a loud hard mooing like a cow was in labor but it was just one of the bulls that my dad kept in the barn. So I put all my things in my bag then I started to pack my show stuff then I put it into the show box. 

The next day Ok it’s all packed now “I can go get Duke to herd the cows and the sheep,” said willie to his mom 

Mom said,” Yes,”

“Ok Duke who’s Ready to bit some butt’s who’s ready to bit some butt’s” Willie said

“I’m pretty sure he said yes,” willie said 

“Let’s go round up some cows and sheep, “  willie said  

“Ha,” willie said 

They went into the barn wow that took about an hour and 30 min and already night mmm let’s get some food  in our belly’s until we heard something like my mom and dad were fighting come on Duke let’s go break the party creak the door sounded

 “What’s going on,” willie said 

“Ummmmm nothing,” mom said sarcastically

“Sure,” willie said with a questionable voice

“Let’s go to bed,”  said dad in a grumpy voice

Walking up the stairs stomping

The next day I thought to myself, why are my mom and dad fighting is it because of the move?

“Ok let’s load the cows,” Dad said 

“And the sheep” willie added

 smack Willie’s hands clapped together haaa get in there ok now the cows. Let’s do this ok 

“wttt” Willie whistled

“Are you ready yeah I got all my things“Willy’s dad said to his willie

“yep” Willie replied

“ except one thing,” mom said

 yelp yelp a puppy.awwww about 2 hours into the drive me and bear were asleep.

“Ahhh are we there yet” willie yawn 

“Yep,” dad said 

“Look at it wow that’s cool,” willie said 

“Let’s unload the cows and the sheep and the horses,” dad said 

That night mom and dad were fighting again 

The next morning I went to feed the cows and the sheep but the sheep were only there oh flip the cows are out I went to go and tell my dad but he wasn’t there so I took matters into my own hands I got flash my horse haaa let’s get some cows flash.

Finally, we found them. I brought Duke along just to help me herd the cows. 

“let’s do this,” willie said

Behind the barn we went into the barn the cows went to take a break in the and to take a drink of water. finally my dad was home and my mom was to so I told them what happened then dad ran out the door to check if all them are there he counted all 200 of them. then he checked the Cavs they were all there except cupcakes but she hadn’t given birth so that was OK too.

“False alarm,” Willy said

“What do you mean false alarm“  dad said questionably 

“I thought the cows were out,” willie said to his dad

“Let’s get some food in our belly,” dad said 

“I agree,” willie said 


“What restaurant are we going to,” willie said

“Ummm you’ll see,” dad said

“Ok,” willie Said with a questionable voice 

“I’m going to take a snooze,” willie said 

“Ok” dad said 

“Ahhhh” willie yawned 

“Texas RoadHouse are you kidding”willie said In excitement 

What I ordered was a 8 oz steak and a rootbeer.

After that I ate it all I had a stomach ache because I was so full.

I was so full I could barely walk out of the place.

Let’s pay then leave so we paid and then left.

That night I went up stairs to go to bed the.

next morning I did my morning chores after that I took I went to go take a walk in the pasture to see if there was any sign of deer there were tracks but they hopped the fence so  so I couldn’t track him but I made my way back and I was already night time I don’t know how the time passed but I just know I’m starving.

“I’m starving mom,” willie said 

“We’re almost there” dad said 

“Ok I’m going to take a snooze” willie said 

“Ok” dad said 

“Ahhhh” willie said 

“Now are we there yet” willie said 

“Yep” dad said 

“Are you kidding me Texas Roadhouse” willie Said 

“Yep,” dad said 

Ok let’s order what I ordered was root beer and 8 pound steak. It was delicious.I was so full I could Barely walk b/c I was so full. Ok let’s pay and leave to see hunter and feed the cows to.When I opened the door it creaked like an old lady yawning. I saw a bear he was ready to play but wasn’t so I gave him a bone to chew.


The next day, the vet checked if some cows are bread or not bread.the first twenty cows were bred so that was a good thing.but there were about 59 that were not bread so if you do the math about 141 that were bread.

The next day, Was the same usual day but it was my day off so I spent time with my mom and dad and bear and Duke. We watched a movie then cups was  in labor. Cause I saw on the cam that we installed in the new barn.

 I said, “Come on dad” 

“Why” dad said 

“Because Cups is in labor now,” willie said 

“Get her in the barn” dad said 

“Ok she’s in the barn” I said 

“All we can do is wait” dad said 

About 20 mins  all of the Cavs body was out. 

me and dad made a bet that if it was a bu


dad gets to pick his day off but if it was a girl I get to pick if I want to show it or make it a breeding cow.It was a girl  I shouted as loud as I could because I was so happy I decided I was going to show it because it was a baldy and it was bulky in the shoulders or the front legs.

The next day, the calf was already standing up and nursing to cups. But one day I noticed that cups was liking the calf then I saw the calf all wet like it went for a drink but it fell in the bin so I leaped into action and grabbed the calf and took it to my mom and dad which new that the calf was wet he said he was heading out there as fast as he could so he grabbed towels to dry the calf off then I went to go get the heating lamp to warm him up.  As soon as I got it I ran back to the house and plugged it in and then grabbed a chair to sit on and warm a cava for about an hour or so. He finally was standing up nursing and warm and toasty and finally I gave her back to cups.

“Dad winter is coming we need to get meat in the freezer” willie said 

We decided to go hunting the The next morning

“Ahhh” willie yawned 

“Good morning” dad said 

“You ready to go hunting for a big buck ”Dad said 

“Yep” willie replied

“Let’s get ready to be in the hunt” willie said 

“Let’s leave” dad said 

“You got your gun willie” dad said 

“Yep” willie said 

When we got there we both went in the first one to see if we saw the huge buck we scouted yesterday ok let the wait begin.

“Whoa” willie said in a whisper

“Look at that big buck in that herd” Said willie 

“What’s that big black thing” dad said 

“Hey give me the binoculars” Willie said in a whisper  

“Oh no” Willie said 

“That a whole herd of pig and the big black thing is a Big boar,” willie said 

“Oh no they’re Going to  scare the deer away” dad said 

“Wait look at the big buck it’s charging at the Big boar,” willie said 

Wow now there is no pigs man those pigs are not brave.

“Ok let’s line up with that buck” dad said 

“Ok” willie said 

Click the bullet was ready to shoot ,BOOM the gun and kicked like a thunder strike . The deer ran but the big buck was too late the bullet already hit his heart.he fell  like a big tree, come on we have to get the deer before the coyotes get him.

Dad replied, ”just five minutes”

“Why what’s wrong” Willie said 

“I think that we just killed the the the brave and that herd is in  trouble” dad said 

“Come on let’s get over their before the coyotes do”  willie said 

“Grab the guns” willie said 

“Wait no here grab your own gun now shoot up now” Dad said 

Boom the gun went 

The coyotes were scared like little dogs

Feeee you  the other big buck scared them too but as long as we know there’s a new brave.

When the first snow happened it snowed 5 inches long so I wore three layers of shirts to keep warm when I went to feed the cavs I saw one get so I ran over to it then I remembered that there was more snow on the and it was going to be a blizzard. So I Broung a kit that was a survival and I went after the calf once I saw the calf I was heartBreaking so I ran over there and grabbed a blanket and when I saw the calf it was geo so I wrapped him up then I started on a shelter I put a stick from a tree to tree put the second blanket over the support branch then I craved a wooden spear to stick into the ground once it was all finished me and geo fell asleep. That day once geo woke up I woke up so I started to pack all the things when I heard a snap I was Pretty sure that it was a trap but it was a stick that he stepped on a stick once I got it all packed I got geo on a halter which I don’t know how I did it but I got him an hour later we were at my house went and put geo away I took the halter off and let him go in the pasture with the other cows And I rushed into the house to warm up amend see my mom and dad and hunter and Duke when I got in there my dad and my mom went to go greet me.

Dad said “ Where Were you” 

I told him “in the woods”

Mom said “are you ok”

I said “yes” 

“Let’s get something to eat” Willie said 

Dad said “ok” 


The next day, I woke up to yelps and I look at the bottom of my bed and there were 5 pups so I hopped out of my bed and tried to hold but duke didn’t let me so that worked out then I went to my dad and my mom I told them this mom dad Wake up there’s a surprise waiting for you in my room they got dressed fast and went my room sprinting I told them to Close your eyes and just feel the soft fur of something when they felt it they guessed that duke had pup’s and they were right about the guessing part they were so happy 


About two Months later, the pup’s were ready for to be taught how to herd sheep first lesson how to bit we were sure that all the pup’s now how to bit hard 

lesson # 2 how to bit butts 

First one up digger when I blow the whistle you go up to the sheep and fake bit at butt wtt the whistle went digger not only bit the sheep’s butt passed the next one running.

The next 4 All passed with 2 try’s.


The next week,we had to move the cows to the pasture but it was on a really hot day so we had to get them there at 5:00 in the morning I had to help dad wake up so we could herd some cows we tried to sort out the cows but that didn’t work out so we just did the whole  accept the bulls. I hopped on flash and dad hopped on holly ha dad made a sound with his mouth ha willie made the same sound that his dad made with his mouth.and they were off flash and holly went on a Journey thru the mud threw the barn now they were on the plain the most danger’s place of all now there was a risk that one of 200 cow’s could go wandering and get lost. But that wasn’t going to happen because duke and hunter and the puppy’s so it was easy to do it. But it took a couple to ropes to get them in line but there all in the pasture.


The next day ,when I was doing chores I overheard that my grandpa died.then it was the thing that my mom and dad we’re fighting about i didn’t know my grandpa but i am loyal no matter what ever gives me a challenge To tackle I’ll tackle it.

The next day, my mom and my dad went to his funeral. It was about an hour or so.

The next day, me and my dad grabbed are gun’s and went to shake some pop cans and to not shake the pop cans and whoever gets the most pop cans that have been shaked  you get one point and if you shoot a non shake you lose a point.

There off you guys have 5 rounds to shoot as many shook pop’s as you can.

First up, willie 

Click the bullet was locked and loaded he looked through his scope lined up with his target boom willie’s gun went the pop can blew up with pop “one point for willie” willie said 

Your turn dad willie said 

Dad clicked his bullet in the Barrel it was locked and loaded. He looked through his scope and fired it went boom but the pop he shot at it was a pop blow up it went everywhere.

Ok it’s tied up 5-5 and is up click the bullet was ready to three was two can and willie went with his gut but he still had to hit it to win he looked through his scope he is locked on boom the bullet hit the can the can went everywhere willie wins 6-5.

after that it was fall already they had good year farming but whenever life throws a curveball we will swing.


Always wear bright clothes 

  • Bright clothes to let people see you 
  • You could get shot 
  •  If you didn’t wear bright clothes it would be dangerous 


Always keep your gun unloaded

  • If loaded it and your finger on the trigger and you fire you could hurt yourself
  • Unless you see  a deer 
  •   Keep your gun on Safety

Permits and permission

-you need permission from a landowner 

-if you go hunting for a buck you need a tag on the antlers 

– if you don’t get permission the landowner could get shot


Hunting is a good way to keep the deer Population even, but also you need to learn hunter Safety first. about 1,000 hunting accidents happen a year and a 100 of those are fatal. This proves that you need hunter safety.

First, always wear orange to let other hunters know that if you shoot this way I could get hurt. If  you don’t wear orange and the hunter doesn’t see orange he will think that No one is over there so he shoots and you would get hurt. If you don’t wear orange and you know that no hunter is around,  it is still dangerous. No matter what, always wear orange.


Second, always keep your gun Unloaded If it is loaded you could shoot yourself. The only time you have your gun loaded is when you see a deer or whatever your hunting. even though your gun is unloaded always keep your gun on Safety because it is just a little bit safer.

Permits and permission, always ask the landowner before you go hunting.if you go hunting for a buck you will need a tag on the antlers of the buck. If you don’t get permission from the landowner and if he goes on that very same day you go hunting the landowner could get hurt or even die.



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