
Villagers were all over the place! But not in a good way. They were scattered all over the places in cages, only two villagers per cage. “What happened here?” Gameknight asked, walking up to his friend Hunter. Her hair was wild, obviosly a sign that she fought a bit. “What happened?” She asked, in awe. “What happened? The monsters came back and attacked us, that’s what happened.” Realizing she had been yelling, Hunter took a deep breath and explained. “When we weren’t ready for it, an entire army of mobs came and attacked us! We don’t know why, but instead of killing us like they normally do, those monsters shoved us into cages. Except one of us.” She took a step forward towards the bars. “Gameknight, they took Crafter.”

At first, Gameknight thought that the crafting chamber was empty. There were no torches and no light. As he placed a torch, Gameknight gasped. One lone NPC was on his knees, shackled to the ground. “Oh no,” he thought. “It’s Crafter.” Suddenly, Crafter flashed red. A groan filled with pain and fear echoed all throughout the chamber. Running up to Crafter, Gameknight could tell that his HP was dangerously low. As he approached, he thought he could hear a sound. “What is that?” he wondered. With a serpent of dread coiling around his spine, Gameknight glanced around the room. “Gameknight!” A young voice called out. “Up here!” Instantly, Gameknight looked up. He was at a loss for words. All across the ceiling, villagers were trapped inside suspended cages. Searching for the voice, Gameknight found that it came from Topper. Scanning the room for anything at all to help get the villagers down, he saw just the right tool.

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