

This is a compilation of all the fan fiction stories that have been sent to me over the years. I think they’re awesome!

If you have a story you’ve written, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Minecraft or Giant . . . it can be about anything, and you want to send it to me, then paste it into an email. I’ll get it posted to the web site as quickly as possible. 

If you see a story you like, comment on it, let the author know. 

And please, share this page on social media with the buttons to the right. Let other young authors know this is a safe place to post their work.

— Mark

Here is “Herobrine vs. Ironman20212332” by Alex

It has been months since gameknight999 has been defeated by herobrine, everyone thought it was over, until suddenly a new user-that-is-not-a-user came Gameknight? Crafter asked. "No its me, ironman20212332, i heard what happened and came into the game. But gameknights...

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And finally Book 3 – The Virus Returns

Book Three The Virus Returns   Chapter 1 WonderWriter2000   Rakier paced. “What do we do, what do we do, what do we do?” He said over and over. Gameknight was in a wool chair, face pale and mumbling. Crafter, Hunter, Digger, Stitcher, Herder, and Monet were...

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This is Book 2 – Daughter of the Demon by WonderWriter2000

Book Two Daughter Of The Demon             Herobrine was cold. So very cold.  And then he was hot. So hot. He felt like he was going to melt into a puddle right there. It was like his body couldn’t make up its mind. Wherever he was, it was dark. Very dark. All he...

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Here is Book 1 – The Far Lands, from WonderWriter2000

Book One The Far Lands   Chapter One        Tommy snores. Buzz, buzz, buzz. Thump, thump, thump. Tommy rolls over. And puts his pillow on his head. And then, right in his ear, there’s a SCREAM!!!   “AHHHH!” He yells. “All right, all right, I’m up!” He swats at...

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This is “System Abyss” from Sky

System Abyss    Chapter 1 “Ding: Awakening System…” A void echoed in Chosmic’s mind “Ding: System Prepared, Starting In 3... 2… 1” Chosmic laid on the ground, with giant craters and debris surrounding him “Ding: System Started, Launching Addons...” Chosmic got up...

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Gameknight999 Trivia!! Issue n.1 Answers by WonderWriter2000

Gameknight999 Trivia!! Issue n.1 Answers   Hey everybody! Great job on the trivia. Everyone did really well! High five!🖐🏼   Here are our answers- What did Herobrine call Feyd, Xa-tul, Charybdis, and Reaper? -The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse What color are Crafter’s...

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This is “The Exciting Summer” by Morgan

The gentle breeze of summer whirled through the air, whipping a few blades of grass as it blew. I had just gotten out of school for summer break, which meant that I had exactly ninety-eight days of complete freedom from schoolwork. A tap on the shoulder made me turn...

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This is Chapter 3 from Aidan

Chapter 3: The Last Standoff Behind them was a couple of horses conveniently helping themselves to a plentiful amount of hay bales that Crafter must have made for them. “What are you waiting for? Hurry up so that we can get this stupid battle over with already!”...

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Here is Chapter 2 from Aidan

Chapter 2: The Battle With Salaburn Gameknight and Kane breathed a long sigh of relief. Realising that they could not tolerate any more loss of life, they both drew their enchanted swords and prepared for the final battle. “How did you escape that?! WELL, IT DOESN’T...

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Gameknight999 Trivia!! Issue no. 1 – by WonderWriter2000

Hey everyone! So a little while ago I got the idea for a Gameknight999 trivia page. Thank you VvMist247 for posting that comment on Why does everyone love to hate Erebus so much?about quizzing you on the books that gave me inspiration! Ok, so this is how it is going...

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