

This is a compilation of all the fan fiction stories that have been sent to me over the years. I think they’re awesome!

If you have a story you’ve written, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Minecraft or Giant . . . it can be about anything, and you want to send it to me, then paste it into an email. I’ll get it posted to the web site as quickly as possible. 

If you see a story you like, comment on it, let the author know. 

And please, share this page on social media with the buttons to the right. Let other young authors know this is a safe place to post their work.

— Mark

This is “The Enderman Warlord!!!” by Robbie

THE ENDERMAN WARLORD!!!!!!!! CHAPTER 1 Watcher,Planter, Winger, Cleric and the NPC’sWhere walking soundlessly in the desert waiting for a village then something caught His eye. It was the roof of a hut and next to itThere was a fresh water pond finally he Shouted a...

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Here’s another awesome story from Aidan

The Battle For Minecraft     Book 1   Chapter 1: The Chestplate Gameknight999 followed Hunter toward the approaching beast trader. These were Villagers who liked to trade monster drops in exchange for lots of redstone. Searching through his inventory, the...

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This is Chapter 9 from WonderWriter2000

Chapter 9Desert Well Gameknight999 woke up with a start. He was on his horse, the reins slipping from his hands. “Where- where am I?” He asked. “You fell asleep,” Harvester said. “I shook you awake.” “Hunter...” Gameknight said. “The Land Of Dreams...” Harvesters eyes...

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Smithy’s Tale, Book 2 from Judah

  Smithys tale book two by Judah Davidoff   Smithy was so surprised he jumped back. “What is that?” he asked Watcher.  “It's an Ender Dragon egg.” said Watcher. “When i killed the Ender Dragon it dropped this egg. I couldn’t just leave it because I didn’t want...

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Here is “Middle Ages Maddness” by Judah

Middle ages madness by Judah Davidoff Chapter one Away we go “Away we go” thought Josh as he tossed his paper airplane into the air he watched in amazement as it soared into the air… and fell with a plunk into a nearby trash bin. Josh ‘sighed his airplanes used to...

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Here’s Chapter 10 from WonderWriter2000

Chapter 10 -  Extra Baggage           Gameknight999 woke up to the waterfall gently splashing him with tiny droplets. He smiled and sat up. “Yes!” He yelled, jumping up. “I made it! I made it! I- AHHHHHH!” He jumped back. He had spawned right up on the edge of the...

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This is a new story by Aidan

Wild Horses Orientation: She knew that the horses were distressed and galloping away, but she couldn’t get her mind on what could be troubling them. Suddenly, a rogue thought popped into her head: what if the horses were running from a predatory animal? It didn’t make...

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