

This is a compilation of all the fan fiction stories that have been sent to me over the years. I think they’re awesome!

If you have a story you’ve written, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Minecraft or Giant . . . it can be about anything, and you want to send it to me, then paste it into an email. I’ll get it posted to the web site as quickly as possible. 

If you see a story you like, comment on it, let the author know. 

And please, share this page on social media with the buttons to the right. Let other young authors know this is a safe place to post their work.

— Mark

Look at this from Michael . . . impressive!

Ned woke up to the loud beeping of his home-made digital alarm clock. usually alarm clocks like his would not exist in Minecraft, but Ned was an inventor. He had used redstone, glass, mini-redstone-lamps and tiny iron blocks to make it, along with several custom...

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Here is something interesting from Steelmonster67

Lord Herobrine walked to find his warriors he created. He had no luck finding them after ba-jin had told his zombie king, Xa-tuls that the war was over, lord herobrine was very disappointed in Xa-tuls for giving up from killing his worst enemy ever: steelmonster67,...

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Here is another story from Arcticwolf999

Gameknight thought they were safe. Herobrine and the monster kings were gone. It was then that a rider from another village appeared, covered in soot, on a half-meted minecart. Minecarts don't melt, not in Minecraft, so Gameknight sprinted down to see the villager. He...

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Here is one from RainaThe Rogue

There was only one person in the room. And it wasn't an NPC. It was a user... A USER! Gameknight thrust his sword towards the newcomer. "Who are you?!" Gameknight demanded. "The center of the storm is calm, and it's easiest to find your focus from there." The user...

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I like this story from RainaLovesStampy

Gameknight slowly awoke from his induced trance. All around him, a battle insued. But not just any battle. Everything was... blocky. Like he was in... no... it couldn't be... Gameknight was in... Minecraft! Monsters and NPCs called villagers fought, desperately trying...

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Here is another story by BlazeGaming

Trapped in Dinoland(New name XD) Chapter 2: Ambushed! By... Dilos? Gameknight was woke by a sound. It's something like an elphant trumpeting, but deeper. It's a mammoth. He thought to himself. He opened his eyes and saw his new room all done and a beautiful balcony...

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Here is another great story from Train2000c

Herobrine walked into the great bedrock tower. It was as if a titan had ripped the bedrock out from the void-layer and placed all the strongest of the blocks, with the exception of diamond, in this massive tower. Herobrine was relieved that there were no torches, just...

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Another contribution by The Padawan Menace

CHAPTER ONE Gamknight woke up to strange noises, the last thing that he remembered doing was turning on the digitizer. As he stood up, he saw that he wasn't at his normal hidey-hole, or Crafter's village, he was at The NPC base, which had been set up a few weeks ago....

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Here’s chapter two from EnderStar501

Chapter 2: The Nether   The moment Aza vanished into the portal, the purple force-field that had previously surrounded her flickered and vanished. Just then, Amber–Amber–ran over to Jack. Jack was too stunned to say hello or ask her about the healer. “She knew the...

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I like this from Stgsprinkles200

Gameknight ran to the village and was shocked to see the villagers running in terror in the village. He ran through the gravel filled street's of the village and saw their fear. A huge army of monsters was attacking the rear section of the village. There were mobs of...

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Check this out from PaperJamGuy71

PROLOGUE: PaperJamGuy71 smashed open his bedroom door, and fell onto his bed. He was exhausted after his day at school. He grabbed his laptop from underneath his bed, and turned it on. He spent the next few hours playing Minecraft, on GameKnight999's new server, which...

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Here is a great submission from Threeseas

Gameknight and Fisher's battle cry resonated through the Nether as they charged through. The thick smoke and intense heat startled the pair, Fisher having the worst effect. The small boy was used to the calm, cool water that he fished in, and never had to endure such...

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