This is a compilation of all the fan fiction stories that have been sent to me over the years. I think they’re awesome!
If you have a story you’ve written, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Minecraft or Giant . . . it can be about anything, and you want to send it to me, then paste it into an email. I’ll get it posted to the web site as quickly as possible.
If you see a story you like, comment on it, let the author know.
And please, share this page on social media with the buttons to the right. Let other young authors know this is a safe place to post their work.
— Mark
Here are two great story beginnings from Grosengame
One day, gameknight was walking to Crafter's village. On his way, he ran into an iorn golem! The iorn golem just stared at gameknight. "That was weird" gameknight said. He contiued walking. The iorn golem followed gameknight. Then, the golem stopped to think whether...
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