
So, I saw the book The Great Zombie Invasion on Amazon, read the description, and took a shot at writing some fan-made chapters for the book. I doubt it will get in, but you never know 😛 We’re going to start with the end of a chapter.
Chapter (x):  Gateway of Light
As the thunder boomed, the digitizer zapped Gameknight. He felt searing hot and chilly at the same time. Great swirls of electricity zoomed around him, and he felt as if he was trapped in a great tornado. Lightning flashed, thunder boomed, and the wind howled and slowly vanished as Gameknight lost consciousness. And as the world slowly faded, Gameknight could hear chickens, cows, and pigs… oh my.

Chapter (x): Into Minecraft… Again?
Gameknight awoke to the sound of purring, and the sensation of limp tentacles dragging on his body. He could have sworn the sounds were coming from a ghast, but it sounded… off. It was happy, full of life, and with no hatred for other people’s existence. Also, he wasn’t in the Nether. How could a ghast be here? He opened his eyes, and saw it was indeed a ghast, flying lazily off to his left. He stood up and began to panic. He had no armor, no sword or bow to defend himself with. How could he fight a ghast? Strangely, however, the ghast ignored him and flew off toward Crafter’s village.
“The village… Oh no!” Gameknight thought.
He ran to his hidey-hole he built on his first day in Minecraft. He knew Hunter would leave his diamond armor and weapons there.
The hidey-hole was gone! In its place stood some coal ore
“Is Hunter pranking me?”
Spying some trees in the nearby forest, he quickly tore them down with his fists, feeling the rough bark. He made a crafting table, and then a wooden pickaxe. Mining the coal, he found no hidey-hole.
“What’s happening?”
Quickly gathering some stone, he constructed a set of stone tools and a sword, and raced toward the village. No monsters came out to greet him. As he closed in on his target, he saw that the walls were gone, and the village was considerably smaller.
“Why is it so small? Where are the walls?”
Glancing to the right, he saw that his castle was missing, midnight black obsidian walls vanished from Minecraft.
“My castle! It’s gone!”
When Gameknight reached the village, no one came over to greet him. Instead, they were looking at him strangely. Scanning his surroundings, he couldn’t find Crafter, Hunter, Stitcher, Digger, or Herder. In fact, no one familiar was in sight. Interspersed throughout the village was the occasional zombie or skeleton, but they weren’t attacking the villagers, and strangely weren’t burning in the sun
Gameknight smiled. It appears that the villagers found peace with the monsters.
Finally, one NPC approached him. Gameknight could tell it was a blacksmith, but it wasn’t the Smithy he’d been friends with.
“Who are you?” Smithy asked.
“I’m Gameknight999,” Gameknight said, pointing above his head. “Smithy, what’s happening? The zombies aren’t attacking, my castle is gone, and the village is smaller and has no walls. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. The village has always been this size, there was never a castle or walls here, and the zombies have always been our friends,” Smithy replied.
Something strange was going on, and Gameknight didn’t like it.

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