
I wrote a story about how Endora first found GameKnight. Here it is.

I looked over a hill and saw the village. It had been burnt half to the ground, the mark of Malacoda and his Nether army. I knew that it was here that the User-that-is-not-a-user currently resided. I needed to get in. But there was one small problem. Or big
problem, if you’re shorter than 4 blocks. I’m an enderdragon/enderwoman
hybrid. There was no way they’d let a mob in. They’d try to kill me instantly, no matter what I did to convince them that I was on their side. I’d have to trick my way in, and I knew exactly how to do it.
I whispered a few cryptic words under my breath, and my body began to change. I shrunk down to two blocks tall, my limbs became shorter and thicker. If you had been looking at me, you would’ve thought that it was magic. Well, it was. I had used an illusion spell
that I had learned from a book in the Oracle’s stronghold (I hadn’t stolen
it, I had just borrowed for an uncertain amount of time).
In a few seconds of plum colored light and what resembled glitching, I stopped changing. I now resembled a villager,
my arms linked across my chest. I could tell by my clothing that I was disguised as a baker. It wasn’t my first choice of an occupation as I had no idea how to bake, or even craft anything, but I’d cross that bridge once I got to it. Now I just had to pretend
to be lost. From my observations, they’d take in any lost villagers.
I began to run towards the village walls as fast as I could. I was about halfway there when I heard something behind
me. The clicking of mandibles gnashing together in excitement. I had apparently attracted some unwanted attention.
I looked behind me and saw two spiders, a brother and two sisters (a cave spider and two normal spiders, for those
who don’t know). They were coming after me, their eyes blazing. They were about 10-ish blocks away, and I wondered why I hadn’t heard them coming. I was mildly impressed with their self control when it came to staying quiet. Also with the fact that a cave
spider was on the surface instead of in a cave. I mean, ‘cave’ is right in the name. But now was not the time to feel impressed. One drawback to the illusion spell is that other monsters will think that I’m just an ordinary villager. Unfortunately, before
I had the presence of mind to start hurrying, they attacked.
The brother was the first to jump. It leaped onto my back and dug its fangs into my skin. I knew that the venom
would do relatively nothing to me, but it’s a little hard not to panic when you have a spider clawing at your back. I quickly grabbed it and smashed it into the ground, killing it.
Then, in one fluid motion, I pulled out my scythe (my favorite weapon, pronounced ‘syth’) and swung it at the other
spider, a wide, sharp-toothed grin on my face. I wasn’t smiling because I enjoyed the whole ordeal, because I most certainly
enjoy poisonous fangs digging into my back. I often just start grinning in the middle of a fight. Maybe because I was amused at how easy it was for me.
My scythe hit the spider just as it was about to land on me and reduced its HP to zero in mere seconds. The giant
spider disappeared with a pop and a spool of spider string dropped to the ground. I picked it up and put it into my inventory. When it comes to Minecraft, you never know what you might need.
By now I was nearly to the village. Once I got to it I ran through the burnt rubble. On some of the walls I could
see outlines of villagers on the walls, markers of where they had drawn their last breath before being blasted with fire. It was a disturbing sight, to say the least.
I got to the watchtower that was always within a village’s boundaries. I had always wondered why they had a watchtower.
Villagers can’t fight, so whether or not they saw the enemy before it got to them didn’t really matter. Either way, they’re dead meat. This watchtower didn’t look like it could be used for anything anymore though.. Huge chunks of it were missing. It looked
like something had just blown it apart. I guessed creepers. The tunnel to the crafting chamber was completely exposed. That was what I needed. I leaped down to the entrance, glanced around to make sure no one was watching, and jumped down the hole.
The reason I wanted to be part of the User-that-is-not-a-user’s army, is because he was my only hope of finding
my brother after 20 years.
My brother is Erebus, the King of the Enderman.

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