
“Knights, prepare your weapons and stand on your ground!”

“Archers, give knights and tankers chance to attack and give the monsters rain of needles they never seen before!” A big NPC gave orders to men and women.

“We are the people who should be on the green, we should be the winners… AND WE SHOULD FIGHT! FOR OUR FREEDOM!”


“FOR MINECRAFT!!!” Every single NPCs yelled for their land and families…

“We stand on ground untill he comes back…” The big villager said.

“Get ready the redstones! We need them!”
Before the big NPC could turn around and face the battle field again, he could hear sounds of pistons moving.

“I want everyone to fight! I want every ounce of your strength… I want Minecraft back….”
As he yelled out to the soilders, men and women line up, some looked confident, courageous… they looked like they could be stop at nothing…. But, they were wrong, there is a person, no, a thing that can even destroy the fabric of Minecraft…. The creature is called…. Herobrine….

“For Minecraft!” The battle has begun… The Last Battle For Minecraft….

“We need every thing you got…”

Clashing of swords and axes, the bouncing sounds of strings when an arrow was released.
The sky was black…. ground was mixed with white and green… but the white was dissapearing and the green was expending… You what know the white and green means…. White are the NPCs fighting for their glory, green are the zombies called by Herobrine

At the end…. no one knows what happedned…. Did the Chosen One come at the right time? Did every thing go well?

Maybe you know the answer…. You can see villagers with pride and courageous faces, towns rebuilt, iron golems taking rests… But at the edge of Minecraft, there are evil….

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