
Chapter 2: The Battle With Salaburn

Gameknight and Kane breathed a long sigh of relief. Realising that they could not tolerate any more loss of life, they both drew their enchanted swords and prepared for the final battle. “How did you escape that?! WELL, IT DOESN’T MATTER AT ALL! I am just warming up!” Salaburn cackled in a blood-curdling scream that would strike fear into the heart of even the most seasoned warriors. The two companions ran toward the vile beast, swinging their swords and landing hit after hit, but even that wasn’t enough to overwhelm the Monster Lord.

Hurling fireball after fireball and destroying more and more of the Village made Salaburn feel some sort of evil happiness as he enjoyed erasing the NPC’s houses from his new kingdom, the entire Overworld. His eyes were tinted with a touch of glee and hatred as he destroyed more and more of the Village before him, until eventually it was no more. By then, The-User-That-Is-Not-A-User and Kane had done quite a bit of damage to Salaburn as the Monster King wasn’t focused on destroying them for quite a while as he wanted to obliterate the Village before he tackled with the ‘puny coward’ that was Gameknight. When he had finished however, Salaburn cast his glance down to beneath himself, and he saw his two main enemies striking his inner organs in an attempt to murder the destroyer of Shontaka Village.

Upon seeing this, Salaburn laughed to himself and without even using his full strength, he flung them away effortlessly with a single hit from his Fiery Sword that had been forged by his Maker, Herobrine, himself. It had multiple different Knockback enchantments applied to it in order to help the Monster Lord defend himself as well as Sharpness V to deal as much damage as possible to any intruders. Gameknight999 screamed in utter agony as he was flung to the edge of what used to be the Village’s cobblestone wall. For a moment he drifted off to sleep, dreaming about how much fun he had had with his friends before the catastrophe, but he was woken by the User Kane, who had also suffered major damage from the strike. “Stay with me Gameknight! Stay with me!” Kane said to him in a concerned voice. “Don’t worry, I am here!” The-User-That-Is-Not-A-User replied, and they both hugged each other and sighed to themselves.

“How can we let this happen! We were the protectors of our friends and we have failed them!” Gameknight moaned sadly, as he thought of all the innocent villages who had lost their lives in the conflict. “Fisher, Farmer, Woodcutter” he thought to himself as he pictured their faces, and for once in his Minecraft adventure, he started to cry. “Are you sure that you are the only ones alive?” exclaimed a familiar voice from behind them. They spun around. “Hunter! Digger! Herder! Crafter! Is that really you guys?” They both exclaimed, overjoyed. “Of course it is! Didn’t you expect us to have survived that stupid fireball?” Hunter responded accusingly. “Well it doesn’t matter anyway, because we are about to end this monster’s reign once and for all!”

To be continued…

Well, I’ll try to get back to you soon! Bye!


From Aidan

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