
Chapter 3: going to nether 1

Gameknight turned back to look at his army of villagers, he knew that here will be a big fight, and he is prepared, he and his army walk through the portal 1 by 1, and when the vision is cleared, gameknight and his friends are all astonished, before them stood the biggest fortress… or… a bastion?
      Suddenly a army of hundreds of wither skeletons walk out of the bastion, and the villagers readied themselves to a fight, but the leader, the wither king, who is now riding a wither skeleton horse, come down to meet them
      “I see you are ready, welp, if that’s so, then, let’s go before charybdis realize what we are doing” the wither skeleton said
      Nobody said anything, they are all afraid of the blazes, finally, gameknight said:” let’s go, wither skeleton”
      After a seemingly forever walk, finally, a fortress appeared in the villagers and wither skeletons’ vision.
      “There it is, i bet it is the blazes’ base” hunter shouted
      “Shhhhhhh, we don’t want them to hear us, this is not the final attack, this is just a test” the wither king said
      “What? You expect me to believe that you didn’t bring your full army?” hunter snapped back
      “If you think this is it, then you are wrong, i have easily another thoudsa-” wither king haven’t finished his sentence when a line of fire balls hit the ground before the wither king
     “Welp, i guess this chat is for later” wither skeleton shrugged
      “VILLAGERS, ATTACK!!!” Gameknight shouted at the top of his voice, “ FOR MINECRAFT!”
      “Villagers invading our fortress, blazes, attack” a voice was sounded on the fortress, it’s the voice gameknight can never forget
      “Charybdis” gameknight hissed, “i can’t believe he is actually back”
       “It’s not the time for chatting, we need to attack or we will being attacked” hunter scowded after she shot a volley of 3 flamming arrows to the blazes
        “Wither skeleton archers, fire on those blazes, spider jockeys, go distract the blazes and swordsmens, push forward on the fortress, and have the diggers go mine up their fortress walls, and make a stairways for the villagers to go up to” the wither king start barking out commands to his subjects, “THE REAL BATTLE HAVE BEGUN”

Chapter 4: more blazes

Gameknight and the wither king stand back to back, killing the blazes and the pigmans foolish enough to try to kill them, suddenly, the nether air is filled with a million mechanical wheezing sounds.
      “MORE???” Hunter shouted, her voice is barely audible over the sound of blazes and pigman, “I thought that’s all of them!”
      “ i am sorry, but it’s not all of them, just like us wither skeletons, they are also stocking up on there force, so, this is definitely not all of charybdis’ blazes”
    Suddenly, a volley of 3 fireballs landed on the wither king
    “You okay?” gameknight reached out to pull the wither king up
    The wither king only grunted and pull out his very own enchanted bow, and fired at charybdis, who dodged all of them
     “Ha, you think THIS pathetic bow can kill me?” charybdis screamed, “you are your pathetic wither skeletons will beg for mercy, but you will receive none!!!”
    Gameknight look at the wither king, his eye blazing bright with hatred, it looks like charybdis have enraged him
    “…” wither king didn’t say anything, he look at charybdis and aim his bow at him, and fired, arrows after arrows, all landed on the blaze, who flashed red over and over, the other blazes turn and fired fireballs at him, but he didn’t even bother to block all of those attacks, he just keep on firing arrow at charybdis, finally, hsi arrows run out, the wither king look at charybdis, and turned to help the others
    “We can get over it” gameknight reassured him
    “I don’t really care about it anymore, i just want to kill that blaze, with my own hand” the wither king yelled at gameknight
    After the battle, gameknight saw piles of inventory littering the nether, there is easily 10 piles… ten lives been lost in this battle, but, the exchange is winning the battle with charybdis and knows what he is doing
    “Hey, gameknight” someone shouted behind him, he turned around and found crafter sprinting toward him.
   “What’s wrong, crafter?” asked gameknight, clearly confused “you found something?”
    “I found a map of the nether in the fortress, it have all fortress in the nether marked”
     “Wow, i never knew blazes have mappers” a voice interrupted, it’s hunter, “i never seen something like that”
    “Maybe we can find out” digger’s booming voice was sounded
    “But the fortress are huge, filled with danger, just like a zombie town in the overworld” stitcher is now joining their conversation
     “Maybe we can ask the wither skeleton over there” hunter suggested
     “Good idea, hunter” gameknight said, “let’s ask him”

Chapter 5: going back

The wither king is now leading the army back into his very own fortress, and now, the villagers can give closer look at it.
     “Wow, it have watchtowers, walls, and huge torches lit by the glow stones, i never seen a fortress like THAT” hunter exclaimed
     “It was astonishing indeed…” crafter’s ancient eye is now filled with excitement, and the excitement faded to a determined scowl when he saw hundreds of wither skeletons aiming bows at the intruders.
      “Put down you damn god bows, idiots, can’t you see I am with them?”  the wither king is now starting to shout at the wither skeletons at the wall before anyone is quick enough to draw their weapons, “and open the gate, i have an emergency meeting to make for our friend here and the other trusted generals, if any of you slow me down, i’ll destroy him!”
      2 Wither skeleton came forward and opened the gate, with the wither king storming in, and with an army of villagers following him.
      “Here, have these,” the wither king handing each one of the villager a nether star “this is a symbol of my trusted general, so nobody will dare harm you, and, there are markets there selling nether goodies for overworld materials” he pointed toward a line of sheds and houses down the left.
         Gameknight held up the nether star, it’s glowing bright white, as if it was saying “i’ll protect you in this fortress”, and the strangest thing is, it is glowing brighter than the normal nether star he had as a user, a long time ago, after he killed a wither
        “What is on the right side of the castle?” Hunter asked, and gameknight then realized, standing before them is a huge and, the most magnificent castle gameknight has ever seen.
         “Oh, there? That is the place for the wither skeletons to train and make weapons for the others, and, ofcourse, it’s also a place for relaxing, and behind the castle is the cafeteria, and the place to put the things they looted in different places” wither king replied and try to make the word looted sound normal
         “Anyways, while the other villagers is looking around, i’d say… the leader of this army, now come with me to go talk about what we will do next” the wither king is now trying to distract the villagers, and it seems like it’s working perfectly, “with my very trusted generals”

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