It has been months since gameknight999 has been defeated by herobrine, everyone thought it was over, until suddenly a new user-that-is-not-a-user came Gameknight? Crafter asked. “No its me, ironman20212332, i heard what happened and came into the game. But gameknights ok in the physical world. He is just in the hospital. “Werent you the kid that helped gameknight defeat thanos? Crafter asked. “Yes but i changed my gamertag. “Ironman replied. “Why? Crafter asked. “Because i got made fun of because of it. And im going to stop herobrine now! “Ironman replied. Suddenly herobrine telported in front of ironman20212332 then ironman drew his netherite sword and stabed him, causing him to flash red. What was that? “Herobrine asked? “Ironman didnt reply he charged at herobrine drew his diamond sword with his left hand and kept slashing at herobrine. “This… is… for… gameknight! Ironman yelled. Then he did something unexpected he did a double front flip and slashed both swords at herobrine causing him to dissapear with a pop and his xp fell in lava
This is good! Write more!
Thank you. Even though i released this over 2 years ago. Im currently working on a story called Humanity trapped in Minecraft. It’s about what would happen if everyone on earth was trapped in minecraft.