
Chapter 1

Jim Tim was farming in his field when he noticed some villagers running fast and screaming as he looked over his shoulder. He saw pillagers with grey noses and crossbows in their hands shooting the villagers, gradually killing them one by one . Then the warriors came out to defend the villagers. Once Jim Tim noticed what was happening, and after feeling petrified for a few seconds, Jim Tim ran to his house to hide. Jim Tim ran to his house and when he entered he yelled “We are being attacked. Hide!” His wife, Tiffany, was surprised and didn’t know if he was joking because in the past he played jokes on her. Then she heard screaming and footsteps and she believed him.

Tiffany was wearing a pink shirt with purple pants. She had brown eyes and one of the smallest noses in town, while Jim Tim had one of the biggest noses in town along with blue eyes. They went into the basement to hide from what was happening. Then a warrior that went in their house ant found them in the basement. Then he said that Jim Tim had to go fight but Jim Tim didn’t want to fight. The king of the pillagers came into the village and then he join the battle.

Chapter 2

The king of the pillagers came in the village and started killing more villagers. Jim Tim went to battle the pillagers. He was scared at first, then he got the hang of killing pillagers. The king of the pillagers saw him and noticed he was killing his pillagers easily. The king decided to go fight Jim Tim. He fired an arrow at him. Jim Tim looked back and noticed the arrow coming at him, so he put his sword to his face to block it. The king of the pillagers was the only pillager that can carry a bow. The arrow deflected off the sword and hit the king of the pillagers. Then the king disappeared. All of pillagers stood in shock

and then ran away.

 Chapter 3

The villagers started regrouping to get out of the village just in case there were more attacks. They started their journey to find another village to stay at. They had travelled 1000 blocks now and still haven’t found a village. The leader of the group was named Rim. He decided to start a camp near a forest to rest. Rim started giving out jobs to the people. Jim Tim got the job of putting fences around the camp so mobs can’t get in. Rim started to make sure everyone had their tents ready. Jim Tim couldn’t go to sleep he decided to help the night watchmen.

He walked over to help the night watchmen. He looked around but just didn’t see him anywhere. When Jim Tim wasn’t looking a whole mob army filled with zombies and pillagers were shooting fire arrows at the tents. Jim Tim yelled for everyone to wake up but no one answered.


Chapter 4

When no one was answering he stopped yelling and he went to go check on them, but no one was there. He saw no one in sight and the mob army was getting closer and closer. He went to get his sword but it wasn’t there. He didn’t have his armor or his weapons. He tried running but the mobs were too fast. He got hit by an arrow. It didn’t hurt him, but his heath went down. He didn’t know what to do.

 An arrow came at his face right before it hit him and then he woke up.


Chapter 5

When Jim Tim woke up he screamed so loud that almost everyone heard him. Everyone woke up except for his wife Tiffany and his two friends Weddle and Justin because they were all very heavy sleepers. Everyone was confused. Bart asked, “What happened and what’s wrong?” Bart was one of Jim Tim’s neighbours. He had blond hair and was a little bit taller than the others. Jim Tim said “Nothing’s wrong.” as they got ready to go and find a village.

A whole mob army started coming at them at full speed shooting arrows. He thought what if it was another dream but then he got hit by a arrow and it hurt he had one heart left. He was confused because bows shouldn’t be that strong. The mobs were getting closer. People were dying and someone pushed him into the battle. He needed to fight so he started fighting.

Soon enough there was one mob left. It was a baby zombie with diamond armour he had armour everywhere except he had no helmet. The baby zombie was so good he took out 15 people like it was nothing. No one could stop him but all of a sudden he ran off. Everyone was confused then the sun started coming up so everyone realized what had happened. Jim Tim looked around and saw a helmet on the ground. It was the baby zombie’s helmet. It was diamond so Jim Tim put the helmet in his inventory. It had the best enchants in the game. He looked around. Lots of people were tired and some weren’t so he decided to take a 5-minute break then go find another village. The leader of the army was gone and the next position for the leader was Jim Tim.


Chapter 6

Jim Tim yelled “Listen!” to get everyone’s attention and said “We need to get everyone out of here. The mobs know where we are.” “Start getting your stuff and let’s move.” Jim Tim said. Once everyone got their stuff they started to move.

When they were packing he noticed they had no food. Jim Tim started asking people one by one how much food they had. He noticed everyone had no food. So he sent a small team to get lots of food. It came night time again and they still weren’t back. Jim Tim started thinking about what happened back at the battle how he dreamed about a battle, and then one happened. But in his dream there were no people but in the battle there were people. He kept thinking about it. Then someone came to talk to him and said. “We have no more food.” and more people came to him and said the same thing. So he went to get everyones attention and said “the next morning we will get more food.”But the team still wasn’t back.  Then he went to sleep.


Chapter 7

Jim Tim woke up and got everyone to get up. He was surprised that he didn’t dream anything. The team of people that Jim Tim had sent to get food came back. The team Jim Tim had sent only came back with 2 people but Jim Tim had sent 5. They all looked beat up they were bleeding all over. Jim Tim asked them what had happened. Ronald McDonald, one of the members of the search party, started talking about what happened and he said “When we were resting a couple creepers came up behind us. The rest of the people had stopped the explosion from hitting us but didn’t survive.

Jim Tim looked what they came back with. It was enough food and water to last  3 months which would be enough to find a village.


Chapter 8

“We have been walking for thousands of blocks. When are going to find a village?”said one the warriors. “Night time is near so let’s rest” someone

yelled out and Jim Tim agreed. Jim Tim didn’t want to go to sleep because what happened last time so he stayed on guard for the night.

When it was morning he was very tried because he had stayed on guard for the night so Jim Tim had to sleep on one of the horses to get some rest.

The army kept on walking to try to find a village.

Jim Tim woke up because one of the soldiers woke him up. When Jim Tim woke up he saw a village and led the army headed to the village. Jim Tim was so happy that the army had finally found a village.

As they headed to the village they saw villagers but they looked weird they had red belts around them. Jim Tim went to go to talk to them about what had happened to their village and why they were trying to find a village. They didn’t answer Jim Tim. They weren’t talking.

A soldier named John pointed to a very tall tower. Jim Tim started walking to the tower because it looked like the leader would be there.The tower had all sorts of blocks around it. Jim Tim went inside the tower and found a person praying.

 Jim Tim asked what’s going on. The king spoke with anger raging within him. “Why are you not praying to me?” asked the king. Jim Tim was confused. Looking around the building he saw gold blocks on the floor. Jim Tim spoke. “I  am a outsider searching for a a village to stay at with the others.” “Others?” the king said. “Yeah, there are 30 other people with me” Jim Tim said.  The king asked “Why are you here?” Jim Tim explained what happened to the village and the army to the king.

When Jim Tim was done explaining to the king, the king said “I will make you another village to stay in but I need your help with something in return. I need you to kill the king of the pillagers. When you do the job your village shall be ready.”

“Okay” Jim Tim said with confidence. “Do you have a army I can have to help with the job?” The king said “I will give you 50 of men to help you in the battle.


Chapter 9

Jim Tim got the whole army ready for the battle. The king gave Jim Tim a map leading him to find the main base where the king of the pillagers should be. Jim Tim took the army in the direction the map was telling Jim Tim to go. The army was getting close to the base while  everyone was talking about what happened in the village. Jim Tim was trying to think of a plan to make. He knew the king of the pillagers has a bow unlike the other pillagers.

Jim Tim remembered that he had vanished in the battle. “Was he already dead?” he thought to himself. If he was dead did someone replace him? What happened?

 He also remembered that he didn’t drop exp when he disappeared. He started to think of the possibilities of what happened. Then Jim Tim realized what happened. Jim Tim and the army was 100 blocks away now and getting closer.

The building had dark oak logs in the corners with oak planks filling the building. It was very towering. Jim Tim told the army to get ready for what was going happen. Jim Tim told them the plan.

They charged the base. The pillagers noticed the army coming at them. The pillagers started attacking the army but the army was to strong. Then Jim Tim joined the battle to help, charging forward, killing 15 pillagers while the army got inside the base.

The villagers heard a call. A weird loud call. Then beasts started coming out. “There’s like 35 of them!” someone said. They were coming straight at the army. Jim Tim had to think fast. The room was 50 blocks long and 20 blocks tall. JimTim yelled “Build up!”and everyone started to build up. Everyone built up to 7 blocks. Jim Tim then said “Take out your bows and start firing.” The beasts started dying one by one. it was all going well until 10 beasts with evokers on them came out.

Evokers used there magic to attack and kill, even though soldiers were up on blocks, killing 15 of the people with their magic. Everyone was stunned at what just happened.

The archers started firing their bows at them. “Aim for the evokers” someone said. The archers started firing their bows at the evokers, killing one by one until there were none left.

After killing the last evoker, everyone was tired. Jim Tim started counting to see how many they had lost in the small battle. They had lost 24 people.

Jim Tim looked down and realized how hard this was actually going be. Jim Tim started thinking about how tall the building is. It had about 3 floors. Then he had just remembered he had forgotten his extra armour back at the carriage. Jim Tim told one of the army members to keep the army in place while he went to get his extra armour.

As Jim Tim was going to the carriage he noticed movement in the carriage. Drawing his sword, he slowly went to the carriage. Jim Tim ran forward and opened the door so fast the thing in there jumped. Jim Tim noticed it was Tiffany, his wife. “What are you doing here?” Jim Tim said in a confused voice. “I just wanted to help you with your mission.” Tiffany said. “You shouldn’t be here. It’s not safe here.” “I just wanted to help you” Tiffany said. Jim Tim noticed she was wearing his spare armor. “If you really want to” Jim Tim said. Jim Tim and Tiffany both went inside everyone was ready to go further.

Chapter 10

Jim Tim,Tiffany and the army walked up the crooked stairs. The stairs had tiny cracks in them making creaking sounds as they walked up them. They were now on the 2nd floor. It had obsidian as the floor, the black stone shining bright almost like a sun. There was nothing there. Just 4 poles holding the roof up.

Jim Tim walked forward with the army slowly looking everywhere but nothing was there. Then Jim Tim heard banging. Jim Tim looked up. there was a whole army of pillagers falling down. They didn’t take too much damage because they weren’t that high.

The pillagers began firing their arrows at the army. Jim Tim yelled to charge forward. The army went forward as fast as the could. It was a cacophony  of pillagers dying and yelling.

Jim Tim noticed that Tiffany was having trouble with fighting so he went to go help her fight. There was now 5 pillagers left. They were the hardest ones but Jim Tim killed them from behind when they weren’t looking.

Everyone looked dejected. Jim Tim stood in confusion as he looked at the faces of the people. Noticing that there was now 13 people left in the army, Jim Tim got everyone’s attention by yelling “Get up everyone. We are getting ready to get to the next floor.”

As they were walking to the stairs Jim Tim had noticed  the stairs were made of diamonds, the blue shining bright across the room. There were no damage to be seen on the stairs. As they walked up the stairs, Jim Tim got ready for what was about to happen. This time the stairs were on a angle so they could have a peak before they went in. Jim Tim raised his hand to stop the army. As he took a peak inside the room, he noticed the floor was made of all kinds of ores diamond, iron, gold ,coal and emeralds. It was fancy and the lights were covering up the dark spots.

There then saw 50 beasts, 30 pillagers and 10

Evokers. Jim Tim had a plan. Jim Tim said, “Archers,  build up and shoot at them and swordsmen, get the pillagers. I will get the Evokers.” The army  charged in busting the door down.

Chapter 11

Jim Tim went straight to the evokers killing one right away with his enchanted diamond sword. The evokers were chanting their spells in a whole different language. Jim Tim knew if he killed them before they finished their spells nothing will happen so he started swinging his sword as fast as he could, killing 5 of them like it was nothing. The rest of the evokers finished their spells.

The spells hit Jim Tim like a bullet taking 3 of his hearts. Jim Tim didn’t care. He kept going, swinging his sword even faster, killing the rest of the evokers.

Jim Tim looked back to the army and they were taking a beating. There were still 30 beasts and 10 pillagers. He ran as fast as he could to help kill the pillagers. Putting his sword straight, he started to kill the pillagers until there was none left. Jim Tim went to go help kill the beasts. He had something he was hiding. He pulled out a stack of TNT and started to place it around the beasts. He then lit it, blowing up the all of the beasts and making a small hole in the ground. There were now no more enemies in sight.

Jim Tim noticed there were 3 people left in the army. There was his wife Tiffany, Rod and someone he didn’t recognize. He was wearing a cloak and he had enchanted bow. Jim Tim’s eyes opened wide once he realized who it was. Charging at the strange person, Jim Tim putting his sword straight. Jim Tim knocked off the guy’s cloak with his sword revealing that he was the king of the pillagers.

The king of the pillagers drew his sword. The king of the pillagers has a sword and a bow in both hands Jim Tim said in his mind confused.

Rod came up behind the king of the pillagers and tried to hit him but the king of the pillagers took something and threw it at him.

Rod couldn’t move. Jim Tim noticed it was a weakness potion and then the king of pillagers threw another one at Tiffany so the two of them couldn’t move. The king of the pillagers reached in his pocket for another potion but he didn’t have any more.

The king of the pillagers then charged at Jim Tim with his sword without even thinking. Jim Tim blocked it with his sword. They started to fight sword to sword, the sounds of the clanking filling the air. Jim Tim was getting hit a lot and the king of the pillagers was getting hit a lot but Jim Tim was getting hit more. He had something he could do but he didn’t think he could pull it off. iIt’s too risky, Jim Tim thought. Then, he started to run away from the battle.

Jim Tim reached a wall. Then Jim Tim reached in his inventory for something and came back into the battle with 2 swords in his hands. Jim Tim was dual wielding. Dual wielding is a hard skill to learn but Jim Tim still knew some stuff about it.

Going straight to the king of the pillagers as fast as he could go, Jim Tim started swinging his swords as fast as he could. It was so fast that it was just a blur and he was doing lots of damage to the king of the pillagers. He was so confident that the king of the pillagers was going to die.

Then the king of the pillagers took out his a shield and started to block the attacks from Jim Tim, putting his bow was back in his inventory. Jim Tim knew if he messed up he would fail and lose the battle. He kept going and going but he started to miss then he missed by a lot and the king of the pillagers attacked him head on. It was over. He had lost. I lost the battle, he said in is mind as he saw the the king of the pillager’s sword coming right at him.

Then his wife Tiffany jumped in the way, getting hit by the king of the pillager’s sword. She had overthrown the weakness potion and saved Jim Tim.

Jim Tim ran to her, dropping his sword and picked her up. He was going to get a heal potion but her HP was dropping too fast. He couldn’t do anything to help her and right be for she died she said, “Don’t give up. Keep going.” Tiffany was gone.

Then lots of blocks and armour were on the ground. Jim Tim was Devastated at what had just happened. Jim Tim picked up his 2 swords and started swinging at the king of the pillagers effortlessly. “How weak.” said the king of the pillagers.

The king of the pillagers stabbed Jim Tim, his heath slowly depleting. Jim Tim’s hearts were reaching lower and lower. “You are so weak you know” said the king of the pillagers.

Then Jim Tim remembered his wife’s last words. Don’t give up. With his last bit of strength, he charged through the king of the pillager’s sword and stabbed the king of the pillagers with his two swords, killing the king. The king’s sword and everything he had disappeared in the air.

Jim Tim had 1 heart left. He was about to fall over but then Rod caught him before he fell over. “You’re good. Your job is over for now.”

Jim Tim woke up at a village in front of the weird king. Your village is ready as your reward for what you have done. You are a hero.

Jim Tim started to walk to the new village. It looked just like the old village. He was happy but sad at the same time because what had happened to his wife.

Jim Tim went on with his life being a farmer and getting food and water for the village.

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