
 Monet’s adventure

(this was based on a dream I had last night. Hope you like it.” 


The battle between monsters and men. I dashed through the battlements with my bow in hand. Five zombies lumbered towards me. I raised my bow and shot an arrow in one’s heart. I kicked another in the head and he sailed over the battle and disappeared into the woods. The other zombie began running for me. I raised my shield and he bounced off the tip of it. The last two ganged up on me but I did an old trick I learned from my brother. I reached into my inventory and pulled out two swords. With one quick movement I stuck a sword in each of the zombies. A skeleton arrow shot towards me. I raised my shield and the arrow bounced off it and hit the skeleton. I was just getting a bit confident that I might win this when Entity 303 teleported to me. “Hello Monet113. How are you doing? Lovely day isn’t it.” I leaped back and took off running towards the trees. No  matter how brave I was I was not ready to face Entity 303 without Gameknight999. Suddenly Entity 303 threw an egg right at me. I ducked and the egg hit the ground next to me. A phantom appeared where the egg had been moments before. I grabbed my bow and got ready to fire an arrow when the phantom snatched it away. It tossed it to a skeleton who nodded it’s thanks and began shooting arrows at the NPC’S who ran away in panic. I had to smile. That bow was a masterpiece. A sudden pain in the back jerked back to reality. The phantom had sunk its claws into my back. It then lifted me from the ground higher and higher off the ground. Just then a bright light emitted from the sky. A strange winged creature began moving. It had a zombie sword arm, a skeleton bow arm. A cave spider poison arm, Endermen teleporting particles, an ender dragon head, ghast tentacles, and a crown on the head. Thousands more of them appeared just without the crown. Hunter and Stitcher raised their bows. But two phantoms snatched the bows away. Gameknight999 ran out of the woods followed by an army of users. The users raised their bows and fired. A fleet of arrows hit one of those thingies. It flashed red and exploded. The explosion killed all the users and caused Oxus who was helping us fight explode which caused dozens of NPC’S to die. The only ones remaining were Gameknight, Herder. Hunter Stitcher, Crafter, Digger, and half a dozen light crafters. The phantom that was holding me suddenly began flying away. Faster and faster until I was in a completely different part of the woods. Then the phantom teleported to the End where thousands of phantoms circled around The phantom dropped me and a slime block appeared in front of me. I hit the block and bounced into the void. I fell down and down until I hit cobblestone. I looked around to see I was on  a cobblestone island. In front of me was Malocoda. He must have landed here when
Erebus threw him off. I began to mine the cobblestone, quickly collecting it before it got into the void. Soon I had mined all of the cobblestone. Malacoda still didnt move. I realized he was made of blocks. I mined the blocks and began to build the tower up, up up. Soon I was at the End island. I climbed onto it and immediately was greeted by a swarm of phantoms. One of them lifted me up and carried me to a giant fortress. He dropped me into it. The second I landed,  an Endermen wrapped his clammy arms around me and teleported into a bedrock room that was two blocks high and one block long and wide. I could barely move. I hit the bedrock as hard as I could but it didn’t budge. I started to cry.


Meanwhile back in the physical world I paced the basement in a panic. Dad wasn’t supposed to come back for another hour. I needed him to drive Me to Mojang so I could get to NOTCH. Once I made sure my friends were OK I travelled into the physical world. I had then called Dad and told him to come home immediately. Finally Dad arrived. “We need to get to mojang.” I said. 

“No,” said Dad. “You’re always getting yourself in danger and you need to stop.”

“But Enity303 is back.”

“All the more reason to stay.”

In desperation I said,

 “But dad, he has Monet.” Dad stopped. All of the color in his face drained away. He looked like he was ready to faint. Finally he said,  

“Lets go.” 


I strolled down my fortress battlements watching my phantom jockeys practicing their dives        With the Endermen on their backs. We needed lots of fancy tricks to give the User-that-is-not-a-user a warm welcome. We also had party decorations that included a lava moat, hidden arrow dispensers, and a warning sign. For entertainment I had planned a duel to death between me and him. I had asked my zombie chef to bake thousands of cookies and cakes for the monsters to eat while Gameknight was destroyed. I had also programmed a bedrock room to surround him for five physical world minutes that was see-through so he could watch his sister hanging from a rope. Dangling from a pit full of lava. Once again surrounded by bedrock. Last of all I instructed my monsters to obey Gameknight if he defeated me and to set his sister free no matter what. Because unlike Herobrine I had no quarrel with Monet113 and respected a better fighter than me. I walked to a room and pulled a lever. Immediately the sounds of water began to trickle through the fortress. I walked over to the prison cell and set myself in X-ray mode and watched as Monet began to panic as more water began to enter her cell. Just as she was about to suffocate I flipped a switch and the water disappeared. Monet began to beat the bedrock wall as hard as she could. I laughed wickedly knowing that she was never going to escape                


Meanwhile I had given up trying to break the bedrock and was now trying to find a comfortable spot. Soon I gave up on that and began thinking to myself Gameknight will come. Gameknight will come. But I was even giving up on that. Eventually I began thinking about all the things that could happen that would get me out of this predicament but I gave up. Even if Gameknight did find a way here and managed to defeat the monsters he would still have to break through bedrock. I thought about asking Shawny to go into creative mode and get me out but I was afraid that the monsters would be programmed to attack users in creative mode. I then realized that Gameknight could go into creative mode and get me out but I realized that was impossible because Herobrine modified this Server to be in bedrock addition so creative mode couldn’t break through bedrock. It sounded so impossible and I realized that the only way to get Gameknight to get to me was if he managed to find an Enderman that would help him. In this situation it seemed a bit impossible. My knees began to shake. I had been standing for so long that I couldn’t move them anymore. Not that I could anyway. I leaned on the wall and tried to fall asleep. Eventually I felt so tired that I lost a heart. I eventually began to lose hearts just for them to be replenished.


I stepped out of the car and boarded the boat. After a long drive me and dad had finally reached the dock. As I boarded the boat I noticed that I was getting strange looks. (After all, I was carrying a Tsar Bomba, a XVR 460 Magnum gun,  an Ender dragon spawn egg and an Ender dragon tamer in my hands. But then people noticed my dad and looked away guessing it was nothing more than one of his crazy inventions.) We boarded the ship and soon after that it departed from the dock. As the land faded away I walked to our cabin and collapsed on my bed. It was going to be a long trip.


As I lay in my room I heard knocking on the door. I opened it to see my Agrippa (the new beast that Enity303 created) knocking on the door. 

“Come in,” I said. 

“Master,” Agrippa said. “I am detecting a battle. I teleported to the scene and saw Gameknight999 battling the ender dragon alone. What should I do.”

“Teleport to the sight and poison him. Then use the injector so Gameknight will feel the pain. Just before he dies give him milk and teleport away,” I said. The Agrippa nodded and teleported away. I looked at the sight and laughed. Soon I was going to take over minecraft and the physical world and no one no one could stop me.


Eventually I heard noises. At first I thought Gameknight had finally come but I realized that it was just the sounds of zombies running down the corridor. One of them began having an argument with another one about how they were going to make it to fighting practice if the other zombie was constantly drinking milk. Once they passed I felt a stinging in my chest. I looked down to see a cave spider sinking one of its claws in my stomach. I howled in pain. My hearts slowly deplenished little by little until they were nothing but a small sliver. Right before I was about to die. The three zombies appeared. One of them lifted me onto a table that had suddenly appeared. Another zombie tied me to the table. The last zombie poured a bucket of milk down my throat. Then after my hearts had replenished The table disappeared and the zombies walked out of the door. I fell to the floor and flashed red. I tried to scramble to go to the door but it slammed shut in my face. I fell to the floor and tried to get up but I couldn’t. I was stuck face first against the floor.


I was trying to defeat the Ender dragon to get its End island portal when one of those weird creatures that Enity303 created teleported next to me. It stung me hard in the leg and shot me with some weird kind of gun. Immediately I felt horrible pain even though I was playing Minecraft on my dad’s laptop. I felt my heart’s deplenishing. Just before I was about to die. A bucket appeared on the Endstone. I quickly drank it and my hearts replenished. I got up and shot an arrow at the last of the crystals. The crystal exploded. I began focusing my attention on the dragon. I shot a bucket load of arrows at it and it disappeared. Leaving behind the portal home and the dragon egg. Ignoring the items I searched desperately for the End island portal. Finally It appeared. I leaped through the portal and began zooming through the islands. Soon A bedrock fortress appeared out of the gloom. With releaf I traveled back to Crafter’s village. When I got there. I disconnected from the server and turned around. My dad had just put the finishing touches on the new Digitizer. We hooked it up to the laptop and I prepared to set off. I positioned myself at the laptop. Dad turned on the digitizer. I could hear the buzzing of hornets and a big blast of light. When I woke up I could hear pigs, cows, and chickens.


I stood at the battlements and watched the approaching army of NPC’S. At the front was Gameknight999. He pointed his sword at me. 

“Kill him.” he commanded. Hunter and Stitcher raised their bows but two cave spiders poisoned them. They fell to the ground. The NPC’S paused for a minute to give them milk but that was all it took. Thousands of skeletons shot volleys of arrows. An arrow pierced Stitcher and she disappeared, her HP diminished. “ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,” howled Gameknight999. He raised his sword and charged into the fray of zombies massing at the front of the wall. The zombies vanished with one strike as Gameknight fell on them. In seconds they were gone. Gameknight999 broke down the door and charged into the fortress. Meanwhile Hunter was just standing there too shocked to move. All of the peace and all of the need not to kill monsters was killed with Stitcher. Finally she pointed her bow at the wall and fired. The arrow sailed over the wall and nearly missed me. Eight more arrows missed me. Fianaly Hunter ran out of arrows and drew a diamond sword and charged into the fortress. I suddenly realized that I’d made a grave mistake. By killing Stitcher I had made mortal enemies of both Gameknight and Hunter. I looked at my Agrippa. The message was clear. Slow them down while I took the gateway of light back to my fortress in Alabama. The agrippa charged down the corridor. Soon I could hear the sounds of fighting in the distance. I began to type in Chat E-X-I   CRASH. The door exploded into pieces. Gameknight and Hunter charged in. “There’s nowhere to go,” said Gameknight999.

“Yeah,” said Hunter. “It’s time to die.” 

“You’re wrong,” I said. There’s on way to go.” -T. A bright beam of light shined out from me. It got brighter and brighter and brighter until I vanished


The sounds of fighting echoed from the cell walls. I  huddled in my cell waiting and waiting for it to be over. Finally the fighting stopped and an Enderman teleported into my cell. It grabbed me and teleported me out. Outside Crafter, Herder, and Digger were gathered around me. I looked at them for a minute then my exhaustion took over. I collapsed.

When I woke up I  was in bed. Outside I could see the village. Crafter opened the door. 

“Hello how are you.” 

“Good,” I managed to say. Crafter nodded. It’s time to go home. I smiled. I was ready.


Me and Hunter sat on the wall. Hunter was crying and I had my arm around her. The two of us had just caught Enity303 when he had taken the gateway of light home. Hunter laid her head on my shoulder and cried harder. I stroked her hair until she stopped sobbing and sniffled a couple times until she stopped all together. 

“I’m going after him.” I said. 

“I’m going with you,” Hunter said. I didn’t protest. I hugged her and she hugged me back. I smiled and typed in my mind E-X-I–T and the light enveloped us.               

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