
The rise of Erebus book 8 by Judah Davidoff

Watcher stepped through the portal and was greeted with the scream, “get him.” Normally Watcher would have immediately called a retreat but today was not the day. Today Watcher would end this ones and for all. Fifteen Endermen teleported directly towards him. Before any of them could strike Watcher threw a bucket of Water on the ground the Endermen flashed red and disappeared.

“Nice one” said Mason recently none as NOTCH.

“Really good” said Gameknight999.

“Awesome” said Monkeypants2000.

“Whatever.” Said Watcher “healing potion. Winger tossed him one and Watcher shot at lady Char. It hit some invisible barrier and exploded. But in a flash of light Lady Char became some weird looking lump of brown.

“What’s that” said Blaster. It’s called poop said Gameknight999.

“Whatever it is it smells said Mirthrandos 

“Has anyone got  toilet paper” said Gameknight999.

“what said Watcher

“never mind said Gameknight999. Just then a gigantic roar shook the ground a dragon flew in to existence and shot a fire ball at the ground. Eight warriors died.

“Nooooo” screamed Watcher.

“Destroy the crystals” said Mirthrandos they heal him.

Eight minutes later the last crystal was destroyed and the dragon was almost out of Health Points Watcher hit him with an arrow and it died in a bright flash of light leaving behind a dragon egg and a portal home made out of bedrock. Watcher drew Needle and cut Planter free. “Come on” he said “let’s go home” just then a terrifying chuckle sounded. Watcher turned around and gasped. It was Erebus.    

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