
Supply Room Explanation:


The Supply Room is a futuristic-looking area with a sleek, polished look to it. Here, a center platform is accessed by another platform that moves on its own to allow the occupant in question to operate the console that is located at the very center.

Sierra AI operates the room’s functions and responds to the visitor’s every command. The room is mainly used to manufacture very advanced androids, or robots in general, even useful futuristic gadgets.

Currently seen creations:

J-1527: Jennifer Niron

J-1590: Jennifer

G-1297: Genevieve

L-2395: Louise

R-1250: Rocket Raccoon Replica

A-3020: Ali

C-137: Christy

S-2409: Simon

S-1046: Sunan

L-1509: Louise

H-1937: Hikaru

S-0125: Senfu

J-2054: Jennifer Springfield

GF-8002: Fynn


Process of Robot Creation:

First, the blueprints are created from necessary data, information, and references.

Second, after the blueprints and plans have been designed, the next step is to assemble the individual parts into the model.

Third, after the second step has been done, data and personality configuration is uploaded into the robot.

Fourth. This step is where the exterior appearance is generated and applied to the dormant robot.

The fifth and final step is the activation process, during which the robot is awakened.


Then done! The robot is finished and ready for interaction!

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