
System Activation In Progress…


Artificial Intelligence Programming: Stable

X10 Protocol Testing: Successful

Emotional Performance: Stable

Motor Capabilities: Balanced

Balance and Strength Capabilities: Stable

Self Sustainment/Self-Charge: Stable


Commencing Android Model Activation…


Jennifer opened her eyes and found herself standing on a sidewalk, right in front of the gate to McDuck Manor. Blinking a couple of times, she walked up to the intercom kiosk and pressed the button. A buzzing of static sounded before a voice answered the call. “Who is this? What do you want?” a voice with a strong prominent Scottish accent asked, with a twinge of annoyance.


Jennifer thought for a moment before answering. “This is Jennifer Springfield and I would like to speak with someone here. Do I have permission to enter?” she said, waiting for an answer. There was a pause before the Scottish voice replied. “Sure. Come right in,” the voice said before being cut off by another burst of static. With a beep, the gate slowly opened, allowing entry.


Boyd was with Fenton when something drew his attention. “Who’s that, Fenton? I’ve never seen her around here before,” Boyd wondered, zooming in on the unknown teenage duck. A notification popped up in Boyd’s field of vision. Android detected. Model J-1590. “I don’t know, Boyd. Why don’t we go talk to her?” Fenton replied, oblivious to the notification that his partner had just received.


Jennifer continued on up the hill to McDuck Manor, occasionally looking from side to side as she walked. When she heard two sets of footsteps walking behind her, Jennifer stopped and turned around. Jennifer’s facial recognition told her that the taller of the two was Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera. But when she turned her gaze toward the shorter of the pair, a notification of her own appeared. 2-B0 Android Model.


Fenton cleared his throat and was the first to speak. “Hi! Are you new to Duckburg? Because me and my friend here haven’t seen you before. What’s your name?” he said, looking Jennifer in the eye. Jennifer thought for a moment before she answered. “You’re right. I’m new to this city. My name’s Jennifer Springfield, and I was just heading up to McDuck Manor. Were you going there as well?” she said, waiting for Fenton to answer.


“No, no, no. Boyd and I just wanted to talk to you,” Fenton said before his smartphone vibrated in his pocket. When he pulled out his buzzing phone, he quickly turned away and answered the call. “I’m sorry for the lateness, Dr. Gearloose, but I was just talking to someone I’ve never seen,” Fenton said apologetically. As he continued talking to the caller, Boyd cleared his throat.


“Excuse me, but are you a robot like me?” he asked politely. This in turn made Jennifer panic but she showed no sign of nervousness. “What makes you say that?” Jennifer asked, but it made sense that Boyd would pick up on her true identity as an android. “Well for one thing, I can detect high amounts of electricity coursing through you. You also have millions of tiny microscopic LED reflectors within you,” Boyd clarified, with a slightly suspicious look in his eyes.


Fenton finished his flustered conversation and ended the call, turning back around to face the two. “Sorry for that. I’m running a bit behind my usual routine. Maybe you could come over to my house sometime? We’ll talk again soon. Come on, Boyd. We need to head to Dr. Gearloose’s lab right away,” Fenton said, taking his partner’s hand and leaving. As the two walked away, Boyd’s head swiveled a full 180 degrees and focused on Jennifer, making her feel slightly worried.


She quickly shook off the twinge of nervousness and resumed her previous walking up the hill. This might be a problem. Boyd’s on to me, Jennifer thought to herself, reaching the front door of the mansion. Gathering her courage, Jennifer rang the doorbell. The door opened and a duck with a top hat, a red frock coat, with pince-nez glasses perched on the bridge of his bill stood in the doorframe.


“Well come on in. What are you just standing there for?” he said. Jennifer’s facial recognition informed her that this was Scrooge McDuck. She stepped through the door and entered the lobby. Just as Scrooge was about to say something, a shattering sound exploded right behind the two, startling Scrooge. With a thump, someone came crashing down the stairs and landed at Scrooge’s feet.


“Who’s this? Do you know her? Where is she from?” the duck asked, jumping to her feet. “Easy, Webbigail, she’s only just arrived,” Scrooge said, turning back to Jennifer. “My youngest. She can be a bit over-excited sometimes,” Scrooge apologized. Jennifer shrugged her shoulders. “No need to apologize, I understand,” she said, smiling. Three brothers came crashing down from above and knocked Webby to the ground.


“Oof! Guys, come on! You need to stop landing on me when I’m not looking!” Webby said in slight annoyance, pulling herself out from under the heap of the other three. “Sorry, Webby! We were beaten by Lena in the pillow fight. Again!” one of them said, who was dressed in blue. Jennifer turned her sight on the three brothers, her facial recognition informing her that the one in blue was Dewey. “Hi! Dewey Duck! Nice to meet you!” the blue-clad brother said, shaking Jennifer’s hand excitedly.


Without warning, Jennifer’s X10 Protocol was triggered.


Warning! X10 Protocol has been activated! Engaging distractive maneuvers!


One of Jennifer’s defibrillators powered on, blasting a ray of concentrated electricity through a nearby stained glass window, shattering a jagged hole. The X10 Protocol completed the self repair and Jennifer’s eyes returned to their normal state. “I’m so sorry! I did not mean to do that!” she apologized, hurrying past Webby and her brothers and up the stairs. Closing her eyes, Jennifer channeled her psychokinesis to gather the fallen shards of stained glass into a single pane once more, repairing the broken window instantly.


“How did you do that? Are you magic? Ooh, I bet you’re a sorceress!” an upbeat and excited voice said right behind Jennifer. Looking over Webby’s shoulder, Jennifer saw Scrooge with a suspicious look on his face. This is definitely going to be a problem. Think of something to say, quick!


“Are you mad at me, Scrooge?” Jennifer asked, walking down the stairs. Scrooge’s face softened and the suspicious expression on his face disappeared. “Not to worry! That window has been broken numerous times, no problem!” he reassured Jennifer. But Jennifer noticed that Scrooge had a trace of suspicion hidden within his eyes. “Come on, Jennifer! Let’s go to my room! I have tons of interesting stuff to show you!” Webby urged, grabbing Jennifer’s hand and rushing up the stairs to her room.


Please exercise caution with movement. Extreme speed could interfere with balance and posture. Tread lightly, a notification cautioned Jennifer. “Could we slow down a little bit?” Jennifer asked Webby. They both slowed down to walking, and Jennifer’s field of vision faded from yellow to normal. “By the way, what brought you here to McDuck Manor? You had to have some reason to visit, right?” Webby said, climbing a wooden ladder.


Jennifer climbed behind Webby as she opened a trapdoor and headed up through it. “I just wanted to visit. From what I’ve heard, you guys are pretty popular. I heard you fought a whole army of…what are they? Oh! Moonlanders! That was my personal favorite,” Jennifer gushed, climbing through the trapdoor into Webby’s bedroom.


“Yeah, it was pretty amazing! We also destroyed a bunch of turrets on an interstellar ship! It was intense but so exciting!” Webby said happily, walking over to the bedroom window. Jennifer walked up beside her, gazing out over the entire skyline of Duckburg. “What’s it like? Being part of a family of adventurers, I mean?” Jennifer asked. Webby turned to face Jennifer. “Being part of a constantly traveling family of adventurers is the best thing in the whole entire world! You never know what to expect and get to do awesome things everyday! It’s a great life to live in,” Webby said in ecstasy, sighing.


Jennifer left the window and went over to a nearby desk chair. Just as Webby was about to say something, the trapdoor burst open. Two new arrivals clambered up through the newly opened trapdoor. Jennifer turned to face the new entrants. Using her facial recognition, the recognition software informed Jennifer that the taller of the pair was Lena Sabrewing, while the shorter one was Violet Sabrewing. Lena immediately looked towards Jennifer and narrowed her eyes in suspicion.


“This is Jennifer. Jennifer, this is Lena and Violet, my two best friends!” Webby said, introducing them. Jennifer pretended not to already know their names. “Nice to meet you,” Jennifer said, smiling. 


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