

The Dragon and the Treasure

By Kira


Dedicated to my friend Brynn, who loves dragons, and my brother Galen, who loves adventure starting in the first chapter.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: The Start

Chapter 2: The Adventure before the adventure

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:


Chapter 1:

The Start


    I started every morning by grabbing a weapon and going into battle. I started when I was old enough to be trusted with a weapon and after I had had battle training. I am 12 years old and my name is Akumjeli Nkemdilim, but my friends call me Akum and nobody says my last name. You see, my people, the Tilfuth people, have been fighting a war against the Zoecheil people for over 100 years.

My favorite weapon is a mace. If you do not know what a mace is, a mace is a heavy metal ball on the end of a long wooden or metal stick with spikes all over the ball. Someday I hope I can lift a mace, but for now I have to use swords and spears. I carry one shield with the symbol of an unopened treasure chest on it.

I live in an old wooden shack with my mother, father, and 3 sisters. Our shack is just one big room with a dirt floor with the beds against the back wall. The kitchen is right next to the door. Also, the bathroom is just a hole in the ground behind the house. My sisters’ names are Delilah, Acacia, and Azolia.

Anyway, I was picking up my weapon and then I charged out onto the battlefield yelling, “YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. I was waving my weapon around and banging my sword on every enemy as I made my way to the wizard Adizedore’s tower, at the opposite side of the battlefield. The battlefield was just a big dirt field that we kids used to use for our games. It wasn’t that bad out there. Everybody’s armor was protecting them really well, so most of what we were doing was holding the Zoecheil people off.

I finally reached Adizedore’s tower. When I stepped inside Adizedore said, “Ah! You have arrived, my friend!”

Then I said, “What’s this about, Adizedore?”

“I think I have found the answer to end this war,” Adizedore replied.

“What would that be?” I replied without much interest. (Adizedore was known for making up plans to stop the war. None of them had worked.)

“We must find the secret treasure of Moojoo!” Adizedore said.

“Fine,” I said back, a little hesitant. Then I noticed a strange girl in the room. She had brown hair and dark green eyes. Her skin was very pale and she was wearing a blue t-shirt and black pants made out of a fabric I had never seen before that looked very comfy.  “Hey, who is that?” I asked.

“Oh, just the princess of Zoecheil. Her name is Merina.” Adizedore replied.

“What is she doing here?” I asked a bit too loudly.

“I am here because Adizedore summoned me for the quest. I am sick of this war and I am an excellent fighter.” Merina said, “So Adizedore thought I could help.”

“Oh, all right.” I said. (Secretly, I was very pleased. The princess of Zoecheil was known very well for her excellent fighting abilities.)

“Great! So let’s get on with it then! Just so you know, there is a dragon protecting the treasure, and before you go find the treasure, you need to go find some special weapons and armor. Also beware, for Merina has a big target on her back.” Adizedore said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“It means that somebody wants me dead.” Merina replied.

“Lets just go.” I said.

“Then you shall!” Adizedore said. Then all I could see was black.

I woke up to Merina shaking me. “Wake up, wake up!” she said over and over. I was faintly aware of a gross smell and that I felt like I was covered in mud.

I said groggily, “Where are we?”

“We are in a swamp, but I think there is a village nearby.” Merina replied, “We could maybe get some special armor, weapons, and potions.”

“What knocked me out?” I asked.

“One of Adizedore’s spells.” Merina said, “”Now let’s just go to that village.”

“Fine. Maybe we could get a bath there.” I said back.

“Yeah, I want a bath too.” Merina said.

On our way to the village I asked Merina, “How do you know it was one of  Adoizedore’s spells?”

Then Merina said, “I saw him waving his hands around and chanting something right before we disappeared. You blinked right as he started and then you were gone. Then I blacked out too.”

“Why did you wake up before me then?” I asked.

“I am not sure. I think it is because you blinked right as you disappeared,” Merina said back. Then we saw the village. “There it is!” Merina yelled. Then we broke into a run.

“Wait up!” I shouted to Merina. (She was surprisingly fast and I could hardly keep up.)

“Go faster!” Merina teasingly yelled back.

“You’re on!” I said. Then we reached the village. I looked around and though the buildings were intact, the village was deserted.

“Let’s look inside the houses,” said Merina. When we looked inside the houses, everything was still intact and there, as if something had happened and they just got up and left. “Well, we better take what we can for our journey,” Merina said sadly.

“OK,” I said back just as sad. It was truly horrifying to see something like this. We found several healing potions, a very rare sickness potion, 3 magical swords, and a suit of armor for every man in the village, but only 2 of the sets of armor were enchanted, so we only took those 2. We also found 5 fireproof shields, but we only took 2. The village actually looked like it was very wealthy, even though everyone is gone now.

“Let’s get out of here.” Merina said, “This place gives me the creeps.”

“OK,” I whispered back. I don’t know why I whispered; I guess I got the creeps too. As we head out of the village, I notice a long link of chains. “Well,” I thought, “It might come in handy.” So I threw it over my shoulder and raced to catch up with Merina.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“Just something I saw on my way out,” I replied.

“Good thinking.” Merina said. “Maybe we could tie up the dragon while he’s sleeping with it.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” I said back. We continued on our way.

As we were walking, I suddenly said to Merina, “You know, as I get to know you, I realize that you aren’t as strict as you seem. In fact, you are just like me except in better shape.”

“Just keep walking,” Merina said back, with just a touch of annoyance.

“I have a feeling you’re hiding something,” I said.

“Whatever.” Merina said back, “What is your name, by the way?”

“You seriously don’t know?” I asked back.

“Yes, I seriously don’t know!” Merina said with annoyance. Then I realized that that was true. She had never asked for my name before and Adizedore hadn’t told her my name.

“My name is Akumjeli, but everybody calls me Akum,” I replied.

“Oh, ok,” Merina said quietly. Like I said, I think she’s hiding something.

“Wait, do we even know where this treasure is?” I asked.

“Yes,” Merina said, still speaking quietly.

“Care to share it with me?” I said while giving her the hairy eyeball.

“Fine. It is north from here!” Merina said. I could practically see smoke coming out of her ears.

“OK, OK,” I said, “you don’t have to get mad about it.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Merina said back, with only a touch of the anger she had before.

“Wait, if the treasure is north, how come we are going east?” I asked.

“Well, if we go straight to the treasure, which is guarded by a dragon, without a plan we will surely die,” Merina replied without a trace of fear at the word “die”.

“So where are we going?” I said.

“My favorite Magic Land,” Merina said, starting to be quiet again.

“WAIT!” I said, halting right where I stood, “MAGIC LANDS ARE REAL!?”

“Of course they are real!” Merina said, continuing to walk.

“AND WE’RE GOING TO ONE!?” I shouted, then broke into a run to catch up to Merina.

Then Merina stopped and said, “shhhh.” Then I caught up with Merina.

“Why are we-” I started, but Merina cut me off by putting a finger to my lips.

“The witch Marth is back in my meadow,” Merina growled.

“Who’s that?” I whispered.

“A good witch but she likes to play pranks.” Merina said softly, “I think it’s time for us to play a joke on her.”

“What should we do then?” I asked quietly.   


Chapter 2:

The Adventure Before the Adventure


Follow me,” Merina whispered. Then she started creeping across the grass. I was so lost in my thoughts that I just now noticed there were trees all around us, and flowers of all the different colors of the rainbow. Everything was lush and healthy. After I looked around for a moment, I started creeping myself towards Merina. I followed her deep into the woods.

As we walked along I noticed a tingling, as if magic was in everything. I noticed the tingling sensation more and more as we walked deeper into the woods. I was so entranced that it startled me when Merina said, “We’re here. Now climb up a tree and when I tell you to, jump and yell, YAHHHHH! OK?” I nodded dumbly. “Great.” Merina said, “Now do it!”

I climbed up a tree, then Merina climbed the tree across the path from mine, and then we waited. After a while, I saw a young lady walking through the woods. I was amazed at her beauty. She had long brown hair, sparkling blue eyes, and was wearing a fur coat and jeans. “NOW!” Merina suddenly screamed. I was startled from my trance and remembered what to do. I jumped from the top of the tree and yelled like a crazy man. The young woman looked up with a start.

Then, on the other side of the path Merina did the same thing she told me to do and that really made the woman scared. Then Merina started laughing, and the woman calmed down a bit. “Really, Merina,” the strange woman said sweetly, “did you have to do that?”

“Yes I did, Marth,” Merina said back with a smile of pleasure and obvious smugness.

“Wait, this is the witch Marth?” I said, “I imagined her as an old hag wearing a shabby cloak with a hood. Not a beautiful and stylish young woman!”

“I most certainly am not an old hag!” Marth screamed at me, (She had a sweet voice even when she yelled.) “An old Marvy Fish gave me eternal youth! Although, I am 368 years old… But that’s not the point!”

“What’s a Marvy Fish?” I asked Merina, since Marth was clearly mad at me. (The veins in her head looked like they were going to pop out of her head any minute. And to make matters worse, Merina thought this was hysterical!)

Merina, trying to stifle a laugh said, “A Marvy Fish is a magical fish that lives in the Magical Water Lands.”

“Yes, and I was getting some magical underwater plants for my potions from the Magical Water Lands when I helped a Marvy Fish, and so he granted me eternal youth!” Marth said, still quite angry, and almost out of breath. After calming down for a bit, Marth said sweetly, “So, what brings you to these parts today?”

“We are on a quest,” Merina said. She said without any enthusiasm.

“Really?” Marth said, “I would expect that to be exciting for you.”

“Oh, it is.” Merina said, “I’ve just learned over time how to be patient and calm.” We were all silent for a moment. “Well, we better get going,” Merina said brightly. We got up and started to leave.

“Wait!” Marth cried, “You need some special gear before you go. Follow me to my cottage!”

Merina froze midstep. “Really?

“Yes really,” Marth said gruffly.

“OK,” I whispered, “Come on Merina.” I followed Marth deeper into the entrancing forest. After a bit, I heard Merina’s soft footsteps behind me. Once Merina had caught up and was walking next to me I said, “Haven’t you been to her cabin before?”

“No. She’s never ever let anyone in her house. Well, no one except for one other person,” Merina said.

“Care to share?” I asked hopefully.

“No!” Merina said sharply. I stayed quiet for the rest of the walk.

When we arrived at Marth’s house I was almost as surprised as when I first saw Marth. The house was painted light yellow with a dark brown trim and a slanted roof. It was quite a pretty little house, and very symmetrical. It had two windows and a door the same color as the trim. “Care to come in?” Marth said tartly. Merina and I walked in. “Buttermape or peanutorm?” Marth asked.

“Uh, what even are those?” I asked, “The only drink I know of is water.”

“Buttermape is a butterscotch flavored coffee and peanutorm is a peanut flavored sparkling water,” replied Merina, “and I will take buttermape.”

“I want to try peanutorm.” I said, “I’m curious about it.”

“OK,” Marth said, “so one buttermape and two peanutorms. Coming right up.”

After she went into the kitchen, Merina whispered, “Peanutorm tastes awful!”

“So?” I whispered back. Then I busied myself with looking around. The walls were lined with shelves filled with bottles of all shapes and kinds with paper labels. There was a red leather couch with a small black wooden coffee table. When I touched it, it felt knobbly and old. The walls were bright white with shiny black markings. When I looked closer, I realized that the markings were swirls, swirling all around the room! I mean the markings were actually moving!

“Ah, I see you are fascinated by my moving pictures,” Marth said. I nearly jumped out of my skin. “Oh, sorry for breaking your concentration. I know how… hypnotizing my walls can be.”

“Oh, I was just examining them and I was wondering, How did you get the designs to move?” I said.

“Magic of course!” Merina replied.

“Correct.” Marth said. “It is a spell placed on the walls by my grandmother, for in witch families a witch is only born every other generation. It is the same for wizards.”

“Wow,” I said.



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