


First Book In The Caden210 series



 The Beginning Of Fear

     One day me and my friends were riding bikes and this guy started slowly following us. We started riding faster and he started driving faster and then we got off our bikes and ran as fast as we could.  But again he started driving faster, so we ran to the park. We got on the way top of the monkey bars. The truck turned off and then we went over to it and no one was in it. We walked around it and no one was around it either, so we got on top of it and looked around. Still no one was around.

Then Michael said, “If no one was in the truck then who was driving it?”

”I don’t know, but let’s leave,” Shawn said.




The missing

Michael and Shawn ran back to where the bikes were to get them, but they were gone. They ran back to the park where the truck was and the bikes were right there.  ¨How did they get there?”

¨I don’t know but let’s go home and lock the doors and sleep.¨

So that is what they did, but they couldn’t go to sleep knowing that that truck was driving with no driver.  So they grabbed a flashlight and made a deal that one person stands guard and the other one sleeps and every 2 hours they switch.  But the problem was they couldn’t figure out who would stand guard first and who would sleep. So they picked the oldest one and Shawn was 13 and Michael was 14.  So Michael stood guard, but after 30 minutes Michael fell asleep and no one was on guard.  KNOCK!  KNOCK! KNOCK!

“Someone is at the door.”

“ What should we do?”

“  Let’s open the door.”

“ Ok, but at the same time.”

So they opened the door but no one was outside, but the truck!



The Prank


The ghost truck! It found them, but how? How did it find them? No one knew but then they had an idea. They went over to it and looked inside but nothing was in there.  Then they saw a blinking green light on the pedal and steering wheel.  They did not know what it was but then they saw a guy running out of the bushes with something in his hand so they started running at him.

When they got close to him, they jumped and tackled him and took the thing out of his hand. What it appeared to be was a remote. He ran over to the truck and started pushing buttons to make it go forward and backward. It was making the truck move so then they went over to where the guy was but he was gone. They didn’t see any footprints.

Then they went back inside and went over by the phone and called 911. Instead of the police or fire department answering, a guy with a deep dark scratchy voice answered.


Chapter 4

The Call


The deep, dark, scratchy voice screamed, “I’m coming for you Shawn and Michael! You better be ready for me, I’ll be there in exactly 7 days.”

Michael and Shawn started getting a weird feeling in their stomach.  What should they do? Call 911 or take it like a man?  You’ll find out in the next book.


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