
                                                             Chapter 1


A long time ago when dragons roamed the earth, humans hated them. But one warrior, named Saber, changed the way humans thought about dragons.

An archer shot a dragon’s wing and knocked the dragon down to the ground. He ran up to the dragon and pulled out a knife, but Saber couldn’t let that happen. He jumped at the archer and started punching him and made him unconscious. He carried him to the village and dropped him at his house. Saber ran to find the dragon.

When he found it, the arrow was right through the dragon’s wing! It was a young female dragon about 2 or 3 years old. She was small, strong, red, and hungry. Saber felt bad. “Umm, what do I do? Ah-ha!” He carried the dragon to the caves. “I’ll pull out the arrow and put a patch on her wing,” Saber said.

“Wait, I forgot to name her. Hmm, Luka! Ya, I like that name!”

The dragon started moving and Saber started to panic. “Oh she’s waking up, what do I do?” Saber Said. Luka woke up with a patch on her wing she tries to fly but she couldn’t Luka fell to the ground she didn’t try she just sat their Saber walk over to see if Luka like him “good dragon good dragon” Saber Said Luka growled at Saber jumped he walk to look at Luka wings he realized it would never heal back Saber was ‘’

 Petrified that Luka would kill him but that didn’t stop him to tame Luka


                                                           Chapter 2


Saber just sat upside-down thinking. He thought of an idea. He ran and chopped a tree down and made something to help Luka but Luka was not interested in it. She just sat on a pole. She didn’t come down even when Saber climbed up the pole Luka jumped down and when Saber slid down she jumped back up. Saber thought of another idea: he grabbed some rubber and tried to attach the rubber to the Luka wing. “come on come on don’t wake up please don’t wake up” Saber Said Saber got some rubber attached “yes” Saber Said.  Luka woke up about 27 minutes later she tried to fly and she could Saber walk over very carefully and put his hand out. Luka jumped on him and started licking him “ok ok ok I get it you like it” Saber Said. Luka’s tummy growled “need some food” Saber Said Saber tried to sit on her and she didn’t care “ok I need to make a woohoo” Saber Said.


                                                      Chapter 3


“Ok, Luka slow down girl you can CHILL!” Saber said, “good just breathe just pretend that you are on the ground.” Saber Said Luka looked down “You’re joking.” Saber Said Saber and Luka fell Saber fell faster Luka was flapping her wings Luka got back in the air “Dear lord please make Luka catch me” Saber Said Luka caught Saber “yes woohoo” Saber Said “let’s go back to the cave.” Saber Said Luka and Saber want back to the cave “ok I will be right back you eat this fish” Saber Said Luka had a full mouth of fish “going back to my dragon hay Luka how you doing” Saber Said Luka didn’t listen Luka was to busy trying to eat a mouse “ I am going to put this saddle on you.” Saber said a few minutes later the saddle was on “SON!” Saber Dad Said “who” Saber Said


                                                         Chapter 4


“Ya, dad,” Saber said “where are you,” Saber dad Said Saber Dad king Finn He was the ultimate dragon killer Saber ran to his dad “where were you” King Fynn Said “skipping rock alone” Saber Said “more dragon is coming we need to kill them to we need to find that unknown the Linnaean hydra,” king Fynn Said  Saber Realize that Luka was a Linnaean hydra “ dad I kill that dragon.” Saber said “really!” King Fynn Said “yes I did dad” Saber Said “good boy come let’s have a feast.” King Fynn Said “ hold on I will be right back,” Saber Said Saber want to Check Luka “Luka you ok Staying there for a Few Hours,” Saber Said Luka was fine because she was still chasing that mouse, “ok” Saber Said


                                                            Chapter 5

                                                            The Feast

Saber walk over to his dad‘s castle he walks in and there was like 500 people in my dad’s castle people were looking at me when I got to the table Saber dad told him to sit by him so Saber did “my son killed the hydra and  I am very proud to know my son killed dragons” Saber dad Said “ya ya ya woohoo” Said the crowd “ya ya ya ya ya ya” Saber Said sarcastically after the feast king Fynn walk over to Saber and Said, “I’m very proud of you son you know what I think you should be the next King.” King Fynn Said “really” Saber Said “ yes son,” King Fynn Said “now let’s get some sleep king Fynn Said “ok dad can I go check on something?” Saber Said “yes can but be back before 9:30 ok.” King Fynn Said “Thanks, dad.” Saber Said Saber ran to the cave and Luka was just laying down sleeping “Luka.” Saber Said Saber tiptoed into his bedroom “son is that you” Fynn Said yes dad what were you checking on.” Saber thought of a different idea “checking on the tree I planted goodnight.” Saber  Said


                                                           Chapter 6

                                                            The Truth

King Fynn walked into Saber’s bedroom and Saber was fast asleep. “Good morning Saber” King Fynn Said “good morning dad where’s mom?” Saber said “she is still sleeping so where did you go last night” king Fynn  “I already told you I want to check on my little tree” Saber Said “well I want to check on your tree and there was no tree there so you have Been lying to us you are in big trouble if you tell us what you’ve been doing I am going to wake up your mother” King Fynn Said Saber put some clothes on and ran to Luka. Luka was fast asleep. Saber jumped on Luka and woke up. Come on girl let go I don’t want my dad to know Luka flap her wings and she flew up and Saber’s dad was right on the lawn. “Saber WHAT ARE YOU DOING” King Fynn Said. Luka jump down to Saber dad Saber jump down Saber dad pulled out a knife “WAIT for the dad she nice if you scared her you wish you hadn’t she will start an earthquake” Saber Said “ but what are you going with a dragon” Saber dad Said ”she is the hydra I didn’t kill her I find her with an arrow in her wing I dragged her all the to a cave” Saber Said “DRAGONS!!” Yelled a knight


                                                    Chapter 7

                                                    The Fight

“DRAGONS!!” Yelled someone Saber jumped on Luka “son wait you are going to kill yourself.” Saber’s dad Said “but dad I got to do this if I don’t stop them the whole village will be destroyed. Come on Luka let’s go. ” Saber Said Saber and Luka lifted into the sky we’re 15 Small dragons and 1 big one Saber wants after the biggest one Luka got super Close to the big dragon Saber pulled out his sword and stabbed the dragon spit fire at Luka block the fire with her wings. Saber jumped on the dragon and the dragon pushed Saber off the dragon hit Luka causing Luka to fall Saber threw his sword in the dragon’s mouth the dragon roared with pain and fell to the ground Saber was falling to the ground but Luka caught Saber fell BOOM! Luka hit the ground in no pain but Saber looked like he was dead his dad ran to Saber he picked Saber up he put his head to his chest “He’s alive” Saber’s dad cried “thank you I appreciate Luka.” `Saber Dad Said to Luka


                                                     Chapter 8

                                                      The End?

Saber woke up out of his bed, looked around the room, and Saw Luka sleeping on the ceiling. Saber got out of his bed and Luka woke up and jumped down “Luka what are you doing in my house!” Saber Said Saber walk over to the door and open it all 3 thousand dragons were out there “well I’m dead” Saber Said his dad came over and Said “this is our village now Luka taught me that dragons are not Foes they are friends so I let them come into our village so do you like it” Saber Dad Said “ dad I love it it’s so cool come on Luka let FLY!”


      The End?


Chapter 9

The Thief


When Saber and Luka landed he landed at the egg center where Dragons put their eggs at night someone would take a few eggs  Saber stay up all night sitting and hiding Luka would come and took over sometime so Saber could sleep but they never saw anything “I’m tired of this I quit I give up I’ve been doing this for two weeks” Saber Said Luka growled at something someone was stealing the eggs Luka walk in and walk out with someone in her mouth Luka was  carrying something in her mouth “Luka drop” Saber said Luka drop the person “ok who is the real person carter but why?” Saber said “I just want a pet dragon” Carter said “you know I got Luka by saving her did you know that!?” Saber said “yes I do” Carter said “give me all the eggs back NOW!” Saber demanded Carter gave all the eggs back “and btw Luka’s going to have her own batch of eggs so you better not steal any of hers are she will hurt you” Saber said Luka Huffed “so you  be good” Saber


Chapter 10

Just a boring day


“Nothing to do so boring today’s the day that just going to be dumb” Saber Announce. Saber walked to the caves; he sat down and did nothing; he was bored to death. Luka didn’t follow him well, Saber didn’t care, he just sat thinking about Luka so he walked to the egg center and Saber couldn’t believe his eyes. Luka laid 5 eggs “I’ll name you Lucas, Drag, Loki, Luna and Luke!” Luka growled at Saber “You ok girl?” Saber said “ok I’ll give you some privacy.” Saber said Saber walked to his castle and sat in his bed with a sad look on his face. Did Luka not like me anymore Saber thought or was she just scared?  Saber was sad he walked over to Luka was ok she was just scared Luka Saber walked back to the egg center the EGGS HATCH! Luna Lucas DrakeLoki and Luke was on the ground sleeping Saber sat down nexts  Luka started licking Saber like he was one of Luka baby’s Saber fell asleep and woke up by a heavy thing Loki was sitting on Saber face “what are doing?” Luka grabbed Loki by the neck               and started licking her Drake Walk over and trip over his foot Lucas was playing with Luna bit Lucas got really mad Saber walk over to them and pick Lucas up and sat down next to Luka  and Lucas was staring at Luna walked over trying not to fall over and sat on Saber lap Luke was on Luka’s back sitting Luka grabbed Luke by the neck and put him down on the ground Saber could she Luka could use a break to get some food “Luka I’ll watch over the little one for you” Saber said


Chapter 11



Saber and the baby’s sat sleeping . Saber paid very Close attention“ahhh Drakewhere are you?”        Saber said Drakewas running to Luka, grabbed Drakeby

 neck and cared for him all the way back. Luka sat down and she knew Saber couldn’t handle it Saber walk to his house and grabbed his fishing rod and started fishing Saber caught 6 fish Saber cared the fish to Luka and baby’s they gobbled the fish down like it was nothing Luka and the baby’s want to the ocean to get a drink of water Luka pick 3 of them and Saber pick up 2 they walk to the ocean

and got a drink of water they walk to the caves “wait i forgot to tell mom and dad” Saber said he walk to the castle “DAD MOM” Saber said “WHAT wrong honey” Saber’s Mom said “sorry but Luka had baby’s” Saber said “WHAT! Luka had baby’s!” Saber’s Mom said Luke followed Saber “who’s that” Saber’s Mom said “oh hi Luke wait LUKE come here ya munchkin” Saber said Saber pick up Luke Luka came in and stick her head in and grabbed Luke “hi girl I’m so proud of you” Saber’s Mom said Saber’s Mom petted Luka on the face “let me get your dad” Saber’s Mom said “ok”


Chapter 12

The unknown



Saber and Luka walk to the cave to check on the Baby’s and they were asleep Luka sat down with the baby’s and yawned Saber walked back to the castle he walked to his room “what the heck” Saber said in confusion he walked to check it out. Saber walked into the hall run Saber thought a black thing was chasing him. Saber was freaking out and he ran to the cave. The black thing ran to the cave and Luka was Interrupted by Saber running. Luka woke up and so did the baby’s. Saber was freaking out. The black thing didn’t come. Saber slept in the cave with Luka, put her wing over Saber and slept. The black thing was sitting in there with all of them it grabbed Saber didn’t realize because he was asleep Saber woke up “help me” Saber screamed Luka woke up and bit the black thing and ate it was another dragon a Tearing reaper they only get up to 10 feet tall and 18 feet long “good morning” Saber said. Luka growled good morning and the little dragon were sleeping Saber saw someone


Chapter 13

The villain


Someone was creeping around the village and he was not alone. a huge Dragon was creeping right…  wait it was Luka she was going to hurt them badly and she did she carried him to Saber


“ well well well if it isn’t  carter has been the one creeping around,” Saber said


 “ shot you’ve caught me darn dragon,” carter said carter wiggled out of Luka grasp and ran Luke and Luna were chasing him but Luka grab them before they hurt themselves Drake

Loki and Lucas were having world war 2 right when Saber and Luka got back they jumped on each other and tackled each other. Luka stopped world war 2 before they caused them to kill each other. Luka sat down next to Luna and Luna was just chilling with Luke. Lucas found Drake Hiding behind Luka’s tall well he didn’t find him. Luka just moved her tail out of the way so that’s how he found him. Saber wants to get his sword. Saber came back a little later and Loki Luke Lucas Luna Drake We’re sleeping Saber Decided to go get some rest too.


Chapter 14

Missing Dragon


Saber woke up with a nice smile on his face. “today is going to be great,” Saber said as Saber walked over to Luka. When he got there Lucas was gone! Saber searched everywhere he couldn’t find Lucas “where is Lucas


” Saber said worriedly Lucas was gone. “Luka” Saber said Luka woke up like a snap Saber ran with Loki and Luke in his hands. Luka had Drake and Luna. They  took them to the castle. Where his dad and mom lived they drop them off “what wrong” Saber’s dad said


“Lucas is gone” Saber said


“ what Lucas is gone” Saber’s Mom said


“ya so me and Luka are going to go look for him so look after them ok” Saber said


“Ok” Saber‘s mom said Saber hop on Luka and they were off


Chapter 15



Luka looked out and so did Saber “wait is that Lucas” Saber said. Luka swooped down and it

was Lucas but a strange black figure had him Saber saw him “well well well if it isn’t dragon loving Saber” Carter said “why Carter why” Saber said “i did it so iI  can have a Dragon” Carter said but Luka had enough Luka stepped up to Carter gave Lucas back “bye Carter” Saber said and they were off


Chapter 16

The End of a great friendship


Saber and Luka hit the ground Lucas jumps down and runs to the castle to play with his family Saber thought should i let Luka go? “Luka” Saber said Luka ran to Saber. “Go grab the baby’s ok,” Saber said. Luka came back with all the baby’s following her “you can be free ” Saber said. Luka and Saber walk to the cliff “I’ll miss you” Saber said Luka lick the heck out of Saber “ok ok it time for you to go…” Saber said “ I’ll miss you bye Luka” and Luka and the baby’s were gone “i love you Luka”


The End


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