
AmazingGamer109 and the Sand Temple’s Secret.
The Beginning.

I was playing Minecraft when I saw the sun come up over the blocky horizon. I breathed a sigh of relief, now the zombies, skeletons, and enderman would disappear. When the monsters of the underworld were gone, I picked off the last few stragglers, glad that the night was over. I went back to my house; well it is more like a little hut stacked with a few chests, a bed, crafting table, and furnace. All of the necessities. Now I would have a chance to heal before the next night. I decided to go over to my village. Okay, well, it’s not really my village but I was the only one who lived in it. When I had got there, there were villagers galore. Now, only I, AmazingGamer109, was there. A few months ago, I had decided to move out and explore; I went in a circle without to realizing it and ended up back at the village again. That’s when I decided that maybe I would be better off living near the village instead of living in it or exploring. I reflected on my life there at the village, warding off monster attacks, farming, and other stuff. When the villagers disappeared, I had vowed that I would take care of their village no matter what. I had kept that promise over the years, hoeing and replanting food when I harvested it, fending off monsters, especially creepers, from destroying the houses. Over the days, the monsters grew increasingly difficult and I did not know why. I picked up my sword and my bow and headed out for the village. My diamond armor shone with enchantments, as well as my sword and bow. I had found some of the books in the library and used them on my armor, strengthening it. When I reached the village I went to my house to get my hoe, and to my great surprise, there was someone there, and it was not a villager “Hey!” I called, pulling out my sword “What are you doing here?” The figure turned around and froze “I-ahhh thought that this village was abandoned.” I put away my sword cautiously “Well, it’s not, and what are you doing on my world?” “Your world?” the mysterious person responded. I raised an eyebrow “You see this armor? That proves that I have been on this world a lot longer that you have. How long have you been here?” “Two Minecraft days.” He replied. I nodded “I see. What is your name?” the person looked up. I looked above his head and there sat the last letters I thought I would ever see. Gameknight999. “Y-You’re him. I mean, your Gameknight. What are you doing here? Are you still in Minecraft? Did you defeat, well, you know.” Gameknight smiled “The first one: I’ll tell you after I answer the others. The second one: Yes. The third one: regrettably, no. Now answer my questions, what are you doing here and why are all the villagers gone?” I shrugged “Well, first of all, this is my world. In addition, as for the villagers? No idea.” Gameknight scratched his chin thoughtfully, and then sighed, “Well, I was suddenly here with my sister-““Monet?” I inquired. Gameknight nodded “Yes. Hunter, Stitcher and Crafter too. We had no idea how we got here. All we know that is Herobrine is here too.” Chills ran up my spine “HEROBRINE?!?! HERE?!!?” I shouted. Gameknight nodded “Yes, he is here.” A horrible thought occurred to me “Wait, where are the others?” Gameknight lowered his head “I was foolish,” He grumbled, “I thought I could take on Herobrine by myself. I could not and so the others came to my aid. Herobrine captured my sister, Hunter, Stitcher, and Crafter. And I intend to get them back.” I nodded “I would really like to help you, but when Hunter, Stitcher, and Crafter see me they will have to act as normal villagers. They won’t be able to sprint.” Gameknight sighed, “Yeah, I wish you could.” Then I heard thunder. Not from Minecraft, but from the real world. I took off my headphones, looked outside, and saw thunderclouds “On the minus side, there’s thunderstorm so I have to get off. By the way, my username is AmazingGamer109. Just thought you should know.” Gameknight nodded “Alright, bye I guess. I wish there was some way you could help me.” I sighed, “Believe me man, I wish I could too.” I started to press escape when I heard the crack of lightning. I looked outside and saw that the lightning had struck the tree I had better get off before the lighting comes any closer I thought. Then the lightning started to behave strangely, it started to travel along the branch into my room. Normal lightning is NOT supposed to behave that way I thought. I was ready to press escape when the lightning went into my room. I watched, transfixed, as the lightning went toward me. Then it touched me and I felt burning hot and searing cold at the same time. I tried to cry out, but couldn’t. The last thing I thought before passing out was if I wake up in Minecraft, I am going to freak out.

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