
The Attack of the Zombies


Chapter 1

Blaster was standing on the watch tower in Villagetown, where he lived. It was Afternoon, and soon Monsters will come out. Then, he spotted something green. Then, Blaster looked even closer. It was a Zombie. Blaster quickly shot three arrows from his bow at the green, decaying creature. The good thing about him was that he had the best eyesight. The Zombie flashed red with damage, then disappeared. He quickly remembered that he was in a challenge to become a warrior, so he quickly got down from the watch tower. He ran down the stairs to the arena, only to be greeted by a huge cheering crowd. The challenge has started. After a few rounds of fighting, it was Blaster’s turn. A lot of people was giggling when the aged 14-year-old boy was running to the arena. Blaster held firm on his stick, which was also his pretend weapon. But suddenly, a young girl cam rushing in saying, “VILLAGETOWN IS UNDER ATTACK!”

People rushed out of their seats in the arena. Blaster was the first person to reach the door. He opened the door, and rushed to his home. Then, he opened is personal chest, took out a bow and quiver with plenty of arrows, and stuffed it in his inventory. He also put some fruit and bread. It was way too many, but it never hurt to have extra. Then, he stuffed an iron sword in his inventory too. He ran outside but stopped from shock. There were huge Zombie army attacking their village.

Warriors rushed from their homes, attacking the zombies furiously. The warriors where way stronger than the normal Zombies, but the zombies outnumbered them.  Blaster ran to his home again, then grabbed his leather armor from his armor stand, then ran to his basement.

Then, some zombies entered his home. They seared all his chests, probably finding Gold. But why would they want gold? Blaster thought. Gold was a weak type of metal. Gold was roughly half the durability of wood, even thought it was said it was really fastest speed. He unsheathed his iron sword, even thought he was better with a bow, but It had a made clang, when he was holding it.

“This zombie heard something” growled one of the zombies. Blaster gulped. Will they find him? Blaster thought. Then, he pulled out his pickaxe, then dug his way out and he fled to the woods.


Chapter 2

The grass crunched softly under him, as he walked though the woods. But then, he thought he heard something. He took out is bow and notched and arrow to it. Then, he aimed it at the place where he thought he heard the sound. “Come out, whoever you are” Blaster said, shakily. “Come out or face this arrow”

Then, a voice behind him said, “Better watch where you put your arrow, you might poke someone” Blaster turned around, and smile formed across his face. It was Watcher, his best friend.

WATCHER!”, He shouted. He hugged him tightly. “

Ugh, your strangling me!” Watcher said.

But of course, It was a miracle that one of his closest friend survived.

Then Watcher said, “I have two other people that you might like to see”. He whistled and a beautiful girl with red hair and a boy covered with muscles stepped forward.

“HUNTER AND DIGGER” Blaster shouted. “I… I don’t believe it… Your… Your alive!” Hunter, Watcher, Digger, and Blaster was really good friends when they were just kids. The had a lot of fun together.

“Follow me” Watcher said. “I know a place where my father built a building. There are things that we need there.”

 The party ran and ran until that they couldn’t run anymore. They stopped to rest. They put blocks of wool down on the ground and sat on then. Then, they put on a campfire.

“Where’s Herder, Crafter, and Carver” Asked Blaster.

“They fled the other way with zombies at there tail” replied Watcher. This is why I’m taking you to my father’s building to get resources. “Then, we will fin_


“What was that?”  Asked Hunter.

Watcher slipped on his leather armor, then drew his bow. He nocked three arrows to the bowstring, then shot it at when the sound came from. The creature flashed red three times, then disappeared.
“OW!” shouted Hunter. “It a zombie attack!”

“Watcher, take this. I know your pretty good with a sword” said Blaster as he threw his iron sword to watcher and nocked three arrow to his bowstring again, and shot them out as another zombie disappeared.

“Digger, use your pickaxe to help protect Hunter while me and Watcher attack the monsters.

Blaster shot as fast as he could, his bow humming while watcher danced circles of death, the iron sword in his hand finding zombie flesh. Soon, all the zombies where gone.

“Lets rest for a bit. My hunger bar is getting lower.” Said Digger.



Chapter 3

“There it is!” said Watcher. Get every thing you need. Blaster changed his leather set of armor into iron, took a bow with the enchantment infinity, punch, power, and flame. He also took two enchanted Iron swords with the enchantment Smite V, knockback, unbreaking, and fire aspect and a Wooden shield. Hunter was the most skilled girl warrior around, so she took a diamond broadsword enchanted with Smite V, unbreaking, and sharpness IV. She was wearing a complete set of enchanted iron armor. She also took a shield. Digger took an iron broad axe enchanted with Bane of arthropods, Effenity, and unbreaking.

Watcher took a normal iron sword, a lot of splash potions of healing and weakness and a lot of golden apples. He wore a diamond set of armor.

“That should be enough for our trip.” He said.

The party ran though the woods and reached the Jungle biome.

“where are we going exactly?” Asked Digger.

We are going to find the zombie king Za-nul” Said Watcher.

A tear formed across Watcher’s face. “He was the zombie that killed my younger brother, Woodcutter. I was just running away, like a coward. It was because of me he was killed.” Said Watcher, sadly. “Friends, promise me that we will get revenge, and destroy him once and for ever.

“We promise” Blaster said.

He locked around and saw that Digger and Hunter was nodding their head in agreement. But they had to be carful now. It was nighttime again


Watcher didn’t think twice. He drew his iron sword and brought it down on the Zombie. Solid hard. Landing a critical hit, the monster disappeared with a pop.


Blaster drew both iron blades and swung it in a low arc, so fast that his enchanted blade looked like a deadly blur.  He landed a critical hit just like Watcher, and the monster disappeared with a pop. He swung his left blade up, to block a zombie’s claw, then jabbed his right blade at the zombie’s ribs. The zombie flashed red with damage, but before his blade could touch the zombie again, a pink liquid covered up the zombie and disappeared with a pop.  Blaster hesitated, and the zombies took the opportunity and attacked him. Blaster was generously wounded. Before the zombie’s claw could touch him again, the same pink liquid than killed the zombie earlier covered him to. Blaster thought he was about to meet his doom. But instead, it regained his heath points and renewed him with new strength. “Healing potion, it’s poison to the undead but useful to the living.” Watcher said behind him. Blaster flashed his friend a smile, then continued to fight of the monsters this time. After Blaster finished off his zombies, he found that Hunter was easily cutting at the monsters, her blade swing in great deadly arcs. Digger however, didn’t even fight the zombies. He was so muscular that the zombies died from shock instead of being killed by his axe.

“Nice work” said Watcher.

“Watcher, did the zombie king Za-nul take villagers with him?” asked Blaster.

“Yes” Watcher replied

“Then did the Za-nul go the same direction at Herder and Crafter go?”


“I GOT IT!” Blaster suddenly shouted

“You got what?” Digger said, confused.

“Because if Za-nul is heading the same direction as Herder, Crafter, and Carver with zombies at their tail, that means that Herder, Crafter and Carver is one of Za-nul slaves as well!” Replied Blaster.

“Then let’s go!” said Hunter




“ATTACK” Shouted Watcher

The party and the hostile army met with a defeating clang. Watcher stuck with lightning speed, Zombies disappearing with a pop. Hunter and Blaster fought shoulder to shoulder, like they where the only people in Minecraft. Digger carved deadly arcs with his axe, making way for Blaster and Hunter to come though. Now, Digger was fighting side by side with Watcher, while Blaster was fighting side by side with Hunter. The party was now squeezing the army like it was a block of wool. The monsters were now being slowly forced together. Some of the monsters where trying to avoid the party’s attack, but to do that they bumped into each other. Soon, the whole army was defeated. Some monsters fled, while other monsters begged for mercy.

“Where is the zombie cave?” Blaster demanded one of the zombies.

“Go north, and you will find a tower built out of mossy cobblestone. Beware, there are a lot of spiders and zombies in it. After you fight your way thought it, you will find a beast named the hydra. Is has the body of the ender dragon, wings like a bat, and Head of a wither.

It is highly dangerous. After you kill it, it will drop a token. Then you keep going north until you reach The White Castle. You will need to fight an army full of dangerous elite soldiers. Then, there will be another token in a chest. Then you will need to fight most feared mob: Hero brine. It will also drop a token. You will eventually find the cave. There will be a chest outside the cave. Put you tokens in there and it will give you entrance to the cave.”

“Good. You will be spared” said Blaster.

The party headed north and stopped to refresh the energy bars.

“Anyone got food” Asked Digger.

“Here, have some fruit” Blaster said as he Passed fruit and bread to his friends.

“We need a plan” Said Blaster.

“We could build some Defenses” Suggested Digger

“Speaking of defenses, can somebody build some defenses around us? It’s getting pretty dark. Asked Blaster.

“I still have some blocks” said Watcher. “But I only have some dirt.”

“Okay” Said Hunter.

“OW” Shouted Digger


There was no reply. Digger was lying on the floor, an arrow sticking out his chest. But hopefully, he wasn’t dead.

“Watcher, throw a splash potion of healing on him” Said Blaster

Watcher threw a splash potion of healing at Digger, and Blaster drew his bow and Hunter drew her sword.

“It a spider jockey!” Shouted Hunter as she batted an arrow away using her sword.

Blaster nocked three arrows at the same time and shot it out again and again until the creature disappeared.

“There a few creepers too!” Shouted Hunter.

Blaster froze from shock. He never fought a creeper before.

Am I going to fight this? Blaster thought. How am I Going to survive this?



At the last second, He felt somebody pull him away.

“Blaster are you okay?” Asked Hunter.

“Yes” Replied Blaster.

“Can you stand up?” Asked Watcher

“I’m not sure” Blaster said.

Then he fainted.


Chapter 4

The zombie cave was almost crowded with villagers.


“I wish Blaster was here” Crafter said. Crafter was the most skilled craftsmen in Minecraft.

“Yeah, I would be delighted to see my wolves and Blaster here’ Said Herder. Herder was known as ‘animal whisperer’ because he could speak to animals. His favorite was wolves.

“He will save us; I promise” Said Carver. Carver was the most skilled with an axe. He was also called ‘Death blow’ because his skills with the axe was phenomenal.

“Less talking, more digging” Growled one of the zombie guards. “Unless you want to die”

The guard withdrew his sword and hit Carver, Herder, and Crafter. They flashed red with damage.


Chapter 5

He felt somebody slap his chin gently.

“Wake up, wake up, WAKE UPPPPPPPP” Shouted somebody.

Blaster opened his eyes and Saw Digger slapping his face.

“Muff, I’m awake.” Mumbled Blaster.

“Where are we?” asked Blaster.

“When you fainted, Hunter dragged you away while me and watcher dug underground to make shelter. Now you are underground.”

“Thanks for saving my life, Friends” Blaster said and gave them each a hug.

“it is daytime?” asked Blaster.

“I suppose” Said Hunter.

“Then let’s go! What are you waiting for?

The party ran thought the jungle and reached the desert. It was complete chaos when the reached the desert because of the heat. It was so hot the the party was forced to where change their Iron/diamond armor into leather.

“It’s so hot” complained Digger.

“I know” Said Blaster.

“Look out!” Said Hunter. “There’s a Creeper behind you!”

Without thinking, Blaster drew his blade and landed a critical hit with 1 hit, taking out half the creeper’s HP (Health points). Then, he did a round-house kick that sent the creeper flying away like his boots where enchanted with knockback.

“Where did you learn that move?” Asked Digger.

“Hunter taught me that move.” Blaster said. “Don’t you know she’s a really skilled warrior?”

The party sprinted across the desert, barley avoiding the cactus’s spikes. They finally reached the castle.

“CHA-” shouted Digger

“Stop” Interrupted Hunter. “We need a plan.

“Let’s just from a square and fight” Suggested Watcher 

“Let’s go!” Said Blaster

They charged in and found out the zombie was right.

There where a huge zombie and spider army. There were even some Spider jockeys too. The quickly changed their armor, drew their weapons and begun to fight. The party and the army met with a loud clash of steel. The only problem was that all of the zombie’s where all wielding swords. Some where using shields while others were wearing armor. Blaster drew his bow and fired arrows as fast as he can. But even with flaming arrows, that zombies and spiders easily outnumbered them. Blaster drew his Two blades and swung around, His blades turning into a deadly tornado.

He blocked a zombie’s sword, then used his other blade to cut down another zombie. But some of them has armor, and some had shields, so it made it even harder to kill one. Digger has cutting his way easily though the zombie army, his axe in his right hand, pickaxe in left. But even his weapons were as sharp than any weapon, It Had to cut though armor and shields. The durability was quickly running out. He had to protect him soon. Hunter was dancing circle of death, not even one sword or claw to touch her. Even thought it did, the enchantment thorns would protect her. After Hunter could rest for a bit, she threw her shield to Digger, and Digger quickly turned to a moving barricade. He knocked down many Zombies, but the spider came to the rescue. The spiders also called their brother’s, and poisonous cave spiders started attacking the party. Watcher was infected by the poison, but he threw splash potion of healing on zombies and himself and weakness potions at spiders. Because of Watcher’s potion’s, they defeated the whole army. But they spared one zombie. The last zombie was a village zombie. Watcher was once a doctor, and he threw a splash potion of weakness at the zombie and fed it a golden apple.  The particles affect turned deep red, which meant it was working. Soon, the new transformed villager thanked them and said his named was Jack. He said he was one warrior once but his village got ambushed and he turned into a zombie villager.  Watcher offered him his spare blade and Blaster gave him his leather armor.

“Let fight the hydra now” said Blaster.

“But we need stronger armor” said Hunter.

“Don’t worry” Said Jack. “I was a warrior once, but before that, I was a Japanese blacksmith. I always travel with an anvil, A lot of steel, a few diamonds, and plenty of sticks. I also have a lot of potions. I can make new armor for all of you, if you promise to kill the zombie king”

“We where going to kill the zombie king to, to have revenge.” Laughed Watcher. “You may come with us.”

Soon, every one was wearing an iron hood enchanted with protection, unbreaking, thorns, and respiration. They were wearing an iron chest plate and leggings enchanted with Unbreaking, Thorns, and projectile protection. They were also wearing iron boots enchanted with Protection, Feather falling, unbreaking, and thorns. Blaster was wielding an enchanted steel Katana enchanted with Sharpness IV, Smite V, Bane of Arthropods, Knockback V, and Fire aspect. Digger was wielding an iron pickaxe and a diamond Broadaxe Enchanted with Efficiency, Unbreaking, and fortune. Hunter was wielding a diamond Gladius enchanted with sharpness IV, Bane of Arthropods V, Knockback II, and Smite V. Watcher, was wielding a steel Long sword.

“Let kill that hydra!” said Watcher

The party charged forward and fond the Hydra. It was located in a big cave. The hydra looked extremely dangerous. The Hydra fired three exploding wither heads at Hunter. Hunter stood her ground, then at the last second, she pulled out her shield. The wither heads exploded on the shield, not harming Hunter at all. The Hydra growled in frustration, then unleashed it secret weapon: Firing its own heads.

When the first head reached Hunters shield, it splintered, but Hunter just batted the rest away with her new Gladius.

But, surprisingly, three heads just grown back on the Hydra. Stopping the whole party to find out what is happening.

“Is weak spot is in the center of it’s belly.” Explained Jack. “Is is also a part of undead. Attack it with healing potions.”

Watcher threw healing potions while Hunter and Blaster was attacking the monster’s belly. Blaster’s Razor sharp katana cutting at the Hydra’s weak part. But is wasn’t enough. The Hydra was really fast. It somehow sensed this trick and flew high into the sky.

Blaster drew his bow, put it did little damage to the Hydra. The Hydra was now raining wither heads down at them, and they were forced to retreat. Even with diamond armor, cracks had started to form on them. They couldn’t kill the hydra. And without the token, they couldn’t go in the zombie cave.

“I have a plan” said Jack.

“What is is?” asked Hunter.

Cutter produced 30 shurkin stars from his inventory.

He handed 10 to Blaster, 10 to Hunter, and 10 to Watcher.

“Why don’t I get 10?” complained Digger

“Because you will do a special thing,” Replied Cutter

Cutter handed over Digger a spiked iron club.

“This is a famous weapon for Muscular warriors like you” Explained Cutter.

“Now, here my plan.” Said Cutter as they huddled into a circle.


Chapter 6

“Get a move on!” One of the zombie guards said.

One of the old NPC’s(Non-playable-characters) lacked food and was working slower than snail.

Za-nul, was sitting on his throne with glasses on his head.

“How do you think of my invention, Dear?” Said Su-lan said.

“Incredible, my wife” replied Za-nul. With the Eye of searching, I could see my enemy’s every move. I see that the boy has fancy armor, yes, fancy indeed. He could feel every thing he though and cared for. His love and care for Hunter, his loyalty to his friends.

“My dear, I do not mean to stop you in your search, but could I have a look?” Su-lan said.

“But of course!” Replied Za-nul, handing her the glasses with a smile.

“Soon, we will have then killed, my husband” Su-lan said as she took of the glasses and laughed together as the sight of Blaster’s death


Chapter 7

The party crashed into the corridor, surprising the Hydra. Blaster Hurled five of the shurkin stars directly at the center of is belly, and drew his bow and fired ten accurate, quick shots at the center of is belly as well. The monster, attacked by surprise, flew down to shorten the aiming time for the party. Then, Digger jumped onto the Hydra black, then hammered his club at the hydra. The Hydra crashed onto the ground because of Digger’s weight. Watcher quickly threw ten splash potions of weakness at the hydra, stopping it from flying up in order to escape. Then the whole party drew their weapons and attack the Hydra with all their might. Soon, the Hydra was defeated. Blaster saw that is dropped about 20-30 XP (Experimental points), enchanted dragon scale armor, and most importantly, a token. Blaster quickly collected the items.

But Blaster was confused by the enchanted dragon scale armor.

“Jack, do you know about the Dragon scale armor?” Asked Blaster.

Jack’s eye widened with shock.

“Yes, I know about the armor. It was once rumored that it could protect the wearer about almost anything.  Poisoned diamond tip flaming arrows, the sharpest and hardest sword, Flaming axes… If fact, it was said to be legendary”

Jack handed Blaster a sword. It was black and purple spots covered it, like obsidian. That handle was made with a mixture of diamond and quartz. The blade was razor sharp.

“This is the fineness sword in history” Said Jack. “I am offering the blade to you because it works perfectly with your armor.”

Blaster took the blade.

“I think the blade should be mine” Said somebody behind Blaster.

Blaster spun around, and found another warrior.

“I’m Oscer, The knight of death. And think that’s blade is rightfully mine”

Blaster stood his ground.

“No it isn’t” Replied Blaster.

“What about a duel to the death then?” challenged Oscer.  “If I win, I take your blade and kill you friends. If you win, you take my wither skull.”

“Agreed” Replied Blaster.

“Blaster, NO!” Screamed Hunter.

“Hee-hee-hee, your little girlfriend is worried about you? Shall I just kill her then?” mocked Oscer.

“I won’t let him hurt you.” Blaster whispered to Hunter.
Then, he Stood against Oscer. He slipped on his enchanted dragon scale armor, then drew his diamond blade with his left hand, obsidian on his right.

Oscer was racing toward Blaster. He formed a X shape with his swords, making a defense. Oscer pulled out his enchanted diamond sword, then crashed onto Blaster.

Sparks flew as the three blades met. Oscer launched a round-house kick to Blaster stomach, while slashing his blade at Blasters head. Blaster easily blocked the stick to his head, but Blaster was shocked by his strength and he lost grip on his diamond blade, sending it skittering across the cave. Shocked by the impact, Blaster forgotten the round house kick. It caught Blaster in the stomach, dropping him like a stone. Then Oscer slashed at Blaster’s chest, an evil grin spread across his face.

“Should have gave the blade to me the fist time. Now die in front of your girlfriend!” spat Oscer.

“BLASTER, no…………”  Cried Hunter.

But to Blaster’s surprise, he wasn’t dead. Not a scratch on his body. He totally forgot that the armor was the hardest armor in Minecraft. Even a deep crack formed on Oscer sword.

“How is that possible?” Asked Oscer, dumbfounded.

With renewed courage, Blaster stood up to face his enemy again.

Blaster slashed on Oscer, left side, making a deep dent in his enchanted chainmail armor and finding soft, human flesh. Oscer flashed red with damage, but continued fighting. After Oscer seeing Blaster tearing deep gashes into Oscer armor, he realized that he would loose soon, He drank a potion of regeneration, leaping, strength, and swiftness. He fought now with so much speed and power that Blaster didn’t even know what was attacking him. His sword clattered on the ground.

“Your dead, and now I’ll kill you friends.” He said.

Oscer threw a splash potion of weakness and a splash potion of poison at Blaster. Now he would just have to watch his friends die.

He watched as he whipped out his bow, and shot flaming arrow at Digger’s chest. He fell down instantly. Then, he threw a splash potion of weakness and slowness at Jack, then drew another iron sword to face of Hunter. His swiftness potion made him so fast that Hunter was pinned to the wall, a razor sharp blade to her throat, in just a few seconds. He swung his blade forward, to chop of Hunter’s head of. But suddenly, a Hand-some looking warrior clad in enchanted iron armor stepped out of nowhere, deflected Oscer blade with his iron blade, then pierced his sword directly into Oscer’s heart, ending his life.

“You saved my life!” Hunter said to the warrior with adoration in her eye’s.

“Allow me to introduce myself, Me name is Cutter, the protector of Minecraft.”  The warrior said.

Blaster felt a wave of jealousy crash upon him. Is she interested with him?  He thought. His heart felt torn apart in two. How will I tell her I like her anymore? Thought Blaster.

“Come on Guys, leys go to the white castle” Said Blaster as he picked up with Diamond sword and tucked it in his inventory.

The party kept on heading north until nighttime. They dug under ground and made a home.

“Who’s the leader here?” Asked Cutter.

“I think Blaster should be it” suggested Digger

“Yeah, this guy should be it” said Cutter

“Well, then Blaster is it” Hunter said, then winked at Cutter.

What is wrong with Hunter and Cutter? Are they in l- Blaster thought? Blaster shook his head, then went to sleep.

He was woken by a moaning sound. Lots of then. He found Hunter was awake to.

“You heard that?” whispered Blaster

“Yeah” Replied Hunter.

Blaster took out his Obsidian sword while Hunter took out her shield and Gladius.

“We’ve got to defend our base!” Hunter said.

The two of them charged out the monster, but stopped. They had to be carful. Almost half of the zombies where wearing armor, and wielding swords.

“Hunter, wake Cutter up. He’s a better warrior.


An arrow hit Blaster.

But it wasn’t some normal arrow, it was a poison arrow.

Blaster hit the floor. Everything went black.

He felt a bottle hit his back. His HP increased a little. But it did not stop the poison.

Then another and another potion hit his back again and again until he was able to stand.

“What just happened?” Asked Blaster.

“Cutter fought of the monster while Watcher was healing you.” Replied Hunter.

 The party headed north and they found the white castle.

“Lets fight!” shouted Cutter.

But the party stopped as a ton of archers stood upon the with castle. They were all dressed in some kind of red armor, Firing flaming arrows at them.

“Their crimson knights, and there highly dangerous, Especially the warriors. It will take more than an army of Villagers to kill them.

“We’ve got no choice” said Watcher

“Then let’s go! What are you waiting for!” Said Cutter.

The party charged in and stopped. There was a huge army inside.

“I AM ODESSIUS, AND WHAT DO YOU WANT!” Boomed one of the Crimson soldiers wielding a giant diamond Broadaxe. Blaster guessed that it was the army leader.

“We are seeking for a token in a chest somewhere in the castle, and we do not want to fight” said Blaster.

“WHAT! YOU WANT THIS TOKEN!” He held up the bronze token in his hand. “THIS TOKEN IS A FAMLIY TREASURE! I WILL NOT GIVE IT UP WITHOUT A FIGHT!” Shouted Odessius.

“Well, we will have to fight then” Sighed Blaster as he took out his Blades, obsidian in right, Diamond in left.

“CHARGE!” Ordered Odessius.

The Party and the Army met with a rumbling crash. Blaster Carved his way easily though, while his friend was struggling to cut their way though the crimson knights armor. He shifted his gaze on his fighting.

Instinctively he heard the swoosh of a sword. He ducked, the blade barley hitting his left shoulder. He stabbed at the knight, Killing it with a matter of seconds. He swung around, Wounding the knight close to him. This backed up the crimson knights a little, because Blaster fought with a ferocity they’ve never seen before.


An arrow hit Blasters head.

But he didn’t care. The arrow just bounced harmlessly of his Enchanted dragon scale helmet. This shocked the Crimson knight even more. A knight stabbed him with a spear. But the spear tip just broke in half, shocking the knight. Blaster turned around.

He found a crimson knight behind him, holding a stick and a round shield. The knight unsheathed his dagger. Blaster noticed that the knight’s arms was trembling a little when he reached for the dagger. Blaster Whipped out with bow, pulled back the string, the let goes. The flaming arrow whistled in the air as it flew toward it’s target. It struck the in the knight with pinpoint accuracy, bringing it to the brink of death. Blaster drew his Sword again, then stuck the knight, erasing it from Minecraft.

Pain erupted at his back

 He turned around, finding Odessius Golden Broadaxe at his shoulder. Odessius pulled it out, ready for another attack. But Blaster was ready this time. He blocked the Axe with his Iron sword, then slashed his obsidian blade at his shoulder.

Odessius flashed red with damage. Then Blaster hit him again in the chest, Backing up Odessius. But then, a bright light enveloped him, then when the light faded, Odessius was wearing a Black set of armor, and wielding a big enchanted long sword with an amber color. At the guard was three wither heads and a place for a few splash potions. The hilt of the sword was decorated with diamonds and gold.

“This sword is made out of dironical metal, which is the hardest metal on Minecraft. Surrender and be safe.” Odessius said.

“NEVER!” replied Blaster.

“Then prepare to meet you doom” Odessius said.

Odessius put a splash potion of harming and poison on the splash potion place on the flat of the sword.

“With the power of poison and harming, it will have extra damage and poison on you.” Odessius said, his face with an evil grin.

Blaster swung his diamond sword at Odessius, only to be blocked by his blade. The sword was so hard that his left hand now felt terribly weak. The impact made Blaster think he was mining bedrock with a wooden pickaxe.

 Odessius, recognizing his chance, dove his blade on Blaster’s exposed neck.

Pain erupted at Blaster’s neck

Blaster dropped his diamond blade to feel his neck, and the it was, a jagged line with blood spurting out of it.

Blaster fell to the ground.

“It will take more than a teenager to survive my sword’s edge on this sword” said Odessius.

Blaster could sense Hunter and Watcher coming for him, but he couldn’t make it in time.

Suddenly, Cutter appeared in front of Blaster, then threw a splash potion of healing at Blaster, then fought Odessius himself.

Blaster could finally stand up, but the poison was still going on.


The edge of Odessius blade cut into Cutters armor.

Cutter grunted in pain, but kept on fighting.

Blaster noticed that Cutter broke the Splash potion of poison, so the sword no longer had the poison effect.

After a few hits from Odessius blade, Cutter finally fell to the floor, his HP finally exhausted.

“Ha! You little friend here has some skill, but this blade is stronger”

Odessius pointed with his sword at Blaster, then at Cutter. He swung his blade to finish Cutter off. But Blaster wouldn’t let him. He whipped out his bow and shot it at Odessius, the punch enchantment making him fly back.

Odessius screamed in range, then pulled out an enchanted trident and threw it at Blaster. It struck Blaster in the chest, knocking him over, then a lighting bolt struck Blaster.

Blaster thought he was going to die.

But instead, Blaster didn’t die. He looked down, and found out that electricity covered him. His weapons were also on with electricity,

Wow. Thought Blaster. This is great.

Blaster slashed at Odessius, then suddenly, Odessius was ignited on fire.

“HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!” Demanded Odessius as he drank a fire resistance potion.

Even Blaster was startled.

You are now a Wizard, just like me. A voice called in side Blaster’s head.

Who are you? Thought Blaster, trying to communicate to the strange voice inside his head.

I am Tharus, a wizard. I will help you.

Thanks. Now tell me some tricks about the Electricity. Replied Blaster.

Well, here are a few tricks. Point you tip of your sword at your enemy, focus on is, then grip the sword tight.

Blaster focused on Odessius, pointed at Odessius and gripped the swords hilt tight.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flew from the tip of the Obsidian blade, and struck Odessius in the chest, sending him flying back.

WOW! Thought Blaster.

Okay, now here’s another trick. Target your enemy with you mind, then use your sword and hit the floor once like trying to mine and see what happens.

Blaster did as told.

A gigantic explosion happened under Odessius.

“I’m GONNA KILL YOU!” Shouted Odessius with hate.

The Blades crashed against each other and sparks flew. Odessius swung his blade at Blaster’s head, But Blaster was to quick and twisted sideways, letting Odessius’s blade hit the ground. He attacked him on the side, and to Blaster’s surprise, the blade pierced though Odessius’s armor and found soft flesh.

He thought it would just clang helplessly to the side, both made out of the same material.

Now, slash your sword with all you might. Tharus commanded

Blaster slashed his obsidian sword with all his might and suddenly, a largest lighting bolt Blaster ever seen hit Odessius, then followed by a few lighting strikes that looked like arrows.

Then Blaster drew his Bow and fired a volley of arrows, but the arrows were actually lighting bolts.

Odessius was finally dead. Blaster allowed the items flow thought his inventory

Wow, do I have superpowers now? Blaster thought.

But his thoughts where interrupted me a shout of pain.

Blaster scanned the army.

He found out the Hunter was baldly wounded. A crimson soldier was attacking Hunter.

Hunter was really wounded, and he didn’t even care because he was lost in the aspect of battle.

He stuck the ground with his sword with so much force that the biggest eruption Blaster heard happened.

Now Blaster, His body glowing brighter than the sun, struck the solider attacking Hunter with so much power that his sword shattered into a million pieces. He struck the solider again a pierced directly thought his heart. The solider disappeared with a pop. He Put his sword back in his inventory, then whipped out his bow.

“You okay?” Asked Blaster.

“Yeah” Replied Hunter.

Blaster saw that there was a deep cut at Hunters shoulder. Blaster took out a block of wool and placed it on Hunter’s shoulder, but then it instantly turned red, dyed red of Blood.

Blaster shot a trolley of arrows. Then, he nocked three arrows at a time and fired, his Bow humming a song of death.

Digger swung his axe and pickaxe in a great deadly arcs. The Crimson soldiers tried to escape Digger’s deadly arc, but Watcher and Jack was ready for them. Soon after, the army was defeated.

Some warriors kept fighting, while other begged for mercy. Blaster and his friends attacked the ones that fought, then gave mercy for those that stopped fighting.

“You will need to help us to kill the zombie king” Blaster demanded.

“Let’s set camp here for a while” Watcher said. Most of us are wounded, and need food.” Said Watcher.

Blaster glanced at Hunter, then focused on Watcher.

“Here” Blaster said as he tossed some bread and fruit at Watcher, Digger, and Hunter.

“Wait. Where’s Cutter?” Asked Digger.
“Watcher, give me some of your healing potions’ Said Blaster.

Watcher handed over some Healing potions. Blaster took them and sprinted toward Cutter.

“You okay” Blaster Asked.

“Y-Y-Yeah” Said Cutter.

Blaster threw some splash potions of healing on him and pulled him up.

“Thanks” Cutter said.

Cutter, I have something for you. Blaster said as they walked over to their camp.

“What is it” Cutter said.

“Well, it’s this” Said Blaster as he offered Cutter Odessius amber sword.

“Why would I want that?” Asked Cutter.

Because it’s a little bit to heavy for me, and you are a better warrior than me” said Blaster  

“Thanks” Said Cutter and flashed him a smile.

“Oh, by the way, you probably need this” Blaster said as he handed Cutter Odessius set of Enchanted Obsidian armor.


Chapter 8

“These villagers are working a bit slow, your majesty. The zombie general said with a bow. “They are lacking food. They will perish soon”

“Hmm, what is this zombie’s name? Za-nul said.

“Ra-bun, sir.

“I promote Ra-bun to Su-bun.

Su-lun beamed with pride.

“Tell the zombies to only give food to the one that are strong. Let the weak one’s perish. Take a Battalion of our army, with is 900 soldiers, then attack our enemy, Blaster and his friends. Take this with you” ordered Za-nul as he handed Su-bun the Eye of searching.

“It would be an honor, sir” Replied Su-lun with a bow.


Chapter 9

Everyone was slept tightly expect Blaster. Being the leader of their group, he always slept lightly.


What was that? Blaster thought, communicating to Tharus.

Maybe a skeleton. Replied Tharus

Blaster quietly drew his Bow, unsure what was happening.

Suddenly, a skeleton on a skeleton horse wearing enchanted chainmail armor, wearing an iron helmet, and wielding an enchanted diamond sword appeared in front of Blaster.

Blaster stopped.

What the heck is that? Blaster thought.

“It’s a skeleton knight” Said Tharus

The skeleton knight suddenly swung his diamond sword at Blaster, attacking him.

Blaster got hit in the head, not taking damage but he saw stars and almost blacked out. But Blaster instinctively swung his blade up, some how deflecting what would have been the skeleton’s finishing blow to his head.

But the skeleton, recognizing his chance, his his sword hand, breaking his grip from the Obsidian sword.

Blaster instinctively drew his two iron blades; one from Watcher’s fathers building, one from Jack.

The skeleton, knowing that he wouldn’t stand a chance against two blades, quickly said something that Blaster didn’t understand, then two more skeleton knights appeared.

Blaster jumped up to fight the first knight, but too late. The skeleton hade already swung his Blade at Blaster’s left arm.

But suddenly, his body was on electricity again, somehow being part of his armor. Blaster didn’t feel a single thing, but the skeleton flashed red, probably taking damage from the electricity that covered his body. It disappeared with a pop. Then, his two iron blades turned white. Blaster slashed at the skeleton’s bone’s, making a deep cut. Then suddenly, an arrow hit the skeletons head. I instantly disappeared with Horror and shock on it’s face.  

Blaster stopped from shock. The soldier’s in Blaster’s village told him that a bow it not a real weapon and a warrior would only use a sword. You are useless with a bow.

“Bulls eye!” Said Cutter, a few blocks away from Blaster. He fired a few more arrow that took out the three skeleton knight.

“You can use a bow!” Exclaimed Blaster, shocked by Cutter’s appearance. Blaster could tell by Cutter’s position and grip on the bow and arrow told him he knows how to shoot a bow properly.

“Of course’s, a real warrior knows how to use a bow” Cutter said, confused.

“But the people in my village told me a real warrior only use a sword” Blaster said, surprised.

“That’s true, but what if you need to kill an enemy at far range? Throw their sword? Ha-ha-ha! I would use my sword for more close combat. Let me tell you, they are a fool.”

“What’s that?” Asked Watcher.

Blaster found him staring at a Green Ender chest.

Blaster opened the chest, and found an enchanted flail. He also found three enchanted dironical amber sword’s, identical to Odessuis sword. He also found a Big enchanted Broadaxe and enchanted white bow.

“Watcher and Hunter, why don’t you take one of this?” S aid Blaster as he passed one of the dironical swords to Watcher, one to Hunter.

Blaster inspected Odessuis’s Blade on his hand, then held his obsidian blade in the other.

“wooaahh! Said Watcher as he tripped over a rock.

Watcher bumped into Blaster with so much impact that Blaster dropped both his swords.

Then suddenly, a bright light covered the swords, and when the light faded, an enchanted light turquoise sword just stood there.

Blaster took it.

“Wow” Blaster said as he read the enchantments: Bane of Arthropods V, Fire aspect II, Knockback II, Sharpness V, Smite V, and Unbreaking III.

“Should I try it out?” Asked Blaster.

“Maybe” Said Cutter.

Blaster slashed at Cutter with his new sword. Cutter blocked with dironical sword, but he was to late. Blaster’s sword cut directly though Cutter’s enchanted chest plate and found soft flesh. Cutter flashed red with damage, and suddenly Blaster felt aware of what did he just done. Cutter saved Hunter’s life, even though it was his responsibility.

“Sorry” Blaster said, lowering the blade and putting it in his inventory.

“It’s okay’ Said Cutter as he wiped the blood of his chest; the wound wasn’t deep, but it still bled freely.

“I think you should name the Blade” said Cutter.

“No, you name it” insisted Blaster.

“Well, I’m going to name it Wave, because of it’s color and the speed you swung it. It must be light” Said Cutter.

“So be it” Agreed Blaster.


‘What was that?” Asked Watcher, his eyes scanning around in alarm.

Suddenly, three zombie’s riding on zombie horses with leather armor on and the zombie’s clad in enchanted iron armor. Two wielded sliver sword’s, and one girl was holding an enchanted bow and with a quiver stuffed with arrows.

Cutter slashed with his dironical sword, but he retreated with confusion in his face.

“Isn’t dironical supposed to cut though iron?” He said as he eyed the sword with disgust, then put it back in his inventory and pulled out his iron Blade. He swung it at the zombie’s chest, but the sword almost shattered.

“This chest plate, and also the sword is made with vibratium, a metal a little bit harder and flexible than dironical. It is almost indestructible” The zombie said. “Now surrender before I cut you into two pieces. I am the leader here”

Cutter just laughed. He retrieved his dironical blade and swung it as the vibratium, thinking he would shatter it.


The vibratium sword proved much stronger.

Cutter took a step back, confused by the durability of the sword.

Blaster gripped Wave’s hilt firmly.

“Stop and surrender” Blaster said to the leader, not wanting to take any risks.

“Or else what?” Challenged the Zombie.

“Or we dance” Said Blaster as he drew Wave.

The archer zombie quickly shot three arrows at Blaster, but Blaster spotted the attack and ducked, the arrow’s hitting one of the Zombie horse instead. The arrow’s pierced though the leather coating on the horse and found soft flesh. It flashed red with damage. Blaster attacked it with Wave, the horse disappearing with a pop. The rider fell to the floor, the fall taking half it’s health. Blaster struck the the zombie with his sword, taking his last of it’s health. He allowed the items to move freely into his inventory.

“We will avenge him!” Said the leader.

The leader swung his sword at Blaster, but Blaster was ready for him. Be Blocked the Blade with Wave, and swung Wave at the horse. One hit was enough. The Horse disappeared with a pop!

The leader fell to the floor.

Blaster gripped Wave tightly, then attacked the zombie.

“Arrg! I am on fire!” Screamed the leader, how was franticly running around and rolling on the floor, trying to put out the fire. The zombie disappeared with sadness and shock on it’s face.

The archer zombie, knowing that he couldn’t kill so many people with just a bow, surrendered.

Thump thump thump

“What was that?” Asked Watcher. “I swear I hear something”

“Have some night vision potions” Said Jack as he passed some potions of night vision and regeneration.

Blaster placed some torches on the ground.


“That is a lot of zombie’s!” Watcher said.

“Come on Zombie’s, let’s dance” Said Blaster


Chapter 10

Blaster drew the white bow he found earlier and started shooting. The bow was magical, but it needed recharging. It reached out for the nearest charging system: Blaster HP.

Blaster grunted as the bow took some HP from his health again, and fell to one knee. He put the bow back in his inventory and started shooting with his normal bow. After a few hits, he drew his sword and crashed into the zombie army. After just a few hits from the white bow, they defeated half the army already. Wave whistled though the air, destroying everything in it’s path.

“Blaster, to your right!” Hunter warned.

Blaster ducked as a zombie’s claw, barley hitting his head.

He slashed at the zombie’s leg’s, killing it in a matter of seconds. But there was something wrong about the monsters’ claws. It was green, like it had poison on it. Even though it didn’t disturb Blaster, he still hesitated with his next attack, giving time for the Battalion of zombies to advance.

He tossed Wave on his left hand, then drew the flail he found earlier in the ender chest.

He gripped the leather grip tightly, and swung it at a zombie wearing a golden chest plate. The spiked ball cut though the golden armor and found green, zombie flesh.

The zombie flashed red with damage, then disappeared, leaving behind three balls of XP, some zombie flesh, and a golden chest plate.

Blaster swung the Flail again this time at a zombie wearing and iron chest plate and wielding a wooden pickaxe.

Blaster tried to stop the flail in midflight because Blaster saw that the length of the zombie was to great; three blocks away, but Blaster couldn’t stop.

The chain connected to the spiked ball and the stick suddenly extended, striking directly at the zombie’s head.

The zombie tried to block with his wooden pickaxe, but Blaster quickly shattered it with Wave. He slashed Wave at the zombie’s chest, but it did little damage.

“Vibratium” Tharus said

Blaster backed up a little and built a four block high dirt pillar, then drew the white bow.

He pulled back the string, and fired.

The arrow sailed though the air and landed on the zombie’s chest.

It disappeared immediately.

He drew back the string again and again, making the zombie Battalion smaller and smaller.

Soon, there was one zombie left.

“Who sent you?” Demanded Cutter.

The zombie just smirked.

In a flash, Cutter cut at the zombie’s chest, then held his sword at the zombie’s throat.

“I repeat, WHO SENT YOU!” Cutter yelled.

“Za-nul, the zombie king” The zombie replied.

“How did he know that we were finding him?” Digger said, confused.

His wife, Su-lun, made a new invention. It is called The Eye of Searching. It allows the user to see anything in the Nine realms. He is watching us as we speak” The zombie said. “Now, kill me because if their gods find me, they will give me an even fitting punishment”

“Fine” Cutter said.

“Help me! Somebody shouted behind him.

Hunter turned and found a dark corridor.

The zombie, realizing his chance to attack, lunged at Hunter.

But Blaster was to quick.

He drew his ordinary Bow and shot an arrow at both of the zombie’s arms.

It shot cleanly though and the arrow tip embedded itself into the stone walls. The zombie was stuck.

Blaster nocked another arrow and pulled back the string, aiming for the zombie’s eye.

“Next one go’s though your eye “Blaster said.

Blaster put some torches and found a prison.

There was a lot of Villagers. Some of them where warriors, while others had other jobs like Bakers, Black smiths, farmers, Woodcutters, mappers…

The villagers, seeing the party had weapons, threw them selves on the floor, begging for mercy.

“Have anything you want!” Said one of the villagers. He wore a dusty white smock and had long white hair. He threw a map, a compass, and an apple to the floor. He looked pretty familiar.

Blaster put the flail and Wave in his inventory, then picked up the items and handed him back to the villager.

“Don’t worry, we are friends” Blaster said as he gave the man an apple and a loaf of bread.

“Thank you, Tha-” the man stopped. “Are you Blaster” The Man said.

“Wait” He locked his eyes into the mans black eyes, then a smile burst though his face.

“Cleric!” Blaster said as he gave him a big hug.

“Yes son, it is me” Cleric said as he wiped away a tear.

“Were is Winger?” Blaster asked as he scanned the crowd for he little sister.

An arrow flew thought the air and landed on Blaster’s chest with a Thunk.

Blaster drew an Iron sword.

“Hi big bro-” Winger stopped as she saw Blaster’s sword.

“Is only me! I wanted to surprise you!” Winger said as she threw her bow on the ground.

Blaster’s heart broke when he saw this.

He put his iron sword in his inventory, then hugged Winger.

“Oh, sorry. I thought you where a skeleton” Blaster said.

Blaster felt something wet at his shoulder.

“You scared me” Winger cried.

“So, how is it going?” Asked Blaster when he released the hug.

We are starving” Cleric said.

Blaster gave Winger an apple and a loaf of bread.

He motioned the others to give the villagers some food.

“I need to speak with the leader’ Said Blaster.

The leader was wearing a Golden helmet and had an Iron pickaxe   strapped to a belt as his waist, Blaster could see it: He was a miner.

“Hi, my name Miner” The leader said.

“I need to speak with your best Builder, your Blacksmith, your Crafter, your Cutter, your farmer, and your Mapper”

“Okay, I’ll get them” said Miner as he disappeared into to the crowd of Villagers.

He told Cutter, Digger and Hunter to follow him.


Chapter 11

“Why is this happening!” Shouted Za-nul. “Our enemy, the kid named Blaster now know that we are spying on him!”

He walked up to his Black smith.

“I wanted you so repair my chainmail armor, then enchant it with Thorns and fire protection. I also want you to make me an iron sword and a Gold helmet with you best carving on it” Ordered Za-nul.

“Yes, Sir” The Blacksmith said and went to work.

He walked to an old villager.

“DIG FASTER!” Za-nul yelled.

I am running out of energy, plus I don’t have enough food. It is also because of me pickaxe” Said the villager.

“Have mine then!” Said Za-nul as he threw his iron pickaxe as the villager.

It made no difference.

“YOU ARE LIEING!” Boomed Za-nul as he drew his Golden sword and hit the villager twice, killing him.

The villager next to the villager took the iron pickaxe and started digging lighting fast. Za-nul could tell that the villager had little strength left.

“Stop” He told the villager.

The villager stopped immediately.

“I like you, villager, and I will return the honor”

The villager just stared up at him, eye’s bulging with shock.

“P-p-please don’t k-kill m-me” The villager said, shakily.

Za-nul just chuckled.

“Give me your hand” Za-nul commanded.

“Y-y-yes” The villager said; very nervously.

He called three of his best warriors over to him. They each held a splash potion with a Cyan color(Greenish-blue)

“You idiots, what are you waiting for! Throw it on him, NOW!” Za-nul shouted, impatient.

The zombie warriors threw the cyan liquid on the villager.

“What are you doing to me!” The villager yelled.

Za-nul just smiled. He watched as the green, zombie virus covered his body.

“Arise, my child” Said Za-nul “You are the new you shall be the new zombie general. Defeated the old one”

He handed the newly zombie an Iron sword enchanted with Sharpness IV, Knockback V, and a golden helmet. He also gave a diamond chest plate enchanted with fire protection, projectile protection, and Thorns.


The word quickly spread around and moans of excitement could be heard.

The old zombie general, Xa-tul, looked really mad.

“Are you sure you want this” Xa-tul complained.

“Would it be better I you faced my sword?” Za-nul said, drawing his sword in a single, fluid motion”

“Fine” Xa-tul grunted.

The zombie arena was crowded with zombies. But they did not know that Za-nul was keeping a big secret from them. The splash potions were made by a Witchbrine, given by his Maker, Herobrine. She was his trusted potion maker. He put 40 percent of his powers into the potions, added a leaping potion and a strength potion, and a swiftness potion.

“LET THE ATTACK BEGIN!” Shouted Za-nul

Xa-tul was dressed in iron from head to toe. Za-nul could sense that he clearly wanted to win. He also wielded an enchanted Iron sword, except that is was only enchanted with Sharpness II.

The two swords clashed with a mighty Clang! Xa-tul swung his blade at Xa-nul’s head, but the zombie ducked at the last second and slashed at Xa-tul feet. With the enchantment Sharpness IV on it, it tore though the Iron leggings easily, but it was strong enough to block the impact.

Xa-tul growled in frustration, then swung his blade at Xa-nul’s head, ready to finish him of.

Xa-nul blocked the attack with his blade, then jumped up in the air, legs forming a triangular shape. He back flipped in the air, and once doing that, he had his hand outstretched, his sword heading directly at Xa-tul’s chest.

Xa-tul blocked with his sword, but with Xa-nul’s Forever remaining Strength effect on him, Xa-tul’’s sword had a deep’ V ‘Shape in the middle of his Blade.

Xa-tul screamed in frustration, then lunged at Xa-nul, a razor-sharp tip heading straight at Xa-nul.

But Xa-nul copied his motion, and the tip of two blades met with a Clang!

Moan’s of astonishment quickly spread across the crowd. No zombie could ever fight like this, apart from Za-nul, and it was insane to block an opponent’s sword’s tip like this.

Xa-tul stared at Xa-nul with fear and confusion at this move, giving time for Xa-nul to open attack.

Xa-nul chopped at Xa-tul’s ribcage three time’s, with such force that that three moves were enough to kill him.

Xa-tul was able to block the third blow with his sword, but with the dent earlier from Xa-nul, the blade was chopped cleanly in half;

Xa-tul’s health was dangerously low.

Xa-nul swung his blade at Xa-tul’s head, killing him.

The zombie disappeared with a sorrowful moan, leaving his Iron armor, an Iron sword, three balls of XP, and some zombie flesh to show that it ever existed in Minecraft.

Xa-nul pick up the item’s, donned the Iron leggings and boots on himself, then waved his blade upon his head, signaling the fight was over.


Chapter 12

“Hi, my name is Smithy” The Blacksmith said.

“My name is farmer” The farmer said.

“My name is Builder” The builder said.

 “My name is Crafter” The crafter said.

“My name is Mapper” The mapper said.

“And mine’s Woodcutter” The cutter said.
“My name is Blaster, and these are my friends, Digger, Hunter, Watcher, and last but not least, Cutter” Blaster said as he pointed to Digger, Hunter, Watcher, and Cutter.

“Mapper, do you think there is a village near?” Asked Blaster.

Sadly, the nearest one is a three day’s walk from here” Mapper replied.

“Do you know anything about this dragon scale armor?” Jack said, behind them.

Mapper’s eye’s nearly popped out of his head when Jack mentioned the name.

Well, it is stronger than vibraitum, and dironical, and it allows the wearer to withstand any damage”

“What about this?” Blaster said as he drew the White bow and the flail.

“The Flail is called the Flail of regrets, it is a wizard’s weapon, and it could harm a normal villager if you use it. Better be off with it”

“Don’t worry” Blaster said as he let the magical power drift though his body again.

“Y-y-you are a wizard!” Exclaimed Mapper

“And the Bow?” Said Blaster as he let the power’s fade away.

‘It is called the Fossil Bow of Destruction. It is the most powerful weapon in history. It could kill they most terrifying beast and if you focus on your enemy, it will turn and track your enemy”

Wow Thought Blaster.

“Let’s head for the nearest village now” Blaster said.

The army rushed thought the forest, with Blaster and his friends leading them.

“Mapper, come here” Blaster shouted.

The old NPC (Non-playable character) moved between the army and reached Blasters side.

“Where do we go now?” Asked Blaster.

Mapper pulled out a map and a compass.

“We go this way!” Mapper said.

“ZOMBIE’S ON THE LEFT AND RIGHT!” Shouted one of the soldiers called.

Blaster drew The Fossil Bow of Destruction. Torches flicked in the Darkness.

Then Blaster saw it. 50 zombies on the left, 50 on the right.

“Everyone, split into two groups and protect your neighbors. He can defeat them if we work together”

“CHARGE!” Digger shouted.

Blaster pulled back the string, then focused on a group of zombie’s advancing on the right. He fired and the arrow sailed though the air, then pierced though the the first zombie, then pierced though another and another.

He drew Wave on his left hand and drew the Flail of regrets on the other.

He swung the flail at the first zombie, then attacked it with Wave.

Then, he focused on a zombie wearing a complete set of vibratium armor.

He swung Wave at the zombie, then swung the flail at the zombie.

This time, Wave cut though the vibratium armor like it was just soft leather.

With the attack followed by the magical Flail, the monster disappeared with a pop!


 Something exploded at his feet.

Blaster was thrown of his feet. He landed with a loud Thunk on the floor.

“Here, eat this” Mapper said as he tossed Blaster an enchanted golden apple.

Blaster quickly devoured the fruit, and the Regeneration effect quickly let him stand.

“Watch out!” Mapper said.

Blaster turned around and saw a zombie holding an Iron sword.

He held Wave to deflect the Blade, but it was to late.

The sword hit Blaster unprotected arm.

Blaster yelled in pain.

He swung Wave at the zombie, but missed.

He flew back a few blocks, and took some damage.

Must have Sharpness and Knockback on it Blaster thought.

Blaster ran forward the hit the monster, but he barley made a step when three flaming arrows struck the monster, destroying it.

Blaster looked back and saw Winger grinning at him.

“Hey, were did you get that new enchanted bow?” Asked Blaster, pointing at the new enchanted bow.

“The Blacksmith Smithy gave it to me. It’s got Power, Punch, Flame, Infinity, and Mending enchantment on it with all the maximum levels on it”

“Wow” Blaster said as he focused on another zombie.

Then suddenly, an Iron axe flew though the air and landed on the zombie’s head, the razor sharp tip embedding itself though the zombie’s leather helmet and finding soft, zombie flesh.

The Axe fell to the ground, taking the zombie’s HP with it.

Woodcutter ran to retrieve the Axe.

He swung his Axe around and around, destroying anything with it.

After a few shots from the Fossil bow of destruction, the army was defeated.

“That was insane, man!” Watcher exclaimed when he reached towards Woodcutter.

The other villagers just giggled.

“I going to tell you a secret” Said Woodcutter as he moved away from the villagers.

“Can I trust you with this secret and with your friends?” Said Woodcutter, looking at Blaster and his friends walking towards Watcher.

“Of course, my name it Watcher, this is Blaster, Hunter, Cutter, Digger, and Jack” Watcher said, offering Woodcutter a smile.

“Well, I am a woodcutter, but this village already has a woodcutter” Woodcutter said, pointing to a huge ground surrounding a woodcutter, telling him he was the best with an axe.

“The woodcutter challenged me to a duel for who can cut down the most tree’s in an hour, but he wanted to win so he cheated and used a diamond axe” Woodcutter said, then threw his iron axe down on the cobblestone floor in shame.

The axe went halfway thought the rocky floor.

“Whoa!” Blaster said, pulling out the axe, then handing it back to Woodcutter.

 “What is it?” Asked Woodcutter, eyeing Blaster’s unusual sword suspiciously.

“I saw the way you fought, like Watcher said, you where really insane” Blaster said, putting Wave away and taking Woodcutter’s axe away from his hands and handing it to Jack.

“Repair the axe, decorate it and make him a new one. Use the rarest materiel you have”

“Got it” Jack said, then headed to work.


Chapter 13

‘That was impressive” Herobrine said, suddenly appearing behind Za-nul.

All the zombie’s bowed.

“For your effort, I am going to give you a present” Herobrine said, handing Xa-nul a diamond sword enchanted with Sharpness V, and a whole set of freshly crafted iron armor.

“Thank you, my lord” Xa-nul said, giving Herobrine a bow.

“Don’t say thank you, you earned it” Herobrine said, giving the zombie a smile.

“I want you to attack our enemy, the little weak and stupid Blaster” Herobrine said, drawing his map and pointing to a village in a desert.

“I can see that our enemy is heading to that village” Said Herobrine.

“Take a brigade of our soldiers, which is 3,000 soldiers with all equipped with either a sword and a shield, or a whole set of armor and a sword. Take our best soldier’s” Herobrine continued. “We will land a mass attack this time.


Chapter 14

Jack showed Woodcutter his newly made double-edged-battle-axe. The iron bit on the axe was chopped of and replaced with obsidian and sharpened into a razor sharp edge. The stick was replaced with stripped dark oak, the knob made with leather, and the shoulder covered with a diamond ring with little emeralds on it.

The eye of the axe had a few sharp iron triangles on it.

“Hey, I was the real woodcutter here and you get a fancy axe? Let swap!” Said the primary woodcutter.

“No, my new friends were really kind and helped me. This was a present from them. Your diamond axe suits you better, because it is a little to heavy for me. Thank you, but I think no.

“Gasps from other villagers could be heard from the villagers near by”

“New friends, fancy axe, Pah!” The woodcutter said, reaching for Woodcutter’s axe.

Woodcutter pulled back.

“Well I going to ask your fake-new friends. Do you think I should have this?” The woodcutter asked Blaster.

Hunter stepped forward, hands on her hips.

“I don’t think so” Hunter snapped.

“Oh little lady, don’t be so angry!” The woodcutter said sweetly, took out a piece of paper and signing the paper with a quill, then giving it to Hunter.

“May I?” The woodcutter said.

“You’re not my boyfriend, he’s my boyfriend” Hunter said as she put a hand on Blaster’s shoulder.

Blaster’s heart felt like it would burst with happiness. He felt accepted and calm when he was near Hunter. He didn’t have to be brave or smart; He just had to be himself, just himself, just Blaster. 

 “You are so mean to people, and that is not good” Hunter said, annoyed.

The woodcutter screamed in anger.

 “YOU DON’T SHOW RESPECT TO SUCH A GREAT WODDCUTTER? I BEAT HIM IN A CHALLENGE!” The woodcutter shouted, pointing at Woodcutter.

“That’s true, but you cheated using a diamond axe” Said Jack, hands crossed.

“After all, I made it- sorry, added a few upgrades to it, and it is his axe” Jack said.

“WHAT!” The woodcutter said.

He swung his axe, drawing a line of death heading directly at Hunter and Jack, but Blaster was ready for him.

He drew Wave at slashed at the middle of the axe, cleaving it in half.

“WHAT!” The woodcutter said, hitting Blaster with his useless stick of wood at Blaster’s head.

But with the enchanted Dragon scale armor on, the stick snapped in half again.

The woodcutter stormed of to the black smith to get another axe.

“You have great constructing skill” Watcher said as he looked at the newly crafted axe carefully.

Jack sighed.

“What was that for?” Asked Blaster, thinking that something was wrong.

“I thought I was useless” Jack replied sadly.

“Of course you are not! You’re the best Blacksmith we have ever got!” Cutter said, then pulled out his iron sword.

He showed the blade’s edge to Jack.

Jack almost jumped.

“It’s vibraitum!” Exclaimed Jack.

And it was true. Blaster inspected the Iron blade carefully. He found out the the edge of the blade was slightly darker than the iron, and battling some zombie’s wearing these armor, they got used to the color.

“I saw what you did with your obsidian sword and the dironical sword. You probably used some of your wizard powers to connect them together. Maybe you could do the same with this?”  Cutter asked, handing Blaster his dironical sword Blaster had took from the ender chest and his Iron sword.

Blaster concentrated on the two sword’s, then brought the two swords together.

As if it was real, a bright light enveloped the two swords and when the light faded, there was a turquoise colored sword in Blaster’s hand.

“That looks really cool” Watcher said as Blaster handed the sword to Cutter.


Chapter 15

“We are finally there!” Watcher said, pointing at a big village in the desert.

The climate change from the jungle to the desert was a huge effect on all of them. It was like a big bang.

Blaster took out a flash of water and drank it, stopping his thirst.

Archers in the desert village nocked flint-tipped-arrows, but when they were recognized, the gates were opened.

“We need to speak to your leader” Blaster said.

“Why?” The villager said, confused, then walked of.

Watcher shrugged at Blaster, then ran off.

Blaster glanced at the sun. It was slowly setting down the hillside.

Suddenly, something that was like a warning happened in his head.

“Tharus, what is is?” Blaster said aloud, even though he knew Tharus could hear his thoughts.

“Who are you talking to?” Digger said, confused when Blaster was speaking to himself.

“By the way, who is Thar-” Digger said, but stopped when Blaster raised his hand for silence.

I have no idea Tharus replied.

The thought was now overwhelming, I felt like a thousand sharp claws was scratching him something like… zombie claws?

Blaster fell to the floor. He felt he was on fire, except that it was just a feeling.

“Blaster, what’s wrong?” Hunter said, a little bit worried.

Cutter drew his new sword.

“Might be a warning” Cutter said.

“Oh no!” Blaster said as he figured out what was happening.

“Some body that looks like the legendary Steve except that has pure white eye’s it sending 3,000 zombies after us” Blaster said.

“That is a lot of zombie’s!” Watcher said, drawing his dironical sword.

“We have a few crimson soldiers, about 20” Blaster said. “With them, that is enough to handle 100 zombies”

“How many warriors do you think they have?” Blaster asked Mapper.

“Probably 50?” Mapper replied.

Blaster ran over to a warrior wearing leather armor.

“We need to prepare for the attack at night. You need to get ready” Blaster said.

“What attack? You must be joking” The warrior said.

“I am not joking. I you want to survive, listen to me”

“Prove it” The warrior said.

Blaster let the magical power flow into his body again. He didn’t like to prove every thing, but I he didn’t, it would be dangerous.

“Fine” The warrior said, a little surprised.

“Don’t say fine” Cutter said.

The warrior bowed.

“Yes, sir” The warrior said. “My name is Cleaver”

Blaster looked up at Cutter, confused how he made them obey.

“Warrior’s tell their rank by the mold of their sword. Even though my sword was a magical weapon, the shape of the sword is still the same” Cutter said.

Cutter pointed at a group of warriors using stone swords.

“You can also tell by the making of the sword. Sword made out of dironical, vibraitum, or steel is very rare, so they are given to important people.

“Times up” Watcher said, suddenly appearing behind Blaster.

Blaster looked back, but he almost didn’t see Watcher. Be was wearing a complete set of leather armor, dyed midnight black.

“You might need this too” Watcher said, tossing Blaster, Cutter, and Hunter a shield.

“Wait. This shield was lined with vibraitum!” Digger said.

Watcher grinned.

“I stole some vibraitum armor from your inventory, Blaster, then Jack broke it into ingots. He made a shield like any one else, except he replaced the Iron with vibraitum”

“Nice” Blaster said.


Blaster held his shield on his left hand on drew Wave.

“I guess it is time to fight” Woodcutter said.

“Archers, OPEN FIRE!” Blaster shouted.

Arrows flew down from the walls, some pouncing harmlessly of the shields and chest plates, while others slipped though cracks and found zombie flesh.

“Warriors, charge!” Blaster shouted.

“FOR MINECRAFT” Cutter shouted.

Blaster charged forward, his shield forming a barricade.

Zombies who approached him was knock off by the impact.

Blaster skidded to a stopped, then swung his sword at a zombie.

The zombie blocked with his shield, but Wave cleanly cut though the shield and hit the zombie.

He brought up his shield to block a zombie’s sword.

He swung Wave at the zombie, cleaving though the zombie’s golden chest plate and finding soft, zombie flesh.

The zombie flashed red with damaged, but before it could recover, Blaster hit the zombie in the chest with his shield, then with a side thrust-kick that sent it flying back.

Shrieks of pain and pain could be heard. Even with very skilled warriors, they were outnumbered at least 1 to 10.

Blaster was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice that there was a creeper with a bluish glow around it.

“A charged creeper!” Blaster shouted.

He brought up his shield to block the explosion, but it never came. An axe whistled past his ear and struck the creeper, killing it.

Woodcutter ran to retrieve his axe.

“Nice job, Woodcu- “Blaster started to say, but was interrupted by a huge eruption.

“Where did that come from?” Blaster asked.

Woodcutter grinned.

“I asked Trapper to make a surprise for the monsters, and she also made a few TNT cannons”

Blaster turned around and saw a girl with black hair firing TNT from cannons.

Suddenly, a zombie clad in Iron armor and wielding an enchanted diamond sword appeared in front of Blaster.

“I am Xa-nul, sent from or maker, Herobrine” The zombie said.

Blaster gripped his shield and Wave tightly.

“Why are you here?” Blaster said.

“TO KILL YOU” Xa-nul shouted.

Xa-nul swung with sword at Blaster.

He brought up his shield to block the attack, but it was too late.

The sword hit Blaster’s shoulder, the impact making him drop his shield.

Something splashed against him.

He turned back and saw Mapper throwing a splash potion of leaping, swiftness and strength at him.

“That will help you” Mapper said.

Blaster become locked in combat with Xa-nul.

But Blaster noticed that the zombie fought with a skill and speed he never seen before. The zombie wielded the sword perfectly, like it was part of his soul.

Blaster had to go beyond all of his skill to match this zombie.

The zombie slashed at at Blaster’s, head, with his feet sweeping in a wide circle, meant for catching him off-guard.

Blaster, knowing if he was off guard, the damage would be fatal, drew the Flail of Regrets in his left hand.

He swung the Flail at the zombie’s legs, while blocking the attack with Wave.

The zombie skidded to a stop, block the attack with his diamond sword, but let the Flail attack his feet.

The Flail hit the zombie, making it flash red.

Woodcutter swung his axe at the zombie’s chest, making it flash red again.

Blaster swung the Wave at the zombie.

The zombie blocked the attack with his diamond sword, but Woodcutter axe hit the zombie, forcing it to retreat.

Every time the zombie attacked once, he would be attack twice.

While Blaster or Woodcutter blocked the attack, the other person would attack.

Even with a zombie with a skill like this, it would be difficult to block two attacks at once. The timing would have to be perfect.

But being made by Za-nul, he could communicate to Za-nul though thought. They could read each others minds. So he told Za-nul so send more soldiers.

“MORE ZOMBIES ON THE RIGHT!” A Watch man shouted.

Blaster glanced right. Around 100 zombies were attacking on the right.

Oh no! What do we do now! It was I that led them into this trouble. Are we gonna survive this? Blaster thought.

Have you forgot your skills? Tharus said.

Blaster gripped Wave tightly, then pointed at Xa-nul.

“Pointing your sword tip at me won’t work” Xa-nul smirked.

He lunged at Blaster, but a bolt of lighting made him flying back.

Blaster struck the ground with his sword.

An explosion happened at the right.

“Mapper, you have some rope?” Blaster said.

“Of course, my dad told me th-” Mapper begun, but was interrupted.

“Sorry Mapper, not now” Blaster said.

“Okay, sorry” Mapper said, then pulled out a rope.

Blaster tied one end of the rope to Woodcutter’s axe.

“I have an idea, but I think you are not gonna like it” Blaster said to Woodcutter.

“What is it?” Woodcutter said.

“You could throw you axe, then you can get it back by pulling the rope” Blaster said.

“Good idea” Woodcutter said, then threw his axe.

The axe flew though the air, destroying any zombie’s that touched the axe.

I don’t think I a-” Said Blaster but he was interrupted by a shout of pain.

Blaster turned around to find a skeleton and a zombie attacking Hunter the same time.

“Don’t you dare touch her” Blaster growled as he batted an arrow away and struck the zombie.

The skeleton pulled back his Bow’s string for another attack.

“I said NO!” Blaster said as he swung the Flail of Regrets at the skeleton, killing it in one blow.

Blaster put back Wave back to his inventory, then picked up his shield.

A diamond sword flew though the air, hitting the wooden part of Blaster’s shield, the sword tip stopping just a few centimeters at Blaster’s face.

“You think it would be that easy?” Xa-nul snared, then pulled out his sword.

He swung the sword at Blaster’s shield again and again. Even with the shield lined with vibraitum, the dent earlier made by Xa-nul’s sword shattered the shield into a million pieces.

Xa-nul, knowing his enemy was hesitating, hit the back (It wasn’t exactly the back of Blaster’s sword, because it was double edged) of Blaster’s sword.

Wave clattered on the floor.

Blaster drew the Iron Katana from Jack, because the Flail of Regrets could be useless without a shield to fight a zombie like this.

Xa-nul suddenly cut at the place where the Blade and the hilt of the sword met, cutting of the whole blade.

Blaster couldn’t risk taking another sword, so he drew his bow.

Woodcutter, seeming to know Blaster plan, started dragging Blaster back.

Blaster shot arrow after arrow, some bouncing of Xa-nul’s Iron armor, or batted away by Xa-nul’s sword. But arrow after arrow hit Xa-nul, slowing taking hit HP away.

Blaster drew the Fossil Bow of Destruction. He aimed just on Xa-nul’s tummy, and drew back the string.

The arrow cut though Xa-nul’s Iron armor and the arrow tip drew a cruel line across Xa-nul’s belly.

Xa-nul clutched at his bleeding wound, then yelled,


“Yeah, and don’t come back” Yelled Winger.

Blaster looked back.

Dropped items’ floated and the ground, signaling some villager had died in battle.

There were around only 16 crimson soldiers left, and only about 34 warriors from the villagers left.

Blaster held his hand over his head, fingers spread wide- A salute to the dead.

He balled his hands to a fist, and slowly raised them down, his knuckles white.

“The one’s that died in battle will not be forgotten. If there sacrifice for this battle wasn’t there, we would be likely dead” Blaster said.

He put away the Flail of the regret and Wave away, then ran up to meet his friends.

“Sorry about the shield, Jack” Blaster said, pointing to the shattered vibraitum shield on the ground.

“Nah, it was nothing” Jack replied.

“Let get going” Watcher said, clearly inpatient that he wanted to get to zombie cave as quickly as possibly.


Chapter 16


“Za-nul, he’s done nothing wrong” Herobrine said behind Za-nul. “All I wanted is to think that that was part of our army so they don’t get prepared”

“But what you did wrong was to bring more zombie’s” Herobrine said, pointing at Xa-nul.

“Yes, your highness” Xa-nul said.

“Gather as much zombies and other monsters as possible. They want revenge that you killed our enemy’s best friends little brother” Herobrine said.

“As you wish” Za-nul said.


Chapter 17

“One last enemy to kill” Watcher said as he walked near Blaster.

“I am sure we will achieve our goal, Watcher” Blaster said.

‘But what if we don’t?” Blaster said, worriedly.

“We will, a long as you have faith” Mapper said behind Watcher.


“What was that!” Watcher said, alert.

Blaster drew his bow, unsure what was happening.

“Come out here, whoever you are!” Blaster said.

A villager in leather armor dyed black, holding an Iron sword and wearing a skeleton skull emerged behind a tree.

“Please don’t hurt me, I don’t want do do any harm” The villager said, shakily.

Blaster slowly lowered his bow.

“Who are you?” Blaster said.

The villager reached up and pulled down his skeleton mask to revealing a young face with brown hair.

“Herder?” Blaster said.

“How do you know my name?” Herder said, confused.

Blaster removed his dragon scale helmet.

“Blaster!” Herder said, jumping into Blaster’s arms.

“How did you escape?” Asked Blaster.
“Well, while I when the zombie guards weren’t looking, I stole an Iron sword from the armory room, and I escaped with my armor hidden in my inventory. It was dyed black, you see, so I escaped easily” Herder replied.

“Did you bring Crafter with you?” Watcher said.

“Of course” Herder said. He whistled and Crafter stepped in.

“Hi, Blaster” Said Crafter, waving at him.

“What about Carver?” Blaster asked.

Herder sighed.

“He was starving, and couldn’t run. The next day he died” Herder said.

“How many zombies did you see in the chamber?” Watcher said.

Herder’s face turned pale.

“About t-three thousand” Herder said.

Watcher hit the nearest tree with his fist in frustration.

“How are we supposed to kill them, then?” Watcher said.

“TNT is the answer” Crafter said.

“Lets get going”

The party walked and walked until they reached a big cave.

“Is that it?” Asked Watcher, pointing to a gigantic cave.

Mapper looked at his map.

“Yup it is!” Mapper said, Standing on this cliff.

“Man, I have been waiting for this moment in by life!” Watcher said, drawing his dironical sword.

Somebody teleported in front of Blaster. He looked like Steve, except that he had white, glowing eyes.

“Herobrine” Mapper gasped.

Blaster drew Wave and the Flail of Regrets

“Come Herobrine, let’s dance.

Herobrine drew a vibraitum sword, then charged forward.

The two blades clashed together, sparks flying in all directions.

Blaster swung the Flail of Regrets at Herobrine, but missed.

Herobrine cartwheeled back, the spiked ball just missing his chest.

Herobrine attacked Blaster’s sword on purpose, trying to break his grip on the magical sword.

But Blaster, experiencing this strike and recognizing the strike from Xa-nul, pulled back.

The sword missed a fraction, while swinging back, attacking Herobrine’s own back.

Blaster hit Herobrine’s exposed side, while using the Flail to attack the other.

Herobrine flashed red with damage.

Woodcutter stepped forward, his axe cutting at Herobrine.

Herobrine ducked, the axe’s razor-sharp-tip barley hitting his forehead.

He swung his feet in a wide arc, the impact making Woodcutter fall down. He slashed at Blaster, while front kicking Watcher in the chest.

Blaster looked back at Watcher; He was flying back. He landed on the floor with a Thud.

During this moment of distraction, Herobrine ran his feet on Blaster’s neck, then pushed down hard, making Blaster flying down on the floor, the impact knocking him out.

Blaster awoke just as Hunter battling Herobrine, skill matched.

Blaster quickly reached out for his weapons, then joined to fight.

He swung The Flail of Regret over his head, then jumped up and brought it on Herobrine.

Herobrine, not knowing the attack, kept on fighting Hunter.

The spiked ball smashed into Herobrine, eating at his HP.

Herobrine noticed Hunter’s sword a little more to the right, giving him an open attack.

Herobrine dove at Hunter, the strike likely to put an end to her.

Suddenly, Wave somehow sensed the attack and moved and its own, hit Herobrine’s sword, missing Hunter’s belly by a fraction.

Hunter kicked Herobrine in the face, catching Herobrine in the chin.

He teleported away, leaving behind a…

“THE LAST TOKEN!” Watcher shouted in delight, then did a victory dance.

Blaster picked up the token.

“Lets get going” He said.

“We might need this” Mapper said, as he handed around potions of swiftness.

Blaster drank his light blue potion.

The nether wart taste made him want to spit it out, but the taste of sugar quickly replenished the bitter taste.

Blaster and his companions sprinted forward the the door of the zombie cave, where three outlines of tokens were waiting.

“Watcher, you get to place them” Blaster said, handing Watcher all three tokens.

“NO. We did this together. We all get to place them” Watcher said, handing Hunter and Blaster one.

The trio of them placed all three of them on the outline, and the Bedrock doors snapped open.

Watcher put his dironical sword away and retried two enchanted razor sharp steel, Curved swords.

‘We did you get that?” Asked Hunter.

“That’s some thing to worry about later. For no, WE FIGHT!”

And then the battle begun.


Chapter 18

Watcher ran forward, the swiftness effect still on. The zombie’s, not expecting thing, bac, up a little, unsure what to do.

“Attack!” Za-nul shouted. “OR MEET MY SWORD!” He boomed.

Za-nul drew his vibraitum sword and swung it around, wounding some zombies.

That zombies charged forward, attacking the new comers.

Watcher shrieked his battle cry, then swung around, turning into a deadly tornado of steel. Any monster that came to close was destroyed.

Cutter charged forward, his sword cleaving though monster.

“Watch out” Hunter said.

Blaster turned his head just to see a speeding arrow heading towards his head.

He brought his sword up, like Hunter taught him when he was little.

He batted the arrow away with the flat of his sword.

Drawing a normal shield, he ran into the zombie army.

Slashing at a zombie to the right, he hit a zombie on the left side with his shield. He ducked as a zombie swiped at him, then slashed at the zombie’s legs.

He put away Wave and drew the Flail of Regrets.

The swung it at the nearest zombie, the spiked ball smashing into it. Kicking a zombie in the chest, He hit it with his Flail, making it disappear. He swung the Flail around in circles, the nearest zombies disappearing, leaving the other one exposed.

Blaster put away both his shield and Flail, then drew his bow.

Building a three block high tower, he rained arrows down at the zombie’s, put they where still outnumbered, at least 2 to 10.

He placed a few healing potions next to him, then drew The Fossil bow of Destruction.

He grunted as the magical bow took some of his HP away, the bow demanding its price.

He aimed at the back of the army, the arrow piercing though the front line of the zombies, the front zombies acting like a barrier.

He grunted as he fell to one knee, but instantly relaxed as he broke a healing potion.

Jumping of the tower of dirt, he ran of to meet Cutter.

“Take about fifteen soldiers on the right, then attack the right side of the army. I will take some arches to the left side, so push forward your force. When then come close, we will release our arrows. This will give us the element of surprise” Blaster said.

“Nice” Cutter replied, then ran off to take the best warriors.

“ARCHES, FOLLOW ME!” Blaster shouted.

Blaster took all the arches to the left side of the army.

“Hold your fire” Blaster said, drawing the bow string back, put not releasing yet.

‘Three, two one, FIRE!” Blaster shouted.

The roof on the cave darkened as arrow rained down at the zombies. The pointed-flint-shafts hit the zombie’s, destroying many in a few seconds.

Suddenly, an explosion happened, making Blaster drop his bow and cover his ears.

After a few explosions and volleys of arrows, there was only one zombie. And is was…

“Za-nul, this is what you did. Look at your cave. It is empty. Same as our village. We choose peace. You choose violence. You kill my younger brother, Woodcutter. Our loved one’s barley survived you attack. I am going to pay for it” Watcher said, angrily.

Slashing both his sword at Za-nul, they razor sharp sword bit into Za-nul’s body, killing him.

“We won!”  Hunter cheered, grabbing Blaster and giving him a hug.

“Stop, Hunter, I can’t breathe” Blaster choked.

“Don’t. Just let me enjoy hugging you for a moment” Hunter whispered.

So Blaster waited.

And waited.

Hunter finally let go.

“Wow, that was the longest victory hug I’ve ever seen” Watcher said with a sarcastic grin.

“Anyway, my curved swords were given by Jack” Watcher said, putting the two sword back in his inventory.

“Lets head back in the village now” Hunter said, then grabbed Blaster’s hand, finger intertwined.

Blaster smiled at Hunter. Her blonde hair and diamond blue eye’s glimmered in the sun.

“So be it” Blaster said. 

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