
Standing at the corner of the room was a slimy, green, moaning zombie, Xa-tul, a varied cluster of monsters frozen behind him. Drawing his sword silently, Gameknight stood in the shadows of the door, hoping not to be seen. He wished he had never left the village where Crafter and his friends had been, that it might still be in existence if he had been there to help them fight.

Slowing edging back toward the passage,  Gameknight was chilled by the eerie silence above, still awaiting his return. Anger rippled throughout Gameknight`s body because not even a single survivor had he found, and he now expected that they had all been killed but, as anger surged through him, he suddenly felt a lot stronger, a lot braver.

Desperately trying to hold back the fury, Gameknight just got angrier still, and he found himself charging helplessly at a gang of groaning zombies, but he was shocked to see they were zombie villagers, villagers who had once been turned into zombies.

Slicing at them furiously, craving to bring back his villagers, he caught two of them at exactly the right moment, their XP disappearing with a pop, on the hard, stone ground.

Xa-tul finally spoke up, his booming voice echoing throughout the chamber.

“So, Gameknight999, we meet again. This time I`m truly armed.”

The monster`s decaying, rotted body had turned a pale green, and to Gameknight`s surprise, he wasn`t wearing his usual gold armour, just a zombie king`s normal clothes.

Gameknight closed his eyes and prayed. Would this be the end?…

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