
Interview Three. 

File Under : Transformers, Primeverse, Bumblebee and Knockout interview.

(Key: Int = Interviewer. BB = Bumblebee. KO = Knockout. CM = Camera Man{AKA Dan}.) 

Int: *walking while Dan holds the camera and follows him* Hello, everyone! Our last interview was with the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime, and he was nice enough to let us roam their base in search of more interviewees —

CM: *from behind the camera* I feel like he’s always that nice.

Int: Shush, Dan, now we’ll have to edit things.

CM: Don’t we have to edit things anyway?

Int: Well, I’d like it if we could keep these episodes as unedited as we can.

CM: Ah, I see. *goes quiet and keeps filming*

Int: As I was saying, we are in search of new interviewees. Even as we speak, we are walking through the base to the other side, where apparently two Autobots dwell who will do just fine for our purposes.

CM: Forgive me for speaking again, sir, but that sounds kinda sinister.

Int: *nervously laughs* Haha, what are you talking about? You crack me up, Dan.

CM: *quietly* Glad I’m useful for something, sir.

Int: What was that?

CM: Uh, nothing. . . just commenting on the beautiful weather.

Int: We’re indoors, Dan.

CM: . . .Of course. Oh, look, I think we’ve arrived! *turns camera to the two robots ahead*

Int: Ah, yes, our new subjects. *walks up to them* Hello, giant alien robots. We wish to conduct an interview with you, will you comply?

KO: What in the name of —

BB: *notices the newcomers are human* How did you get in here?!

Int: We don’t know exactly. But that does not matter, your leader has granted us permission to roam this base in search of interviewees.

BB: Optimus?

Int: Yes, of course, Octopus.

KO: *tries not to laugh*

BB: *glares at Knockout, then goes back to talking to the Interviewer* What do you want?

Int: I want to interview you. 

BB: Um, no?

Int: I will interview the red one also if it pleases you *points to Knockout*

BB: *sighs* If I let you interview us, will you leave us alone? We really need to get our work done.

Int: Of course, yellow car alien, I will never see you again after this interview. At least, that’s what I hope.

BB: Okay, fine. Interview us and then leave.

Int: Perfect! Dan, make sure you’re getting this.

CM: I’ve been getting it, sir.

Int: Just film. *turns to Bumblebee* Alright, the first question is important because I need to know. What is your name?

BB: Bumblebee, and the ‘red one’ is Knockout.

Int: Wait, you’re an alien, right?

BB: To humans, yeah.

Int: So if you’re an alien, How did your parents know to name you after an Earth insect?

KO: Oh, he got you good.

BB: Did he? Because Earth and Cybertron have been connected for longer than we even realize. Perhaps my parents learned about it from scouts who travelled the universe. I wouldn’t know all the details, however, I haven’t seen my parents for millions of years. They have long since joined with the Allspark.

Int: What does that mean, ‘joining with the Allspark’?

BB: It is dying for Cybertronians. We are born from the Allspark, and when we die we return to it.

Int: So how do you cope when a friend or a loved one dies if you aliens live with each other for millions of years?

BB: It’s difficult, it hurts, and I wouldn’t wish that kind of grief on my worst enemy. We must go on, it isn’t our time to join them yet. We try to forget it, try to move on, but in all honesty you can’t. You just have to live with it and accept it. We’ll see them again some day.

KO: That was beautiful.

BB: *blushes* It wasn’t that great, I’m just sharing from my own experience. . .

Int: *clears throat* I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but I have a few more questions. One of them being, what do you transform into?

BB: We had to scan Earth vehicles in order to disguise ourselves, mine is a Camaro, Knockout’s car form is an Aston Martin. But normally we are just whatever vehicle form Primus grants us, probably being an alien type not known to Humans.

Int: I see. But what is Primus?

BB: It’s more like ‘who is Primus,’ and he’s the core of our planet, our creator. By protecting Cybertron, we protect Primus. If he dies, our planet dies, and even the Decepticons don’t want that to happen.

Int: That brings me to my next question, it’s for Knockout. According to the limited research I was able to find for this universe, you used to be a Decepticon. What made you decide to join the Autobots?

KO: Life.

Int: Whoa. Are you saying that the Autobots aren’t as perfect as everyone believes? Are you saying that they would have terminated you if you had stayed a Decepticon?

KO: Not exactly. But I do know that they would have kept coming after me. Forever. But that’s not the only reason I joined the Autobots, however. I had been thinking about leaving the Decepticons for a while before I actually did. The reason I left was because I realized they didn’t care about me. I was a piece in their machine, not a member of a team. Also Bumblebee is nice to me.

BB: I’m nice to everyone.

KO: Well, yes, but —

CM: Please stay on track, the camera is running out of battery.

Int: On to the next question, then: Have either of you thought about trying a different paint color? You are cars, after all, you can change it.

BB: I actually did change mine a few times, but it was just alternating between varying amounts of black and yellow. 

KO: I look fabulous in any color, but I do prefer this bright red.

BB: *rolls his eyes*

Int: Alright, since we have very limited time and next to no questions left, I will leave you two wonderful alien cars alone. Thank you for your time and valuable information. I will put it to good use.

BB: Sure, no problem. 

KO: I’m always happy to help to lesser creatures of this world.

BB: *elbows Knockout*

KO: Ahem, I mean, the Humans.

Int: Of course. *turns to face the camera* That concludes another interview with your host, me! Join us next time when I find another interesting subject, wherever they are hiding. Alright, Dan, let’s go.

CM: *yells back at the bots as they walk off* Nice to meet you guys! You make a good team!

BB: Thank you, Humans! *waves goodbye*

KO: We do?

BB: Of course, we do. 

~End of Interview Three~

~~Interview Four Coming Soon~~

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