
First things first: Before you give me credit for this, Enderdashx5x was the one who
inspired me to do this so, “Thanks Ender.”


Interviewer: Hello Ba-Jin. Please tell us about yourself.
Ba-Jin: Well…I’m 8 years old, I’m a zombie, and I have a user-that-is-not-a-user
Interviewer: Interesting.
Ba-Jin: Oh, and I’m the leader of a group of free zombies.
Interviewer: Oh, yes! Please tell us what’s it like being the leader of a zombie town?
Ba-Jin: Oh, not very different than when I was a regular zombie.
Interviewer: Your parents must be so proud of you.
Ba-Jin: …………
Interviewer: Is something wrong?
Ba-Jin: My parents sided with Xa-Tul.
Interviewer: Oh…So do you want revenge on Xa-Tul?
Ba-Jin: No, In fact I feel sorry for him.
Interviewer: You do??
Ba-Jin: Yes, he blindly followed Herobrine and it eventually killed him.
Interviewer: Actually, Feyd killed him.
Ba-Jin: But Xa-Tul had the chance to change too.



Interviewer: Hello, Monet please tell us about yourself.
Monet: Well, I’m sister to the user-that-is-not-a-user, I am one myself, and my three
best friends are: Hunter, Stitcher, and Ba-Jin.
Interviewer: Interesting…So Monet, which Monster KING/QUEEN bugs you the
Monet: Well…Shaikulud was annoying because she was trying to kill my brother, Xa-
Tul was annoying because he was trying to get all the zombies to fight for no reason,
but Feyd I draw the line at because when he was holding me captive he whispered in
my ear ‘HB is going to kill Gameknight999 then start working on you!’
Interviewer: But Feyd saved MC…
Monet: You got a problem with me holding a grudge against Feyd?
Interviewer: Nope……………So Monet this is just a question but do you have an
attraction to Topper, Crafter,………….or Herder?
Monet: (to me typing all this) excuse me as I pound the stuffing out of this guy
*Monet punches and kicks the Interviewer*
*Monet stomps away*
Interviewer: I am never interviewing her again!



Interviewer: Hello Crafter thank you for joining us.
Crafter: It’s a pleasure.
Interviewer: So Crafter, what’s it like, running a village, keeping MC running
smoothly, and having the responsibility of all your villagers?
Crafter: It’s a struggle sometimes.
Interviewer: Do you ever wish that you weren’t the Crafter?
Crafter: Eh…Sometimes. I wish that the life of a Crafter were easier. But, no, I love
being the Crafter.
Interviewer: Ok…So Crafter, this is just a question, but does Gameknight999 ever
frustrate you?
Crafter: Oh, yes, Gameknight frustrates me a lot.
Interviewer: ……Could you expand on that?
Crafter: No.
Interviewer: Why not?
Crafter: Because it wouldn’t be nice to Gameknight.
Interviewer: Oh, don’t worry he won’t see this.
Crafter: Oh, ok.
Interviewer: ………



Interviewer: Hello, King of the Iron Golems. It’s nice to meet you.
King of the Iron Golems: Nice to meet you, too.
Interviewer: Oh, do you mind if I call you Jack? King of the Iron Golems is a mouthful
King of the Iron Golems: I do mind.
Interviewer: Well, Jack you came to the aide of Gameknight 3 times. Please shed
some light on that.
Jack: I didn’t come to his aide.
Interviewer: But what about “The Battle for the Source,” “The Battle of the Bridge to
Nowhere,” or “The Last Stand on the Ocean Shore?”
Jack: We ‘aided’ him (NOT!) in the Battle for the Source and the Bridge to Nowhere
because he had stolen the Iron Rose and we were trying to recover it. The Last Stand
on the Ocean Shore was because we were helping the villagers.
Interviewer: So you helped him, just not willingly.
Jack: We didn’t help him.
Interviewer: Yes you did.
Jack: No we didn’t.
Interviewer: Yes you did…Why are your eyes turning red?
Jack: *lifts arm*
*flips table over, narrowly missing the Interviewer*
*walks away*
Interviewer: *stagers to his feet* I QUIT!!! *falls on face*



Interviewer: Hello Mason good to see you.
Mason: Good to see you to.
Interviewer: *looks around the room nervously*
Mason: Is something wrong?
Interviewer: *glances into a corner* Well yes I had an incident with my last
interviewee, King of the Iron Golems, I believe?
Mason: Oh, yes, I know him. In fact I’m good friends with him.
Guards: *burst through the doors*
Guard 1#: WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?!
Guard 2#: *jumps on table* IS THAT IRON GOLEM BACK?!
Me: Sorry about the inconvenience, after the Interviewer sent the guards out he
tried to apologize to Mason.
Interviewer: I am so sorry it’s just that I don’t want to meet that iron golem again!
Mason: Oh…ok well I just have one question.
Interviewer: *smiles* its almost like you are the Interviewer.
Mason: Didn’t you quit?
Interviewer: Yes I did but then I got on the phone with my sponsor and he convinced
me to stay.
Mason: He did?
Interviewer: Yes he did in fact the guards were part of the compromise.
Mason: Oh…Well I better be going.
Interviewer: What?!
Mason: *transforms into Notch* * teleports out*



Interviewer: Hello Digger I have some questions for you.
Digger: Well, yeah, I mean isn’t this an interview?
Interviewer: Well…yes but it isn’t what you think it is about.
Digger: It isn’t?
Interviewer: No, I want you to be my bodyguard.
Digger: What about your guards?
Interviewer: Are they still there? *calls out to guards* HEY BOYS YOU’RE FIRED!
Digger: Ok, what are you thinking of?
Interviewer: I’m glad you asked, I’m thinking of a suit of diamond armor, 2 diamond
swords, we’ll definitely have to change your name, and I was thinking for pay 3
emeralds a week?
Digger: Whoa what?? Change my name? 2 diamond swords? 3 emeralds a week?
Interviewer: Yes. Oh, and you will have to either find a way to leave your kids at
your house or hire a babysitter because we don’t allow kids here.
Digger: WHAT?! I happen to know for a fact that you let Crafter in!!
Interviewer: He was an interviewee.
Digger: Ok well I won’t change my name and I will use 2 diamond pickaxes not
swords and the pay will be 1 emerald and 2 diamonds.
Interviewer: What!? No way, it’s the pay I said before or you not getting the chance
to be the bodyguard for a very famous Interviewer.
Digger: Ok *leaves*
Interviewer: Well…that didn’t go as planed……….HEY BOYS YOU’RE HIRED AGAIN!
Interviewer: WHAT?!



Interviewer: Hello Gameknight it is an honor to meet you.
Gameknight: Hi, thanks for inviting me to this interviewing thing.
Interviewer: Yes well my boss said that we should…elaborate on who we invite in
because we have been….well….having some problems.
Gameknight: Yes, I do think that I have heard something about that, you tried to hire
Digger for your guard and in doing so you fired your own guards but when Digger
didn’t become a guard you found out that they worked for me now.
Interviewer: Well…yes.
Gameknight: And you tried to snoop into my sisters feelings, argued with an Iron
Golem, tried to get my best friend to bad mouth me, and you caused your guards to
jump on the table when you were interviewing Notch……….did I get all that right?
Interviewer: *smiles sheepishly* you’ve been keeping track.
Gameknight: Well my dad wanted me to find out as much as I could before I did this
interviewing thing and the security on your records is terrible.
Interviewer: well yes but…wait you hacked into our records???
Gameknight: Oh yeah, sorry about that.
Interviewer: Sorry?! No, thanks! This is great! You are turning back to your old
ways! This will be a great story! Do you…
Gameknight: No. Stop. Period.
Interviewer: I beg your pardon?
Gameknight: I am not going back to the way I used to be.
Interviewer: But you just…
Gameknight: I know that that is what it looked like but that is not what was
Interviewer: Oh…then…can you tell us your stance on banning hacks?
Gameknight: Hacks aren’t a bad thing, some people like working hard for their items
and some like getting everything superfast so they can do harder things, none of that
is bad, what is bad is when people start using those hacks for griefing, when they
explode another user’s base or when they use it to cheat on games, that is using
hacks incorrectly.
Interviewer: Well I have someone here who might disagree.
Gameknight: Who?
Interviewer: *says grandly* He is back from beyond the digital grave, first he was a
virus, now he can do anything a user can do! *drum roll starts* It’s Herobrine!
Herobrine: *teleports in* Hey! Everybody loves me don’t they?
Gameknight: YOU!!!!
Herobrine: *turns to look at Gameknight* well obviously not him…
Gameknight: *tackles Herobrine* RUN INTERVIEWER I CAN TAKE HIM!!!!!!!!!!
Interviewer: No, wait stop! *pulls Gameknight off Herobrine* He has changed his
Gameknight: WHAT?!?!
Herobrine: Yes, it’s true Loser-that-is-still-a-loser.
Gameknight: You have got to be kidding me! You are a virus!
Interviewer: Just because he is a virus doesn’t mean that he can’t get along with
everyone else.
Gameknight: Ha! He killed so many of my friends so he can’t be trusted!
Herobrine: Hey, let’s not forget that I was never actually doing the killing, blame the
monsters if you want someone to blame for the deaths of your friends
Gameknight: You little…*charges Herobrine*
Interviewer: Hey! Stop that! *pulls Gameknight off Herobrine again* I hoped that we
could just have a nice Q/A without any killing is that too much to ask?
Gameknight: I suppose I can answer questions for a little while but then I will warn
my friends about this new disaster.
Herobrine: Me too I guess.
Interviewer: so Herobrine, what is your opinion on the Free Zombies?
Herobrine: I think that it is a preposterous idea; I mean whoever heard of free
zombies? Zombies were made for one reason: to serve me! And any zombie that
says otherwise is asking for a run in with Xa-Tul.
Gameknight: I hate to break it to you but all your monster kings are dead
Herobrine: What?! What about Shaivalak and Reaper?
Gameknight: Me and my friends discovered your little plot and stopped it
Herobrine: What about Charybdis?
Gameknight: Gone, I myself killed him with my snowball.
Herobrine: Well what about Feyd? I realize that Xa-Tul probably failed because MC
isn’t crashed but what about Feyd?
Gameknight: He helped us kill Xa-Tul
Herobrine: HE WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!??!
Gameknight: Yes, and he sacrificed himself to stop Xa-Tul so you can’t take your
revenge on him, not that you could, we would kill you the moment you stepped out
of this house.
Herobrine: why that little….fmffmmff *calms down* why would I care about that?
I’ve changed remember?
Interviewer: Next question, Gameknight If you had to betray anyone on your team
who would it be?
Herobrine: Oh, I like this question.
Gameknight: What?! That’s not a fair question!
Interviewer: Please just answer it.
Gameknight: No, I won’t.
Herobrine: So there is an answer you just won’t say it?
Gameknight: What!? No, there isn’t even an answer to that question!
Interviewer: Gameknight if you will not answer the question then I’m afraid that I
will have to throw you out.
Gameknight: Be my guest! There isn’t an answer to that question, there never was
and never will be, so be my guest and throw me out!
Interviewer: Well if you won’t be reasonable…
Gameknight: No, I’m not the one being unreasonable, you are being unreasonable!
*stands up* even if you told everyone my secret I still wouldn’t answer that
Herobrine: Wait…a secret? Do tell
Interviewer: Oh, it’s not that much of a secret it’s just that he went back into time
and took the place of Smithy
Herobrine: Wait wait…so Gameknight killed Vo-Lok?
Interviewer: Yes.
Herobrine: He was responsible for my defeat 100 years ago?
Gameknight: Int. I don’t think…
Interviewer: Yes, he was.
Herobrine: *turns towards Gameknight his eyes blazing* YOU WERE THE REASON I
Gameknight: *draws both of his swords and looks calmly at Herobrine* Yes I was.
Herobrine: Then you will die, Gameknight *hurls himself at Gameknight with a
diamond sword in his hand* DIE USER-THAT-IS-NOT-A-USER!!!!!!!!!
Gameknight: FOR MINECRAFT!!!!!!
Interviewer: Wait! Stop! This isn’t supposed to happen!
Herobrine: *block* well Int. I’m surprised that you even fell for my “I’ve changed”
act. *lunge*
Gameknight: I told you!! *parry* He never has changed and never will change his
evil ways! *thrust*
Interviewer: Well…maybe you are right *presses button on the underside of the
I.P.T: *crashes through the roof* DIE WHATEVER IS BOTHERING THE
INTERVIEWER!!!!!!!! *draws enchanted bows as one and fire them all at Herobrine*
Herobrine: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *pop!*
Gameknight: HOLY COW!!!!! WHAT WAS THAT???!?!?!??!?!?!
Interviewer: This is the I.P.T.
Gameknight: What!?!?!
Interviewer: The Interviewer Protection Team.
Leader of the I.P.T: Can we go now?
Interviewer: Yes Bob you can go now.
I.P.T: *walks out of room*
Interviewer: So Gameknight back to our question…
Gameknight: No.
Interviewer: Fine…fine…next question…do you feel that any other monster
King/Queen could have changed if given the chance? Please explain your answer.
Gameknight: Well…
Interviewer: Lets say Vo-Lok…
Gameknight: No, absolutely not, because Vo-Lok was a King that couldn’t think for
himself, he would follow Herobrine to his death and it actually did lead him to his
death and I would say the same thing about Xa-Tul, they both were kings that would
obey Herobrine to their deaths.
Interviewer: What about Shaiklud?
Gameknight: I think that yes she could have changed if given the chance but
Herobrine stopped that chance, she just wanted to live in peace but because
Herobrine kept egging her on she just lost it.
Interviewer: Would you say the same thing about Shaivalak?
Gameknight: No, because she was the main executor of Herobrine’s plan to cover all
the villages in lava. Reaper was also there but he was more of a protector to keep us
from butting in on Herobrine’s plan.
Interviewer: What about Erebus?
Gameknight: Again no, Erebus was a monster who was loyal to the end to Herobrine
if he was still alive he would be working on how to take revenge on all of the NPC’s
and users-that-aren’t-users.
Interviewer: Charybdis?
Gameknight: Again no, Charybdis was a murderer who deserved what he got and I
would say the same thing about Malacoda.
Interviewer: Could it be that the reason that they were so bitter to you and all
villagers was because of the unfairness of their banishment to the Nether? After all,
Herobrine created the blazes to be evil and he caused the gasts to turn evil as well.
Gameknight: It isn’t my place to judge what Notch deemed fair or not.
Interviewer: But if I were Notch I would heal the gasts and heal all the zombie
pigmen, wither skeletons, and magma cubes after all I think that they have learned
their lesson and they might even be good now.
Gameknight: If you did that then you would be condemning the gasts to their doom.
Interviewer: I beg your pardon?
Gameknight: Users and NPC’s have fought and killed gasts for so long that if a user
or a NPC saw one in the Overworld even without scars that user or NPC would kill
the gast on sight, pretty soon there won’t be anymore gasts in Minecraft.
Interviewer: Well Gameknight999 it has been a pleasure interviewing you
Gameknight: The pleasure is all mine *gets up and leaves*
Interviewer: Jack, please come in here.
Jack: *enters* you rang?
Interviewer: Did you see what a great interview that was!?
Jack: No sir, I was captivated by the fact that the Herobrine we created using the
infected lava turned out to be so much like the real Herobrine.
Interviewer: That was the best part! I want you to find more things that we can use
to create more monster King/Queens
Jack: Sir we will have to raid a zombie town to even have a chance to find Vo-Lok’s
armor, jump down the huge pit in Olympus Mons to find something of Reaper’s,
steal from Gameknight to get Erebus, and I don’t even know if something from
Malacoda, Shaivalak, Shaikulud, Xa-Tul, Feyd or Charybdis exists anymore!
Interviewer: What’s your point?
Jack: *looks at interviewer with a bewildered look on his face, quickly composes
himself* Nothing, just that you might want to interview someone else while we
create the other ones.
Interviewer: Good, you may leave now.
Jack: *leaves*
Interviewer: Mwah! Ha! Ha!



Interviewer: Hello Weaver, it is nice to meet you.
Weaver: *glances around suspiciously* yeah, nice to meet you to.
Interviewer: ………… Is something wrong?
Weaver: Oh, no it’s just… *glances into a corner*
Interviewer: It seems like you are bothered by something, can you tell me what it is?
Weaver: Well…you used Herobrine in the interview with Gameknight999, so I was
just looking to see if you were going to do the same thing with me.
Interviewer: Oh, well you don’t have to worry Herobrine is dead. And speaking of
Gameknight…how did you feel when Entity303 told you that Smithy was dead and
Gameknight took his place?
Weaver: Well, I was angry at first, but once I got over my anger I realized that he
was right. All the villagers would have lost hope if they knew that Smithy was dead.
Interviewer: Interesting…And Weaver, what did you think of Vo-Lok?
Weaver: *looks suspiciously at interviewer* Why do you ask?
Interviewer: Well Vo-Lok was a cool monster king and I was trying to ask everyone
this question but I got a little sidetracked.
Weaver: Well…he was kind of cool…I mean he was evil and everything, but for the
first monster king he didn’t do that bad…well…he killed many villagers but that is
what the monster kings do.
Interviewer: Do you think he could change if he was still alive today?
Weaver: No, absolutely not.
Interviewer: Do you think you could beat him in a battle just the two of you?
Weaver: *eyes narrow in suspicion* maybe…
Interviewer: *grins* do you think you could be friends with him?
Weaver: Interviewer…
Interviewer: HEY VO-LOK! COME ON IN!
Vo-Lok: *walks in* what do you wan…
Weaver: *draws iron sword and hurls himself at Vo-Lok* YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
Interviewer: *pushes button on the underside of his table*
I.P.T: *jumps through the door and grab Weaver*
Bob: Whoa kid, Take it easy.
Weaver: But he is Vo-Lok!!!!!!
Bob: *leans in to Weaver and whispers* look kid; I don’t like this any more than you
do. Just keep calm and we won’t need to tie you to a chair.
Interviewer: Are you ready to be civil Weaver?
Weaver: Fine.
Vo-Lok: That was very interesting, but do I have to do an interview with this
Weaver: My name is Weaver, zombie.
Vo-Lok: My name is Vo-Lok, villager.
Interviewer: Be nice or I will have to kill you Vo-Lok.
Vo-Lok: It wasn’t me! It was that villager!
Weaver: My name is Weaver!
Weaver: ………
Vo-Lok: ………
Interviewer: Thank you Bob, now Vo-Lok I have a question for you…
Vo-Lok: *whispers to himself* you always do…
Interviewer: You only lived to see 2 other monster creations of Herobrine, Shaiklud
and Oxus, do you think that with all the other kings and queens Herobrine created
you saw only the weakest ones?
Vo-Lok: Hmmmm…that’s a tough one…I would say no. Because Oxus was the best at
getting the creepers, without him and his creepers we wouldn’t have been able to
make the zombie towns and the zombies wouldn’t have stood a chance, and
Shaiklud was good to, she kept all her spiders under control and that really helped
us in the war.
Interviewer: But Oxus was a deserter, and a user child killed Shaiklud!
Vo-Lok: Monet113 sister to the user-that-is-not-a-user killed her.
Interviewer: Ok, but Oxus deserted!
Vo-Lok: Only because he wanted peace.
Interviewer: Do you want peace?
Vo-Lok: *leans back in his chair* I didn’t say that, I just said that I understood why
Oxus deserted. I would desert to, but the instinct of zombies is to fight to the end,
and occasionally we lose ourselves to battle and even if we want to surrender we
can’t. That may have caused some of the villagers to think that we zombies were HP
thirsty monsters.
Weaver: *mutters to himself* I may have misjudged zombies and Vo-Lok.
Interviewer: *furrows his brow in annoyance* well there is no place for a zombie
general who disobeys his commander…
Weaver: Int. what do you mean…?
Interviewer: Boys Ready…
I.P.T: *draws enchanted bows and notch arrows into them*
Weaver: What are you doing?!?!?!
Interviewer: Aim…
I.P.T: *aim bows at Vo-Lok*
Weaver: NO, VO-LOK!!!!!
Vo-Lok: *puts gold armor on* I ain’t going down without a fight.
Interviewer: Fire!
I.P.T: *releases arrows*
Weaver: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vo-Lok: *pop!*
Weaver: YOU MONSTER!!!!!!! *runs out of the building*
Interviewer: Jack, start working on Feyd!


Interviewer: Hello Stitcher…
Stitcher: Ok, Int. cut with the formalities.
Interviewer: What do you…
Stitcher: You killed Vo-Lok when Weaver and he were doing an interview.
Interviewer: But he was a monster…
Stitcher: I don’t care what he was, the fact is, you killed a perfectly harmless monster
and now Weaver is yelling at us to kill you, Hunter is ready to kill you, and you keep
on doing these monster king interviews.
Interviewer: Huh…well you will be happy to hear that this interview is with a
friendlier king.
Stitcher: What? There are no friendly monster kings! Every single one was bad!
Interviewer: What about Feyd or Oxus?
Interviewer: YO, FEYD! I NEED YOU!
Stitcher: What?!?!?
Feyd: *walks in* Hmmmm? Oh, you.
Stitcher: You.
Interviewer: What? I thought you would be best buds! Didn’t Feyd save MC?
Feyd: Well technically yes, but…
Stitcher: How did you bring him back to life!??!?!?
Interviewer: Well, it was very simple…
Feyd: And very painful.
Interviewer: Hey, Feyd don’t get sassy.
Feyd: Yes master.
Interviewer: *hand goes to the button on the underside of chair*
Stitcher: *pulls out bow with an arrow notched in it* don’t even think about it.
Interviewer: *hand goes away from button*
Feyd: Well did you want me for something or not?
Interviewer: We can get on with this interview once she puts her bow down.
Stitcher: *in deep voice* Hey Interviewer don’t get sassy.
Feyd: *barely suppresses a laugh*
Stitcher: *puts bow down*
Interviewer: Now then…Feyd did you ever meet Oxus?
Feyd: Honestly? No. Herobrine told us that if we ever saw Oxus we need to report it
to him immediately. No one ever saw him, so he stayed safe, but if I had found him in
my old life, I probably would have told Herobrine, and Oxus would be dead.
Interviewer: Well, that is interesting…and Stitcher, what do you think about Crafter?
Stitcher: *turns red* what do you mean?
Interviewer: I mean do you think he is nice, handsome,…or cute?
Feyd: *looks back and forth between Stitcher and Interviewer with his brow
*realizes that Stitcher has a crush on Crafter*
Stitcher: *mumbles* I don’t want to talk about it.
Interviewer: What was that? Sorry you have to speak up.
Feyd: Um…Interviewer…
Interviewer: What Feyd?
Feyd: Um…I was wondering…um…who you were planning on interviewing next!
Interviewer: Well…
Stitcher: *shots Feyd a grateful look*
Interviewer: Well I honestly don’t know…we still need to get another monster
king/queen item…then decide on who to pair it with…
Stitcher: Wait, what?
Interviewer: Hmmm? Oh we need to get something from each monster king/queen
for us to ‘zap’ them back to life. That is how we recreated Herobrine, Vo-Lok, and
Feyd: But what was the point of ‘zapping’ them back if you just killed them?
Interviewer: Well, we didn’t know that Herobrine would be evil again, and Vo-Lok
was a traitor to the zombie kind.
Stitcher: *whispers to herself* but he gave villagers information that could help
prevent wars in the future.
Interviewer: Well that was a good question Feyd, and here is a good question for
you…do you have an attraction for anyone?
Feyd: *goes red* why do you ask?
Interviewer: Well, everyone has that special someone, so who is yours?
Feyd: Even if I told you it would never happen.
Interviewer: Why? Is she an enderman? If so we can easily get her here, just say the
Feyd: *blushes and mumbles* S**i****k
Interviewer: Huh? Sorry Feyd you need to speak up.
Feyd: *blushes further and mumbles* Sh**v**a*
Interviewer: Sorry Feyd I still can’t hear you.
Feyd: *blushes still further and mumbles* Sha*val*k
Interviewer: Feyd, I still can’t hear you…
Stitcher: Oh, for crying out loud! Int. anyone can see that he is saying Shaivalak!
Interviewer: Hey! Stitcher, I don’t take kindly to interruptions when I am
interviewing someone!
Feyd: Its all right Int. you will recover.
Interviewer: I warned you Feyd! *pushes button on underside of table*
Stitcher: NO!!!!!!!
Feyd: Good-bye *teleports to the corner of the room*
I.P.T: *crashes through the ceiling, draws diamond swords and shouts* DIE
Interviewer: YOU IDIOTS!!!! HE IS OVER THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I.P.T: *half run over to Feyd, while the other half draws enchanted bows and aims
them at Feyd*
Stitcher: Feyd!!!! Teleport out!!!!
Feyd: I can’t!!!! The walls are keeping me in here!!!!!!!!
Bob: FIRE BOYS!!!!!!!!!!
I.P.T (with bows): *releases arrows*
Feyd: AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stitcher: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Feyd: *pop!*
Stitcher: *turns at Interviewer and hurls herself at him* AAAAARRRRRRGGGGG!!!!!!!
Interviewer: Help!
Stitcher: *punch*
Interviewer: Someone stop her!
Stitcher: *kick*
Bob: We are coming!
Stitcher: YAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *head but*
I.P.T: *pulls Stitcher of the interviewer*
Stitcher: HI-YAH! *kicks the one holding her in the stomach, runs out*
Bob: *helps the interviewer up* are you ok sir?
Interviewer: OF COURSE I AM NOT OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAN HER!!!! BAN HER,

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