
Enderborn book 2

By: Tomas W

Table of contents

  1. Prologue: recap from Enderborn book 1
  2. The hunt for entity 303 and the battle of the black entity
  3. The death of Enderborn’s mother and the power within
  4. The battle of the white entity
  5. Taming the ender dragon and the truth behind the white enderman
  6. The black entity is back
  7. The truth behind the black entity
  8. Renee is alive

Epilogue: A preview into book 3


Prologue: A recap from Enderborn book 1

In the previous book Enderborn, Entity303, Renee, some other people that were willing to help fight. They fought Herobrine and defeated the ender dragon and after the ultimate battle Entity303 went back to where he was found or did he you will have to find out the answer in this book. But when one story ends another begins and is herobrine really gone or is he only delayed with his plans you will have to find out in this book.


Chapter 1: The hunt for entity 303

The ultimate battle was over and Herobrine was defeated or so they thought. Herobrine had to get his power back. Enderborn and Renee were cleaning up the mess that was made after the ultimate battle but the battles weren’t over yet. The day went by fast and when it got dark you could see glowing red eyes staring from the shadows but no one noticed until they heard screaming and run outside and still didn’t see anything but they found who had screamed and asked why did they scream and they said that they had seen an entity black as night with glowing red eyes whenever they got done saying that Enderborn’s mother said Enderborn and I have to go and talk to the other witches on what you just described. Then they gathered their supplies and left they were traveling for a few days because it was hard to find the witch’s hut because they had moved since the ultimate battle then they finally found the witch’s hut and the black entity was following them. They then talked to the witches not knowing that the black entity was there the only person who knew was Enderborn because he felt that their powers were connected but to Enderborn the black entity felt weak so he didn’t say anything. They asked the witches if they knew anything about someone that was black as night with glowing red eyes. The witches said you just described the black entity and where did you first encounter him. Then Enderborn said we didn’t encounter him but someone in the village we were repairing after the ultimate battle someone there saw it.Then the witches said well then and then said to Enderborn you know he is here right now. Then Enderborn said yes but he feels weak. Then his mother said you knew he was here and you didn’t say anything. Then Enderborn said I didn’t want to worry you. Then Renee said you didn’t want to worry me. I am already worried that he is after you. Then the witches said sorry to interrupt but he isn’t after him he is after you like Enderborn said he feels weak he is after you the only way he can get to his full power is if he kills a witch but not just any witch he needs to kill the mother of the child that is enderborn and he has found you if I were you Renee I would stay near your son because he can’t physically hurt you if your son is near you until the battle. Then Enderborn said wait what there is going to be a battle. Then the witches said it can be soon or it can be later but you have to act quick you have to find entity 303. He can help you fight him and talk to Erebus and the members of the council they might help you and of course you know dead ender will help you. They left after the witches said that they had to talk to Erebus and the members of the council and the witches yelled you can find entity 303 around the hottest part of the earth he couldn’t get back to the nether because his portal was broken and he didn’t have obsidian and he has been trying to get some. Then Enderborn yelled back thanks. Then they searched every cave then they finally found him with some zombie pigmen and a few ghasts at the entrance and then Enderborn said it is I grandson of entity 303. Then the zombie pigmen let them pass and then they went to the hottest part of the cave and Enderborn said Entity 303. We are about to be in another war but this time this one is after mom and we have to fight but first we have to go to the end and talk to Erebus and the members of the council and call dead ender because we need all the help we can get because we are also going to have to fight every mob in the overworld. They then went to the end and talked to Erebus and the members of the council and called dead ender because they needed to fight. The elders said they would help because they had a bone to pick with the black entity because the black entity was a member of the council but like the ender dragons he got bent on power. Then they left the end but before they did they said meet where we did in the ultimate battle. Then they went to the witches and said that we need you to have a hut near where we had the ultimate battle but not to close because I want you to protect my mother. I can’t have her battling because of the black entity being after her. The witches said we can do that then all of a sudden there was a flash and then they appeared somewhere else in the house they walked a couple of miles that took a couple of hours to the clearing they then waited til dark because that is when the black entity would attack and Enderborn knew that the black entity knew where his mother was so he told everyone who was helping that the black entity knows where my mother is so we can’t let him pass at all costs when I say fall back we have to fall back. Then it was dark and the black entity had started fighting and sending every mob in but the mobs never stood a chance. While the mobs were fighting it gave the window for the black entity to pass by and Enderborn knew so he said to his grandfather that he had to go fight the black entity and when you have to tell them to fall back and then Enderborn went to fight the black entity and when Enderborn teleported to the witches hut the witches were trying to hold him back and they kind of couldn’t because he was getting stronger the closer he got to Renee. Then the witches ran out of strength and the black entity was closer to Renee so Enderborn teleported in front of the black entity. Then the black entity said get out of my way so I can kill your mother. Then Enderborn said you are going to have to knock me out to do that. Then the black entity said that could be arranged then the black entity hit Enderborn once and he went flying and was out cold but could still hear what was happening.


Chapter 2: the death of Enderborn’s mother and the power within

Enderborn felt someone beside him trying to wake him up telling him that he needed to wake up. The black entity is about to kill your mother. You need to wake up and show him who you are and how strong you are. Then Enderborn said I can’t. I used a lot of power when I teleported. I haven’t fought for a few months as a result of me getting weak. Then the person beside Enderborn said “the power is within” then the person said your mother has been killed. Then Enderborn said what you were talking to me and me not knowing that my mother was about to get killed. The person said I tried telling you she was about to get killed. Then Enderborn woke up and saw that there wasn’t beside him and he said where did you go. The person said I am your conscious trying to help you awaken the power within. Then Enderborn said you are right about the power being within because I feel stronger. Then Enderborn teleported in front of the black entity and said you are going to pay for killing my mother. Then the black entity said you are too weak to defeat me now that I have my full power back after killing your mother. Then Enderborn said you aren’t the only one who got stronger. I have awakened the power within. Then the black entity said what do you mean I don’t see any difference. Then Enderborn said that is because I don’t want you to see the difference right now. Then the black entity punched Enderborn and the only thing that happened was that Enderborn just turned his head and said try again. Then the black entity hit him like ninety-nine times and then the hundredth time the black entity finally knocked down Enderborn. Then the black entity said like I said you are too weak to defeat me. Then Enderborn said I am just getting warmed up and then his eyes changed from his normal color to a pure purple color and said now try and fight me. Then the black entity said what is wrong with your eyes. Then Enderborn said the power within. They had started fighting and after a couple of hours the black entity was starting to feel weak and then left the fight plus it was starting to become day time and the black entity didn’t like fight during the day because then he couldn’t hide in the shadows after the battle was over he went to his mother and said please don’t be dead and luckily she wasn’t yet her last words were take this necklace with the eye of ender it can hold the power of the black entity or whoever has power like Herobrine, Entity 303, or the black entity whenever you need to the eye will open pulling the power in and after she said that she said one last word and that was remember the power within. Then Enderborn said how do you know about that but Renee never answered so then he knew she was dead so Enderborn closed her eyes and went to put her in a cryogenic chamber reserving her body because he thought there was a way to bring her back but it would be a while. Then he went to go check on Entity 303 all of the mobs started to fall back except for the spiders and creepers because they didn’t burn in the daylight. Then Enderborn said to Entity 303 that his mother was dead but preserved in a cryogenic chamber because I think there may be a way to bring her back. Then after he said that to Entity 303 he saw that many people had fallen on the battlefield and there weren’t very many creepers or spiders and Enderborn said that they could rest he could take it from here and when he did he had defeated the creepers and spiders but the battle wasn’t over yet they had to fight the black entity again sometime. They didn’t know when though. Then Enderborn went back to the village that he was helping repair. Enderborn said that he was going to be gone for a while trying to get stronger so he can fight the black entity and defeat him completely so he can’t run off when he gets weak the reason he ran away when he was weak is because I was losing the power within. That is the only way I could fight because I had gotten weak trying to help rebuild this place not that I didn’t like helping. I enjoyed it but if I need to be stronger for the upcoming battle then I need to go get stronger. Then he said if this place isn’t finished being rebuilt by the time the battle is over then I will help when I am done and you may be wondering where my mother is and she didn’t make it out of the battle alive. I am doing this in her honor too. What you need to do since I won’t be here for awhile all of the mobs will be roaming free once darkness falls because there is no one to control them on where to go you need to build a wall all around this place and have watchtowers and make an alarm for when mobs come have archers in the watchtowers and have swordsmen go outside of the gate and fight them off all they have to do is hold back the zombies and skeletons because they will burn in the daylight you won’t have to worry about endermen because I have asked them to help you fight the mobs and since I am enderborn they listen to me they may also help you build this place back up and when the alarm goes off they will help fight now without being said here are the endermen that will be helping you and I will have a couple with me to guard me while I am getting stronger or I can stay here and help fight when the mobs come at night and fight them during the night when it comes and by day have an xp farm with every mob except for the mobs of the nether and the end. I will have it enclosed so the skeletons and zombies won’t burn and if you want to watch me fight them then you can. I think I will just stay here and do that because it sounds like a great idea. Then Enderborn and every villager started building the walls and building the village up and started on the xp farm which was a small fenced area and as days went by the arena got bigger with more room to move around. The walls got expanded out further until the arena looked like a coliseum. Then after a few weeks of getting stronger an enderman came to Enderborn and said something about the white entity is coming and once again Enderborn left and went to the witches and asked them if they knew anything about someone named the white entity. They said they did and it is the soul of Herobrine also known as steve. You have to find Steve to contain the white entity without Steve you don’t have a chance. Then Enderborn said I think I know where he is and he went back to the village and called for Steve and said he needed his help with the white entity and told him why and Steve said I never thought I would see the chance I would get my power back. Then Enderborn said yeah you are getting your power back and I want you to use it for good not evil because if you do I will take your power and put it in this necklace. Then Steve said that is a good deal.


Chapter 3: The battle of the white entity

They fought some creepers and the other mobs then a few days later they saw the white entity. The white entity looked like it was a lot more powerful than the black entity. Then Enderborn was thinking I have gotten stronger myself. I can take the white entity, the battle went on for a long time and I mean it went on for a few days the skeletons and zombies never burned because they had armor on. The armor they had on was netherite. Enderborn also had netherite armor and so did everyone that was fighting with him. The only person that didn’t have armor was Entity 303 because he didn’t need it because he is hard to take down. Entity 303 would use armor if he had to though. Then Enderborn went out of the gate and said to the archers to get ready. Enderborn said to the ghasts get ready and then he said to the zombie pigmen and wither skeletons to get ready. Enderborn told everyone who was helping to get ready and everyone was ready. Then Enderborn said to the archers to start firing and let me know when you are out of arrows because they only had two stacks of arrows. They ran out of arrows two hours later. Then he said to the ghasts and blazes to start firing the fireballs. They started firing the fireballs and they died quickly because there weren’t very many of them. Then the zombie pigmen and wither skeletons started running into the battle. Then Enderborn defeated two hundred-fifty mobs and there wasn’t much left and all there were still a lot of zombie pigmen and wither skeletons still standing he said to the zombie pigmen and wither skeletons to finish the remaining mobs. I will take care of the white entity. Then Enderborn went off and yelled for the white entity. Then the white entity teleported in front of Enderborn. Enderborn said I am going to take you down Herobrine. The white entity said you can try but in my soul form I am stronger. Then Enderborn said I am stronger with this necklace I have on. Then the necklace’s eye opened as if on cue giving him more power. Enderborn said now I am stronger. Then the white entity said let’s see if you can beat me. Then they started battling and the battle went on for three days all of the mobs were defeated and everyone was safe behind the walls waiting for Enderborn to come back after the fourth day they saw Enderborn coming to the gate and they opened it up and Enderborn went straight to steve and said here is your power back steve I have also made it where you can change your eyes to white whenever you need to be stronger. It also makes your power stronger without the white eyes but with the white eyes you are even stronger than you are with the regular eyes. Then Steve A.K.A Herobrine said thanks I will fight by your side for a long time until I die or you die. Then Enderborn said if I die you better still use your power for good and if I have a child then you better listen to him or her. Do you understand Steve? Then Steve said yes I understand. Then Enderborn said good because I didn’t want to have to kill you and take your power and I also have a piece of your power just in case you go evil because I have the power to change you back whenever I use your power. I also have the black eyes of death. Therefore it is hard to beat me and you learned the hard way Herobrine because of my mother.


Chapter 4: Taming the ender dragon

A few months had passed and the village was no longer a village but it was a city surrounded by a wall. The wall wasn’t to keep the people in because they could leave whenever they wanted but the wall was to keep the mobs out. The war wasn’t over yet because Enderborn still had to defeat the black entity. Enderborn still wasn’t strong enough so when night came he fought outside of the wall because no mobs spawned inside the wall because it was too lit up. Mobs spawn in a light level of seven or lower. During the day Enderborn fought in the arena with some warriors so they could become stronger Enderborn never gave up. He was mostly getting stronger for his mother. He never gave up because he knew his mother wouldn’t want him to. A few days later Enderborns ender eye necklace started to glow and pulled him to a strong hold that he didn’t know where it was so he said to the village that he had to go because of the ender eye necklace. Enderborn said he was going to take a handful of warriors because I need backup just in case I run into a whole lot of mobs because I may be stronger but I can only take on so many mobs right now. Steve was going because he said he would fight beside Enderborn’s side until he or Enderborn died and when Enderborn died he would fight by the next person in the family’s side. Then enderborn said I need warriors that strengths are at medium and I only need at least eleven warriors. Then all of the warriors that strength was at medium stepped forward. Then Enderborn picked out eleven warriors and went on his journey. Then as soon as Enderborn stepped out of the wall his necklace started to glow and pull him again and it was pulling towards the witches hut so he decided to stop by the witches hut and ask them about the necklace. Enderborn and his team had defeated over a hundred mobs on the way there within a few days’ time. Then Enderborn finally got the witches’ hut which was in the woods this time. Enderborn told Steve and the other warriors to stand guard just in case he wasn’t out by night and they had a nightly surprise. Then Enderborn walked into the witches’ hut and said my necklace was glowing and pulling me in this direction so I decided to stop here and ask you guys about it. Can you tell me what you know about it? The witches said that they could. So the said let us see the necklace and Enderborn gave it to the witches and as soon as Enderborn gave to the witches it started to glow again but a little brighter than before. Then the witches said it is probably leading you to a stronghold that is a few days away and it glows brighter the closer you get to it the reason it glowed brighter when you gave it to us is because it wants us to help you in the end. Then the witches said let us get our stuff and then we can be on our way. We need to get out of this hut any way we haven’t been out of the hut since the battle of the black entity and we need to stretch our legs. We aren’t going to move the house by using magic to teleport it but we can move it with another magic spell that will shrink the house enough to put it in a bag. Then a few minutes later they had their bags. Then they stepped outside and then they said a spell after the spell was said the house shrunk to the size of a puppy. Then Enderborn said we can leave and we start heading to the north until my necklace has us to turn in a different direction if it does. Then they started walking then it got dark within three hours. Then Enderborn said to everyone should we go on or should we set up camp here. Everyone said we should go on the more we move the faster we will get to the end. So Enderborn, the twelve warriors, and the witches kept moving and they fought mobs on the way. It was a few days then Enderborn and the and the twelve warriors, and the witches were getting restless but Enderborn knew the stronghold was nearby because the necklace started to glow even brighter. Even though the ender eye necklace was glowing brighter they had to call it a night because even Enderborn was getting restless. So they all set up camp and went to sleep. A few hours later at least that is what it felt like to Enderborn because time flies when you are asleep. Enderborn got up and went walking without waking the others to get some food. When he did his necklace started tugging to a cave that was in front of him he went into the cave and went pretty far down then he found a stronghold and his necklace stopped tugging at him but it never stopped glowing instead it was brighter. Then Enderborn went back out of the cave and finished getting food and went back to the campsite and started cooking rabbit. Then the sun was coming up and everyone was just waking up. Everyone asked Enderborn how long he was up. Enderborn said not very long I just got up to go get food and while I was getting food I found the stronghold it is just a little ways that way in a cave and it is pretty deep though. You all need to eat up though just in case we have to fight. Then everyone ate the food Enderborn had prepared. Then they packed up their supplies and started walking. Then they walked into the cave and an enderman came to greet them but it didn’t look friendly. Then Enderborn said to the enderman I am Enderborn son of Erebus. Then the enderman said why didn’t you say so. Then Enderborn said can you help us get to the stronghold. Then the enderman said sure. They started going to the stronghold but Enderborn’s necklace didn’t glow that bright anymore but it was enough to see what was around them. so the cave was dark and they didn’t have torches and they ran into a lot of mobs and fought them on the way to the stronghold after what seemed like a few minutes. They were at the stronghold Enderborn said to everyone to jump in. I am right behind you. I have to talk to this enderman. Then everyone jumped in and Enderborn turned to the enderman and said thanks for helping us. Then the enderman said no problem Enderborn son of Erebus and Renee. Then Enderborn said how did you know I am Renee’s son unless you are the white enderman. Then the enderman said you are correct. I have been watching you since you started walking towards the stronghold. I stopped you to see if you could tell me who you were. I didn’t know the other people that were with you except for the three witches and Steve also known as Herobrine. I also wanted to ask you what happened to your mother. Then Enderborn said she died during the battle of the black entity. The white enderman said sorry to hear that. Then Enderborn said no need to worry. I have her in a cryogenic chamber keeping her body cold because I think there is a way to bring her back. I am going to see if  I give her some of the white entity/soul of herobrine and give her some of the power of the black entity and some of the power of entity 303 and some of my power will bring her back. Then the white enderman said it may work but it might speed up her death process. Thanks for the heads up white enderman. That also makes sense that I have been feeling someone watching me and it was you. Then the white enderman said yep just seeing how you have been doing with the overworld. Then Enderborn said wait what did you say?” The white enderman said I said I have been watching how you have been doing in the overworld. Then Enderborn said what do you mean by that? Then the white enderman said I have been sent to the overworld over five-hundred years ago to watch over the enderborn as a guardian you may have heard that I was kicked out of the end for my color but that is correct but I could have been sent to the nether to be killed but instead the elders decided to send me here because despite my color I can hide in the shadows undetected until you came along you are by far the strongest enderborn child that I have seen in over five-hundred years but it may be because not only are you part enderman but you are also part witch and entity 303 and all of the enderborn children have succeeded in killing herobrine once but none have succeeded for the second time but I think you are different because you can absorb the power of your enemies once they are defeated and though you have herobrine is on your side now the more steve uses the power of herobrine he could become corrupt and herobrines power could be to strong for him to control and yes I know that isn’t the real herobrine because the real one was defeated a few years ago by you and when he ran off to lead a normal life without his power he couldn’t fight that good he never stood a chance against a gang of skeletons, endermen, creepers or zombies he battled everyday and kept getting stronger I have been watching him then one day an entity that you know as the black entity fought him but without the power of herobrine he was defeated by the black entity and the black entity is stronger than herobrine and after herobrine was defeated his soul power that was taken away became a spirit that was put in steve it was known as the white entity which defeated and you have the power of herobrine within. The black entity is unknown to me. I know of the black entity but I only know that he is stronger than herobrine and that is that. I know you have been fighting to get stronger but remember the knowledge I gave you because it can be used and ask the witches what they know about the black entity they should know a lot more and yes I should know more than I know considering I am over five-hundred years old. Then Enderborn said you don’t look over five-hundred years old. Then the white enderman said that is because I am cursed with immortality to watch over the enderborn and before you go I give you a gift because you have defeated the black entity once but when he comes back he will be stronger I give you this red enderpearl it can be crafted into a red eye of ender and when it is crafted into a red eye of ender it will hold some of my power and the power is already in it but it can only be activated through crafting the eye of ender and don’t use it to teleport around that is very rare and can only be obtained by me and I will not be easy to find after this. I want you to remember the conversation we had because it can be used to defeat the black entity and now you go and meet your friends. They are doing good avoiding the ender dragon but you better hurry before they are killed or the ender dragon is killed. Then Enderborn jumped into the void and once again was surrounded by endermen and he didn’t see Erebus among them but that is probably because he didn’t want the other endermen to know that Enderborn was his son. That is when he saw that the crystals were destroyed. Enderborn had to react fast before the ender dragon was killed because he didn’t know how but he could feel the life force of the ender dragon and it was close to death. Then he signaled to the others to come to him he told them to distract the dragon at the same time as distracting the endermen and watch out for Erebus you may think they look the same but Erebus has darker purple eyes than the others even though he is my father he will try to fight anyone he doesn’t know and since I am focusing on trying to tame the ender dragon I can’t help you guys but try not to kill Erebus I might need him for an upcoming battle. The plan was in motion and so far Enderborn didn’t have any luck trying to get into an angle when the ender dragon was off guard so he could tame it whenever it turned around and saw the eye of ender. Then finally the ender dragon had flown away to then come back down on the other people of the team that is when Enderborn saw his chance to tame the dragon. Enderborn then pulled out the eye of ender that he had been wearing and took it off of his neck and waited for the dragon to turn to his direction. The ender dragon did what he had expected he knew the ender dragon would sense the energy of the eye of ender the moment it was brought out to the open air. The ender dragon looked at Enderborn then let out a loud lung aching roar. Enderborn knew what he said because of him being part enderman. The ender dragon said where did you get that I didn’t know you had it on you. Then Enderborn said that is because you can’t sense it whenever it is hidden away but the moment it hits air you feel it and after Enderborn said that the eye of ender started to glow really bright causing all of the enderman and all of Enderborn’s team to look at it and force them to close their eyes. Then the ender dragon was tamed but after the ender dragon was tamed the white enderman had appeared and Erebus was right beside him the white ender man said we weren’t entirely truthful with you I did get kicked out but that is because I did something I wasn’t supposed to. Then the white enderman said my name is in fact the white enderman. I will tell you why I got kicked out of the end if you want to hear it. Then Enderborn said that he would love to hear the story. Then the white enderman said that Erebus may have already told you that the elders aren’t allowed to have children. This brings me to my point: I had a child which is now in fact one of the elders of the end her name is Renesmee. I was kicked out of the end before she became elder she also defeated the black entity, Herobrine, etcetera making her worthy of being an elder of the end which she is only twenty-one by far the youngest and yes I am over 500 hundred years old but when you are an enderman you can still have children even you are really old. You may be thinking that you are the same age as she is but since time is different here in the end. The time here has frozen her in time making her stay twenty-one. Renesmee might fight by your side because when she became an elder she asked me to come back I said I can’t. I would if I could but even though you have defeated all of the evil people they may come back stronger or the same it may not be for a while but I have to watch for them to come back and that is what I have been doing. I also think the reason Erebus hasn’t gotten kicked out of the end is because of my daughter. A lot of the rules have changed when she became an elder. Renesmee is the lead elder. She has changed a lot of the rules elders can stay and they can also have children but Erebus told you that they weren’t because it wasn’t time for you to know the truth but now you are more mature and we thought it was time for you to know the truth we were talking about it while you were fighting the ender dragon. We didn’t intervene while you were fighting the ender dragon so you wouldn’t lose concentration. I also wanted to say Renesmee has heard stories about you being the grandson of Entity 303 and the son of a witch and having the abilities to absorb the powers of the people you defeat. She said you may even be stronger than her and that she wanted to meet you. Then the white enderman said like I said before she might fight by your side in the upcoming war of the black entity and you may have gathered that the black entity is gone only weakened because he ran off before you could finish him you may have also gathered that the black entity only comes out at night unlike the white entity A.K.A Herobrine and whenever he gets strong enough the black entity will come out in the day time that is when you will be able to see what he truly looks. You will have to wait until you defeat the black entity before I can tell you the rest of the truth about him and do you want to meet Renesmee. Then Enderborn said that he did. Then the white enderman threw an eye of ender into the air and Enderborn’s reaction to that alerted the white enderman and the white enderman said don’t worry that is how I call her and I know your only instinct is to react with a tense fighting formation when you aren’t expecting something. Then after the white enderman said that standing before him was a female version of him. Then Enderborn said you never told me she was beautiful. Then the white enderman said did I forget to mention that it must have slipped my mind. Then Renesmee said you never told me he was kind and that he was really good looking. Then the white enderman said yeah I meant to do that because I didn’t want you to worry about his personality. He may be kind and really good looking but deep down he is very protective. Then Renesmee said that is what I like about a person. Then Enderborn said to Renesmee would you like to join me for the black entity’s battle? Then Renesmee said she would on one condition. Then Enderborn said name it. Then Renesmee said you have to take me out on a date. Then Enderborn said I can’t promise that I can do that because the thing is I may not be alive after the battle with the black entity but I will tell you this I will take you out on a date if we manage to defeat the black entity and I am still alive and you may be thinking I am stronger than the black entity but the truth is I’m really not at least not yet I still need to turn this red ender pearl into an eye of ender so I can use your father’s power you have one too I see. Then Renesmee said yeah he gave it to me for a present on becoming an elder of the end. Then Renesmee said here is an ender chest that is linked directly to the end place the red ender eye in it and it will signal to us that the battle is commencing the red ender eye will lead us to you because it is linked with you after you craft it and put it on the power will surge through you making you linked that is how I talk to my father and see how the world is doing he tells me it is doing great thanks to you. Now if you will look over at the bedrock the portal is ready to take you home. Then Enderborn jumped into the portal and instantly teleported home back into the village he was helping rebuild. Then Enderborn called an Emergency meeting because it was a matter of time before the black entity showed up again. Then Enderborn said to the villagers that the elders of the end have decided to fight with us in this battle and you are welcome to join in for this is your village you defend it with everything you have and protect the children because they aren’t ready to fight yet. You can make a difference by trying to defend the village and live or die trying because I can’t promise you that in this battle no one will live unlike the battle with herobrine or the white entity. Then Enderborn said who is with me. Then every villager except for the children said they are honored to fight by Enderborns side. Then after the meeting was over Enderborn went to his house and got some blaze rods and took the red ender pearl and crafted it into a red eye of ender and turned it into a necklace. Then he had to fight so he could get stronger in the process of training all of the villagers to fight better than what they could so they had a better chance of surviving.


Chapter 5: The black entity is back

Enderborn and the villagers all had been training for a month to get stronger and the battle of the black entity was about to commence. Then Enderborn went to his house and looked for the ender chest Renesmee had given him and then he found it and put his red eye of ender in it and then closed it the ender chest then teleported the ender eye to the ender chest in the end. A few hours later Renesmee was at the village that Enderborn resided in. Renesmee said I guess the battle is about to commence and Enderborn said yes I can feel it because of my abilities. Renesmee said yeah I knew that whenever you sent me the red eye of ender and I got here no one was battling yet and I see you have a wall and watchtowers set around the village. Then Enderborn said yeah that is right I am one of the guards on the watchtower until I run out of arrows but today I am fighting on the ground because I still haven’t gotten any more arrows I ran out  the first time I fought the black entity and also to the other reason I am doing this is to fight by your side because I want to you may have known that already though Renesmee. Then Renesmee said yeah I did after all we are alike except that you have the abilities of a witch and Entity 303 and the power to absorb the powers of your enemies speaking of which where is Entity 303 doesn’t he fight by your side in battles. Then Enderborn said yeah and he is here he is just flying around looking for the black entity and will be back soon telling us how much time we have to prepare. Then Entity 303 had returned and said to Enderborn you have exactly one hour to prepare, get everyone to their positions and get to yours. Then Enderborn said to Entity 303 where he is coming from west, north, south or east. Then Entity 303 said east side but put archers and sword fighters on all sides because he may send the mobs to each side before attacks to find where we are weak at in defense. Then Enderborn said to Renesmee you heard him meet me near the east gate. I have to ring the bell to alert the others to get into their positions. They know the bell means the battle is about to commence. I will then be there to get ready to fight. Then Enderborn went to the center of the village where the bell was and rang it as soon as it went off everyone except for a handful of villagers went to the battle stations some of the villagers stayed behind to protect the children. Then Enderborn went to the east gate, went up in his watchtower and set up a turret of poison dipped arrows and some arrows of weakness in another turret they would run out eventually. He then made a wireless redstone current leading up to his turret the wireless redstone would feel the vibrations and send all the way up to his turret hitting his enemies where it was pointed the other archers would be firing their arrows. Then he went to the east gate and Renesmee said why did you go up into your watchtower. Then Enderborn said I did have arrows but they were poison dipped and weakness. I set up a turret that fires at the enemies coming from the direction it is facing but unlike the archers they will hit whatever is in it’s way the archers are trained to fire at enemies even from a long distance like they are and even though it is a turret. It will run out of arrows eventually. Now we need to stand on the outside of the gate. The archers know the signal when to start firing. Then a creeper emerges from the forest followed by a skeleton and a spider Enderborn yells to the archers and said to fire at the spiders mostly they climb walls. Then a few of the archers fired at the spider killing it then they fired at the creeper killing it the skeleton was however hard to defeat with arrows but it was done then a whole bunch more mobs emerged from the woods triggering my turret to go of keep an eye on my turret Renesmee wait for it run out of arrows that is our cue to start attacking melee. A few hours later the turrets ran out of arrows and the archers were starting to run out of arrows then they would have to switch archers so they could get more arrows. Enderborn, Renesmee and some other sword fighters as well as some endermen and Entity 303 ran into battle except the endermen teleported. Enderborn and Renesmee were saving their power for when it was needed. The next set of archers were in their towers. They fought zombies, spiders, and creepers and of course a few endermen because they were endermen of the overworld but some of the endermen that stayed in the overworld were spies from the end they also fought skeletons. Then four hours later they started to go down in number signaling the battle to be close to being over. But it wasn’t over until the black entity was defeated. Enderborn then said to Renesmee we have to find the black entity and take him out. They then ran into the forest, saw the black entity then got him out of the woods. They then saw what he really looked like; he was in a blue cloak, had a skull for a face and his eyes were redder than they were when Enderborn had first fought him that had meant he was stronger no doubt about it. Enderborn had gotten stronger as well and he also had Renesmee to help him after all she was also enderborn. They had fought the black entity and were nearly diplinished in power. Then Enderborn’s eyes went from being normal purple to full purple. Renesmee’s did the same thing. They then had a better chance at defeating the black entity. They had taken him down then Enderborn took the power of the black entity and they had emerged victorious.


Chapter 6: the truth behind the black entity

Enderborn, Renesmee and the rest of the team that was out in the forest went back to the village and was greeted by the white enderman. The white enderman was about to tell Enderborn the truth behind the black entity. The truth behind the black entity was that he was once the ruler of the nether but got defeated and thrown into lava turning him into a skeleton then the pig king got him out of the lava and brought him back. The black entity had no clothes so the pig king gave him a blue robe that was torn a bit and with the curse of being brought back the pig king died making Entity 303 the new ruler of the nether. Then when the pig king died the black entity gained red glowing eyes something like entity 303’s but they are not the same he only appears at night whenever he first fights because he doesn’t want anyone to see his face until the day of the battle. The black entity likes to be in darkness because when he was brought back to life the black entity stayed in total darkness until he was ready to fight and until he was strong enough to fight. He fought you in total darkness to see how strong you were and how strong he would have to get so he could beat you but little did he know the more you fought the stronger you became. You probably realized you didn’t have to use your teleporting abilities because you had my power, the power of herobrine/the white entity/Herobrine. Now you have the power of the black entity. You are getting stronger everyday. You know you may have to fight your grandpa in the future because even though he shows the good side of him he could become corrupt with power like Herobrine. Then Enderborn said Yeah I know the extent of grandfather’s power because I can feel how strong one’s power is. I am the legendary Enderborn. I also don’t think the battle for the black entity is over. I couldn’t get all of his power but I got quite a bit. He will come back sometime in the future. Then Renesmee and the white enderman said you are right I noticed he still had a bit of power left but if you are going to save your mom you still need the power of Entity 303. Then Enderborn said that is right I need to ask him if I can borrow some of his power. Then Enderborn called for Entity 303 and asked him he could use some of his power to bring his mom back. Entity didn’t hesitate but said if it is to bring your mother back I will give you a bit of my power to bring her back. I will also give a bit to you to keep so you can become stronger. Then Entity 303 created a pink glowing block and shot it at Enderborn giving him strength and power. Then Enderborn said he had enough power that he didn’t need anymore and went to his house to the basement and looked for the cryogenic chamber room. Enderborn had searched for a bit because his basement was like a stronghold. It was big and had a few dungeons just in case he had to question some people. It also had a library that had been there for years. The village Enderborn resided in was in fact built on top of the very first stronghold but the end portal is still far away from his house. Enderborn then found the cryogenic chamber room, took the capsule that his mother was in and took it outside so everyone could see what he could do. Then Enderborn had first pulled a little bit of Herobrine out of his body and placed it to Renee’s body. She moved a little bit but not enough to bring her back. Then Enderborn took a bit of the black entity’s power and put it in Renee and the same thing happened. Then Enderborn took some of Entity 303’s power and put it in Renee the same thing that happened like the last two times. Then Enderborn put a little bit of his power into Renee she moved a lot more a bit violently and Enderborn asked the white enderman what was happening. The white enderman said the power you put in her is making her unstable. The necklace I gave you can make all the powers in someone like her stable whenever you give her the necklace. It will then bond with her making her powers stable as well as giving her the power to teleport. You will still have my power and you have to get to her as quick as you can before she blows you can probably tell that she is about to blow by the ground shaking beneath us and the force is hard withstand by walking and I don’t you are strong enough to teleport through the forces like us elders are the only person who can’t teleport through the forces and is an elder is my daughter Renesmee she never could because there was a prophecy that no one really mentioned because it was forgotten because no one saw to enderborn children a battle before. The prophecy goes one person is strong the other is just as strong but even they can’t withstand the most powerful force without the other. Then Renesmee and Enderborn looked at each other then looked at the white enderman and said you mean we have to join hands and focus our power together to teleport a force this strong. Then Enderborn said I think I speak for the both of us when I say we aren’t exactly there yet. Then the white enderman said it is the only way only Enderborn can give her the necklace because it has his essence in it and if anyone else tries to take it to her it would just teleport back to Enderborn. Enderborn has to be willing to part with it by giving it to his mother himself. Then Enderborn said to Renesmee sometimes you have to do what you don’t feel comfortable doing. Then Renesmee said alright let’s get this over with. But before they grabbed hands and teleported Enderborn said I will take you out on a date if this works. The white enderman didn’t tell you everything about the power we share he tells me a lot more because I am stronger and can withstand a lot more than you probably could if we do this teleporting through the force can tear us apart it may also succeed. Then Renesmee said if we are torn apart at least we will be torn apart together. Then Enderborn and Renesmee joined hands and focused all of their energy into one and teleported to Enderborns mother. Then Enderborn said he needed both hands to do this but if they let go of each other then would teleport back or be torn apart. Enderborn said place the hand that isn’t in mine on my shoulder when you have done that place the other hand on my other shoulder that should give me room to move around.Then Enderborn took off the necklace and said something in latin. Enderborn can speak a lot of languages when it comes to spells because of him being part witch the spell he said was to bring back his mother but also to it could kill her. Enderborn then put the necklace around his mother’s neck as soon as that was done. The force that was throwing everyone back stopped and Enderborn said you can let go now. Then Renesmee let go and said why isn’t she awake. Then Enderborn said I don’t know I will have to ask the white enderman then as his name was said he was right there. Then the white enderman said did I hear someone say they needed some advice. Then Enderborn said you heard correctly and Then he said why isn’t my mother waking up and did the power and the necklace kill her. Then the white enderman said no the necklace and power you gave her didn’t kill her in fact you only had ten seconds before she blew up and you chanted a spell to bring her back and that same spell can be used to kill someone depending on how you use it if you use it the wrong way it could kill her and not only her but you as well and since Renesmee was holding onto you it would’ve killed her also. Your mother needs to sleep for a bit to gain her strength back. She needs to sleep in the cryogenic chamber in your basement for a few days. She then should open the cryogenic chamber and come to you. Renee may not recognize you at first because you have grown since she went into hypersleep. She doesn’t know that there is some else that is enderborn so Renesmee you have to wear normal clothes like the villagers. Enderborn does the same thing from time to time because sometimes he goes into another village who doesn’t know who he is. This village you stand in is his village he built it and anyone that is willing to fight by his side is welcome to stay here you may notice that there are enderman teleporting in and out they are doing that so they can watch the outside and tell Enderborn about anything that has changed. If Enderborn doesn’t get told anything then things are fine. I also wouldn’t advise you to tell Renee that you two are dating for a few days after she wakes up because that could put a lot of pressure on her and possibly kill her because she has to get used to her legs again. Renesmee I also want to tell you that you can stay here. The other elders at the end have talked about it and they said they think you should lead a normal life and they made me the lead elder because of me being wiser and older. I think you should stay just in case Enderborn needs help and also to call me when he or you need anything because Enderborn can’t do it because he doesn’t have his necklace. I also think Enderborn wants you to stay and there is a vacant house in front of Enderborns house that is normally where the witches stay but they have gone out to explore and gather materials they have a house outside of the woods and won’t be back for a few days that gives you enough time to let Enderborn’s mother get used to being awake again. When a few days have passed you can tell her about you two dating and she may consider letting you move in. The witches also left their house vacant for you because they know how she could be after she wakes up. They will be back in a few days and if Renee hasn’t let you move in yet they will let you stay with them until she does because it doesn’t make sense to build a new house and it becomes vacant. Enderborn only builds houses for permanent residents or people that come and stay here most of the time but go out and explore a bit. I say this is his village because didn’t you notice all of the villagers here listen to him as if he was their lord. Then the white enderman said to Enderborn you might want to take that back to the basement before it loses power. Then Enderborn left and was gone for a few minutes giving the white enderman a bit of time to talk to his daughter. Enderborn had also known that taking back the cryogenic chamber wasn’t to get rid of him but for the white enderman to talk to his daughter. The white enderman said to his daughter you can stay in his house for a few days. The witches won’t be back for six days because they do love to explore and need a lot of supplies for potions that Enderborn can use. I am going to go to the end and run it if you need anything besides for me to help you and Enderborn battle I mean if you want to talk you know how to reach me. I also think you should know something about Enderborn. He is able to know what any enderman is thinking because of him being the most powerful enderborn child to have come over five-hundred years. He left so we could talk. Now I have to leave and I have an end to run. Then the white enderman teleported away to the end. Then a few minutes later Enderborn had returned. Then Renesmee said what the white enderman told her. Then Enderborn said I know what he said. I was the one that told him to do it and yes I can also hear what the enderman are thinking. I am the legendary Enderborn after all. The white enderman didn’t tell you that you had a choice whether you wanted to stay at my house because that was not his place to tell you it is mine but I let him tell you that you can stay. I honestly want to take it slow and wait for a bit before you move in. Then Renesmee said she wanted to do the same thing. They did fight together though when they were trying to get stronger because the battles were never over even though the bad people had been defeated the skeletons, creepers, spiders and enderman were invading. There are some enderman that don’t fight beside Enderborn or Renesmee because the endermen that don’t fight by their side was in the overworld before the end was found there are some endermen that were put here to keep an eye on Enderborn and see how he is doing. Enderborn also had a pet dragon that he hadn’t seen since they had fought Herobrine. He was going to wait to go see his dragon after his mother was back if she ever did come back.


Chapter 7: Renee is alive

Enderborn and Renesmee had fought for a few days and rested in between battles and whenever they swapped squad formation it only made sense Enderborn and Renesmee went out with the first squad. They did go there separate ways around the wall but ended up together because whenever they would fight the mobs would lead around to one of the sides. The reason they fought the mobs was because they were getting ready for another war and it was possibly Entity 303 they would have to fight. Enderborn didn’t know that Renee was about to wake up but there was someone down there watching the chamber and whenever Renee had shown signs of waking up. Then while Enderborn and Renesmee were in battle someone came out yelling that Renee was coming out of the cryogenic chamber. Then Enderborn and Renesmee swapped squad formations. Then Enderborn and Renesmee went to Enderborn’s house and went to the room where his mother was. Renesmee had to stay outside because Enderborn’s mother didn’t know her. Renesmee went everywhere with Enderborn but she had to stay outside of the house. When Enderborn went to his mothers’ room she was sitting up about to get out of the chamber. Enderborn said I wouldn’t do that because you were out for two years you need to take it slow. You need to get used to walking on your legs again. You also need to get used to fighting again. I think the witches can help you. They will be back in a few days, then you can go out and explore with them while fighting mobs and getting used to walking on your legs again. I will help you until the witches come back and I also have someone you need to meet. She is just a friend but she fights by my side. I wanted to tell you so you would know. I will go and get her. Then Enderborn left and was gone for a few seconds and told Renesmee that she was going to meet his mother. Then Renesmee said isn’t that what you are trying to avoid. Then Enderborn said don’t worry I have it covered until the time comes for us to tell her we are dating. She thinks you are just a friend that likes to fight by my side because just about everyone here fights by my side whenever I go out. Now do you want to meet my mother. Then Renesmee said she would love to meet Enderborns mother. Then they went back to the cryogenic chamber and Enderborn introduced Renesmee to his mother and said that she would be helping me help you until the witches came back. Enderborn also said I know I go on a lot of adventures with you but this village needs me because there is a huge war coming. I have fought the white entity and the black entity. It is a pain to say this but Entity 303 might be the next person we have to fight because there is evil in everyone just like there is good in everyone some people don’t show the evil side though but I feel like we will have to fight him eventually but that isn’t the big war. The big war might be when we have to fight all of the people we fought except for the white entity because the white entity is part of Herobrine and I say a part because he isn’t fully there. I have a part of him and another part that can complete him is out there in the world. He just doesn’t know where to find it and whenever I defeated the white entity I placed a fragment of his soul out there and he won’t be able to get to tell him where it is. Then someone from the village ran to Enderborn and said that Herobrine had left. Then Enderborn said he knows he is not supposed to leave without me. Then Enderborn said just let him go. I know what he is doing. I can’t stop it. I knew this day would come but I want to see whether he uses the fragmented piece of his soul when he gets it for good or evil. Then the villager that ran to him said okay but you know if he uses the fragmented piece of his soul for evil that will lead to the big war. Then Enderborn said the big war is coming whether or not he uses the soul for good or evil because I will have to fight the black entity again and possibly my grandpa. Then the villager that ran to him said your right. Then Enderborn said now go watch the woods and return to me if we have any unwanted visitors that aren’t creepers, skeletons, spiders, or endermen. Then the villager that ran upto Enderborn ran off again to watch the woods. Then Enderborn said to his mother that he would help her get used to her legs and get used to her combat skills as well as her witches power in between squad formations. I am about to have to go out and form my squad. We only have four squads for now but we should get more overtime. Then a villager that sits in a watchtower came to Enderborn and said it is time for your squad formation now go. Then Enderborn left and said to the villager to watch his mother help her move around when she needed to move. Keep her here in the village. I don’t want her to fight just yet because she is still weak. Then Enderborn left and went to the east gate followed by Renesmee and some villagers. They didn’t have to fight for a very long time because the sun was starting to rise and the mobs never came out at sunrise because the zombies and skeletons would burn unless they were wearing armor. Enderborn had someone to go check the woods to see if there were any skeletons or zombies wearing armor. Then a few minutes later the person Enderborn had sent had returned with a few bruises and a scar but that was because he had run into some mobs on the way there. Then Enderborn said well. The person that went out in the woods said no skeletons or zombies wearing armor but there is a raiders tower a few miles that way. Enderborn said okay keep archers in the watchtower let me know if the raiders come to the village.


Epilogue: A preview into Enderborn book 3

The third book will probably continue off from chapter 7 in this book with the raiders attacking but who knows I can’t tell you what will happen you have to read it to find out but if you remember the prologue but when one story ends another one begins. 



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