
Chapter 11 – Herder

   Herder rushed across the desert sands to Crafter and Monet. “You guys!” He panted. “You won’t believe what I just saw!” He quickly explained everything he’d overheard Void say. Crafter looked at him, confused. “So?” He asked. “You heard her upset her general almost died. Of course she was angry! I would be!” Herder let out an over dramatic sigh.
    “But she cared! That’s her weakness. And what do you think she meant by she couldn’t lose someone again?” Monet thought hard. “I bet,” She said slowly. “She’s mad because my brother killed Herobrine.”
  Crafter snorted. “So she expected us NOT to get rid of her psychopath father who was trying to murder all of us so she would get a bedtime story?”
  “It must have been a blow, though. I mean, having your father die. I don’t know what I would do if Monkeypants was gone.” Monet said sympathetically. Crafter glared at her. “I can’t believe your taking Void’s side again! Her dad almost killed Gameknight and then would have used you to get to the physical world!” Monet’s face turned pink. “I am NOT taking her side!” She yelled.
   “Something wrong?” Someone said calmly behind them. The trio all yelled and spun around at the same time. If Void has been upset before, she had recovered well. None of them knew how long she had been there. Her eyes glowed dangerously, changing colors quickly. Herder groaned.
    “None of your business!” Monet snapped. “You know,” Void said lazily. “My eyes aren’t the only special thing about me. I also have perfect hearing.”  She spun around to face Crafter with her sword out so fast that he jumped. “You be quiet about me and my dad unless you want there to be a new bedtime story- one everybody who cares about their kids avoids telling unless they enjoy their children having nightmares for the rest of their lives. You know, the one where someone is magically forced to kill his own friend.”
  Crafter went pale. “As for you, Monet,” Void continued. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Monet interrupted, sighing. “I stuck up for you and now you want to cart me around like you did with Herder since he was the last person your dad became.”
   Herder went pale. “I didn’t even think of that!” He gasped. Void’s eyes turned bright red. Monet froze. “I was going to say to shut your mouth about why I’m attacking. Unless, of course, you want to join Crafter on your little hunting trip.” She laughed and flipped her hair. “Although, if you must know, this does have to do with revenge.”
         She disappeared, then reappeared at the front of the army, mounting a phantom. Instantly, Enderman appeared and wrapped their cold clammy arms around the three. “And I would never take Void’s side,” Monet snapped. Crafter huffed. “Good,” He replied. “First time I met her, she tried to blow me into little bits!”
      Both stared the other direction, ignoring the other. Herder just shook his head as they started to teleport. “That’s really why?” He mumbled. “Because Herobrine used my body?”

           Void gently nudged her phantom to turn. She scanned the horizon. The villagers were just starting to move. She laughed. They were so slow. How had they survived this long?
  Then she scowled. She knew why. Her eyes blazed as the phantom returned to the group. They talk about him like he was this powerful figure, but really he was weak and useless. Still. He had his advantages.
      She looked worriedly down at the teleporting Endermen. Rakier had insisted he was fine, but he was almost limp as he teleported. She hoped he would be okay. The sun was just starting to set. Soon, it would be night and the monsters would be able to relax. She smiled as the stars started to peak out. But then she saw something on the horizon. Little places where the stars were blocked by something. She grinned. It was the mountains. They were almost there.

        Darkness cloaked the Overworld, clouds blocking the moon. It was almost pitch black. Void had let the monsters rest, take a break for the night. They were way ahead of the villagers, and tomorrow they would have to fight at Dragons Teeth. Herder, Crafter, and Monet were tied to a fence post. Crafter and Monet were asleep. Herder, on the other hand, couldn’t sleep. He stared upward, at the tiny muffled dots that would have been stars. It was so dark, he didn’t notice the shadow slinking towards him until it was to late. Suddenly, a hand shot out and covered his mouth. He tried to scream, but it was muffled. “Be quiet!” The person hissed. They pulled out a small knife. He tried to scream again. But instead of slicing him into little bits, they cut through the ropes. He stood up, confused. “Who are you?” He asked.  “Go!” The person said, ignoring his question. “But my friends!” He blurted. “They’ll be fine!” The person said, shoving him away. “Someone’s coming! Go now!” Herder hesitated, but then ran off, looking over his shoulder. His savior waited till he was totally gone. Then, they collapsed. Their hood fell off, exposing the face of a girl. Void couldn’t believe what she had just done. But at the same time, she was glad she had done it. “What did I just do?” She asked softly.
    But then she stood up. “Go, Herder,” She called out. “Go.”

    Gameknight watched the sun start to rise from the top of the makeshift wall they had set up last night. The poor villagers had finally gone to bed. Gameknight though he wouldn’t be able to sleep. But he nearly passed out the night before. But now he was wide awake.
     He suddenly saw something- or someone- coming across the dunes. The Watcher overhead in a dirt watchtower banged on an iron chest plate. Everyone jumped out of bed. Archers took their places on the wall, and sword men grabbed armor and weapons. Gameknight stared at the dark figure towards them. Something about it looked eerily familiar. He squinted, but it’s was just to dark.
    “Into your positions!” Digger demanded. The figure was waving its arms above their head.
    Gameknight tried to put the puzzle pieces together, but they were just to messed up. “Ready, aim…” Digger shouted out.
   Then it clicked.
“DON’T SHOOT!” Gameknight yelled, jumping off the wall and standing in their way. The figure came two more steps, then collapsed. Gameknight ran to their side. He lifted them up gently. “Hi, Gameknight,” Said the lanky boy. “Herder!” Gameknight cheered. He helped his friend into the camp. All the NPCs gathered around them, fully awake now. As if it didn’t want to miss the excitement, the sun started to rise.
   Herder was grinning, his face hot and sweaty from running all night. Stitcher and Hunter shoved through the crowd. “Your okay!” Stitcher shrieked, hugging him tightly. “I’m fine, really!” Herder said. “Where’s Crafter and Monet?” Hunter asked. “Void still has them,” Herder said. “Someone helped me escape, I’m not sure who.”
   Then his face went serious. “We HAVE to get to Dragon’s Teeth before Void does,” he said. Gameknight sighed. “I just wish there was a way to keep Void at bay,” he said. “Like what she did with you and my sister and Crafter.” Herder grinned. “I already thought of that,” he said mysteriously. “But I left it a ways away. We’ll come across it when we get going.”
    Gameknight sighed. “The sooner these arrows are gone from my brain, the better.” Hunter smiled. “Well, what are we waiting for?” She asked. “Let’s get going!”

    Crafter sat up, rubbing his eyes. The desert sun was already warming the landscape. Monet was still sleeping next to him, snoring softly. He gently shook her awake, then turned to do the same to Herder. His blood went cold.
   Herder was gone. “Monet!” He gasped. “Get up!” She shot up, her bright blue hair full of knots and sand. “What?” She asked, shaking her head and covering Crafter in gritty bits of eroded rock. Wordlessly, he pointed a shaking finger at the empty spot next to them. Monet’s face went pale. Void suddenly appeared next to them, fuming. Monet jumped up and pointed at her dramatically. “What did you do with our friend?” She asked angrily.
    “What did I do?” Void growled. “What did YOU do?!” “Nothing!” Monet yelled. “We were asleep! It had to be you! You took him for your witch potions or your stew or something!”
   “Uh, Monet?” Crafter asked. Void was red in the face. “What would I want with him?” She yelled. “Monet?” Crafter asked. “Oh, come on! It’s obvious you like him!” Monet said. Void looked like she was going to be sick. “Ew! I’d rather kiss a zombie!” She turned to an actual zombie behind her. “No offense.”
    The monster shrugged. “Oh-Can takes none,” he said simply. “Oh-Can would not either.”
    “MONET!” Crafter yelled. She spun around. “What?” She asked. “Void didn’t do it,” he said. “Look. The rope is cut. She would have just used her magic. Someone else freed him. And from what it looks like, it was a sword.” Monet huffed. “Well, she still likes him,” she whined.

     And Void snapped.
She just snapped. She wanted to tell them. She wanted to tell them everything. About her life and why she was doing this and just let it out, finally. “You want to know why I really am so interested in him?” She growled. “Fine. I’ll tell you. It’s because-“
     An Enderman suddenly appeared next to Void and whispered something in her ear. The girls pink face went as white as a sheet. She dropped to her knees, her eyes zoned out and flat. “Rakier,” She whispered. “He’s gone.”

       Gameknight was staring in amazement down at the desert ground. Herder had somehow grabbed the large Skelton on his way back, and now the general was roped, gagged, squirming, and yelling muffled things up at them. He was tied to a cactus that pricked him when he got to close, the sharp black spines scratching into his pale bones. He glared up at the circle of villagers, a horrible look in his eye.
    “Herder, this is perfect!” Hunter cheered. “Finally, we have some leverage against Void!” Herder beamed at the praise. “Should we go then?” Stitcher asked. Herders grin turned to a scowl. “No way,” he said firmly. “I have some questions first.”
    He dragged the still screaming skeleton across the sand, then placed a block of dirt on the ground and roughly threw him against it so he was sitting up. Then he yanked the gag out of the monsters bony mouth.
    “What’s your name and what are you doing?” Hunter asked before they could even catch their breath. They glared up at her. “I’m trying to stay alive, thank you very much.” “His name is Rakier,” Herder informed them. Rakier glared even harder at Herder. “You,” he snarled. “Yeah, me.” Herder said impatiently. “You escaped,” Rakier commented. “Guess we’re smarter than you thought,” Herder said hotly. Rakier snorted. “Yeah, right.” He said. “I saw the figure come towards you. Your lucky I thought it was just Void.”
        “Back to the questions,” Gameknight said. “First thing- what’s Void planning?” Herder interrupted. “You can get that all from me,” he said. “I heard it all. This is what I’m really wanting to know.” He knelt down next to Rakier, his sword in his hand. “Why is Void doing this? I know she told you something. I want to know exactly what it is.”
    Rakier glared at him. “Why would I know anything?” He asked. “You and Void are close,” Herder said. “I’ve seen it and I heard what she said yesterday. She said she can’t lose someone like that again. What did she mean?” The skeleton looked Gameknight square in the eye. “Aw, are you to afraid to ask anything yourself so your having the baby do it?” He mocked. The User-that-is-not-a-user glared at him. “Just answer the question,” he growled. “No,” Rakier said flatly. “This isn’t the USA,” Gameknight snapped. “You don’t get a freedom of speech. Now spill.”
       “What?” Rakier asked, confused. Gameknight shook his head. “I shouldn’t have said anything. Just tell us!” Rakier scoffed. “And why should I?” He asked smartly. “Because if you don’t, we kill you!” Hunter said brightly. Gameknight frowned at her. “And if you tell us, you live.”
    Rakier sighed. “Um, yeah, I got that.” They all looked at him, agitated. Even Stitcher looked frustrated. “Tell us!” Hunter said, her voice rising. “No!” Rakier yelled. Herder pressed his sword to the skeletons ribs. Rakier screamed. Herder looked down at the monsters side in surprise. There was a scorch mark, the bones around charred an ugly black. Herder smiled. “Looks painful,” he remarked. Rakier glared up at him with dark, hate filled eyes. Herder pressed it again. Rakier screamed once more, his pain filled wails filling the desert. “Tell us!” Digger boomed. Rakier looked up at them, shaking. But still, he shook his head no.
      Gameknight was filled with fury. Um, Gameknight? Wonder typed timidly from up in the Physical world. I think your going to far… that’s to much…
    But the User-that-is-not-a-user was beyond the thought of stopping now. He wanted Crafter and Monet back, now. He wanted all his friends safe. “Tell us!” He demanded. Some of the villagers stepped back, shocked by their usually calm leaders sudden outburst. Gameknight drew his sword and hit Rakier. The skeleton flashed red, shrieking in agony.
     STOP! Wonder chatted. It actually made a sound to him, vibrating in his brain. He was so shocked he dropped his sword, and it hit Rakier square on. He gave one small gasp, then fell unconscious. Gameknight groaned. Now look what you made me do! He thought back at Wonder angrily. He stormed off, ignoring her cries of protest. His friends stared after him, eyes wide and jaws dropped.
    Slowly, they started to move again. Gameknight glared at the shapes of the four mountain peaks, slowly getting larger with every step. “I’m coming, Void,” he said under his breath.
    And it was at that moment, right then that Gameknight999 became the villain of our story.

Plot twist- NAILED IT!

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