
Chapter 7 –  Mix-up

      Gameknight stared down at the soon-to-be battlefield. Monet jumped up onto the wall beside him. “You ready?” She asked. Gameknight narrowed his eyes. “Never better,” he said. A long, sorrowful moan came from the woods. “Here they come,” he said under his breath. He raised both his swords above his head.
    “Three,” Monet whispered. The moan suddenly got louder as another decaying creature joined in. “Two…” a skeleton jingled.  “One!” She yelled. Gameknight put out his swords together in an X. And then-
    Two zombies walked out of the woods.
   For a moment, everything was silent. Murmurs of confusion were the only sound. Void suddenly appeared on a tree, grinning. Gameknight’s heart sank. What must have been thirty skeletons walked out of the cover of the trees. The moonlight made their pale bodies seem to glow.
    Gameknight gave a sigh of relief. Everything was going to work out great. Those zombies must have been lost or something. Then he heard something. Laughing. He looked to Void. She was grinning, her eyes a dazzling mix of shades of blue and green. She raised her hand, and a beam just like one from a beacon shot out of it. As one, the entire army of villagers turned to see a mob of creepers headed straight for them. “IT’S A TRICK!” Hunter screamed from the top of the watchtower.

               The whole thing. All the battles she had done before had been one big trick.  Gameknight felt his blood go cold. They weren’t ready for this. The pattern was to throw them off. He and everyone else in that village was doomed.

   The word bounced around in his head. Unless. Unless. Unless. The puzzle pieces started to click into place. There one one thing left to do-
    Void suddenly clapped, so loud it echoed around them over and over. Clouds filled the sky, the moon shining weakly through them like a dying lantern. A lighting bolt suddenly hit the ground right in between the armies. When Gameknight could see again, a lavender Nether Portal was there. Orange shapes flew out of it,  slowly morphing into view. The blazes shot into the air, searching hungrily for prey. Most of the village screamed, but Gameknight didn’t even notice. He bolted to Crafter, who was in front of the watchtower listening to instructions yelled down by Hunter and Stitcher. “Ender pearl,” Gameknight panted as soon as he was in earshot. Crafter looked at him, surprised as he took one from his inventory. Gameknight grabbed it sprinted inside. His muscles burned as he scaled the ladder, but he didn’t care. “Gameknight?” Stitcher said as he came up. The User-that-is-not-a-user ignored her. He took perfect aim. He threw the orb as hard as he could. Pain filled his senses as he suddenly landed on leaves. He looked up to see Void sending directions to her army. He climbed up the branches towards her. Without looking at him, Void said simply, “So. You NPCs finally figured out how to use double potions. Its about time.”
      “Stop the attack!” Gameknight yelled. He drew his swords. Void looked at him and then did the same. Gameknight gulped at the sight of the clear sword, glimmering in the starlight. “What are you going to do?” She asked calmly. Not in a mocking way, but in a strangely curious way. Gameknight was confused about her, again. “Why do you do that?” He asked. She just stared.
      “Do what?” She asked. “Do- that!” He shouted over the noise. “Be so- confusing! You act like you don’t care about anything!” “So?” She asked. He was fuming. “You are in a TREE!” He yelled. “In a WAR ZONE! In front of the VILLAGE you are trying to DESTROY!” Then Void did the worst most infuriating thing she could have done.
      She shrugged. Gameknight growled.  “Why do you care so much?” She suddenly blurted out. “Huh?” He asked, caught off guard. “Why do you care so much?” She asked again. “You know that people leave, right?” She said. Her eyes went sort of glassy. “People leave,” she said. It was creepy, like she was reading off a book in her brain. “People leave and you don’t know why. They just disappear and you can’t stop them. One minute their with you, and the next your alone. And you think their just hiding, that you’ll find them, but you keep looking and looking and their nowhere.”
    Why aren’t you called Brine?” He blurted out suddenly. He didn’t no what else to do. He wasn’t sure what else to do, so he fired back at her with another question. She suddenly snapped back to life. “Wha-what?” She asked. “Why aren’t you called VoidBrine?” He asked. He really was curious. “I mean, your a shadowcrafter to, right? What kind of name is Void?” She stared at him. “That’s what I’d like know,” she said slowly.
     He opened his mouth to respond, but suddenly pain filled him as the sharpest fastest blade Minecraft had ever created stabbed him. He felt a flash of terror. He felt something beside his own blood on the blade, villager or monster or some other creature. But the blade had been clear.
  He fell to his knees, clutching his side. He felt something hot drip on his neck. He looked up, shaking, to see Void with her blade outstretched. “Cool, huh?” She said. He moaned. Reaching up, he felt a cut on his head where he fallen. He was more scared of Void than he had ever been of Erebus or Herobrine. The worst part, he hadn’t even seen her coming. She hadn’t even teleported yet. He reached into his inventory and grabbed a bottle of healing and strength Morgana made for him. He sucked at it like a baby on a bottle. Spirals floated above.
     Void kicked at him. “Get up,” she snapped. “I don’t attack people who don’t fight back. Gameknight struggled to his feet. He barely stopped himself from collapsing. He took one shuddering breath. He had one more trick. Void suddenly teleported behind him and slashed at his back. He held up his iron sword to block the attack, but wasn’t fast enough. Pain flashed through him. He staggered, but didn’t fall. He flashed red. Looking at his steel blade, he saw it had nearly been cut cleanly in half. Before she could attack again he threw a maroon and green bottle. The action took the last of his strength and he fell to his knees.
     The splash potion of harming and poison flew through the air spinning like a football. Void looked calmly at it. Right before it hit her, she lifted her hand. It stopped in midair inches from her face, still spinning. It started moving again, faster and faster, but in the opposite direction. Gameknight watched, hopelessly, as the bottle smashed against the trunk of another tree. She looked down at him. “Thanks,” she said. Her voice was cold.
        “Let me give you something in return.” She drew her own splash potion.  Gameknight was shocked. There must have been at least four different types of potion in there. She threw it. He raised his sword to stop it, but once again he was to slow.
      The bottle smashed into him, knocking him the rest of the way over. He felt sick. He was dizzy and nauseous. The world seemed far away, like he was seeing and hearing through a cloud.
     Void stepped over to him. She looked to the village. Slowly, a evil grin formed on her face. “Well, well.” She said. “Looks to me like your precious village isn’t doing so well.”
    “No…” Gameknight said in a hoarse whisper. “Oh, yes,” she said. She held out her sword tip and scraped a line in his chest. He was hoping- no, praying that the potion would numb the pain, but the agony was still unbearable. All he could do was moan. She grinned and sheathed her sword. “Good-bye, User-that-is-not-a-user.” She said.
     And she was gone in a cloud of teleportation particles.

    Okay, everyone I will probably not be posting any more chapters for a week because I’m going to Idaho to see my cousins. Thanks for reading!

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