
Deadly Challenge

by TheSnakeWhoKills

(inspired by Garrettron)

Chapter 1

123_Awesome_321 smiled, then he frowned. He thought that he had gotten the little joy con to work this time. He groaned and moved over to his computer.

“Hey Awesome! What’s going on? We’re ready to play!” awesome glanced over to the little box on the side of the his screen where his best friend, Diggerydo was.

“Yeah, I know. But whenever I think that this joy con is connected to this stinkin’ computer, it isn’t!” 

Suddenly he froze, it was working. He cocked one eyebrow and said,

“Well, now we can play some Minecraft!” He quickly logged onto the Gameknight999 server, survival and looked around to where his friend was, Diggerydo was in a wallaby skin with a headlamp on, like he was mining. 

“Hey bud! Now are we going to play some Minecraft?” Awesome moved his character’s head up and down. “Then lets go!” Diggerydo started running and jumping towards the exit, Awesome went slower because, unlike Digerydo, he was only using one joy con instead of two.

It had all started when he had watched Garrettron’s youtube video about him killing the enderdragon with only a joy con. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKiq1GRg8M8) All throughout the video, Awesome was thinking, No way is this that hard. I could do that easy! But then, while he was voicing his thoughts to his friend, Diggerydo, he gave him the challenge:

“Well, then do it!” That’s what started it all. But the one thing that he was doing that was different than Garrettron, was he wasn’t telling people. One of the main reasons that Garrettron wasn’t able to build a house until the first 40 minutes was because he had told other players, those other players attacked him, gave him items that he needed to get rid of, and trapped him.

Awesome sighed as Diggerydo slipped out of his sight.

“Come on dude! Keep up!” Awesome smiled at the little box holding Diggerydo’s face. 

“I would, but in case you didn’t realize, I am only using one joy con, not two like you!” 

Diggerydo leaned back in his chair and grinned, “So get a second joy con! Don’t use only one.”

“But that was how Garrettron did it, and I am going to do it the same way he did, to prove that it isn’t as hard as he made it seem.”

Diggerydo shook his head, “Ok, do it your way. I’ll just be looking for a great spot for our house, tell me when you wan’t to teleport to me.” 

Awesome rolled his eyes, but then he had an idea. “Wait! What if you search for a place to build our house, while I search for the materials to build our house?” Diggerydo shrugged, 

“I’m cool with that, but just one problem,” He started pressing all the buttons that he could on his two joy cons. Then he pressed a final button and sighed. “Remember when I went to Hypixel to do bedwars? Well I sorta advertised that me and you would be doing that on the Gameknight server.”

Awesome stared at him in disbelief, “You what?”

“Yeah, and I just checked the server list, and three of them are on the Gameknight server now.”

“Which ones?” Awesome said.

“Oh, the ones who keep requesting to teleport to me. Should I let them?” 

Awesome furrowed his brow, “Well, some users did help Garrettron, so they might be ok.”

“Ok, if teleporting them to me is going to line up with your views about Garrettron, then I’m not going to do it.” Awesome shook his head and smiled. Then he started moving along again, searching for a spot where he could get some wood.

He moved along, looking at all the remarkable builds all around him and barely noticed when Diggerydo allowed Marksman2000, Tahiti-racer, and _Triple_999_ to teleport to him. Awesome had just discovered a place with spruce trees that wasn’t claimed, and that was outside the survival spawn protection, when suddenly Diggerydo started shouting.

“Aw man! Hey, stop! No!” Then he threw himself into his chair. “Those guys! Awesome, I need you to come help me.” 

“What happened?” Awesome said as he glanced over to Diggerydo in the left hand corner of his screen.

“Those guys said that they wanted to help me, then they claimed the plot I was about to claim and built a bedrock prison around me!” Awesome sighed. “Now we need to find another place to build our home, and I’m trapped!”

“This never would’ve happened if you’d just listened to me.”

“Hey bud, the ‘I told you so’ game isn’t going to help anyone. Just let me teleport to you so I can get out of this prison!” Awesome shook his head as he allowed his friend to teleport to him.

123_Awesome_321 has allowed Diggerydo to teleport to him.

Within a second, Diggerydo’s skin was standing right next to Awesome’s player.

“Hey dude, now, can you help me get this wood? Then we can go to the shop and get some stuff to protect ourselves.”

“I thought this was a strict ‘no hacking, no accepting, no using kits’ challenge.”

“It is, but since Garrettron used the shop, I’m letting myself use it as well. Now come on.” 

He and Diggery punched away at the blocks until they had collected a substantial amount of wood. Then they pushed through the forest until they came to a birch/oak tree forest. 

“Lets build our home here.” Diggery immediately froze up, and from the video of him it sounded like he was tapping away at his keyboard.

“Diggery, what’re you up to?” Diggery didn’t answer, but he suddenly flashed a golden shovel with him.


Awesome stared in shock, “Diggery! There are no kits allowed!”

“Yeah, yeah, but listen, from what you told me about Garrettron’s video, he didn’tt use a claim shovel, and I’m thinking that we could be smarter. You know, just a little extra protection against those three monsters after us.” With that, he started clicking around a section of birch and oak trees.

Awesome glared at his face, “And how am I supposed to work on it? I can’t work on anything that is claimed by another person.”

Diggery rolled his eyes, “Don’t sweat it! I’ll friend you! speaking of which, I’ve friended you on every claim that I have, why haven’t you friended me?”

“I haven’t got around to it yet.”

“So it’s high on your list of things to do on the Gameknight server?”

“No, but I haven’t had the time recently!”

“No sweat. But lets hurry, darkness is coming on.” 

Awesome looked around, he was right. Awesome opened his inventory and started moving wood blocks into his little crafting square. He quickly got 32 wooden planks with some wood logs left over. He moved all the planks into his inventory, and moved four of them back into his crafting square, then he moved the resulting crafting table into his hotbar. 

123_Awesome_321 has just been granted permission to build on Diggerydo’s claim.

Awesome nodded to the little box, then moved to the spot where Diggery was setting the basic foundations of a house. Awesome placed the crafting table onto the flat ground, then he moved all his wood planks into his hotbar and started placing down walls.

He and Diggerydo got the walls done fast, then Diggery crafted some doors and placed them into the openings left. Awesome then opened up his chat and set his home there, now he could return there whenever he pressed /home.

Diggery suddenly disappeared, he had gone to the shop, and Awesome followed suit. He appeared in a large building, a few other players were there, buying some stuff and chatting, when he suddenly saw Diggery stop. He was looking at a few players who were clustered around the diamond section. 

They were buying diamond armor, they were buying diamond swords, and diamond tools. Then they moved on to the gunpowder section, then the sand section, sometimes they just sold random items, but most of the time they were buying weapons.

“That guy right there, Marksman2000, he was the one who surrounded me with bedrock.” At the moment, Marksman2000 appeared to be re-stocking his supply of bedrock and obsidian. Then he moved over to the lava and water bucket section.

Hmm…I wonder if you place a bucket of lava by a claim, will the lava move into the claim, or will it just stay where it is? Awesome didn’t know, but he moved onto the section where there was some iron tools. 

He planned to get the exact same thing that Garrettron did, full set of iron armor, and a full set of iron tools. He looked around and saw Diggery moving towards the three users, and Awesome got Diggery a set as well. Then he got some cooked pork chops, a flint and steel, and a couple more iron pickaxes. 

He just happened to glance up to the picture of Diggery as he was playing, and he saw him typing furiously on his keyboard. Then Awesome looked down but saw nothing in the chat. He groaned inwardly. 

“Diggery, please tell me you’re not engaging in a verbal battle against Marksman2000…”

“Ok, I won’t.” He went right back to typing.

“Diggery, this won’t end well, lets just get back to our house.”

“No no, if this guy has the guts to trap me, then I want to know why.” He finished typing and leaned back. Then, something appeared in the chat to all players, but instead of being posted by Diggery, it was posted by Marksman2000.

Awesome and Diggery are doing the same thing that Garry was doing a while back, killing the enderdragon by starting out from the beginning with a joy con

Awesome groaned, this time out loud.

“What! How could he! Aw man! Now every jokester and prankster on the server will be targeting us!” Diggery shouted, “What now?”

“Now, we do what I was telling you to do in the first place and get out of here! Before the entire server gets onto the shop!” Already users were spawning into the shop, and they were running towards them.

“Ok, see ya at home.” Then Diggery disappeared. Awesome sighed and typed in, /home. Just as the users started bombarding him with their questions,

Are you really doing that?

Can I help you?

Do you want items?

Where’s your home?

Can I kill the dragon with you?

You’re doing what?

He dissapered. 

Chapter 2

Awesome reappeared at the site of his and Diggery’s home. Awesome leaned back and stared at Diggerys face, not moving his user. Eventually Diggery noticed Awesome staring at him.

“Look bud, what do you want me to say, sorry? There. Sorry. I’m sorry for telling those three jerks about what we were trying to do, and then for them telling the entire Gameknight network about it. Better?” 

Awesome scoffed, “No, not really, but I’ll accept it. Meanwhile we’ve got to decide how to get rid of all the requests to teleport to us.”

“Yeah.” Diggery looked down at his screen. “Every once in a while, I see a request from Marksman2000, Tahiti-racer, or _Triple_999_ to teleport to me. What should we do?”

“Check the server list, maybe there’s an admin on who can stop this.” Diggery glanced at the server list, 

“Only PaladinSorcer, but he’s all the way on the other side of the map.” Awesome nodded, 

“As long as there is someone from the staff, then we’re ok. Just ignore all the requests to teleport to you and focus on building a couple chests and crafting tables.”

Diggery nodded and his focus suddenly went on the crafting table that Awesome had placed down earlier. Within a few minutes he had placed down two double chests, and three more crafting benches. 

Awesome tossed Diggery’s set of armor, iron tools, and food out onto the ground where it floated, bobbing up and down on invisible waves. Diggery collected it, then he started equipping it. Within moments they were two iron clad beings, ready for battle.

“Should we wait for daylight before we start mining?” Diggery asked.

“Sure, for now lets warp around and try to collect stuff, monster items, items from other stores where we won’t be seen by players. And listen, I forgot this item because of the chaos going on back at the store, but if you can, grab a map, teleport back to our home and make a map of it. That way whenever we’re wanting to return to here, we’ll know if there’s a user or two waiting.”

“Kay, but I’m going to stay here a little while longer and place some saplings around our house. Just incase someone uses a map to find our claim and then our building.” 

Awesome nodded, then he put down his joy con and opened chat. He then typed in, 

/warp Monkey Spiral

Then he disappeared from Diggery’s sight and reappeared at the bottom of the monkey spiral.

Grinning, he started climbing up the green spiral, because that spiral had a nether portal on it. When he finally reached it, he looked around for a moment, then, satisfied that nobody was watching him, he entered the portal.

Everything was hazy and purple for a second, but then the landscape that surrounded him finally fell into focus. He looked around for a moment, taking in the marvelous colors and shapes, red, orange, brown, and black.

He then got back to the task at hand. 

Eyes of Ender cost too much at the Gameknight shop, so he had to either buy them from some other shop, and the prices there weren’t much better, or he had to get blaze rods from the nether and buy some ender pearls from a shop.

He also needed some ghast tears to make potions of regeneration, zombie pigmen gold to make golden apples, blaze powder for potions of strength, and some gold for potions of invisibility to hide from the players who wanted to find him and Diggery.

Awesome looked down at the ground, trying to find some soul sand. If he could find soul sand, then all he would have to do was follow the direction that the faces were pointing and it would lead to a nether fortress.

“Awesome, where are you? I’m looking on my map and I can’t see you.” Diggery started saying.

“I’m in the nether, if you want to come to me, just warp to the monkey spiral and travel to the green spiral portal.”

“Nah, I just wanted to see where you were. What should I do?” Awesome thought about that for a second,

“Try going to player shops and getting some more pickaxes, then go mining somewhere. Remember, we want iron, diamond, gold, and lapis.”

“Got it! See ya!” Then he went back to playing.

Awesome moved around in a large circle, with the portal at it’s center. When he was beginning to give up and think that he should go through a different portal, he discovered some soul sand.

“Yes! Now to find a fortress.” He followed the direction of the faces, eventually he started meeting up with some more patches of sand, and the occasional nether quartz veins. He always stopped to mine the quartz, but he always moved the quartz off to a section where he couldn’t be bothered with it. 

Quartz, while the easiest way to obtain XP in the nether, was not much use for anything else. Surprisingly, there was an absence of monsters through the nether, only the occasional ghast moan or magma cube. 

As he came across another group of quartz, he stopped and rested his hand, his fingers were aching because of him pressing the buttons on his joy con so hard, and he needed a break.

He glanced over at the little screen showing Diggerydo in his home, there was a lot of typing sounds coming from there, and lots of mining sounds as well.

“Hows it going Diggery? Getting plenty of stuff?”

“Ehh, lots of cobblestone, granite, gravel, dirt, but I’ve got a whole bunch of coal and iron. No diamonds yet though.”

Awesome nodded, then he quickly mined the quartz and moved on.

“Oh! I forget to tell you, I checked out a player shop, she’s selling plenty of good stuff, but the prices are so high! She’s selling books, enchanted books, emeralds, but the one thing that caught my attention, was that she’s crazy for quartz. She’ll buy quartz for a lot. For one quartz item, she’s giving 5 dollars! Isn’t that crazy!? Anyways, just wanted to let you know, get a bunch of quartz and sell it to her.”

Awesome’s eyes bulged, then he quickly opened his inventory and looked over at the pile of quartz. 

Three 64 packs, so 64 times 4 equals…256 pieces of quartz. 256 times 5 dollars is…1,280 dollars! I’ll be rich!

Originally he had just planed to dump the quartz into a lava flow, but times change. He exited out of his inventory, just in time to see a fireball headed straight towards him!

The fireball crashed into him, pushing him back, lowering his HP, and setting him on fire. In that order. Suddenly fireballs were coming from behind him as well, but these were smaller, not as large as the one that came first.

He chanced a glance over at the direction of the first fireball, and he saw a ghast sending another one at him. He frantically switched pressed buttons to switch from his pickaxe to his sword, then once he got it, he slammed down on the button to attack.

The fireball sailed up and struck the ghast, killing it. Awesome smiled, but then the fireballs began behind him again and took the smile off his face.

He sprinted forward, collecting the ghast tears and gunpowder that the ghast had dropped. Then he spun around to see what was firing the fireballs at him. It was about 6 blazes, firing fireballs. But every so often, a fireball came from within the crowd of blazes with too much accuracy for a blaze, Awesome would bet that a user was hiding inside the blazes, probably under an invisibility potion, hurtling fireballs.

Awesome readied his sword, then, as the next blaze fireball soared over to him, he whacked it like a base ball, and sent it back into the crowd. None of the blazes flashed red, but something in there did. That only confirmed Awesome’s suspicions. 

He pondered over his choices.

I could run away and get to the nether fortress, but then I would just have to battle them later. No, I’ll do it know.

He hefted his sword and charged the gathering of blazes. 

He swung at any fireball that came near him, if he was playing baseball, he probably got 5 fouls, 7 outs, 2 possible home runs, but he would’ve cost his team the game. The fireballs ricocheted back towards the blazes, ending two’s lives and wounding the rest.

Awesome started swinging his sword around, not at any particular thing, but searching for some particles. Then he saw them.

Light gray particles, they were hard to see against the dark landscape, but they were there. For some reason they weren’t moving, and Awesome gave a good swing and hit the area where the particles were centered into the lava ocean.

By this time all the blazes except the dead ones were gone, but Awesome was surprised when hit sounds didn’t start ringing in his ears. He peered closer, and saw some orange particles as well. Likely the figure there had fire resistance as well as invisibility. Then the particles started moving.

The user was looking around, observing his situation, then he lay eyes on Awesome. Without a second thought, he loaded fireballs into his hand and started blasting away at Awesome.

After the first round of fireballs Awesome turned tail and ran. He ran past a large gathering of zombie pigmen, and had an idea,

I’ll hide in the pigmen, and when that guy hits one of them, they’ll all surge to him. 

Just like he had suspected, a stray fireball careened into one of the zombie pigmen. As one, the turned and started sprinting towards the player, outraged squeals sounding.

The user was quickly surrounded. He tried to equip diamond armor and a diamond sword, but his fire resistance potion was wearing off, exposing him to the lava. He started to take damage from everything, lava, zombie pigmen, even TNT, when he accidentally placed some trying to get out of the lava.

All it took was three blocks. Three blocks to engulf him, most of the lava, and a good portion of the zombie pigmen in a fiery bloom. Awesome grinned, then he looked at the chat.

Tahiti-racer was exploded by TNT

“Now that’s what I call satisfactory.” 

Diggery suddenly spoke up, “You killed Tahiti? Where did you get the TNT?”

“I didn’t kill Tahiti, he killed himself. Blew himself up with his own TNT.”

Diggery laughed, “Yeah, that does seem satisfactory. Hey, did you get everything you needed? I’ve got a whole bunch of stuff, but still no diamonds.”

“I’ve got some ghast tears, blaze rods, and I’m about to get some gold, but that’s it. I haven’t got anything else except the quartz.”

“You’ve almost got enough, just get some more ghast tears and blaze rods, I’ve found plenty of gold in this mine, and we can buy whatever we need with the money we get from selling the quartz.”

Awesome nodded, “Ok, then I’ll get back to it. What more do we need?”

Diggery pondered that question, “An enchantment table, diamond armor, an anvil, a furnace, a couple swords, a couple bows, potions, and arrows, and some buddies to defeat the enderdragon with. I’ve got some buddies waiting on me, PaladinSorcerer, TNT_Blastoff, HugoSlavia, Bacon_XXX and Hermit-de-jungoma. They’ve got some diamond weapons, potions, and everything else you could need. They’ve even got some ender pearls.”

“Ok, keep mining, I’ll keep collecting items.”  

Chapter 3

Awesome smiled. Over the last 30 minutes he had become the proud owner of some random pieces of golden armor, a couple golden apples, some gold nuggets, a 38 stack of blaze rods, and a 16 stack of ghast tears. He put his controller down and stretched.

“Hey buddy, what’s up?” Diggery asked.

“Unnngh, my hands are really cramped from all this playing. How are your’s not?”

“I’m using two. Remember? Now listen, don’t get mad, but since I still haven’t found diamonds, can I invite the players into my mine to help me? They won’t tell Marksman or Tripple.” 

Awesome pondered that, “Ok, but first tell me, if you get any diamonds, hide them. Even if those players don’t help those two, if they find our supply of diamonds then it won’t be good.”

“Kay! Are you coming now?” Awesome stretched one final time.

“Sure. Just let me teleport to you.”

Awesome started typing in:

/tpa Diggerydo

Then he waited. After a couple seconds a message popped up, saying:

Diggerydo has accepted your request, don’t move, teleporting in 5 seconds

Awesome didn’t move, then, after five seconds he teleported.

Awesome was in a huge cavern, it was wide, open, it had a couple trees growing, a waterfall and an infinity square of water. There were chests along the walls with signs placed on them, there was also a row of furnaces blasting.

“Hey buddy! What do ya think?”

Awesome turned to Diggery, “There is no earthly way that you built this all by yourself.”

“You’re right, I invited these players a while ago, but I just thought of asking you now. What do ya think? Cool, right?”

Awesome gazed at the cavern, this was a world down here. Torches were everywhere, there was a small forest with saplings planted between trees, waiting for the full grown trees to be cut down.

Awesome turned around, Bacon was tending to a large pen, the pen had cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, even a couple rabbits. Next to it, PaladinSorcerer was mining around, making a large flat area where more things could be placed. Bacon_XXX was placing crops down in a large area, wheat, pumpkins, watermelons, carrots, potatoes and sugar cane.

Awesome turned back to Diggery, “Ok, I admit it, this is pretty cool. What’re you calling this?”

Diggery grinned, “You’ll love this, we’re the mole people two! With some members of the original mole people, and some who’d never even heard of the mole people.”

Suddenly, screaming through the chat came the words:


Dimond here!!!!!!


Diggery’s eyes bulged out.

“Finally! I thought we’d never find diamonds! Come on Awesome! Lets go!” Diggery started sprinting off what Awesome thought was a random tunnel but when he got closer to it he saw a sign above it, 

TNT_Blastoff’s mine

Awesome started sprinting down it, trying to catch up with Diggery. This mine curved up a bit, so they weren’t on the bedrock floor any more. This was dangerous, more caverns and monster spawners.

“Hey bud! Wait for me!” Diggery slowed down a tad, but just then he caught up with TNT_Blastoff. He quickly typed into the chat:

Hello TNT, this is Awesome, my bud, where’s the diamonds?

The player’s name floated above him, TNT_Blastoff, and his skin was a black robed ninja, but wherever his skin showed, it was patterned red, white, and black, like TNT. He looked up and started pressing on a block, there was tiny speckled shards of blue in it, then he turned and started mining again.

“Yeah!” Diggery shouted. He equipped his iron pickaxe and started mining. He had gotten through two blocks when he said to Awesome, “Go and check out the other guy’s mines! There was two others.”

Awesome nodded and took off down the tunnel again. He got back to the large cavern and looked around to see if there were any other smaller tunnels. He found another one, he looked up at the sign and saw,

HugoSlavia’s mine

Awesome held down on the sprint button, his finger aching, then he got to HugoSlavia. HugoSlavia’s skin was completely blue, it started at his feet, then came up to his head. At his feet they were very light blue, then the color grew in darkness until at the top of his head he was midnight blue. There were small specks of white all over his body, like clouds, and his eyes were a dark green. 

He looked at a block in the cave wall, there it was. Diamond majesty. Awesome quickly took out his iron pick, and started hammering away at the block.

Within seconds, it broke and exposed a pure diamond, Awesome snatched it up, and looked again, There was two more blocks of diamond ore, and Awesome quickly mined them up. 

It was a small vein, only three blocks, but he got 4 diamonds out of it. He turned to HugoSlavia’s character and typed in:


No problem

Awesome ran out back into the large cavern, Paladin and Bacon weren’t there any more, but there were two other tunnels leading into the depths of minecraft. Awesome ignored those tunnels and instead moved to the one with the sign over top of it saying,

Hermit-de-jungoma’s mine

Awesome dashed down into the mine, it was mostly dark, but every 7 blocks there was a torch. Then Awesome saw ahead a large light place. There were 7 torches all in one area, and when Awesome got there he could see why.

Hermit had probably decided to go mining some more, and he had left a whole bunch of torches to mark where the diamonds were.

Awesome was in awe, he could see 4 blocks of diamond ore already, and it looked like it could be a ten block vein. He whipped out his iron pick and started attacking the diamonds.

By the time he was done, he had hacked through 10 blocks of ore, and had gotten 16 more diamonds. That made 20. He turned and sprinted back out into the cavern. Since there were no more cries of diamond, he looked through his inventory and created a crafting table.

He placed it near a wall and entered it. He quickly crafted a diamond pickaxe and then he went to the furnaces. He opened one and saw some iron. He took it out and crafted two buckets, then he went to the infinity square of water and scoped out a bucketful. He then looked up at Diggery’s face and said,

“I’m going to go back to the nether and get some lava to make some obsidian. We could use an enchantment table.”

“Ok.” Diggery said, not really paying attention. 

Awesome raised an eyebrow, “Where are you anyways? Are you still in the mine? Didn’t you get the diamond?”

“Yeah,” Diggery grunted, “But when I started digging around to see if there was any more, this one block started resisting me. I’m trying to defeat it.”

Awesome frowned and started towards TNT_Blastoff’s mine, when suddenly Diggery screamed.

“Ah! Silverfish!” 

Awesome froze, then he opened the chat and typed into it,

Silverfish! Help!

At once users started piling out of their tunnels. It looked like they had already been traveling back to the base, all except Diggery and TNT.

What’s up?

Where’s the Silverfish?

Silverfish! I hate those things!

Awesome quickly typed into the chat,

In TNT_Blastoff’s tunnel!

Then he started running down it. The other users followed close behind him, and up ahead they could hear fighting sounds.

“Yah! Die foul things!” Diggery was pressing every button on his two joy con’s, but it wasn’t helping. He was being overwhelmed. Suddenly TNT_Blastoff was there, he typed out,

Get out of the way!!

Diggery ran back and got behind TNT, then TNT placed some TNT blocks and lit them with a flint and steel. The blocks glowed for a moment, and in that time Awesome had time to yell,

“No!” Before they exploded, destroying the silverfish, but also destroying the blocks around the tunnel that Awesome knew contained more silverfish. Suddenly the place was swarming with them. Diggery backed away with TNT, but the silverfish zeroed in on them and went for them. 

Diggery in the lead, he and TNT rushed down the tunnel with the silverfish following close behind. PaladinSorcerer whipped out an enchanted diamond pickaxe and started mining a smaller corridor alongside the larger one, but with a layer of stone between the two.

The other users quickly caught on and Bacon whipped out a pickaxe of his own and did a passage on the other side of the larger tunnel, while HugoSlavia and Hermit-de-jungoma followed one of them down the smaller passageway. 

Awesome reached into his inventory and pulled out his iron sword, then he glanced up at the screen with Diggery in it, he was breathing hard and there was a wild look in his eyes.

“Don’t worry bud, I’m coming for you.”

“Worry? Ha, ha…why would I want to worry? Hurry please…”

Awesome nodded and sprinted down the corridor. 

Chapter 4

Awesome swung at a silverfish that was trailing behind the rest. He managed to one-shot it, and collected it’s XP.

If only it’s that easy to kill the rest of them. He faintly heard squeaking coming from up ahead. He had long since been left behind by the users who were mining alongside the large passageway. They had diamond pickaxes, probably enchanted with efficiency, fortune, and unbreaking. 

He fell upon another that had lagged behind, but this one put up a bit of a fight. It whirled around on him, not allowing him to one-shot it, the shot that should’ve landed on it’s head landed on it’s tail. Then it attacked.

It latched onto Awesome’s armor and started digging in with it’s needle teeth. Deftly, Awesome smacked it with his sword, then, while it was dazed, he fell on it. He quickly reduced it to a puff of smoke and some XP orbs, then he continued.

Now the scratching sound was getting louder. He turned a corner and discovered an army of silverfish, much more than what there was in the beginning. Diggery and TNT were standing on two block high towers, he didn’t see Paladin, Bacon, HugoSlavia, or Hermit, but it was impossible that Awesome got there before them. They had a head-start, and superior digging ability.

Awesome! You’re here!

The silverfish didn’t even notice Awesome, they were fixated on Diggery and TNT.

TNT, how did you miss all these spawn blocks!?

I didn’t dig this tunnel, I found it a few minutes after you came to dig up the diamonds. Pre-dug.

Awesome groaned,

“That must mean Marksman2000 or _Triple_999_, I’m betting it was Triple, he’s the main monster expert.”

“It doesn’t matter who did this, we’ve got to get you out.”

Hello guys, this is Bacon, are you in this large caverny area? If you are, get out now. Me and the rest lined this place with TNT, we’re going to blow it soon.

Awesome read the lines of chat then looked at Diggery, 

“Listen, I got a splash potion of poison from the nether fortress, I’m going to build a tower like yours, and splash the silverfish with the potion, they’ll all turn to me, you guys can escape, and once you’ve gotten out and sealed up the entrance, I’ll teleport to you and let Bacon destroy these monsters. Got it?”

Diggery nodded, “Ok, sure.” While he started telling the plan to TNT,  Awesome jumped placed a block of wood, then he jump placed another block of wood, then another. He wanted the tower three blocks high so he wouldn’t be hurt by the potion. 

He hefted the jar full of green liquid and waited until Diggery’s nod, then he hurled the potion at the silverfish.

The glass shattered, coating all the silverfish at the center with a poison potion. The potion killed those nearest to it, while all the others who received a small dose were only given the poison effect. Hundreds of silverfish emerged from the wall of the room, all of them swarming towards Awesome. 

He could faintly see Diggery and TNT escaping, then sealing up the entrance, but before he could type in, /tpa Diggerydo, a switch sounded. Pistons and sticky pistons suddenly pushed up out of the ground, as _Triple_999_ mined through the block he was on, dropping him onto one of the blocks that the pistons pushed up.

He kicked the silverfish that were on his block off, then he hefted his sword and faced Awesome.

I prefer to attack my enemies face to face, not hiding behind a group of blazes like my companion, or rather, I like to watch my enemies die.

He took out some cobblestone and started building stairs from the ground up to were Awesome was standing.

Awesome’s eyes bulged, “Wait! Diggery, tell Bacon not to ignite the TNT yet, I’m trapped in here with Triple!”

“Say what!?”

Awesome glanced back at the horde of silverfish, calling up more and more of their kind from the walls. He whipped out his sword and started pvping them.

When they came close to him, he knocked them off, and when they were still far away, he placed some soul sand that he had gotten in the nether on the stairs, but suddenly, when everything was going ok, a potion splashed over him.

Three more potions followed, and four effects washed over him. Triple had thrown a potion of weakness, a potion of poison, a potion off decay, and a potion of blindness on him.

Awesome collapsed, his character suddenly immobile. He turned to Triple, who was standing behind him, sending laughing through the chat.

Ha! Now, as soon as you die, I will get rid of your friends. 

Awesome tried to stay there and to stay looking weak, but then he quickly opened chat and typed in,

/tpa Diggerydo

He waited, and waited, and waited. Then, when the silverfish were just about to swarm over him, he disappeared.

He reappeared in the large cavern, with all the other players. Bacon was standing at a switch, that was connected to a line of redstone, that was connected to the TNT. Bacon flipped the switch and everyone crouched close to the wall.


The TNT exploded, destroying all the silverfish and Triple. A little message popped up on everyone’s screens,

_Triple_999_ was blown up by TNT

Paladin stood up, then he turned to the rest,

Who was in there?

Diggery took a deep breath and typed in,

One of two users trying to destroy us. The other one’s still alive, and his name is Marksman2000.

All the users were frozen for a bit, then they unfroze, and Hermit asked,

What now?

Nobody said anything, but then Awesome typed in,

Does anyone have ender pearls? Or Ender crystals? Or glass?

Hermit dropped a stack of glass on the ground, and Bacon dropped some ender pearls, while HugoSlavia dropped an ender crystal on the ground. Awesome absorbed all the items, then he went over to a crafting table and started crafting a brewing stand, then he made a couple glass bottles. He duped them out and said,

Make some potions to heal.

Then, while Paladin took those things and placed the brewing stand on the ground, Awesome moved to the crafting table again. He opened it up and crafted some eyes of ender, then he crafted some ender crystals. He crafted 11, and with HugoSlavia’s crystal as well, that made 12, enough for 3 lights.

He turned to the rest of the users, they were all at furnaces and crafting tables and the brewing stand. 

Did anyone find lava?

Bacon stopped looking at a furnace and moved to his tunnel, then he jumped up and down. Awesome quickly typed in,


Then he sped down Bacon’s tunnel. He soon came to the lava, he took out his bucket of water and dumped it on the lava, Obsidian appeared. He took his diamond pick and started mining them, he only mined four, that was all he needed.

Once he had four, he jumped up and ran back into the cavern. Only Bacon, TNT, and Hermit were still there, and he could faintly hear mining sounds coming from the other user’s tunnels, as well as a new tunnel marked, 

Diggerydo’s mine

Awesome ran up to a crafting table and looked through his inventory, then he groaned. He quickly looked up at Diggery and said, 

“Hey, I’m going to quickly go to the shop, I’ll be back soon, and if you can get some more diamonds and make a diamond set of armor that’d be great.”

Diggery nodded, “Ok, after that first explosion of diamonds we’ve been taking them in pretty well.”

Awesome warped to the shop and ran to the book section. He quickly grabbed a regular book, then he looked up at Diggery again.

“What was the user’s name who was trading all that money for quartz?” He asked.

“Hanika190, her face is on the second floor of the player shops.” 

Awesome nodded, then he typed in, 

/warp player shops

He appeared in the same place he was when he last visited the player shops, on the first floor. He clambered up the stairs and got to the second floor, where not many heads were. He looked around for one named Hanika190, then when he found it, he clicked on the button under it, on the command block.

He was teleported to a house with chests everywhere with signs above them. He glanced around, looking for the enchanted books section and the quartz section. Then, he found it.

He ran over to the quartz section and took a stack of quartz in his hand and clicked on the sign, then the quartz disappeared and a signal saying,

You have just received 1,300 dollars.

Awesome then looked around and found where all the enchanted books were. He looked at the signs above them and read, 

Smite II

Unbreaking III

Mending I

Punch II

Knockback II

Power V

Infinity I

Flame I

Fire Aspect I

Protection III

Blast Protection II

Feather Falling I

Projectile Protection II

Respiration I

Sharpness IV

Awesome bought a sharpness book, a fire aspect book, a Knockback book, a flame book, an infinity book, a punch book, a power book, an unbreaking book, two protection books, one projectile protection book, one feather falling book, one blast protection book. 

Then he got everything again.

Next he warped to the server shop, there were a couple people there, but not many. He wandered over to the bow section and got two. He then requested to teleport to Diggery and waited.

When he teleported, he realized that Diggery wasn’t in a mine any longer. Instead he was in the cavern, creating a diamond suit of armor. 

“Hey bud! How’re you doing?”

“Fine, listen, take these books and use an anvil to enchant them. I need to make diamond armor.”

Diggery took the books and moved off to an anvil while Awesome stayed at the crafting bench. He quickly crafted diamond swords and armor and then he ran to the anvil.

He enchanted his stuff pretty quickly, then he equipped it. 

All the other users down there were now inside the large cavern. There were more users than before, but Awesome wasn’t worrying about that anymore. He looked at them all, clad in diamond armor and holding enchanted diamond weapons.

Lets go slay that dragon!

 Chapter 5

Awesome typed in,

/warp Monkey Spiral

He appeared at the monkey spiral, along with all the other users. He stood still for a moment and thought,

I trust all these players, but what if we need help with the enderdragon? 

He then turned and typed in, 

Stay here for now, keep any one else from getting in here until the dragon is spawned.

All the users nodded up and down. 

Awesome walked over to the portal and jumped in. Right when he appeared he knew something was wrong.

There was obsidian covering the spawn platform, and outside he could hear blocks being placed. He looked over to Diggery and said,

“What’s going on?”

Diggery shrugged and started mining away at the obsidian, he mined for a while then once he broke through the block he stopped and stared. There, was a TNT block right outside the block Diggery had just broken. Instinctively, Awesome knew what to do.

He turned to Diggery, “Get back to the lobby, now!” 

Diggery and Awesome opened their chats and teleported to the monkey spiral, but as Awesome was leaving, he heard the sound of detonating TNT.

He reappeared in the lobby, and as soon as he got there he tapped on the dragon head. Diggery followed suit. 

They appeared back in the end, this time near the end portal. There was no blocks surrounding them except blocks that were from players who weren’t trying to trap them.

Awesome sprinted over towards the spawn platform, he was right. 

Marksman2000 was running away as the TNT still exploded. Awesome drew his bow and carefully selected an arrow. He drew it back as far as he could, then he loosed it at his enemy. 

At that particular moment, an enderman teleported in the path of the arrow. 

It let out a screech, alerting Marksman to their presence. He quickly took off his diamond armor and chugged down an invisibility potion. He faded away from sight, and Awesome was left with a different problem.

The enderman was screeching all over the end, and it was attacking Awesome as well.

Awesome drew his diamond sword, but at that moment his fingers started aching so much that he had to set the joy con down.

“Diggery! My fingers are hurting and we’ve got a rouge enderman! Go to Ender Plan F.” He and Diggery were alway’s exploring the end, so they had created a series of plans incase something happened.

Diggery drew his bow and started spamming the enderman, it was still going for Awesome, but eventually he would get a hit on it and turn the screaming freak onto himself.

Finally, he got a hit.

The enderman flashed red, then he turned and started attacking Diggery. By this time Awesome’s fingers had recovered enough for him to help Diggery.

That was Ender Plan F, one person who had angered an enderman would back off and let the other person hit it, then the first person would hit it again. If it was played right, then two or more users could destroy an enderman without it taking a large amount of HP.

Awesome charged the enderman, and Diggery, noticing Awesome’s position, maneuver himself into an excellent spot to attack the enderman’s back.

Awesome was almost to the enderman, but then an arrow suddenly came out of nowhere and buried itself into Awesome’s chest plate. Luckily, since it was enchanted, no damage was inflicted, but the bow must’ve had punch 2, because Awesome was pushed back a couple blocks.

Another arrow came, this one directed towards Diggery. If the arrow hit him, then he would be pushed out of his defensive position and right into the enderman. 

Awesome lifted his bow and shot an arrow straight at the enderman. As expected, it died, and Awesome scooped up the ender pearl. Then when the second arrow hit Diggery it only pushed him forwards.

Diggery turned to the source of the arrows and froze.

Marksman was standing on top of one of the towers with the remains of the iron bars. He would spam off a few arrows, then get back to placing bedrock, all around the tower.

“If he does that, we won’t be able to destroy that crystal!” Diggery shouted.

Awesome thought fast, “Diggery, get all the users in here, tell them to teleport to you, I’m going to get Marksman.” He started running off.

As a barrage of chatting swept through his screen, Awesome loaded an arrow into his bow and let loose at Marksman. The arrow sailed through the air and landed in his shoulder.

Marksman stopped placing bedrock and turned to Awesome.

You’ll pay for that!

Awesome calmly loaded another arrow into his bow and fired again. Marksman dodged it, and watched as it fell into the void. Then he quickly started placing more bedrock around the top of the tower, he had made a cone shape that was only accessible from off the island. 

Marksman took off his chest plate and strapped on some elytra. He clambered up to the top of the small cone, ignoring Awesome’s attempts to shoot him. He jumped off, spreading the wings so he could glide down to the portal. 

Awesome could see that it was impossible for him to get to Marksman. He would land inside the portal that would take him back to the Overworld, and then he could come in again and do this entire thing a second time.

Suddenly, just as Marksman was about to enter the portal, enchanted bows appeared. They all drew an arrow and loosed them at him, the combined power of all the punch 2’s on them pushing him back and up a fair distance.

As all the user’s invisibility potions wore off, Awesome grinned up at Diggery, he had done it.

All the users started spamming Marksman, and Awesome loaded arrows into his bow and followed suit. Marksman was in a bad position, he couldn’t stay up there forever, and when he did come down in bow range, he was pushed up again from the arrows. In short, he was slowly losing XP.

Awesome let off an arrow and studied the situation. Marksman was floating above the portal, if he could trust himself to not fall off the path, he could just fall into it, but nobody was letting him do that. 

Suddenly, Awesome had an idea. “Diggery! Tell all the users to keep him there, I’ve got another plan. This one will destroy him once and for all, I hope.”

Diggery nodded and started typing. He had switched from two joy con’s to his mouse and keyboard, which was understandable, but still not complying with the nature of the challenge. 

Awesome ran over to the portal, Bacon was covering it with cobblestone, so even if Marksman did decide to drop, he would die.

I’ve got a plan, continue shooting, Bacon

Bacon nodded and Awesome took the end crystals in his hand, He placed one down in the center of one side, he placed another down on the second side, another on the third, and finally a fourth one on the final side.

The crystals sent shafts of white light up into the sky, directly where Marksman was. Fortunately, none of the users quit their firing, instead they fired even faster.

The beams of light traveled around and around the circle of towers, lighting each end crystal again. 

Once they had lit the final one, they all pointed up, meeting exactly to the side of where Marksman was. A roar sounded, echoing all throughout the end, and the enderdragon spawned, right behind Marksman.

Marksman turned and saw the enderdragon, the enderdragon opened it’s eyes and saw Marksman. Marksman bolted, while the enderdragon chased the creature that had intruded into it’s end.

Marksman landed on the ground and started digging a pathway into the endstone, the enderdragon at first tried to attack the endstone, but when it realized that it couldn’t it swooped around and breathed its breath down the tunnel.

A little message appeared in chat,

Marksman2000 was destroyed by the Ender Dragon

Chapter 6

Awesome grinned, this was what he had come for, this was what Garrettron had done, and now it was what he was going to do. 

Get the crystals! 

Diggery shouted into chat. All the users spread out, each singling out a crystal, but none of them going for the one covered with bedrock, strangely.

Awesome found Diggery and said to him,

“Ender Plan A.” Diggery nodded.

Ender Plan A was a method of getting the crystals inspired by the Gameknight books. One person would build up a one block tall tower to get to one of the crystals that was surrounded by iron bars, while the other one spammed the enderdragon and dumped water buckets around on the ground.

Since Diggery had some water buckets from while he was mining, he was the spammer. 

The enderdragon was confused by so many users going around, and more were appearing all the time. It didn’t know that when Paladin was guarding the portal he had sent out a message to get a whole bunch of players to there.

Of course, some of them were being noobs, only coming there with leather or no armor, and some of them were being idiots, they were coming in with ender crystals and were either going to the towers already destroyed, or they were building their own towers and placing the crystals.

Awesome had built a tower up to the very top of an iron barred tower. He turned around to look for the dragon, it was busy with some users on the other side of the island. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a user building a one block tall tower, that reached up as high as one of the largest towers. He then proceeded to build a platform on it so nobody could get arrows to whatever he placed on top.

Then he placed an end crystal.

Without even thinking, Awesome drew his bow and shot the crystal, it exploded and the user died as well. 

As he mined through the iron bars he shook his head in disgust. 

Why do users do that? As soon as they hear that someone is going to try and have fun, why do they have to ruin it? As he got through, he looked at the crystal, bobbing up and down on invisible waves. He placed a block of TNT above it, then, after looking down to make sure there was water, he lit the block.

He then jumped off the side of the tower, he fell for 5 seconds before he hit the water. The TNT exploded high above him, combined with the powerful blast of the end crystal. 

He nodded to Diggery and looked around. Most of the users were spamming the enderdragon, very few people were actually going for the crystals, and more and more users were joining the server and heading for the end.

Diggery groaned, “Most of these users I remember from when I was talking about this at Hypixel, this never would’ve happened if I’d just kept my big mouth shut.”

“Nothing we can do about it now.” Awesome said, “For now lets concentrate on destroying these homemade towers.”

Very few towers were left that still had a crystal atop them. Most of the healing that the enderdragon was getting was from user made towers, so Awesome decided he would have to destroy them.

He and Diggery had encountered this before, players who either were just bullies, or who were the minecraft version of ‘animal naturalists’ just didn’t like it when people attacked the enderdragon.

Awesome glanced towards Diggery, “Plan U.” Diggery nodded.

Everyone who doesn’t want to be shot, stay away from waterfalls leading down from the user made towers!

Diggery typed into chat. 

He and Awesome then proceeded to built up to those towers and destroy the crystals on them, and cover them with water.

Diggery used four buckets of water and made an infinity source, then he took some water from that and made another in a different place, and another, and another. 

When he was done, there was 8 places to get water, and he and Awesome used them to their fullest. Every now and then he and Diggery said into chat their original message, and they always did it when they saw someone climbing the waterfalls.

More often then not they continued climbing, but sometimes they dropped down after they read it. Awesome finished sniping off someone who was building another tower instead of climbing up an already made one, when he was suddenly knocked down by the dragon.

It had chosen him for it’s next adversary.

The dragon swooped high, then came down, breathing its breath on Awesome. Awesome ran towards the dragon, not away from it, and because he did that the dragon missed him.

Awesome pulled out his bow and quickly spammed the monster, causing it to have to circle around and search for an end crystal. There weren’t any.

The dragon flew all over the end, screeching, but it found nothing. Nothing until it came to the tower with a bedrock tip.

A shaft of light boomed out and healed the dragon,

“What!? Nobody’s destroyed that yet!?” Diggery shouted.

“Diggery! Get everyone to spam the dragon, tell them to keep it away from that crystal if they can. Me, Paladin, and Bacon will build out and destroy it.”

“Just build up!” At that moment, a user who had managed to build up reached the top, he started jumping up and down, but then a fireball from the dragon incinerated him.

Diggery noted that, then he started typing into the chat.

Awesome typed in,

Paladin, Bacon, get blocks and come with me

They complied, holding stacks of cobblestone in their hands. Awesome explained to them what they were going to do, and once they understood, he took out some blocks of his own. Then they started building bridges out into the void, hoping to get a clear shot at the crystal.

The dragon, now knowing what their plan was, let out an enraged scream and charged them, but users with fireworks started shooting them off into the air, confusing the dragon.

More users drew bows and pumped arrows into the large body, driving it back. The dragon flew away, but it wasn’t done yet. It flew over the large group of users and breathed it’s breath on them, since they were all close together, it was devastating.

The dragon, barely stopping to witness the carnage, continued on, straight for Bacon who was the farthest out. Bacon had stopped and was sending arrow after arrow for the crystal, but he kept on missing.

The dragon crashed through the bridge, leaving Bacon standing on nothing. He tumbled into the void, and eventually a little message showed up on screens.

Bacon_XXX fell into the void

Awesome turned to Paladin, who was the next farthest out. He had stopped a little further than Bacon had, and was sending arrows right down into the cave like structure. Even though his aim was impeccable, there still was no explosion.

The dragon came for him next. It soared down, all ready to tear Paladin to shreds, but he suddenly ran back across the bridge a short ways. The dragon tore into the bridge instead, and Paladin whipped out his bow and fired shot after shot at the dragon.

Awesome could now see that the fragment of the users who were left spamming to the dragon, they were building towers to get a better shot, and nobody was placing ender crystals. Those people were either dead, they had run out of crystals, or they had decided to not be bullies.

As much as he hated to admit it, Awesome suspected numbers 1 or 2. 

The dragon screeched and went straight for Paladin. He didn’t move, but stood still, spamming arrow after arrow at the dragon. Then the dragon tore into him.

PaladinSorcerer was slain by the Ender Dragon

Awesome placed one more block and turned to the tower. He realized that he could see the crystal, bobbing up and down. As the dragon turned to Awesome, he realized something.

Paladin had ran back for a reason. He had wanted the dragon further away from Awesome, so he could make the shot. Awesome drew his bow, his fingers aching, he aimed, and just as an enraged screech enveloped the end, he shot the crystal.

Chapter 7

The final crystal was gone. Now all the users had all the armament on the Gameknight server to destroy the enderdragon. There was only one problem. At that moment the dragon was exerting all it’s power to get to Awesome, who was a sorry state compared to all the other users.

Get the Dragon!

All the users drew their bows and attacked the dragon, but it ignored them, only focusing on Awesome. It breathed all over the bridge as it passed, making it impossible to run across. 

Awesome frantically searched through his inventory, looking for something that would be of service, then his fingers closed on the ender pearl. He took it out and hurled it all the way back at the island.

It flew, but it flew farther than he had meant to throw it, now it might land in the void. The dragon was coming closer, and just when he was about to get mauled by it, he teleported.

When he landed, he saw that the pearl had landed just on the outermost block of this island, one more block and he would’ve been void munch.

He turned around and ran back to all the other users, the dragon, once it had realized it had lost Awesome, made a curve and soared up into the dark sky. All the users were looking up, waiting for it.

“Hey bud, so you didn’t die?” 

Awesome turned to Diggery, “Not yet at least. Where did the dragon go?”

“No clue, but we’ve only got 7 users here, counting you and me, it’ll be a hard defeat, but we might just be able to win.”

At that moment, fireballs came crashing down from the sky, incinerating 3 players.

Get out and about! Don’t pack so close to each other!

The remaining users spread out, the two who were left scouting around the island, while Awesome and Diggery would go to the portal. Awesome looked up at the sky, expecting at any moment for the dragon to come swooping down. 

“There it is!” Diggery pointed to the portal. It was hovering there, right above the portal. Awesome drew his sword and sprinted to it, then he started hacking.

Diggery joined him, and the other two users asked,

What’s going on?

We’ll spam it when it leaves.

Finally, the dragon gave a push, sending Awesome and Diggery a few steps back, then it flew up, only to meet the arrows of the two other users. The dragon screamed and flapped harder to get out of there.

Once it had disappeared into the sky, one of the players, TNT_Blastoff, ran up to the portal. He took out some blocks of TNT and placed them all around the portal, ready to be detonated when the dragon swooped in again.

Suddenly, a lone fireball speeded down, hitting the TNT and exploding TNT_Blastoff.

“And then there were three.” Awesome said.

The dragon soared down again, it’s claws reaching for Awesome and Diggery. They both moved out of the way and started spamming it. The dragon made a hard curve and managed to breath it’s breath on Awesome.

Without panicking, Awesome pulled out a golden apple and munched it down. Then he ran out of the breath. The dragon had disappeared again, and Diggery and the final user, HugoSlavia, were next to Awesome.

What do we do?

HugoSlavia asked.

Awesome looked at Diggery, and Diggery looked at Awesome.

“Ender Plan Z.”

Ender Plan Z was a special plan that was only used in the most dire of circumstances. It needed at least three people, and a large amount of end crystals. One person would place a crystal on the ground, and stand away. Another would get a bow and get ready to shot the ender crystal, and the third person, this needed to be someone the dragon didn’t like, would stand in front of the crystal and draw the dragon in, this could also be used with beds. This was dangerous, because sometimes the bait was exploded, or killed by the dragon, so it was really only useful once.

As Diggery explained the plan to HugoSlavia, Awesome walked around, every now and then he would fire an arrow up into the sky, sometimes it hit the dragon, sometimes it didn’t.

He would also fire arrows overtop of dead towers, and every time he did that the dragon screeched. Finally, Diggery had finished explaining the plan to YugoSlavia. Awesome walked back to them and handed the end crystals to Diggery, while Yugo hid with a bow.

Awesome started firing arrows willy-nilly, and once he got a hit on the dragon, he knew where it was. 

Now he slowly and deliberately fired arrow after arrow, each one finding it’s target. The dragon was almost dead now, but it would be fitting if it died in an explosion from an end crystal.

The dragon saw Awesome standing alone in the middle of the island, waiting for him. The massive beast went into a dive and was just about to tear into Awesome when, suddenly, a message came into chat,

HugoSlavia was slain by Marksman2000

Awesome turned around in shock, and the dragon tore into him. 

Diggery screamed and attacked the dragon, tearing into it over and over. The dragon gave a final scream and exploded, leaving the exit portal and a dragon’s egg.

You thought you could get away from me that easy? Don’t think so.

Awesome stood up, and Diggery splashed a potion of healing on him.

Now you will die!

And behind Marksman, Tahiti, and Triple stepped out, all of them holding shields and diamond swords.

Awesome took one look at them and turned and ran, Diggery following close behind. The three users gave chase, and it looked like they would reach them, but Diggery placed a crystal down and hit it at the same time.

The explosion echoed throughout the island, giving damage to the three chasing them.

“Do we really need to destroy them? We did the challenge, and now we can go!” Diggery said.

“I’ve got a plan…” Awesome said thoughtfully, “Spawn another ender dragon, then, right before it spawns, we’ll go through the portal. They will be trapped here, and the dragon won’t let them leave.”

Diggery nodded, “Ok. You distract them while I place the crystals?”

“Yep.” Awesome veered off, drawing all the users too him, as he was the one responsible for their deaths. 

Tahiti, spam him. Triple, TNT him.

Awesome spun around and shot off a quick round of arrows, they sailed through the air and landed into Tahiti, causing him to turn and miss the shot from his bow, which flew all the way up and into Triple’s back.

Triple turned and attacked Tahiti with his sword for a bit,

Don’t shoot me!

Meanwhile, Diggery had placed four of the crystals and they were lighting all the towers. Awesome needed to get back.

He ran around Triple and Tahiti fighting, but ran right into Marksman. Marksman drew his sword and started hacking away at Awesome, but Awesome ran around him, ignoring the HP loss.

The crystals were on the last 3 towers before they spawned the dragon, and Diggery was jumping up and down near the portal. Awesome got to the portal, and watched Diggery jump in, but before he jumped in, he turned to Marksman and drew an arrow.

He pointed his bow at him and let go, the arrow spun through the air and hit his enemy squarely in the chest, pushing him back to where Triple and Tahiti were still fighting.

Then, as all the crystals pointed upwards, and the dragon’s roar split the silence, Awesome jumped into the portal.

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