
                               Hunters adventure

Believe it or not this is the sequel to my other dream I had another dream  


As the light around us faded I looked around. We were in a circular room with a metal mouth on a desk. Hooked up to it was something I guessed was the digitizer. As I looked around I saw a man sitting on a bed looking at us. “Tommy,” he said. “I see you brought a friend.” 

“Yeah,” said Tommy. “Stitcher was killed by a skeleton and Hunter wanted to follow me to kill Enity303. The man nodded.

 “You always were fiercely loyal to your friends.” I nodded. 

“So where are we?” 

“We’re on a ship,” said Tommy. 

“Ship?” I was confused. 

“It’s a big boat,” explained Tommy. 

“Whose him?” I asked Tommy gesturing towards the man. 

“That’s my dad Mark,” The three of us sat in silence for a while until I began to feel tired. I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.



As Hunter fell asleep I began to feel tired myself. I didn’t sleep yet. I still had to talk with dad for a second.

“So did you bring her back,” he said. I nodded.

“I was going to bring her back immediately but Crafter said that right now there wasn’t much left of her and that the power of the digitizer might kill her if she didn’t get some rest.” Dad nodded. Then he looked at Hunter. 

“You like her don’t you.” 

“I have mixed feelings about her,” I said. “One part of me is happy with her just being a friend and the other part is ready for a change.” Dad nodded. We sat there for a while until I felt tired. I got into bed and fell asleep.


I stood at my fortress and looked at the surrounding kingdom. Alabama had long since fallen into ruin and I had taken control and established my kingdom. After my fortress had been destroyed in Minecraft by the User-that-is-not-a-user I had to flee to Alabama my lair. I took a seat on the roof of my fortress and looked at the surrounding fortress. The user-that-is-not-a-user would never kill his own kind. I laughed wickedly and l climbed down the tower towards my army.


When I woke up I found myself in some weird thing I sighed remembering my dream of giving Enity303 a potion of endless poison and a potion of immortality and finding a way to bring back Stitcher. There was another part of the dream but I forgot it. When I remembered that the weird thing was a physical world bed it all came back to me that I was in the physical world. Tommy was already up and Mark was to and was drinking some dirt in a weirdly shaped bowl. To my surprise it went down his throat easily. 

“Morning,” said Gameknight. 

“Hi,” I answered.

“How did you sleep?” he asked. 

“On my back,” I answered. Tommy stared at me. “What I did.” Tommy sighed.

“Whatever.” Just then we heard footsteps. “Oh no,” said Tommy. “Quick Hunter hide under the bed.” 

“How can I hide under a bed?” I asked. “The space is ridiculously small.” Just then the door opened. A man walked in.

“We’ll be landing in Sweden shortly,” he said. Then he noticed me. He rang a bell. “Stowaway,” he called. 

“What’s a stowaway?” I asked. The man stared at me. 

“Crazy stowaway,” he called. 

“CRAZY,” I bellowed. I drew my bow and fired. The arrow hit the man in the leg and he collapsed howling in pain. If Stitcher had been alive I would have made sure the man was OK before running out the door but Stitcher was dead so all the mercy in me was gone so I took off through the door kicking the man on the way. 



  The second Hunter vanished I took off knowing she wouldn’t last long. We ran through hallways and around corners. We ended up on the deck. A dozen men and women with guns chased us around the deck. In a panic I grabbed Hunter and leaped off the ship cutting one of the ropes that held the lifeboats in place with an arrow. The lifeboat hit the sea and we hit the lifeboat. Dad jumped in after us.  I grabbed the paddles and began paddling away. The rest of the lifeboats were launched and the chase began. Hunter drew back the bow string but I grabbed her arm. The last thing we needed was a murder on our hands. Soon we were in sight of land. I paddled faster and faster until the lifeboat docked. I ran off followed by Dad and Hunter. We quickly walked through the crowded streets. We found a train and soon we were in the city that housed Mojang. We had just found someone who probably wouldn’t think we were fans when the people from the boat found us. There was an entire crowd and it looked as if we were done for. A couple people advanced towards us from the looks on their faces we had a lot more than jail to look forward to. These people were here to kill. One of them grabbed Hunter. Furry shot through me. It was if someone had pulled my temper past the limit to no end. It was worse than when Monet was captured. It was more than when Stitcher was killed. Hunter was in danger and that was too much. All of the past weeks anger came out of me in one hard punch. The man hit the ground with a thud unconscious. With no time to lose we turned around to see a dead end. I grabbed an iron pole and held it like a weapon. I tried to imagine that this was just another battle in Minecraft. Not a physical world battle where I was incredibly outnumbered. I stepped forward. My countenance was so acute that a couple people stepped back. I tried to summon the anger I had felt when Stitcher was killed that I used to kill about an army of zombies. It was practically  there so I just took hold of it and charged. In a flash half the people were on the ground clutching part of their body. In another flash the rest were lying on the ground unconscious.   

“Come on!,” I shouted, grabbing Hunter by the arm.

“Come on where?” she asked. “There’s nowhere to go. Oh, and by the way, thanks for saving my life.” I looked around for my Dad and saw him. He was trying to climb the brick wall in front of us. I Stared at him.

“I thought you were afraid of heights?” He looked at me.

“Do we have a choice?” The three of us climbed over the wall and climbed to the bottom. We

quickly took off across the street and jumped into an empty alley. We continued like this for about half an hour until we found the building where NOTCH worked. We quickly walked inside. It was like stepping into an office. Everywhere there were computers and papers and practically everything else you would need in a building where people designed Minecraft. NOTCH was busy at a computer near the front. He looked over his shoulder and noticed us.
“Fianaly,” he said. “Took your time. The second Enity303 returned I expected you to come here immediately.”

“We had a bit of an issue,” I said. NOTCH nodded. 

“Explain everything.” So I told him everything about the battle and how Enity303 captured Monet and how there was another fight and how Stitcher was killed and how me and Hunter had chased Entity303 into the physical world and about the voyage here and how we got chased by people all the way here. About the battle in the alley and how we’d quickly left and found the building. NOTCH was quiet until I told him about Entity 303 escaping into the physical world. He then looked a bit afraid but kept quiet. When I was done he stared at me. “You never fail to surprise me,” he said. I nodded and said. 

“We need your help to stop Enity303.” NOTCH stared at me. 

“I’ve been trying. The second I got wind of him I practically flew to my designing computer and began deleting all the mods Entity303 created. In fact when you came in I was just finishing deleting the Agrippa mod.” I nodded. 

“But we need your help to fight Enity303.” NOTCH nodded. 

“Let’s do it.” 


I walked through my fortress. After learning of Gameknight999 finding mojang I had assembled a massive army so big that the User-that-is-not-a-user would tremble in his diamond boots. One of my zombie servants hurried over to me.

“The User that is not a user is approaching and he’s brought his friend, his dad, and the entire of Mojang.” Now I was the one to shake in my boots. 

“Thank you. Now go download every single mod that will help us in this battle.” The zombie hurried off and I laughed wickedly. 



We were in something called a plane. We were flying across something called a tomato farm. Soon we landed in Alabama. We left the plane and took off towards a fortress. As we were approaching the fortress. NOTCH called 

“Agripa.” We quickly looked upward. Thousands of Agipa soared over the fortress and landed in front of us. I raised my bow but just before I fired an arrow the bow disappeared. I looked about for the bow but it was nowhere to be found. Then an Agripa landed in front of me with my bow in its bow arm. It pointed the bow at me. Ready to fire. 

“NOOOOOOOOO.” Out of nowhere Tommy appeared and tackled the Agripa to the ground. They fell in a heap scratching, biting, hitting, kicking. I snatched my bow from the Agripa and fired an arrow at it. The arrow bounced off its skin and hit the ground. In fact it seemed that all the monsters were impenetrable. I grabbed my sword and began stabbing the Agripa. It closed its eyes and lay still. Gameknight leaped off the Agripa and charged another one. NOTCH raised his hands and two Agripa dissolved into ones and zeros. As we defeated the last of the Agripa thousands of
Ender dragons charged. Riding on their backs were Withers. The Wither Dragonmen flew towards us firing Wither skulls and fireballs and tearing into Mojang as if they were paper. Dozens of men and women fell. I looked around and saw a skeleton taking aim at me. 


On a tree I was in locked combat with a zombie pigman carrying a sword made out of two wands and an Electro diamond sword. We fought like maniacs.I blocked the attacks with my iron sword while trying to make some damage with my diamond one. Finally I managed to defeat it. I looked around to see Dad and Mojang regrouping ready for a final charge. I reached in my pocket and pulled out an Ender pearl. Then I saw a skeleton getting ready to fire an arrow at Hunter. I looked at Mojang. I looked at Hunter. And I threw the pearl.



The Skeleton had just fired the arrow when Tommy appeared right in the arrow’s path. It hit him directly in the chest and he collapsed to the ground. I stared. It had happened so fast that I had barely had time to register what had happened. I stared at Tommy as  he closed his eyes and stopped breathing. This was the last straw. Monsters were cruel selfless smelly demons. As I stared at what was happening, Mojang charged. It was as if we were going to win. Thousands of men and women running together swords outstretched. As that happened the digitizer in a tree glowed bright red and thousands of NPC’s poured out screaming “FOR MINECRAFT.” Now the battle was definitely in our favor as Crafter, Herder, Monet, and Digger charged at the back of the crowd. All around us thousands of monsters were dying every second. Soon Enity303’s hoard was obliterated but I still stared at Tommy praying he would wake up……. And finally he did. He pulled out a totem of undying that was grey on all edges. Clearly the totem had saved him. He looked around and drew his sword. Then he noticed that the monsters were gone. As he walked through the battlefield the NPC’S cheered and chanted his name. But Tommy was not in a celebrating mood. He pointed at the fortress. “Enity303 is still here.” 



The NPC’S charged to the fortress but the second me and Hunter crossed three Wither dragonmen attacked the NPC’S keeping them from helping us. Me and Hunter quickly found Enity303 in a massive courtyard. He was standing on a massive pedestal overlooking us. He smiled looking at us. 

“You’ve come,” he said


I looked at Tommy and Hunter wondering who to torture first. I decided to go with Hunter. I snapped my fingers. Thick chains wrapped around the girl’s waist and lifted her into the air. They carried her over to me so she could see the whites of my eyes. Then I began replaying her worst memories in them. Hunter screamed and struggled but the chains held her tight. Finally I was done and the chains disappeared dropping her to the foot of the pedestal unconscious. Tommy immediately ran over to her. Then he did something amazing. He laid his hand on her heart and a brilliant beam of light shot out off him and on to her. I stared in amazement as Tommy poured a brilliant beam of light into her head. Slowly Hunter got to her feet and stared in amazement at Tommy in amazement. Then she threw her arms around him. They hugged for a while. Then Hunter fell. Tommy quickly caught her and supported her until she regained her footing. Then they held hands and walked out of the room. I stared at them in amazement to stop them. Then I began to smile. I had just found the weakness of the great Gameknight999 and Tommy.             


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