
Northern Storm (Part 1)

By: Thatphatguy A.K.A Alan


Time: 9:34 pm

Date: November 23rd, 2017

Location: Shipyiozineck, Minecraftia.

Chapter 1: The lonely road.

The traveller was travelling down the road. He was very cold, but had come here for a reason. Shipyiozineck was a city currently in a red zone. The city straddles the border of Minecraftia and Robloxia. The two nations have been warring for years after the influence of Robloxia boomed. They now have the power to make a complete invasion of Minecraftia. However, Minecraftia was still a force to be reckoned with. They are still very strong as they have added very new interesting updates to their country, increasing the influence is has. Although it is a shadow of its former self, it can still fight. Anyways, back to the traveller. The Red zone is a warring area that lies on the border of Minecraftia and Robloxia. That means every citizen is armed to the teeth and combat  is the only subject taught in school. Students literally have to train to split arrows down the middle on the bullseye on their training targets. They were trained to be elites. The traveller was here to end that. You see, the travellers name was Soldier_235. He is one of the most elite masters of disguise in the robloxian army. He has destroyed many nations, and is here on his biggest mission yet. He walked to the school. The school hasn’t been closed yet. It closes at 10:00 pm. He checked his mobile clock. Its glow-in-the-dark handles read: 9:54. 6 minutes until school ended. He entered the school. “Name?” Asked the identifier. However, Soldier_235 was too quick for the two identifiers. He had drew a crossbow so quick that it appeared to materialize in his hands. The piercing arrow had quickly slain the identifiers. He had grabbed a lingering potion of harm XXV and threw it at the students. The students started yelling in pain. He heard footsteps. As soon as he heard the footsteps, he threw a Poison XXVIII potion at the guard. He died so quickly because the poison was so strong, it took away his last heart. Now, to check the students. Since the potion had an extended effect, all the students were reduced to piles of loot. Before he left, he had stabbed the head teacher of the school with an iron shortsword. He let as fast as he came.

Chapter 2: Manhunt

Date: November 24th, 2017

Time: 8:00 am

Location: Red zone, Minecraftia.

Grevich and Yenski was watching the news. Grevish was 23 and 6th in command of the Red zone self defence corps, the youngest official of such rank. His brother, Yenski, was 26 and 10th in command of the RZSDC.

NEWS FLASH: Unkown attacker had broken into elite school in Shipyiozineck! The attacker was unidentified, but appeared to be a lonely traveller….

“ Wow,” said Grevich, “They really got hit hard”. “Yeah,” said Yenski, “How is it that a group of the world’s best , most ELITE warriors died to a harming potion”! “This doesn’t seem right. One harming potion of V strength will do only 1 damage to the students. They undergo harnug breathing and lear to get used to the effects. It should have done nothing to them!”. “Maybe you should go investigate”. “Sure”.


Time: 3:56 pm

Location: Police headquarters.

As Grevich neared the police headquarters, he noticed that it looked nothing like a police headquarters. It looked more like a military base. The sight had struck him when he was dispatched to the red zone 5 years ago, but now, it doesn’t even faze him. “I would like to report a manhunt”, said Grevish. “On who?” Said the police officer. “A traveller in the Red zone.”. Hearing this, the police officer laughed his head off. “HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! You are so funny, Mr.Grevich. It is just a trav-” “He killed a group of the world’s most elite warriors” Grevich said as he slammed down two nads on the officer’s table. “Oh,” said the officer as he abruptly stopped laughing. “Where was this traveller located?” “At last check, he was in Shiyiozineck, however, he could have moved by now.” “Let’s start a manhunt in the northern region of minecraftia with a bounty of $1,000,000 for dead and $2,000,000 alive How does that sound?” “Great” “Alright then, let’s get this manhunt started!”  

Chapter 3: Headshot Bounty

Date: November 25th, 2017

Time: 7:34 am

Location: Modded border, Minecraftian side.

Soldier_235 was eating breakfast at a cafe. He was watching the news. “Ahh,” he said as he relaxed. Suddenly… NEWS FLASH: $1,000,000 dead bounty and $2,000,000 alive bounty for a perpetrator in an attack on the Shipyiozineck school of combat. 8 elite soldiers were killed. Police have released a sketch of what the per… “So they’ve caught on…” said Soldier_235 as he slowly headed to the exit of the cafe. But it was too late. You see, security cameras were mounted at each popular location in northern minecraftia. The news had played at 6:00 am too and people had already prepared their crossbows and swords. He heard the shot before it had hit him. “It’s him!,” yelled a customer. All eyes were suddenly on him. I his mind he thought “Run run run run run!!! ARE YOU CRAZY? RUN!!!”. But he stayed still Once again, it appeared that his stone shortsword materialized in his hands. He threw 20 of them in all. No one left the cafe alive. Later that evening, he stayed at a shady hotel, where he knew no one would spot him. He slept safely. Or so he thought.

Date: November 26th, 2017  

Location: Modded border, disputed

Time: 2:12 am

The hotel owner of minecraftian descent entered his room. Under his mask, Soldier_235 slept safely.The owner saw his mask and ripped it off. Underneath that mask was a roblox face, one face that shows he spent a lot of money on his appearance. He slowly drew a blunt arrow and loaded into his crossbow and charged it, careful not to power it enough to kill him. He shot him in the head. Soldier was now unconscious.  

Chapter 4: Breakout

Date: November 26th, 2017

Location: Modded border, Section C

Time: 4:23 pm

He woke up with a bandage on his head as he was being transported to the police base. He does not have a clear memory of what happened. He felt his face. His mask! It was gone! Suddenly everything came back to him. The shady hotel! How did he not think of the owner! “Well I have to get out of here somehow” he thought. He saw the door was locked. “Hmmm”, he thought as he scrolled through his inventory. They left him with some cobblestone and 3 sticks. He got to crafting. He crafted a crafting table and placed it down. As fast as possible, he made a stone pickaxe and broke the lock. Little did he know that a security camera was watching him the entire way. 

Date: November 26th, 2017

Location: Central-eastern minecraftia (Desert terrain)

Time: 8:12 pm. 

Soldier had wearily made his way to the central-eastern desert. He had only one bottle of water, of which he had drank 50 km ago. He expected no one to find him there. He was wrong. You see, his clothes had a gps locator attached to it. It told the RZSDC exactly where he was. However, sand got into the transmitter, making his location appear to be 3 blocks beneath the ground and 8 km off in the south east direction. At the same moment, the police were digging     at the area he appeared to be at. “Maybe he left his transmitter here?” The police were hopelessly digging. Later, Soldier managed to destroy his transmitter at a gas station. The worker barely noticed. He was being paid minimum wage of $17 an hour. After Soldier left, he blew up the gas station. “Better safe than sorry,” he said, thinking that the RZSDC would interrogate the cashier. He used his fake identity he bought from a dealer at the hotel and managed to use it to buy a crossbow that has been modified to fire tracer, barbed or explosive arrows. He loaded a tracer arrow into his bow. The cashier noticed that his identity was central minecraftian, however he had the looks of a robloxian mercenary. He was going to investigate but it was too late. Soldier shot the tracer at the tnt he had placed behind the shop and the shop exploded. He managed to stay alive for another day.  

Date: November 27th, 2017

Location: Slazek, Border of the red zone. 

Time: 3:46 pm

Yenski was sure that they had captured the soldier. He had made his way south to slazek, a city that is as safe as Shipyiozineck, but has more people. He was drinking a can of soda. He glanced at the news. “BREAKING NEWS: ROBLOXIAN MERCENARY HIRED TO KILL STUDENTS AT SHIPYIOKINECK SCHOOL ESCAPES”. Yenski spat out his soda. “How did he escape!”. Other people on the street stared at him. “Umm… Nothing” Yenskki said.

Date: November 27th, 2017

Location: Modded border, disputed 

Time: 3:46 pm 

The owner of the hotel happily counted $2,000,000 dollars the RZSDC gave him. He glanced at the TV. “BREAKING NEWS: ROBLOXIAN MERCENARY HIRED TO KILL STUDENTS AT SHIPYIOKINECK SCHOOL ESCAPES”. The owner dropped a stack of $100 bills as he stared at the TV.

Date: November 27th, 2017

Location: South-eastern minecraftia 

Time: 3:46 pm 

Soldier was resting in is secure hotel room. He took off his wig and then revealed the bacon hair underneath. Although he was one of the most trained soldiers, he had retained his bacon hair, which he has never unequiped. He sunk into his bed and relaxed. He turned on the TV. “BREAKING NEWS: ROBLOXIAN MERCENARY HIRED TO KILL STUDENTS AT SHIPYIOKINECK SCHOOL ESCAPES”. He smiled. Then started laughing. “Oh minecraftians, it has just begun”  


Part 2 coming in july


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