
Null’s War – Book 4



“So where are we going?” Asked Hunter.

“Shut up.” Replied Null.

As they flew Null began taking the armor from all of Gameknight’s friends.

“Wait…why did you not take my armor?” Asked Gameknight.

“Because you will be fighting with me.” Replied Null.
“Again.?” Moaned Gameknight.

“Ha! Null, why do you think you will be fighting Gameknight? Huh? Gameknight, as much as I don’t like you I don’t want him to win.”

“Who are you and where are you?” Asked Null.

“Me? I am…hold on Gameknight I know you do not trust me at all but just thissssss once. Anywaysssss I am Void, the rematch one.”

“Wait, are there MULTIPLE  VOIDS!?!?!?”  Screeched Herder.

“That is classified.” Replied Void, the rematch one.

“Um… excuse me.” demanded Null.

“Anyways come on Gameknight let’s take down Null.” Said Void.

“Why should I trust YOU?” Asked Gameknight.

“Fine, time to battle.” Said Null. “So, do you know where we are going to fight?”

“Yeah, on here.” Replied Hunter.

*Smack* “That is for saying that they whould be stupid enogh to ACTUAALY fight on here.” Said Stitcher.

Null pulled out a bow and shot Hunter in the leg. “That is for thinking that I am stupid.” Said Null.

“Hey! I am the only one who is allowed to do that!” Demanded Stitcher.

Void got out of the air ship with Gameknight and headed towards the door that had a sign above it that said Gameknight is a noob, while Null headed towards a tunnel that headed around the arena, but at the same time Gameknight’s friends headed towards the stairs.


“So, AS YOU CAN SEE IT WILL NOT BE A NORMAL FIGHT! So the main goal is to sneak to the opponent’s base and then you have to sneak through the halls and get the flag and THEN get back out of the base and get back to your base, but no! You still have to get to the middle of the base and do parkour THEN a dropper and finally defeat 50 zombies, 45 blazes, 40 skeletons, 35 magma cubes, 30 creepers, 25 ghasts, 20 cave spiders, 10 spiders, 5 endermen and finally, a new monster that I made: it has 8 arms and breaths fire. It is… MONSTER OF DOOM!!!!!!!!

“So wait how is getting through the halls gonna be a challenge?” Asked Gameknight.

“Because you can summon as many as 100 mobs to protect the halls.” Replied Null.

“Ok.” Said Void. “Wait…why should we trust the mobs that we spawn?”

“Welllllllllll they are not necessarily mobs, more like the robots from the physical world. Except they are more from the future in the physical world but in minecraft.” Replied Null. “Anyways, here is something unexpected : oh Herobrine! Oh Oracle!


Void, Gameknight, Hunter, Stitcher, Herder, Crafter, Digger screamed.

 “Don’t worry they won’t be joining the battle……Yet. Also he is something else extreme. I can bring monsters, mobs, and finally N.P.C’s!” Exclaimed Null.

 “Wait…that would give both team’s an insane amount of power. Hmmm what else would that do? Hmmmmm.” mumbled Crafter.  *Gasp* 

 He pulled out his bow and shot an arrow with a piece of paper saying : come here, towards Hunter and Stitcher because they could shoot better than he could. ((The redheads were just 10 blocks away.)) 

 Hunter sent another arrow back towards Crafter with the same piece of paper saying : WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!?

 Crafter replied with another arrow saying : GET THE FLIP OVER HERE WITH STITCHER RIGHT NOW!!!!

5 seconds went by, then 10 seconds went by, then 20, then 40, then a minute, then a minute and a half went by and finally Hunter and Stitcher walked towards Crafter. 

 “This day is not gonna end well if that Null is telling the truth.” Crafter said.

Hunter and Stitcher looked at each other. “How, why.” Asked Hunter.

 “Remember when cobbler first came to our village and it was because Xa-tal was bringing every zombie in minecraft?”

 “Yeeeees…why?” Stitcher asked.

 “Yeah, why?” Asked Hunter.

 “If he can bring back monsters, and villigers. Then he could bring back every monster, every NPC, every light-crafter’s and shadow-crafter’s that has ever existed. And just the amount of zombie’s that we killed we got Herder back could destroy this server… he would destroy ALL  of minecraft and when I say this, I mean no user can log into it ever again.” Explianed Crafter.

 “Why that little…um…herobrine.” Hunter excalimed.

 “Take him out.” Ordered Crafter.

 “Why.” Asked Stitcher.

 “…I SAID TO TAKE HIM OUT.” Crafter said in a threatening voice.

 “Fine.” Hunter and Stitcher grumbled.

But just then Null looked towards them and then suddenly pulled out diamond armor then ran to a series of blocks and then started pushing buttons which started placing blocks extremely fast and in half a minute his entire base was done and boy it looked like it would be impossible to break into. 

 “So what should we have for defense?” Asked Void.

 “HA!! Defense?? No problem first we add a lava lake around, then we get archer tower’s then we… *looks around*  cheat and use 500 guards but instead we use 50 of them spread out across the base then we use teleportation-proof blocks around the flag and have 250 guards there but no there is still more, we will have tnt droppers along with arrow dispensers and finally… 2 more things we get a metric-ton of beconsto make us stronger and then finally. The rest of the guards will come with me.” Explained Gameknight.

“YOU?!?!” Asked Void. “Why would YOU  need 200 guards with you?”

“Because I will be going to Null’s base.” Said Gameknight. “Also Because I trust you to protect the flag but mostly because I have more expireince fighting than you do. And bye!”   And Gameknight999 was off running at full speed with the 200 guards and snuck into Null’s base. “Boom” Gameknight could hear the defense’s of his base going off. “Let’s look around for the flag.” Gameknight said.

“Hey what’s this?” asked one of the guards.

“What is it?” Asked another guard.

“The wooden door is locked, so I tried to break it down…BUT I CAN’T.” The guard said.

“Hm…Gameknight!!” Yelled the guard.

“What?” asked Gameknight.

“The door is locked.” the guard replied.

“So break it dow-” Gameknight was cut off.

“Already tried that.”

“Ok, 4 things. First never cut me off again or else, Second never cut me off again or else, third never cut me off again or else and finally break down the wall..” Replied Gameknight.

So the guard broke the wall. “Ah, shoot.” Said the guard.

“Wha- Gameknight asked but then saw what had happened – 20 mobs came charging towards the intruders while 2 mobs were firing TNT cannon.

“Evasive action!!” Gameknight yelled.

Since Gameknight broght 200 Guards he was easily able to take down the 22 mobs. “YES THERE IS THE FLAG!!” Said a Guard.

“Got it.” Replied Gameknight.

They headed back to the entrince snook through the tunnel that they dug so that way no one would see them. And got around the base, Gameknight did parkour, THEN a dropper and finally defeated 50 zombies, 45 blazes, 40 skeletons, 35 magma cubes, 30 creepers, 25 ghasts, 20 cave spiders, 10 spiders, 5 endermen and monster of doom. (not all at the same time.)

“I WON!!!!!!!!” Yelled Gameknight.

Suddenly Gameknight, Crafter, Digger, Stitcher, Hunter, and Herder teleported back to the village – except this village had no walls, craters filled with lava and monsters roaming about but it had the villager things that would be in it. “Hey Gameknight we wish that you were here because then we would have won BUT NO, YOU HAD TO BE GONE.” 

 “Wait…what happened???” Asked Gameknight.

“Probably 200,000 monsters attacked and we only maneged to destroy around half of them but we also lost 5 villages worth of villagers trying to keep them back.” Said Filler, (Digger’s son.)

 “WHAT HOW DID WE LOSE THAT BAD.?” Said Gameknight.

 “Uh, hello? Did you hear the part about the 200,000 monsters? Oh yeah not to mention that Erebus, Malacoda, Xa-tal, Shaikulud, Reaper, Charybdis, Fyed, and the other spider queen and worst of them all was the creepers… they had at least a forth of that 200,000 monster force.”

“Yeah well who wants out of this cage?” Asked Gameknight.

“We would but you, Crafter, Digger, Stitcher, Hunter, and Herder are the only ones in here that have amor not to mention… guess where our amour is?” Replied Filler.

“In lava?”

“Nope on the monsters, and same with our swords and bows.”

“Weeeell i have something that could help… Crafter, Herder how many chests do you have?” Asked Gameknight.

“I have 12.” Replied Crafter.

“I have 20.” Replied Herder.

“Great now make as many double chests you can make while I fill the up, Hunter, Stitcher, Digger check your inventory- put that stuff in the chests.” Ordered  Gameknight.

“What’s in the chest’s?” Blaster asked.

“WHAT DID I JUST SAY????” Gameknight snapped.

“Um…” Blaster replied.

“UGH…I HAVE SEEN AND HAVE WITNESSED TO MANY DEATHS IN MY TIME IN MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL END EVERY MONSTER IN THEE ENTIRETY OF MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!” Gameknight screamed as every color of lighting started to come out of Gameknight’s chest.


What happens next, wait and find out. (Plot twist/cliff hanger. NAILED IT!!!!


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