
The Zombies Strike Back: A Far Lands adventure


Watcher woke up happily, last night having to battle Krael and his monster army. The NPC’s, with the aid of magic, had destroyed countless monsters and sent Krael the Wither king, to the void, where he perished. The battle had been tough with hundreds of monsters getting destroyed. However, there was a cost to the battle. Dozens of villagers had died keeping Minecraft safe.
Today, they were going to rebuild their village that had been burned to the ground by the vile zombie warlord, Tu-Kar. Watcher headed into the kitchen and found his big sister Winger and his Dad, Cleric.
“There you are, Watcher! We’ve been waiting for you. You know what we’re doing today?” Cleric in his always pristine white smock said.
Watcher rolled his eyes. “Yes we’re rebuilding our village I guess.”
“I’ve made breakfast for you. Bread and baked apples it is.”
“These taste good. Guess I’ve not had apples in a while.”
Glancing toward his sister, he found that she was gone. He had probably not noticed because he was eating breakfast. Being done, he left the table and headed out the door. Walking for a bit, he finally found himself in the meeting room. They had been living in the Old Watchtower that had been created centuries ago by the magical wizards. He spotted his cousin, Blaster with his sharp eyesight. As usual, Fencer followed him after being saved by him from a Zombie attack. Watcher smiled. Previously, he had Fencer following him everywhere and Blaster found it amusing. Now the tables turned in for Watchers favour.
“So are you ready to rebuild our village?” Watcher said with a smile on his face. He wasn’t good at building but he still liked it.
“Yeah I guess. At least that’s better than having a horde of monsters there to chase us.” Blaster replied.
Just then, his best friend Planter walked in. She glanced at Watcher and waved at him with a smile on her face.
“So are we going Blaster?” Fencer asked with a smile on her face.
The boy looked at her and gave her a scowl. Instantly, Fencer’s face lit up when she made eye contact with him. Watcher chuckled. Blaster returned the laugh with a frustrated face. That just made Watcher’s smile grow bigger. Blaster punched him in the shoulder as Planter arrived.
“So have you planned a date with your Zombie friends? Or did you meet out with the spiders and skeletons to ask them for a present?” Planter joked with a smile on her face. Watcher returned the smile.
“No, I told them to stay where they are because they would surely do the work too quickly for us.”
They all laughed. By now most of the other villagers had now woken up. They all walked out of the watchtower, eager to rebuild their village. Watcher and his friends ran across the room to get to the other side where the villagers were exiting the tower. They fell in place behind Mapper, who was eager to rebuild school and start teaching.
“So have you finished with the report Blaster?” Mapper questioned.
“No, I was too busy last night to start.” He replied.
“Well, better get on with it.”
He grunted his reply.
They exited the tower and climbed up the stairs that had been placed across the huge sinkhole that had been created a hundred years ago. A war had ravaged across the land with the inhabitants of the Far Lands used as a tug of war. Thaurus,the most powerful wizard back then, had an idea of destroying all monsters across the Overworld. The Warlocks knew the tower had to be above everything so they dug a sinkhole underneath. They ascended the staircase to the top. They marched across the Oak forest, heading towards their village,


Watcher took off, looking for his friend, Er-Lan. He suspected the young zombie would be somewhere at the front with Cutter. Finally, slowing his pace, he paused to catch his breath. He scanned the crowd until he found something dark green like a zombie. They had found him while they were chasing the Zombie Warlord, and had befriended him.
“Er-Lan has been looking for Watcher. Er-Lan knows what happened here a long time ago.”
Watcher nodded.
“Yeah, it wasn’t the best time of my life…” Watcher replied.
“Well, hello Watcher!” A voice boomed off to his left. Cutter was walking next to Er-Lan, wearing his elaborately decorated iron armor, his steel-gray eyes as always, filled with courage. In his right hand he held a diamond sword that sparkled with enchantments.
“Oh… umm, hi, Cutter.”
“Where is the boy with the leather armour?”
“You mean Blaster?”
The warrior nodded.
“He should be at the back. I’ll go get him.”
Watcher ran to the back of the army searching for his cousin but found no one there, not even Planter. Instead he found Fencer a little farther walking with Planter. He thought it was his Sister in elytra but instead she was telling Planter how to use them. Thinking about Blaster, he knew that he liked sneaking up on the side in the bushes catching an unlucky monster. Then he heard it. Screams from a skeleton could be heard far to the left. Moments later, Blaster came back. Watcher immediately rushed to his side, telling him Cutter wanted to tell him something.
“I heard you wanted to tell me something.” Blaster said.
Cutter nodded. “Where is the Spruce Tree you planted?”
He drew one of his curved knives and pointed at a tree one shade darker than the others. “There.”
The stocky warrior nodded and took off in a sprint with everyone following him.

No one noticed the zombie hiding in the tree.
“Zo-Kol will be pleased to know the fools will be going to their village.” The zombie mumbled to himself. He let out a quiet laugh and marched back to The great Zombie Warlock Zo-Kol.


The Warlock growled in frustration. Something had blasted through the Far Lands, all of the magic gone. He didn’t know what it was and he didn’t like it. Below him, he could hear his vast zombie army moaning and growling. Many of the zombies wore iron armour and some even had diamond. Lots of zombies had been sent mining with seventy villagers that did most of the work. Every now and then, a villager would try to escape. It didn’t end well. Now the former Warlock had many magical weapons but all their spells were gone. The weapons were now useless. A zombie clad in sparkling iron armour walked up to the general and bowed to him.
“Warlock, a band of NPCs, have been spotted walking in the forest.” The monster reported.
“What were they doing?” Zo-Kol answered.
“They were heading towards this burned down village.”
“What is the name of this zombie?”
“Ra-Fin, Sire”
“You shall now be addressed as Te-Fin.”
“Many thanks, Warlock.”
The creature left the room and marched for the exit then it headed for the villagers to coroutine spying.
“When all zombies will be equipped, we will be unstoppable!”
He let out a maniacal laugh that cut through the fabric of Minecraft like scissors cutting through paper.


“We’re almost there!” Cutter announced,
The NPCs started picking up their pace as they drew closer to their village, anxious to return. The sun was at its apex, mercilessly beating down heat on the NPCs, causing sweat to drip down their foreheads. It was his greatest failure here, when the Warlord Tu-Kar, attacked and burned down their village. It seemed as if it were yesterday, but it was just under a year ago.
They had each been assigned separate jobs. Some built houses while the others built a wall, and most built houses. Watcher had the task of building the east wall with Er-Lan, Planter, Blaster and Fencer.he knew it wasn’t that exciting but it was about something that was their level.
“Come on, Planter, let’s catch Blaster and Fencer and start.” She nodded her long blond hair going in all directions. “Blaster, get over here!” Watcher shouted his voice barely audible over the stomping of feet. Blaster came from the other side of the formation with Fencer on his heels and Er-llan running next to him. “So we just need to complete the East wall.
“OK, that’s gonna be really fun.” Blaster said, his voice full of sarcasm.
They each pulled out a stack of cobblestone and ran to their area.
“Three blocks high, remember.” Watcher said to Planter under his breath. She gave him a smile and said ok.
Well at least I don’t have to see our destroyed house, he thought. He’d seen it twice before and he didn’t want to see it again. Shaking his head, he continued on his task. They continued constructing their wall for hours, and it was finally done. He checked the sun. It was about an hour away from nighttime. Nighttime in Minecraft was monstertime. Walking to where his father was working, he spotted him with Builder talking to him.
“Hi Dad, we’ve finished our part of the wall.”
“Fantastic! We forgot about the well. Would you mind doing it?”
“OK, I’ll do it.”
Watcher sprinted off to the center of the village, which was easy to find because all he had to do was look up at the top of the watchtower. Just as he was about to start, he heard screams of alarm. It sounded like they were in trouble.
Zombies? Hadn’t they destroyed the Warlord? He was sure of it. The decaying monsters only took command from others stronger than them. Something weird was going on. He ran to the top of the wall, and was shocked at what he saw. Hundreds of zombies stood in the clearing out of bow shot. They all wore iron armour, most had weapons. But the most shocking thing was a huge zombie. He was all clad in enchanted diamond armour and held a gigantic broadsword. He was nearly two heads taller than the other monsters. He pointed his sword at the villagers then shouted the word that held the promise of pain and destruction:


The zombies charged at the Iron Doors harmlessly scratching at them, while the villagers rained arrows on the putrid, green monsters. Just then, the huge monster came in and slammed his broadsword on the door, making it show a crack, followed by more dents.
“Blaster! The TNT, NOW!” Watcher yelled. Moments later, he heard a hissing sound followed by huge explosions destroying dozens of monsters, not doing much damage but now the zombies had to cross craters, some filled with water efficiently slowing their progress. Eventually the huge zombie came through and with one last swing of his mighty broadsword, the doors buckled under its strength. The zombies now freely moved into the newly constructed village.
“Everyone, RUN!” Cutter boomed. Instantly the villagers ran to the other side of the village and extid through the back doors. As he was running, Watcher glanced back at the pursuing army. Slowly, he notched three arrows, then fired them at the general. With three swings of his mighty broadsword, he knocked each arrow aside. He let out a blood curdling wail, forcing all monsters to run faster. Watcher had finally reached the gates, and poured countless buckets of water, slowing the zombies’ progress.
“Zombies, withdraw!” the commander announced. The villagers slowed down and walked into the forest.
“Did you see all the zombies?” Blaster asked. He was wearing his forest-green leather armor. “Especially the big one. He had diamond armour!”
“Er-an knows who that creature is.” Their friend said.
“Who is it?” Watcher asked desperately.
“There was a rumor that the Zombie Warlock survived the great war, and hid in a huge zombie town. He captured villagers, forcing them to mine for the zombies and give them all their armour.“
“So you think that was the Warlock?”
The zombie nodded his scarred head.
“But how did he know we would be in this village? It seems like an unlikely coincidence. Remember, we took all magic out of Minecraft but his armour sparkled.” A soft, lyrical voice said behind him. Watcher turned around and found Planter staring at him.
“The armour that he wore wasn’t magic. It was enchantments”, Mapper replied. They nodded their heads.
“Well they probably had spies looking for the nearest village.” Blaster said, scanning the forest.
“But what do we do now?” Cleric, his father asked. “We can’t return to the village. They are likely starting an invasion. We need to warn other villages. Mapper pulled out a map, looking for the nearest village.
“Here it is. It’s a little to the north. We should head for that village, because it has one of the strongest defenses. We will send out runners notifying other villages, whilst the others expand the village and we’ll make our last stand there.” Mapper suggested.
Cutter smiled and nodded his head, patting the old villager on the back, almost knocking him over. “Oops. Though, that sounds like a plan. Everyone agree?” They all nodded their blocky heads. “We sprint!”
“For Baker,”
“For Carver,”
“For Farmer,”
The villagers shouted the litany of the dead, then took off running, heading north to the Savanna village.


Zo-Kol growled in frustration. He had lost under one hundred zombies, and only five or six villagers had perished. Though at least that was one village down. If they continued like this, half a dozen villagers perishing, while seventy to eight zombies dying, they wouldn’t get far.
A small zombie walked up to him, with countless scars with one going through his right eye. Instantly, he recognized this as his brother, Ur-Kol. The first part of their names were the rank. The closer to the end of the alphabet the higher. The second part was the family name.
“I have an idea on  how to kill more villagers with fewer zombies dying,” His brother reported.
“If we invade the village from all four sides, and then we crush them in the middle.”
He thought for a moment. He hadn’t thought of that. The NPCs would get crushed. He nodded his head and gave him a vicious smile.
“Brothers and Sisters! We will split into four when we reach the next village. We will crush them in the middle!” He gave Ur-Kol a smile, causing the young zombie to beam with pride. Drawing a compass from his inventory, he checked where to head.
“All zombies, run to the next village,” he announced. Thinking about the NPCs that would get crushed brought an evil grin to his face.
“You will beg for mercy but you will receive none!” As he marched south west, he thought about the destruction that he would bring to the inhabitants of the Far-Lands.


The company walked through the forest with light hearts. The sound of countless animals brought a sense of peace to the party. He could hear the parrots that had saved his life in the Creeper’s Jungle, which always made him smile. Off to the right, a herd of cows were spotted walking and doing whatever cows do. Planter walked to his side.
“You know, I’ve always liked the sound of the parrots, ever science they saved us from the creepers, remember?”
He nodded his head. “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind having one right now. I like them.”
“Same,” She replied.
Er-Lan walked over to them. “You want some parrots?” They both nodded. He whistled,then all of a sudden they were enveloped in a cloud of multi-colored parrots. Watcher got a parrot that was blue, red and yellow, while Er-Lan and planter got green and yellow parrots.
“I can see the watchtower,” Their forward scout farmer replied.
Blaster came running with Fencer on his heels. “Yep, she’s right. The village is in the mega taiga, over the hill, after the river,” he pointed to the hill, and Watcher could see the gray outline of the wall with the watchtower. A crafter came towards him with two more villagers at her side.
“Hello, we haven’t seen many people in these parts lately. What brings you here?”
Cutter stepped forward. “There is a zombie army flowing across the land, destroying any village in its path. They nearly have one-thousand monsters, not counting the skeletons and spiders.” The crafter nodded her head, her light brown hair flowing on the side.
“We will send runners to the neighboring villages, telling them what is happening.” She looked to her side. “Woodcutter, Stonecutter, come now!” Two burly villagers came to her side. She explained what to do and took off carrying out her orders.
“My suggestion is you make your wall three times thicker, because this will be where our final defense will be. Also, break the wooden doors and replace them with Iron Doors. She pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down what they needed. When they were done, she explained what to do while the others expanded the wall and village.

Up in the trees, a dozen of spiders looked down at the inhabitants, half of them going to Zo-Kol the Destroyer, as history called him. The others stayed in the trees, watching every move.


Watcher stared at the village. It had huge walls with at least one hundred villagers working together, doubling the speed of their task. He walked on the spiral staircase to the top of the tower. He expected to find someone there but he found no one.
Strange, he thought. Looking across the landscape he realized that monsters could easily sneak up because of the lack of space. Trees crowded the outside, making it hard to look for any movement. Scanning for the Crafter he found him exiting the Blacksmith’s house. He jumped off the tower. Many of the NPCs looked up at him and gasped in surprise, while some poured water on the ground for him, but instead he pulled out his elytra and headed for the crafter.
“I went up to the top of the watchtower, and I’m thinking that we’ll need to cut down the trees, because we can hardly see anything.
She nodded her head and ran off explaining to other villagers. Watcher ran to the Woodcutter twins, explained what to do, then repeated the process with others. Now he could hear the sound of chopping trees. Walking to the entrance, he found Mapper, Cleric, Winger, Cutter, Er-Lan, Blaster, Fencer and Planter. They were working on the doors.
“We should put dispensers on top, throwing healing potions, because the zombies are undead. Then, we should place pistons underneath, making them fall into a hole, then bury them with gravel. At the end of passage we put more pistons, but they have obsidian which the zombies won’t be able to break.”
They all nodded their heads. Cutter patted him on the back “Smart.” Mapper beamed
“I have an idea,” Watcher said from behind. They all turned around and found him surprised. They hadn’t seen him come. “If Zo-Kol sees the village, he’ll send everything at us. Eventually he’ll pass by, but we won’t be ready. So in the meantime, If we put Mycelium blocks on the wall then put dark oak blocks and leaves, it will make the village camouflage. When we are ready we will find him and lure him to the village.” Cleric smiled proudly and put a hand on his shoulder. The other nodded, Planter and Winger smiling.
“So what are we waiting for? Let’s do this!” Cutter boomed. They all ran to their positions and continued on their task.


“Zo-Kol, two dozen villagers have been spotted following us. Should we destroy them?” Their scout reported
“No, We’ll set up a trap and surround them, then destroy them,” The commander replied. “Most of you continue, while one hundred of our best fighters will set up a trap with me. The trap will be sprung when we reach the Mega-Taiga, which is about a two hour walk. Everyone sprint or be left behind!” The former Warlock commanded. “Drink your potion of swiftness, and run as fast as you can.”
“But if we run too fast, the villagers would lose track of us.” A nearby monster replied.
“What is your name?”
“Fi-Lor, sire.”
“Fi-Lor, with us marching on the grass and destroying any monsters, the fools will know where we are heading.”
The subordinate nodded his head. He pulled out his map from the Great War that he had made hundreds of years ago. It showed all locations of the villages. On the map, it showed that about half way through, they would run into a desert village. He had an idea.
“In an hour, we will cross a Desert Village. When the villagers see us, go behind a hill in groups of ten, then drop a splash potion of invisibility on yourself and your comrades. We will sneak up on the fools without them knowing we’re here. Take your armour off when we reach it. Now run!” Zo-Kol commanded. He thought about how the pathetic villagers would react and he chuckled with glee.


They followed the zombie armies’ trail, which was easy to follow because they trampled the grass and killed any animal they saw. Watcher felt bad about picking up the inventories of the dead animals.
“I think I am one level away from putting unbreaking three on my elytra!” Winger exclaimed happily.
“Wow, they’re gonna be hard to break. Wait, didn’t you already have unbreaking three on your elytra?” The brother asked, perplexed.
“I did, but they broke. They broke when we were fighting the withers. I fell but since we were fighting over a forest. I landed on the leaves and didn’t take too much damage.”
He nodded his head. “Mapper, where are they heading?”
The old man checked his inventory until he found what he was looking for. He showed the map to Watcher, which showed they would arrive at the desert village in about an hour and a half. Off to the right, next to the village, there was a desert temple with a river next to it.
“Should we head for the desert temple? There might be things to stop the zombies. Plus how do they know where the villages are?”
“It was said that Zo-Kol, the Destroyer, had a map with all villages on it. However, there were no such things as desert temples. We should be safe,” Er-Lan said behind him.
“At least, we will have something good on our side for once,” Watcher said with a smile on his face.
“However, zombies might see if they look closely.” Watcher’s smile disappeared. As they continued walking, they entered the desert. Far away, to the right they could see an outline of a desert temple.
“There it is,” Watcher pointed out. “But where’s the village?”
“I see it! It’s at eleven o’clock,” everyone found Blaster far ahead of them standing on a tower of sand. Likely, the haze of Minecraft obscured the view. The party continued spring for half an hour where they found a desert temple in between a steep hill and a river. They could see Blaster waving at them at the entrance. They picked up their speed, running to Blaster. Watcher was absolutely out of breath.
“Are there — Any — monsters — in there?” Watcher said in between breaths. The boy shook his head. He started speaking, when Fencer interrupted him.
“Blaster, I was so worried that monsters had gotten you. Come on, let’s walk to the temple together,” Fencer said. The boy looked at Watcher, looking helpless. Watcher smiled, enjoying his friend’s misery.
“Let’s see what is in there,” Watcher commanded.

No one saw the zombie spying on the behind a group of sugar canes. Perfect the fools will be trapped… he let out a low laugh and walked to his commander, Zo-Kol.


The villagers flooded the desert temple, while the diggers made a staircase. Planter went in first, Watcher following her. Watcher placed a torch on the wall giving them a little more illumination. Watcher opened the closest chest. Inside was an enchanted shield, lots of gunpowder, two saddles and a pair of iron boots. They opened two more chests that didn’t contain much. In the last chest, Planter opened it. She gasped.  There was an enchanted flint and steel, a diamond, but the more interesting thing was this black iron ingot, and an object that Watcher had never seen before. It had a black top, with this reddish bottom. He placed the table on the ground. Taking off his diamond chestplate, He placed it on the table. Then, he placed the Netherite ingot. Instead of getting the diamond armour it transformed into this dark chestplate. It had spikes on the sides, one shade below black and it was harder than diamond.
“Whoa!” Watcher exclaimed.
“How did you make that?” Planter asked. He pointed to the table. As they climbed the stairs up, Blaster went down and broke the pressure plate. Underneath, there were nine blocks of TNT.
“Perfect,” He chuckled.
“Zombies outside the temple! They have us surrounded,” Their lookout exclaimed. Watcher rushed up the stairs with Planter fast on his heels. Outside, there were a thousand zombies blocking all exits. There was nowhere to go.
“Watcher save us….” Someone pleaded.
“Build a wall,” someone else said.
“What do we do?”
“Archers, fire on the zombies”
The villagers were in a panic, most of them looking up to their leader, Watcher but, the boy couldn’t think. He was terrified. He had led his friends to their doom. All he could do was pull out his bow and fire on the zombies. Half of the others did the same, while the other half built a barricade. The zombies saw the hail and charged forward, most using shields to block themselves, then charged forward. As soon as they walked a dozen blocks, explosions erupted underneath the monsters’ feet, destroying many but not enough.
“It seems like we might have to make our final stand here,” Planter’s voice cracked with fear. He knew that with villagers having to split into four, each quarter of them defending a side. Suddenly, they could hear loud screams coming from the top of the hill. The villagers from the desert came charging, raining hundreds of arrows on the putrid monsters. As the last of the monsters perished, they cheered. However, Watcher didn’t. He glanced at the piles of discarded items laying on the floor. He realized what this battle cost them. Slowly, he raised his hand in the air, giving the Salute of the Dead.
“Our friends and family died protecting the Far Lands safe. For Tille-”
Suddenly, a dry hacking laugh interrupted Watcher. It came from the other side of the hill. The zombie warlock rode up the hill on a diamond horse, wielding a glowing golden sword. This time he was glowing purple. “You think you’re safe, fools? Ha! Prepare to meet your doom. This was the most destructive weapon ever created. Zombies, Attack!”


The zombies charged, but this time instead of fighting them they ran. But what the Warlock had in store was beyond anything they could have thought of. Gathering his magic, he sent it into this golden sword. Throwing it, the deadly weapon curved in a great arc landing in front of the villagers. On impact, it destroyed a chunk of the landscape, leaving a gaping hole down to bedrock. Now they were stuck with the zombies on one side, a hole on the other.
“Ha ha ha ha ha. Seems like you are stuck. Now, prepare for your destruction.” Zo-Kol boomed. As if on a cue, hundreds of arrows rained on the zombies. Strangely, they all seemed to land on the west side of the zombie formation, leaving a hole the villagers could run through. Mapper threw a splash potion of swiftness on them boosting their speed.
“Archers fire on the zombies blocking our escape!” Watcher yelled. As soon as the pointed shafts landed on the zombies, they raised shields protecting themselves. Clearly, they had been trained well. However, their shields weren’t enough to protect them because there were simply too many arrows. Many of the zombies perished, leaving a handful of creatures remaining. The villagers charged with swords in their hand destroying the remaining creatures, leaving a free path. He heard the zombie Warlock scream in frustration, then commanded the zombies to seal the gap, but with arrows raining from the villagers, any zombie that stepped in was destroyed in an instant.
“Everyone sprint!”
The villagers heard their leader’s command, and stopped fighting, then ran at full speed ignoring the zombies. As they ran, they finally reached the edge of the hole. It was really deep and a fall would be fatal. He had to be careful not to fall in the hole.The villagers turned left, heading for the oak forest, heading back the way they came. Watcher glanced behind, seeing the zombie army had stopped giving chase.
“So which way, Mapper?” Watcher asked. The old man checked his inventory looking for a map until he found one. Looking at the map, he realized that they were really far away from the Mega Taiga village. He saw four villages that weren’t empty. “We should go to these four villages,” He pointed to each on the map. They all nodded. “After we empty them, we’ll head for the village and make our last stand.” Mapper checked the map.
“We should arrive at the Coastal village in half an hour.”
“We run!”

What no one had seen was a huge group of monsters hiding in the leafy foliage. They continued chasing the villagers who were absolutely clueless to the danger they were in.


“How did those pathetic villagers get away from us!?” Zo-Kol was enraged. They had outnumbered them twenty to one, if not, more, yet they still escaped. Their escape infuriated him. All of the zombies were walking far behind, the closest monster was nine blocks. They followed the villagers traill, heading south-east, to the closest village. He pulled out a map and checked where the next zombie-town was.
“We will find our next reinforcements soon. That will bring our numbers over one thousand. I am telling monsters to harass them and stay hidden, attacking when vulnerable. Here is the cave.” He walked down the passage. His army followed him without a second thought. They all knew there were monsters down in these passages, but if they refused, it wasn’t going to end well. Every now and then, they found monsters lurking in the shadows looking for intruders but as soon as they saw the army, they retreated. The smell of smoke reached the zombie Warlock’s nostrils. He found a blank wall, water and lava creating obsidian. He pressed an almost invisible stone button camouflage against a stone wall. The grinding sound of redstone opening a wall into a passage. He descended until the opening led into a huge cavern with a ceiling impossibly high. At the center stood a platform with a big zombie on it. He stared at the Warlock. Instantly, fear grew on its face. They all knew of the great warlock, Zo-Kol. He had caused the deaths of the most wizards in the Great War. Everyone fears him.
“All zombies must join this army or get destroyed. If any refuse, they are to be destroyed.” He marched to the other side of the room, all zombies following. He stepped into the portal, leading him to the next zombie-town. He continued the process, gathering more zombies, until he found the right zombie town. He marched up the tunnel out in the overworld gathering his magic, he gave all monsters a speed boost, catching up with the villagers. He laughed, then continued following his prey.


The villagers continued walking through the forest with light hearts. The sounds of birds chirping, accompanied with the howling of the distant wolves. The trees were extremely tall, the top of them touching others. Their trunks were two by two in size being the biggest natural trees in Minecraft. As he thought about the battle, and how they had narrowly escaped, The Zombie Warlock, Zo-Kol, had glowed purple as if he was magical. As they entered the clearing what shocked them all was the devastation. The village was burned down to the ground. At the center, was a nether portal with a table next to it. Watcher sprinted down to the portal, his friends following close behind him. The devastation around him terrified him. What could have caused this? A purple mist formed on top of the table. Suddenly, an enchanted book appeared. He opened it and read what it said.

Dear Watcher,

When a Wizard or a descendant of a Wizard dies they go to a special Plane of Existence. Anyways, I heard you were wondering why the Zombie Warlock was magical? I know you tried to take magic out of Minecraft, but with the three Crowns of Skulls had too much power. There was a suggestion he teleported back into the Overworld. We’re not sure. Well, with Krael’s last breath, he reversed it to the monsters only. Now any enchanted weapons made by them will work. However, Our weapons won’t work. Good luck Watcher! We all have faith in you!

Tharus, Baltheron, Dalgaroth, Taerian, Sotoria and Mira.

“Was that really from the wizards? And was what they all said was true?” Planter questioned.
“Maybe. With all the magic they have they might have been able to do it. But… The Zombie Warlock… If he finds the Fossil Bow of Destruction We may be in trouble.” Watcher responded. His voice cracked with fear. “They even said Krael might be alive.” He glanced at the book, but when he looked it changed pages.

The only way to win is to destroy Krael, keep the three Crown of Skulls and put them in the Portal of the Wizards. It will be found in the Warlocks’ Castle. Throw a diamond in the portal to completely activate it. Only then, we will be able to come back. This is the only way. If you don’t, all of Minecraft may be destroyed. Forever.

“I know what to do. Cutter, you go with Blaster, Fencer and Er-Lan to the Warlocks’ Castle. Don’t go in. Wait for Planter and I. I’ll go with Planter to the Fossil Bow of destruction. And we’ll find you in a week here.” Watcher said. They nodded. As they watched them go through the portal, Blaster turned back and threw him some TNT then went through the portal.
“Let’s go, Watcher,” She gave him a smile, which he returned. They took off running to their destination.


It had been five days since they had left them. RIght now, they had a few spiders chasing them. He chuckled. It was funny. They were having fun throwing a splash potion of slowness, then sprinted, leaving them in the dust. It was fun though.
“We are almost there,” He pointed to the craters across the ground. This was where Krael had chased him hoping to destroy him. He had left the Fossil Bow of Destruction and his diamond helmet when Krael had launched his attack thinking he had destroyed him. But he hadn’t. As he turned the corner, he found his helmet and the bow lying in a crater. He put his helmet on and gave his old one to Planter. She blushed and said thanks. He picked up the Bow. As soon as he touched it, it stabbed into his HP (Health Points) taking it, and in return a sparkling arrow formed in the bow. He drew the string far as he concentrated on his enemy, Krael. He released the string, then it tracked him, aiming for his target at high speed. As he looked to where it was heading, he found a purple glow in the sky. He assumed it was Krael. It looked as if it was heading towards him. Suddenly, he teleported in front of Watcher. All skulls focused on him with a crown on each. A delish smile was painted across each of his faces.Watcher was terrified of him, but then he remembered the arrow, and knew he had to distract him. It one-shot anything in Minecraft, even if you had the best armour and weapons.
“What are you doing… here?”
“Nothing. So boy-wizard, we meet again. You too-” The arrow struck the back of Krael, taking all his HP. With an enraged expression on his face, he disappeared, the crowns falling into Watcher’s arms and he put them in his inventory.
“YES!” Watcher exclaimed, then hugged Planter. He let go after. “Krael is gone! We have the crowns now we find Cutter. I know what to do.” He explained his plan to Planter. Underneath him there was a five by five square of TNT, redstone dust on all but the center. There was a lever. He flicked it then put water in it.  It sent him and Planter flying, landing hundreds of blocks away. The view was spectacular. There were Extreme hills, Oak Forests, Vast Deserts and many more. Off to the right, he could see a sea with an unnatural look. The faint outline of a dark island was visible. As he was about to say something, the forest came into view. As they were about to touch the leaves, he placed a water bucket cushioning  their fall.
“Wow, that was fun.” He said to Planter. She nodded and smiled. They continued marching on the trail that led to the village. It was nearly nighttime, which meant monsters would spawn. After a few minutes, their first monsters pawned. They took up their pace, heading for the glow of the torches.
“Watcher, Planter over here!” A voice shouted. As they neared, he could see the faint outlines of villagers. They approached the group carefully, weapons out in case this was some kind of monster trick. As they neared they found Blaster, Fencer, Cutter, Mapper and Er-Lan.
“Where is my Dad? Where’s my sister? Are they all right? What happened to them? Are they Okay? Are the-” Watcher stopped as Blaster raised a hand silencing them.
“They’re all fine. In fact, when they came back, they went to nearby villages, gathering up people. By the way, where is the Warlocks’ Castle or whatever it is called?”
“We saw it. It was on an ocean, with a huge ocean surrounding it. It seemed dangerous and big. A plan should be made because I don’t think charging in is a great idea. Too many would get injured.”
Blaster nodded his head. “We should leave signs showing where we are heading and leave them a couple of Splash Potions of Swiftness.”
“Let’s go then,” Planter said.
“Wait. Mapper you have a map right?” He nodded. “I saw that there was a dark barrier of some sort that way.”
“It is called the Warlocks’ Wall of Death. If you touch it, then you will instantly die. However, if you want to get past, then either go on a huge beach near the shore with surprises, or through the Dark Temple. We should take the Dark temple.” The group nodded their heads. They took off running, heading to the Warlocks’ Ocean. What they didn’t know was the danger they were putting their friends and family in.


“All zombies move quicker or be destroyed,” Zo-Kol announced. “Last one to the Dark Temple will be destroyed!” Instantly, all the zombies moved quicker, not wanting to be the last one. There were over one thousand zombies in his army, accompanied with one hundred skeletons and spiders alike. They were heading to the Dark temple, which had a tunnel to the Warlocks’ Island. They were in a dense jungle with an ocean to the east and a huge desert to the west. The Dark Temple was near the ocean hidden by an extreme hills biome. Well… the jungle temple was in the extreme hills, but some of the forest had made it into the mountains somehow. Minecraft did funny things when it wanted to. However, there were three tests to get into the temple. Firstly, there were creepers hiding, hoping to catch the unwary. Second of all, in the mountain were hundreds of snow golems. They threw snowballs from a far distance, not doing too much damage pbut with so many it was a difficult obstacle. These pathetically weak creatures were just an annoyance to the zombie force, but a great deal to anyone with under one hundred troops. Lastly, was the Lava-Jumps. Obsidian was placed throughout the lava as safe areas to jump on. If you fell in the lava, you were dead. Ahead, they could see extreme hills in the distance, obscured by the haze of Minecraft. As they ran, every now and then a creeper would be seen lurking in the shadows of the jungle trees. Eventually, the Extreme hills came into view with more and more creepers near it as they went on their trek.t
“General, I have sent zombies ahead to destroy the creepers,” a nearby zombie said. He was wearing powerful enchanted golden armour, half a head taller than the other zombies. They had grown up together, lived in the same village, but when spiders invaded their town, all of the zombies had fled and ran away.
“Well done, Pi-Lar,” The zombie Warlock announced. “A promotion is deserved. You will now be known as Ra-Lar.”
“Many thanks, Warlock,” The zombie replied. As the general had said, his troops had taken care of the creepers. Up next, was a huge mountain of rock, snow covering it like frosting. This was where the snow golems lurked about, punishing anyone too foolish. When the zombies came to about fifty blocks of the mountain. Strangely, there were plenty of snowballs spread across the hill, as if they had died here at some point. He was about to announce something to his army when the sound of a nearly dead zombie captured his attention.
“Warlock… NPCs have… been…” The zombie was so close to death that it fainted and fell on the floor.
“QUICK! Throw splash potions of poison!” Zo-Kol announced. Healing potions did damage to the undead, but poisonous healed the undead. After the recovery, the zombie continued it’s story.
“This zombie was part of the forward scout when there was a group of five villagers and one zombie on the top of the hill. They all fired arrows on us and all of the other scouts were killed. Only this zombie survived.”
“I knew I couldn’t trust you Er-Lan. Next time I see you, I won’t help you like I did in the Great War.” He growled under his breath. “What is the name of this zombie?”
“Mu-Tor, sir”
“You shall be known as Os-Tor.” When a zombie did a great deed, they got a promotion. “All zombies, march forward, to catch these foolish villagers. They don’t know the secret of the temple, which will lead them to their doom.” He laughed an evil, maniacal laugh that went through the very fabric of Minecraft.


The group followed the trail leading them to the Dark temple. It was night, which meant monster time in Minecraft. The landscape around them was a bleak, gray and dull one. Since it was nighttime, the party had dug a tunnel underneath to avoid detection. They left a sign that had said “-2, -3, 12×12”. This showed that they were at the coordinates negative two, negative three in the area of a twelve by twelve. He knew that they would dig down and find their ladder. As they slept through part  of the night, the sound of digging could be heard. However, this didn’t sound like villagers. There was a moaning, then a growl saying what to do. It sounded like zombies. Suddenly, a presence was next to him. Startled, he drew his sword and faced it. It was Cutter.
“It’s only me, Watcher.” Cutter said.
“You scared me.” Watcher replied.
“Sorry. Are those zombies digging?” Cutter asked in a soft voice, which was a challenge for him.
“I believe so. Wake up the others. After you have done that, we cover this with stone, gravel and sand. Quick.” He went to Planter and woke her up, then Blaster, while Cutter woke up Fencer and Er-Lan. They could now visibly see a crack on the top block, which they covered with stone, gavel and dirt. They dug maybe fifty blocks north, when they dug up. The zombie army was less than a dozen blocks away! They saw this and sprinted, while Watcher stayed behind and poured water slowing the zombies’ advance. Instantly, he sprinted back to his friends not wanting to be the zombies’ dinner. Up ahead a small patch of the forest was seen with something dark and gloomy in the center.
“I think that’s the temple!” Watcher siad. He had the best eyesight in his village, if not in the entire Far Lands. At the bottom he saw the army. They had a huge cobblestone wall, with his father, Cleric, standing out at the front.
“Son! Over here!” he waved his hand in the air. Watcher waved back. He motioned for the others to continue their descent down the steep hill. It took about half a dozen minutes to get down half of it. He glanced down and found his sister pouring buckets of water at the bottom. She gave him a thumbs up. Watcher jumped from where he was, landing in the water which cushioned his fall, taking no damage.
“Hello. What happened while we were away?” Winger asked
“Nothing much. We just got a few good things.” He pulled out the three Crowns of Skull.
“You have the crowns?” A voice said from behind. It was Cleric. “How did you kill Krael?”
“Fossil bow of destruction. That was all it took. We read a book from the ancient wizards, which said that if we killed Krael, took the crowns and put them in this portal in the Warlocks’ castle then it would bring back the wizards from the Great War. It would help us fight the zombies. Once we get on the island, there will be a map room which will show us the island. However it will be guarded and hidden.” Watcher explained. “We need to do the castle. Now.” Winger and Cleric looked at each other and smiled. They turned back to Watcher and gave him a knowing smile. “What?”
“While you were away, we did the temple. We got this.” His father pulled out a black key, half transparent. “It will unlock the doorway from the Dark Barrier letting us go to the island.”
“Let’s pack up and go.” They nodded. In minutes, they had everyone in the army, which was about three hundred people. As he walked to the barrier, he swore he heard the sound of zombies. He looked back, but saw nothing. But then Zo-Kol appeared on the top of a hill a hundred blocks behind him. He pulled out a potion, threw it on himself and his zombies. They vanished.


It had been about an hour of tiring walking until they reached it. It loomed up to the maximum height, Making it impossible to go over. Off to the left, a house could be seen. They walked up to it, and found a villager with a face covering.
“Give us the key and I will open the door.” The villager said. Cleric tossed him the key, which the mysterious villager caught. He exited, then walked up to the door. He threw the key at it. The clouds growled. Thunder came down on the gate. A bright flash could be seen, forcing the other villagers to cover their eyes. When the thunder was done, a hole was now in the wall. Watcher stepped through it. The rest followed, seeing him unharmed. When they all stepped past the jungle, The black doorway closed. However, that was not the only other thing. At least one hundred zombies were on the sandy beach blocking them from reaching the dock.
“Quickly build defenses, make a wall there with a ladder here…” Watcher commanded. They heard the confidence in his voice, so they instantly did, knowing their leader had confidence in them. The zombies reached the gates moments after they had finished. He could see his archers firing relentlessly on the incoming wave, but he could see that in a minute or two, the zombies would get past the wall. The villagers needed something to inspire them. Pulling out a block of TNT, he ignited it and threw it on the zombies. He jumped on the block of TNT, just as it was about to explode. BOOM! The TNT exploded. It tore a huge gash in the zombies, but that wasn’t Watcher’s intent. The explosion cost him a little damage, but he landed on the ground behind the zombies. His troops saw what he did and cheered. Placing blocks of TNT, he lit them all.
“Hey filthy zombies!” Watcher said. He then ran back as far as he could in seconds. The TNT exploded, which destroyed most of the monsters. The remaining zombies, seeing that there was no hope, ran as far as they could, not wanting to get killed for no reason. Everyone cheered. He glanced around, looking for piles of inventory but he only found zombie flesh and the occasional gold sword here and there.
Could it be? Watcher wondered.
“We defeated the monster without a loss!” Cutter boomed. A cheer bubbled up from the warriors. When the celebration was done, Watcher instructed his troops to get on the boats and head for the mysterious castle.

What none of them saw was that there were hundreds of zombies following them underwater. It was nighttime, which meant they were nearly invisible, so no one noticed a thing.


It was dawn, and the morning rays of the sun brightened up the day. The sun’s face was barely visible, only a quarter could be seen, the rest of it being blocked by the castle. The castle was way beyond anyone’s imagination. The walls were at least three blocks thick, all made from obsidian. Towers dotted the corners, while a huge watchtower could be seen at the center. It dwarfed the other towers, making them seem like a stick. This was a magnificent creation. They were finally at the island. For some reason, it felt like Watcher had been here, but it was a feeling like he had been here one hundred years ago, like someone else’s lifetime.
Strange, he pondered. When Watcher set foot on the island, a deep and rumbly voice could be heard.
“I knew you would return, Watcher. You were here one hundred years ago, trying to save everyone which you did. But now you won’t be able to exit… alive. You brought your friends to their doom. During the Great War, you were an annoyance. I still remember our meeting, but then you disappeared.” Everyone had expressions of shock and fear on their faces, but Er-Lan. The zombie was terrified.
“Er-Lan, what’s wrong? You look like a skeleton.”
“Warlock… Zo-Kol… Phantom…” The zombie wasn’t making sense.
“Slow down and tell me what this is.” Watcher put an arm around him, hugging him.
“That zombie who was chasing us, was fake. It was a clone”
“You would be right…” A voice said from the darkness. A huge zombie stepped out, clad in Netherite armour, enchanted. He held two Netherite broadswords, enchanted also. Behind him was maybe two thousand zombies, all in iron armour. “Now you are doomed. You can run but you can’t hide…” those last words struck Watcher. “You can run but you can’t hide…”
“Everyone run!” Cutter boomed. Watcher thought about it then he saw an exit on the side.
“Follow me!” They ran, following Watcher. He sprinted to the exit and gratefully found no zombies. The rest of the army followed Watcher, but as they ran, Er-Lan’s words struck him again. He shook his head, knowing he had to run, rather than sitting there and pondering his friend’s words. The door led out to the exterior of the island. The wizards’ instructions were clear. He had to find the portal, put the three crowns of skull in it, which would bring back the wizards. The castle was huge, especially being right in front of him. The walls were probably tent blocks high, if not more. He was shocked. Glancing ahead, he used his keen eyesight to scope out where they were heading. Just as he was about to say his plan, a group of fifty zombies blocked their path, hoping to slow them down but Watcher wasn’t gonna allow that.
“Don’t fight! Run through them!” He shouted. The villagers saw the monsters, and they didn’t need a second invitation to run. The monsters slashed at the villagers, but that was only after being plummeted by hundreds of arrows, some flaming ones. After running through the mass of decaying monsters, Watcher saw a building that was connected with a narrow tunnel, but no other building nearby. That’s our destination, he thought. He commanded them to move forward and head there, but one thing he missed was the flaming ball of fire descending up on him.


BOOM! The ball hit Watcher straight in the shoulder, causing pain to flow throughout his body. He hadn’t even seen it coming, nor did he hear it. Glancing up, he saw he was being carried by Cutter. He could feel his health dropping, so he ate a piece of steak. Pulling out a potion of healing, he drank it. He was now healed. Cutter had seen what he did, because he let go of him and gently placed him on the ground. He glanced around seeing if the other villagers were alright. He saw them looking upward looking for the threat, but saw none. The zombie army was still pursuing them, but they were much slower than the villagers, so they had a huge lead by maybe sixty blocks. As they ran, many grew tired. He knew that if they ran for too long, they would collapse.
“Let’s slow to a walk. The look of that ahead is weird.” Watcher announced. Ahead, there was a gray and colorless area, where there were mounds of stone with darker blocks next to them. What are those? He wondered, perplexed. It looked like some kind of world that had been obliterated. He felt like he should have known what those blocks were, but dared not to think further. As they ran in there, arrows and potions fell on them. Dispensers, he thought.
“Everyone, hold something and RUN!” Cutter shouted. Everyone ran and put a piece of armour over their head, not needing a second invitation. He saw dozens of villagers, some he knew flash red and fall over, dead. More dead… great, he sarcastically said under his breath. Looking ahead, he could see that they had barely passed half way. In minutes they were out. He glanced around at his companions and saw they had lost maybe forty… to what? Some kind of dispenser alley. Now that they finished, the growls and moans of zombies started trickling in their ears. He could see that they were nearly two dozen blocks, and closing in. They all saw the plight and headed for the doors in the building. He looked at this portal-like thing in the center. He walked up to it while his friends made defenses to stop the approaching horde. As he reached in his inventory, the wall on the other side of the room broke open, and the remaining zombie army poured in. Watcher quickly pulled out each crown and threw them in the portal. Nothing happened, but then an image was projected. A diamond. Why a diamond? And then he remembered: throw a diamond in the portal to completely activate it, Tharus’s  words echoed in his head. The zombies were now scratching at the block behind him. However, Watcher’s concerns were the other part of the army. He ran back to the barricade.
“Anyone have a diamond? We need one, NOW!” Watcher screamed.
“Here! I have one,” a villager said. Watcher took the diamond from his hands. He could see that in a minute or two they would be overrun. He needed to do something… fast. Knowing this was likely the last time he would see his friends, he glanced back at them and smiled.


He ran up on the wall, jumping in the horde of zombies. He felt the sharp claws of zombies scratching, tearing at his armour. In mere seconds, he reached the portal. He threw the diamond into the portal. Nothing happened. But then… A flash of white blocked Watcher’s vision, so did it also block his friends. However, the zombies all flashed red, and their health got halved. An individual appeared. He wore a long robe. It glittered and sparkled with enchantments. But the color. It was purple. It was Thaurus. Moments later, Mirathadnos appeared. When she saw Watcher and Planter she smiled and waved. They wave back. As if on a cue, dozens and dozens of wizards appeared. Without warning, the wizards used their weapons and abilities on the monsters. Balls of magic exploded, arrows rained upon the monster wheeler weapons shredded their remaining health. For the first time, a look of frea spread across the zombie warlock’s face. Zo-Kol looked scared. Next to him, stood another zombie that looked similar to him, but smaller. Gathering his magic, Zo-Kol made a shield around as many monsters he could protect. The arrows started to wreck the shields. A look of sadness seemed to speak across his face when he looked down at the zombie next to him. They both held shields over their bald heads, as did most of the others. Eventually, the shields shattered into thousands of pieces leaving most of the mod defenseless. In seconds only two zombies remained.
“I’m sorry Ur-kol. I failed you” Zo-Kol whispered. Watcher realized that that had been his younger brother. He was going to say more when Thaurus spoke up.
“Zo-Kol. Well… what brings you here?”
“Zo-Kol will destroy you.”
“Uh-huh… try. You are now to face me in a challenge. It will end in death. No one interfere. I have been wanting to punish this creature for a while. If you win, you are to be freed. But if you die, then your brother will not be free.” Suddenly, Tharus threw a purple ball at him. Zo-Kol deflected it with his blade, bouncing back to Tharus. It hit him square in the chest. He flashed red, taking damage. Zo-Kol smiled. Watcher could see that the battle wasn’t going well, and Tharus would soon be defeated. Zo-Kol pulled out something that looked like a dark stick. He pointed it at the ground right below Tharus. Instantly, half a dozen monsters appeared. There were two zombies, two skeletons and two creepers. While Tharus was dealing with the monsters, Zo-Kol pulled out a trident. This didn’t look like any other trident he had seen. Mapper gasped.
“What?” Watcher whispered.
“That’s the trident of pain. Look at it. You see those red and black decorations?” He nodded, “That is the trident of pain. It takes out half of your remaining health.” Mapper explained. Zo-Kol threw at Tharus, but he easily avoided it. The trident came back to him. Loyalty, Watcher thought. That’s the enchantment he has. Zo-Kol threw it again at Tharus, but this time it was deflected towards Fencer. Blaster was there and caught the trident. He laughed at the zombie. Zo-Kol’s eyes narrowed. Pulling out a huge black sword, he looked at Tharus and smiled deviously. Tharus replied with a blank stare. Zo-Kol’s smile only grew bigger. He pulled out a second sword that was the exact same. Watcher gasped.
“There’s no way Tharus stops that.” He said. “I need to tell Mira”. He dashed across the room looking for the great wizard, Mirathadnos. He found her with Planter on the left side of the room. “Mira, Tharus might get killed by doing this. Should we help him?”
She grunted. “Leave him be. He isn’t that good of a leader. He’s just powerful.” Watcher nodded, but cast a look at Tharus. He was doing well blocking Zo-Kol’s sword but he could see that his shield would soon shatter. Tharus however had another sword tucked in his inventory. Zo-Kol faked with his left, then faked again, which caught Tharus off-guard. It hit Tharus sending him half a dozen blocks backwards. Tharus flashed red. Zo-Kol growled.
“We will be you” Coughed Tharus.
“Zo-Kol’s parents were killed by you. Revenge is nearly completed. I will kill you, but monsters and villagers can live together, instead of being enemies and killing each other.”
“Easy to say when you are surrounded by hundreds of wizards from the great war. You won’t escape alive.” Zo-Kol brought his sword down on Tharus. Tharus looked at Watcher and nodded. He shook his head. I don’t want to kill He thought to Tharus I will miss you.
Have no fear. He thought back. Time seemed to go in super slow motion as Zo-Kol’s blade descended upon him. Watcher, if you want to save you and your friends, don’t follow me. I was a fool. Stay true to who you are and don’t run away. Watcher nodded. He was the boy that wouldn’t give up, no matter what. He destroyed Shakkar, Rakkir, helped destroy Tu-Kar and finally sent the Wither king into the void and killed him. Tharus seemed to know what Watcher was thinking and smiled. Just be true to yourself, and nothing will beat you. Tharus flashed red once more as soon as the blade touched him. Three balls of XP (Experience points) were now moving toward Zo-Kol. Watcher looked at those blades and could see that they likely destroyed any wizard in two hits.
Watcher stepped forward. “You destroyed our leader. You said that you wanted peace, right?”
He nodded. “Zo-Kol is glad to see Tharus gone. Now you can kill me or do whatever you want with me. My death wish if for my brother to be safe.” He pointed to his younger brother.
“We won’t give you a death wish. I say that we are friends rather than enemies. Your choice.” Watcher said.
“Really?” Zo-Kol smiled as his eyes teared up with joy. He held his hand out. “Friends”


Watcher exited the castle after making a peace agreement with the Warlock. They ran on the side of the structure as Zo-Kol disabled the traps. After a few minutes, they reached the end of the island. There was a chest filled with boats for people who didn’t have any. Watcher pulled out his own boat and placed it on the ocean. Blaster pulled his own one next to him.
“What if we made a competition to see who could make the ‘best looking boat’ with dye and stuff.” Blaster suggested with a smile.
“Sounds great. Tell them” He nodded. Watcher wanted to have some fun for once, now that there was peace. Looking down at his arms, a faint purple glow came from them. He looked around and was shocked to see it on Blaster’s arms. “Look at your arms!” He pointed at them. He gasped.

“I am proud of all of you. A voice shouted from the sky. This is
My gift to all of you for all of your great deeds. Wacter recognized it as Tharus. Thank you and goodbye.”
He laughed. “Looks like we’re all wizards.”
“Maybe so.” He replied. Looking back at the sun, he could see it was sunset. It looked beautiful, but that wasn’t his favourite part of the day. HIs favourite parfait was the mornings, but he had to admit the sunset did look better. It was as if Minecraft was greeting him to what they had done.
He asked the spider warlock, Shakahri, to use an eye of searching. The wizards though there was only one. They were fools. “The fools think they are safe”. He looked around and saw the many other monster Warlocks next to him. He was Ragnar, The Tormentor and was ready to bring destruction upon that group.


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