
The King’s Wrath: Drakarmas Plight

Prologue – Kai

I was built by Scourge. He built me because he wanted a brother. Scourge had sandy tanned skin and green eyes. I on the other hand do not look like your regular robot. I look like a steel version of a knight. A few months later I had been crowned prince. That night we heard our father the king talk about banishing us because we were a threat to him because unnaturally, I and my brother had the innate abilities of the king’s enemy, the DRAGONS. So we went to the cellar to steal what valuables we could. We saw a big rainbow-colored gem. It looked valuable so we stole it along with food, water, and weapons.

Chapter 1 scourge

We heard horses behind us as we raced off into the woods. They were the king’s soldiers   The knights shot a arrow in my back, slowing me down. “Scourge Look out!” shouted kai, as they shot a blast at my legs. Suddenly the gem had an electric discharge, blowing up anything in a wide radius but, miraculously we were unharmed. We made it into the woods with an arrow in my back.  So we ran and while we were running, kai said, ”Are you ok?”.
”Yeah,” I said.
“NO! It hurts a lot, you dolt!”

Chapter 2 kai

The gem had a large crack in it.
I was resting while Scourge slept Then the natives attacked. They shot me with a sleeping dart and I pretended I was asleep. While thinking not again! They took the gem and the weapons. They took me to their base and tried to cook me but of course, I didn’t cook because I’m a robot. One of them said “Sorry, nothing personal, king’s orders,” but what they did with the gem was stupid. They got a rock and threw it at the gem and it cracked. That was my limit. I broke out of my chains. I took the gem, got weapons, and broke Scourge out of his chains and we attacked. I got a crossbow and a sword and started firing. We soon defeated them but we didn’t let this victory take down our guard.
“Clearly Dad is trying to kill us,”  scourge said
“Yeah,” I agreed.
Scourge had a cannon out and was mowing down natives like the king’s gardener in a lawn.
“It’s a dragon egg!” I told Scourge. “The gem is a dragon egg!”
We tried to get out. We took their best weapons and left but the egg shot a vine at me pulling back, enhancing my ability. With my new enhanced ability, I found that I could push my consciousness out to other life forms.
Warrrrr came to a voice in my mind.
“OW! my head hurts!” I screamed.
Warrrrr said the voice again.
“What the heck!”  but then I  understood.  I. Was. A. Telepath.

Chapter 3 scourge

As Kai said “OW! my head hurts” I died. Well, I didn’t die, but it seemed like I did. There were two voices in my head. Well, one was my own, but the other… but the other seemed strange. Suddenly we heard rustling in the bush. The natives were attacking us. I muttered some unflattering comments as I realized they were following us. As we ran and I was somehow camouflaging and I started dashing faster and faster. I recognized that it was one of my abilities as they shot rocks at me I dodged and ran. “Phew, we made it out of there“. “Scourge! Where are you,” said Kai,” I am here”. I said confused “can’t you see me?” “Oh there you are”. Kai breathed a sigh of relief. They entered a cave for shelter from the rain the pattered down on them. As we entered we saw multiple chests lying down but we knew that if there is loot there is danger. A pink bulb sprouted out of the ground. we smashed it to see what it would do. A giant bulb burst out and started attacking us. I started to attack it as it shot pink slime at us. Kai shot energy balls with his blaster and the flower did not like that it directed its aim towards him he shot more the energy balls seemed to hurt it a lot. Suddenly the bulb burst into a mess and we partied. Suddenly a green pincer version burst out and I quickly ran over to a chest I hoped I would find a weapon as Kai distracted it. I opened it up and found a dark blue bow. I used the bow and it shot a poison arrow that was white it also shot 4 arrows. the arrows hit instantly releasing 4 more spectral. And I collected its remains as kai started to leave. There was a key and I told kai to come back so we could see what the key was for. We looked for a while and Kai found a temple which the key fit right in and we entered and saw tons of loot. “Wow,” said kai as I found stuff like an instant-fort.” This is good loot,” I said as I picked up a white crossbow that looked like my bow. It was like my giant crossbow but better as it shot a huge arrow too too. Suddenly a dragon swooped in and screeched and breathed blue fire. “The egg!” said kai. “Not now,” I said.” IT’S HATCHING!” he said.” WHAT!” I said. The egg shook in his hands as the crack widened.” It is coming out of the egg” as it did the dragon bowed to the egg and a voice in my mind said

thank you for protecting him.

“Who?” I said
The heir to the throne. His majesty is coming out so you may stay here while he hatches.

“That was weird,” said Kai as the dragon put the gem in a basket.CRACK! “He is coming out!” screamed kai “HUUUUUUUH,” we said as the dragon came out  his name is firewing

Chapter 4 – Firewing
5 years later…

Firewing zoomed through the clouds as   Kai and Scourge shouted from below. Firewing didn’t know what they were talking about. He never fell before but he knew that they would always be worried about him. A dragon, falling, Firewing laughed at the thought. What dragon would not have time to spread his wings? But to stop them pestering him he contacted kai:        Kai…


Do stop worrying about me. It’s giving me a headache.

But you’re so high what if you fall.

Firewing rolled his eyes

Heh dragons don’t fall.

I don’t believe that’s true,

Do I look like I’ll fall?


Then stop worrying

Firewing severed the contact. Uh, humans, these days are always so scared. Firewing tucked and rolled. Well. Kai is not a human but he thinks like one. That is one consequence of being built by a human, thought Firewing. He dived, rolled and then changed into an ice dragon briefly, blasting ice over the treetops. He then reverted back to his normal state

Firewing! We need to leave no evidence behind!

Ugh, you guys never let me have any fun.
The reality of that statement showed in Kai’s mind. Ever since his hatching, Kai and Scourge seemed to run and hide even more than before. Oh yes he remembers before he was. The 140 long years when he was stolen from place to place. He took longer than other dragons to hatch. Usually, dragons waited until necessary to hatch. He only hatched then because he was tired of waiting for “the right moment”. He thought he waited too long, 40 years in an armory had convinced him of that, but the problem was that most dragon eggs need fire to hatch, so he ended up waiting another  20 years for some dragon to breathe fire on him. Then just when he was just about to shrivel up and die, he got stolen, again. This time he got stolen and 7 cycles later he hatched-


You should be! I was worried sick that you would fall!

Why Dragons never fall

All beings fall sometimes-

But dragons don’t!

Alright come down here right now- no right now!
No.  In annoyance, Firewing decided to stay up there a little longer but that decision turned out to be one of the worst he’d ever made. They were attacked.

Chapter 5  Kai
Firewing! Firewing! hello.  As I watched firewing fly off the premises I felt an arrow stick out of my shoulder and the feeling dissipated as the arrow slid off my back. Scourge chased after me.”NO!”I said as an arrow punctured Scourge. The arrow was a  sonic” the only people who make these arrows is the empire” and suddenly my sensors went haywire and   I turned on my attack mode and rammed into the leader.
Help! we need backup!

Ugh, you always need backup and I’m not coming

Firewing comes here, now!!





“Arrrggg” kai was angry firewing was supposed To come when he called, this level of ignorance was unusual he was usually way more obedient

Chapter 6 Scourge

As I woke up I realized I was in a jail cell,  the bars were made out of cobalt, the legendary ore that disables dragon powers. But I was more scared about firewing as I already missed him. I started to go through the bars but I only managed to bonk in them as kai woke up. I told him to break the bars and he bragged about how puny humans are then I reminded him he was made by a human and that shut him up. Then he went over to the bars then he tried and tried but he couldn’t bend them an inch “they are also enchanted to be almost unbreakable” he said. Suddenly, we heard a lot of shouting upstairs and clanging “I wonder what that is” I stated “I didn’t know someone could give the soldiers that much trouble” kai said then firewing crashed down onto the floor in front of our cell.
Chapter 7 Firewing
As firewing decided to fly away, the connection to Kai shattered as they entered the cobalt cage (of course he did not know that).
Well, that didn’t work.

But I’ve got a new plan I’ll dive-bomb in into your cell and break the bars

It’s cobalt I don’t even know if a dragon can break it, and it’s enchanted with unbreaking.

Shoot then what can I do?

I don’t know think of something

How am I supposed to do that when you might be moved at any minute?

Ha, it’s funny to see you worried about me

Hey! I’m trying to think here!

Then I’ll leave you to your work

Thank you finally some peace

I’ve got it!

What is it?

You’ll see

Firewing arched his back and focusing changed into an earth dragon and without a further thought started digging firewing loved this part using his abilities and 3 minutes later kai and scourge were out

Thank you  firewing

You are welcome

How are we going to get out of here?

get on.

Firewing with immense strength pulled up kai and scourge guards of the castle running alongside them tracking them. Then firewing pulled them over the castle walls then he carried them into the forest.

Chapter 8 kai

As firewing flew towards the forest I saw a city crystal sitting there unclaimed so I grabbed it as we flew.” “what is that?” scourge asked “”basically you can create a blank area that you have claimed with one and you can create stuff with energy like a forge and a farm and stuff and you need more population to do it but only in that area” cool.”

Are you having fun back there kids?

Shut up firewing

What? I’m just wondering what you are saying. Is that wrong?

So basically we found a portable city

Don’t know why that’s so important

We found a city crystal

I still don’t care  about it

Your homeland (drakarma) is made of this  stuff

Never seen it


Then why did you say my homeland was made of those if I had no way to see it?

I want to mentally slap my head right now

Please do it would save me the trouble  of doing it myself


Don’t care

Firewing severed their link

“THAT. DRAGON.” said kai

“So how did it go?” scourge asked “HE’S BEING VERY DIFFICULT” kai shouted to make sure firewing heard him firewing snorted flame out of his nostrils clearly annoyed at the loud sound

Here’s your stop little kiddies

We’re not kids!

To me you are


Firewing tipped over throwing Kai and Scourge off his back and plunging into the forest “next time try not to make the ride mad!!!” scourge shouted “Well that’s kind of hard when it’s a difficult dragon!” kai shouted back then they hit the ground. Hard. kai blacked out

Chapter 9 scourge

As I woke up kai was grinding sticks together to make a makeshift fire and he also had a tent set up. “What happened to firewing?” I said. ” he is sitting in the corner brooding about how he could have killed us”. typical firewing I thought as I got up. “Wanna try that…..”. ”Way ahead of you”

I can hear you, you know.


shut up

Ha still some hard feelings you two

What do you mean ‘you two it’s only me’

You can’t hear him? that’s rich

I exist to you two idiots

Hey he’s the one who can’t hear you

Hear who?


Nah I don’t think so scourge he just can’t hear you it’s funny

Nah I think he is deaf

Think about what you want

Who are you talking to firewing???

Alright I’ll fill you in

He can hear you now scourge but only while I choose to fill him in

Yeah, that’s great. yay, he can listen to my thoughts now, yay.

Exactly my attitude

Ok about that city crystal

Oh yeah, kai already told me the whole story. What about it?

So what the crystal did was it allowed me to use my energy to create a basic tent and a fire in less than 5 minutes

Not very powerful, that is I can make a fire I can’t make a tent though…

Go right ahead just don’t burn us in the process

Don’t give me ideas

That’s enough telepathic  conversing with you two I’m going to sleep so you can speak out loud for once

Chapter 10 firewing

I dreamed of bees covering me from head to toe crawling over me I felt if I move they would sting me I laid still and waited for them to be gone it was a nightmare then a miracle happened they scattered then I  heard a voice

Firewing are you ok?

Firewing wake up


I woke up with a start then I saw kai and scourge  in nets hanging from trees then I heard a voice “it’s awake!” “put it to sleep!”
Then I felt a needle poke into my wing but I didn’t feel a thing then I roared and I sprang to my feet changing to a sound dragon and I let out an ear-splitting screech the men covered their ears yowling in pain then they fled running into the night. I quickly cut scourge and kai out.

We have to go, it’s not safe. Grab the city crystal and let’s go

Chapter 11 kai
As we ran from the army chasing us the closest city was the elven city araden as we ran we were slowly mounting firewing when two other dragons came by soared overhead

Reign? Streak? is that you?

Yup follow us firewing

As they followed them instead of going to dragon city the went to the city crystal that  kai owned

Who is reign and streak?

Well, kai and scourge they are my eggmates.

Yeah well it’s hard to explain when dragon eggs are laid our minds are made that way we can converse with our minds before you got me I was stolen and stolen and stolen again
But before that, I was an egg at the palace reign and streak kept on talking to me so we have known each other since then

I don’t wanna hear about your birth ok creeping out of a slimy shell oh wait WE HATCHED YOU

As we set up fortifications like ballistae more people stumbled upon this place and were ready to help us create defenses then the army attacked.

Now I see the uselessness of that crystal not only does it create a weak castle it makes yummy people too.

Firewing soared above spraying fire and ice everywhere then I felt the air whoosh by as ballistae, cannon, catapults. Then I felt more powerful than ever before as ice consumed me. I realized the ice was sprayed by firewing just as I started firing ice from my palms. firewing had turned into an ice dragon!

Thought you might need a boost.

Chapter 12 scourge

As I was firing my bow streak came over and tossed me on his back

Use the powers I gave you half-dragon


Turn invisible……NOW!

As we turned invisible I shot my bow so it looked like arrows were coming from nowhere
Then I felt a feeling. a feeling I had only once before. when I had miraculously survived a fall of 100 meters. wings sprouted from my back as I jumped off streaks back I lowered my gun and made it rain(bullets that are).

Wow cool scourge it’s weird to see wings on a human

Correction a half-dragon

Ha I know that’s why kai can’t hear you

Oh good to know.

You got that right.

As I flew I got more and more tired flying was hard and I needed training but then DOO DOO DOO! the retreat horn sounded then I fainted from exhaustion seconds later I heard a voice

Wake up sleepy head


Fine if you don’t want to wake up I’ll do this…

Do what?

A nasty shock woke me up.





Because you’ve been asleep for hours

“WHAT?” “what?” scourge asked “I DIDN’T KNOW I’VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR HOURS” “well now you know” I got up head spinning as the world blurred into view

What happened firewing?

So basically you tapped into your half-dragon powers

How am I a half-dragon?

So at birth, you were stolen from an extremely powerful sand dragon (your mom) and when you were almost out of sight, streak blessed you to be a human-dragon mix.

Hmmm interesting I wonder that if I am a telepath because I was made by a dragon or, a half-dragon

That could be a valid reason

Ok now, why am I so exhausted?

Using powers as a half-dragon  exhausts their energy and gives them nausea and exhaustion

So what powers do I have?

I can only tell you the basic ones, they are fireball, wings, talons, screech, and elemental breath weapon. the rest is for streak to tell you

Thank you

Oh, and we are in the dragon’s volcano or city. The blacksmith also wants to see you and give you weapons; he also wants to know what weapons you use.


Thank you I will make weapons worthy of a great half-dragon

As I walked around dragons waved hi or telepathy messaged me thank you for destroying one of the major king’s army

Firewing where are we headed?

We are going to the blacksmith to pick up your items then to your mother’s cave

Gulp my mom’s cave did I hear that right

Yes and it will be so much fun to see the look on her face

Oh no this is not going to be fun

We went into the blacksmith’s shop

So uh what is the price

Put a good rating on the shop for me, please

Sure can do what you got

A dragon longbow, and
snapsteel armor


It’s the least I could do


Dragon’s volcano has tons of it

Snapsteel is a legendary ore only found in the deepest of caves and crevices. Dragon volcano has tons of it and it is also unbreakable and can only be used by dragons or half-dragons

Thank you kindly sir

Skirazor is that you

I turned around to see a middle-aged sand dragon behind me.


The dragon smothered me in licks and kisses

I take it you are my mom

Sorry, yes I am your mom

So is skirazor my birth name then


Who brought you here?

A nice dragon named firewing

Firewing could not hold it


I’m gonna kill you later don’t you worry firewing

Actually why not now meet me at the training arena

Your on.

Chapter 13 kai

As I walked over to the arena to train I saw a crowd near

What is going on?

Scourge and firewing are brawling and it would be fun if you jumped in too

Ok I guess I will join then

I put on my thornium armor and got out my snapsteel blaster and sword

Hey HUFF PUFF you wanna join kai

Yeah HUFF PUFF it would be more fun

The more the merrier


I took out my blaster and shot at scourge and firewing

Chapter 14  the human king

As I walked around my kingdom It’s thought of ways to concur with the world when a messenger came  “SIR NEWS OF KAI AND SCOURGE”


“They have been taken in by dragons and…… CHOKE CHOKE”

“Get them for me. charge the dragon’s volcano. we attack at dawn”

Chapter 15 firewing

As I flew around trying to find scourge
Or kai to pick on I saw scourges mom trying to teach him to breathe fire but all he could manage was tiny sparks.  I went next to him on his next try and breathed fire

Wow, I am doing it!

You sure are

Turn around scourge





I gotta agree that was funny

Then I heard the trumpet of the king’s army

Uh Oh

Chapter 16 kai

As the king’s army marched to the summit of the volcano I took out my sword (made out of thornium) and my shield (snapsteel) and my armor(venom iron) the dragons formed a line and all made there aura (they have different auras)

Are you guys ready to rumble?

Firewing changed into a sand dragon


Dragons attack!



Left flank the right.

Ice dragons set up a safeguard wall

Set up the city crystal defenses

Lava dragons set up a lava lake
Sand dragons lead an ambush.

Hello, what about us?

Don’t get in our way

And don’t get killed I still need that rating scourge.

Can do.

Scourge you can help the sand dragons

Kai  help the mind dragons

Will do.

I quickly learned how to send psi attacks like mind shocks and brain freeze.

The battle raged on as I went in for melee attacks. then…

The sand dragons are making their charge!

A sandstorm ripped through the enemy army when I saw who was creating it I gasped


Stop that scourge you are going to kill yourself.

Firewing started drawing the sand towards him ripping the sand away and making it into  a dust wave throwing it at the enemy army burying them in sand


Scourge started drawing more sand


Firewing was drawing it back







Then scourge fell to the ground clawing the sand



Uhgggg now we have to deal with the sand-addicted scourge

You deal with him I’m out

Firewing changed into a slumber dragon

Or we can do……………THIS

Firewing put scourge into a deep sleep.


Chapter 17 scourge

As I woke up the world was spinning then I saw it. sand and a glittering oasis in a hot desert I wanted it needed it had to have it

Oh no you don’t

Firewing drew the sand out of reach

No contact with sand for 24 hours

Why I need it

No, you want it most sand dragonets don’t survive childhood because of too much contact with sand and you are no different now go to sleep

Firewing knocked me out.

48 hours later…

Wake up

The command jolted me out of my sleep

Get up

As if driven by some instinct I got up out of bed


My senses returned to my body.

Whoa what happened

I woke you up

No there was something else like you commanded me to get up

Must have been your imagination

Maybe… Why was I asleep anyway?

You had too much exposure to sand so I had to put you to sleep

I didn’t know sand would kill me

It can’t kill you just where drawing too much sand into your body

You can DO that?

Sadly, yes

I got up out of bed I was in a pink fluffy cloud

Snap out of it

I suddenly realized I was in a room with stone walls and beds along each wall then I saw a huge entrance dawning before me large enough to fit a dragon. “Whoa”

Come outside

Flowing the telepathic voice I stepped outside and… almost fell into the volcano



Where are we?

You are in the dragon city of Amarka(the city of lava) me and kai are in the training grounds come on over

How do I come over?

Fly idiot, you’re a half-dragon use your wings

What wings


I started levitating towards a big cove, large enough to fit 2 dragons

Scourge your awake!

Focus Kai! how do you expect to levitate the box if you don’t focus?

Sorry, firewing.

Scourge levitated into the room. He saw kai hands pressed to his temple’s firewing was sitting across from him and a box was trembling” what’s happening?” I asked

I’m trying to levitate that box

Kai! I give up teaching you is impossible

Fine now I can talk to scourge

“So hey scourge your awake! That’s good news!”

Kai, if you’re not going to train make yourself useful and show scourge to streak

It’s hard to take someone with rainbow scales seriously

Do It you imbecile

“Fine fine” kai led scourge to the brown sand dragon

About time you woke up

I didn’t know sand was deadly

It’s not deadly period it’s deadly If you suck in too much into your body
How was I supposed to know that?

Nobody taught you which is what I’m here to do today so let’s get started

Chapter 18 firewing

As scourge was practicing I decided to try again to teach kai



I’m going to try to teach you again

Wow that’s a bust

I’m going to try again

Fine, what do I do?

Gather your energy and force it under the box.

Like this?
The box wiggled


The box hopped


The box went upward and hovered in the air for three seconds then fell

I give up

But we’re making good progress

Firewing! Firewing! Urgent message! Urgent message!

Go ahead. Kai, you are dismissed

I waited till kai was out of the room then I shielded my mind and the messenger’s

The queen wants to see you.

Chapter 19 kai

Kai was mad at being dismissed like that he hatched firewing he should be the one ordering him! Kai pushed his mental strength against the mental barrier and it gave way he couldn’t read firewing’s mind or the messenger’s (dragons mental barriers are strong around their mind) but he could hear the conversation

The queen wants to see you.

My mother?


Why see me now after all these weeks?

She only heard 3 weeks ago

Why did the messenger take so long?

He said he encountered problems on the way

What type?
The human’s kings army

That punny armada that took me and some dragons here minutes to destroy

They have more troops and they have dragon steel

Dragon steel?!

Sadly yes. Sir

I’m coming right away

Kai didn’t know which revelation was more shocking than the king had dragonsteel Dragonsteel was the only substance that could control dragons or that firewing was a prince he remembered his hatching but when the dragon said ‘his majesty’ he thought that he was a relative or something, not a dragon prince! Firewing came out of the room.

Why are you standing at the door?

I’m waiting to come back in
What part of dismissed do you not understand?


Look I have to go to do something in the capital and I’ll be gone for a while ok?

Uh ok?

You stay here and practice with my assigned instructor

Who is that?




Chapter 20 scourge

As we charged toward the human army for a hidden assault when one of them threw a collar on me and the collar was so nice it made me want to follow the person who threw it. But then I saw sand. Wonderful sand, glorious sand and I wanted it more than the collar I shoved of the collar and dived into the sand
I swirled the sand around me in a cyclone and threw it at the opposing army


What are you doing?


Oh, I see. don’t get out of control



The sand encased me in a bubble as wings sprouted off my back and I lifted off then an arrow pierced my back and I fell into the enemy army then firewing caught me then dragon steel chains enclosed us then the soldiers lifted me out of the chains then put dragon steel handcuffs on me then they put a dragon steel muzzle on firewing

These uncivilized barbarians

Ehhhhh not really

Try being put in a muzzle like an animal then see how you feel!

How come where not like, mind-controlled?

Ha we are but we can’t do much about it

But I can still do stuff. Why?

Try to smack them you should feel some resistance but once they give you an order you can only follow it I can’t try to fight back though

I can move without command with only small resistance

Yup sounds right

Chapter 21 firewing

That night
I felt defeated they had control of me I felt mentally numb I couldn’t move

You try to fight back I’m spent

Come on I can’t do it without you they’ll just use you to stop me.

Do I look like I can fight back?


Then sneak away they still think you are numb like me, and can’t move

I can’t leave you



I saw scourge scramble slowly into the night.

The next day…

“Where is he!” The loud shout woke me from my sleep “tell me!” the human was right in front of my face looking at me

I don’t know,  having trouble finding him?

“Tell me the truth, where is he!”

I already have,  do you not know how dragon steel works?

“You, dragon scum will obey me now”

Um is that supposed to do something…

“Uh duh, you should only obey me.”

Thanks for the clarification, scum.

“Don’t call me that!”

What else am I supposed to call you? Mega scum? Hmmm… that might work. What? mega scum? no how about ‘tasty food’ yes that works.

“Don’t call me that ether”

What now fleshy bag?

“Don’t call me that!!”

What, is there a problem, triple meal?


Firewing could do nothing, feel nothing, see nothing, say nothing, and could not sense anyone mind

“Is there a problem? Or are you a captive, ha!”

“Move, out!”

Chapter 22 kai

As I awoke I immediately went toward the wall of Amarka and I saw a figure running towards the wall




Firewing is still there


I escaped
From the king?
I just walked away in the middle of the night.

No way they didn’t give chase?
They were asleep.
Are you sure?
Careful this could be a trick
Could It Be?
I don’t smell humans, other than your’s and scourge’s half-dragon-human smell

I’ll let him in
Look for dragon steel on him if it’s glowing slightly red he’s ok if it’s glowing slightly green kill him If it’s not glowing he’s also fine

How do we get it off him?
Take metal tongs and pull it off you won’t be able to if it’s red.

The handcuffs are blank

Take them off
Phew Those handcuffs were tight

No problem scourge
Now let’s go get
firewing back!

Are you kidding me? You want to go fight a losing battle and be enslaved? What is wrong with you?

Um……….. We need firewing back!

We are useless against dragon steel besides, the prince can take care of himself.


Yeah…… about that firewing is a dragon prince


It’s weird, ok?

Definitely but that explains something


Well when I was unconscious firewing commanded me to wake up must be because I am a half-dragon and he’s a prince

Yay, you figured it out.


Yup it’s me long-distance transmissions are tiring and I almost passed out trying to send you this the human king has made me his guard dog so I have to guard the castle it’s boring but now I have a dragon steel anklet’s so don’t worry about me as long as you don’t attack the castle you don’t have to worry about me, but the human king-



That was helpful.

Yes we learned that firewing is at the castle

We have to assault the castle!

Did you not hear his message??

Well, what are we supposed to do then?

The queen has summoned you to her castle

Do you mean the dragon queen????


Why does she want to see us?

You are the first half-dragons in a long while to come to a dragon city she would like to meet you

Meet us???



Come the dragon queen’s orders are not to be ignored


Is it just me, or have you guys been just staring at each other for the last four minutes?

We’re going to meet the dragon queen scourge!

Cool is she our queen though? Since we are half-dragon?

Technically you are her subjects

Come along, the queen is waiting.

Chapter 23 scourge

As we walked into the royal chambers a regal dragon with gold scales was sitting on a throne

Welcome to the royal chambers, halflings

Thank you, your majesty

I see you have an acquaintance with my son

Why have you summoned us here?

I wished to meet you and I hoped you’d have news of my son.


Because I have spent centuries searching for him and when I heard he hatched for halflings I hoped he’d be safe.

I am sorry to be a bearer of the bad news he is under the effect of dragonsteel


I have the same feeling you know I have known firewing for 5 years and to lose him would be heart-breaking

You took care of him for 5 years. I am impressed. even in his egg, he was catastrophic

I feel you

Who knew that a 5420-year-old egg would hatch to halflings.
WHAT? 5420 YEARS! That’s a long time to be an egg.

See why he’s wiser than you?


HEY! You’re talking about me here!


Yeah and remember scourge you’re talking to a 5425-year-old dragon I know how to be patient


Hi mom, wassup?


Knew I was the center of attention. Come On who’s gonna throw a party.

Stop being naive

It’s what I’m best at!

Stop joking around firewing what is happening?

The usual the human kings gonna go attack drakarma enslave dragon kind blah blah blah

Drakarma that’s where we are!

Yeah. I know.

When are they going to attack?

In one hour the human king thinks he can fool dragon kind to submit to slavery he’s going to make me command them all to submit then he’s going to enslave them. like they’ll take an order from a dragon captured in dragonsteel yeah right even if I try to command them it won’t work case all they’ll hear is the dragon steel voice.

Chapter 24 firewing

We were approaching drakarma. my home. “Are you sure this is the capital?”

Yes.  can you not read a map?

“I can read fine.”

Very well.

“Are you sure they will be sleeping?”

Don’t know. some will.  Are you flea brained?

“I’m not flea-brained” the army below was looking at him weirdly

They think you are.

“Shut up scum.”

Doesn’t work I do telepathy so I cannot shut up

“Stop being stupid!”
Did you know that the dragons have been around till -100 bc and also………

15 min later

“What the….”

You also have a brain the size of a flea.

“Stop thinking.” firewing tensed and fell out of the sky. “START THINKING! START THINKING!”

As I was thinking…

1 hour later…

“We’re here now the suffering can stop.”

You are not suffering. I can make you though.

“Now do as I tell you.”

10 minutes later…

“And, now!”


The city fell silent

The time has come to surrender.

Not a chance in the ether, dragon steel.


“Kill them all.” the collar snapped off firewing.

Well, I guess my training was useful.

You bet.


Chapter 25 prophecy eye.

I was strolling along the field outside my cave wondering when I would have another vision when I saw a forest then I saw my home drakarma the place I was banished from then I saw humans banging on the crystal walls of the city using their siege machines while the dragons rained down on them various breath weapons. I saw lightning, dust, water, fire, lava, molten silver and gold, and various others. It looked like a losing battle for the humans when I saw dragonsteel chains in one of their hands Then I saw a halfling draw more dust than he was supposed to. His aura shimmered

heh still that rave for sand dragons in drakarma

Another halfling came into view and my eyes widened it was a half robot half dragon


It was going ok when…….

The walls fell the dragons called a retreat but at a great cost the ambush group did not hear the retreat order and charged into the army and the army mercilessly chained them and some dragons cried out in pain and the rest flew away. The sand halfling started to run toward the army and a jewel dragon tried to stop him but he kept running and then the jewel dragon put him to sleep. The dragons had lost this battle but they will not leave this matter unattended.

Epilogue the dragon queen
I looked back at the city as we fled oh Silverwing, what would you think of me now?
As I took one last look at my home I thought where Will we go?



Where will we go?

To the temple of dust……………

The human king
“Sir?” “what is it?” “The dragons are retreating. What will we do?” “There is no point in giving chase.” “but what now?” “We have all the dragons I need to capture the dragon ‘armada’ with her. I will take over the other kingdoms then with them at my command I will use them to enslave all of the dragons once and for all……..”

Authors note

Hi and thank you for reading this. I promise this is me typing (Ewan ) and not Sumarth or Vivaan. Thank you dad and mom for being patient, and my sister for being her annoying self. (It’s not fun being annoyed.) My friend Sumarth for being helpful to me, and not denouncing me. I’m a bit sad to be closing this installment of the story. (I had so much fun writing it!) I’m not joking when I thank Sumarth for not giving up on it when I was so passionate about it.

Signed Ewan (firewing)


Heh, you got that right. Thank you to my friends who pushed me into writing this story, and to Ewan for pushing me when I was out of ideas. Thank you to my mom and my dad for when I was down they pushed me up.
Hello, my name is Vivaan and I’m an editor and a part-time writer. I must thank my sister, Varunika. She helped me with the editing.  And I need to thank my friends for writing most of the story. I need to thank my parents for helping me when I was feeling blue. This is a truly awesome story. I enjoy it a lot.

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