Jackson and his mom were coming home from eating at Burger King, one of their favorite fast food places, when all of a sudden, every car ahead of them stopped. Jackson´s mom, Alison slammed on the brakes. ¨That was weird.¨ Jackson said. ¨Let’s see what’s going on¨. Alison replied. They got out of their car and walked up to the car in front of them, only to see it was empty. “That’s weird,” Jackson said. “There’s no one in her- as he was about to finish his sentence, Jackson and his mom dissolved into digital blocks. Jackson woke up, his head hurting. Slowly, he stood up and looked around him, seeing blocky trees and grass. “That’s weird,” Jackson said to himself. “It appears that I am in Minecraft, but how is that-“Ahhhhh, someone screamed. Turning around, Jackson saw everyone from his neighborhood walking around, astonished. “Max, is that you?” Jackson asked. “Jackson!” Max exclaimed, running to his friend. “You’re in here too?” “Yeah”, Jackson replied. I thought my mom would be somewhere around here. “Maybe she spawned somewhere else,” Max said. “Yeah, perhaps you’re right,” Jackson replied. “We should start preparing for nightfall”. “Got it,” Max said. Turning, Max went to explain to all the parents what was happening and what they needed to do. Jackson ran to a nearby tree and started punching. As soon as he got every oak log from the tree, Jackson planted an oak sapling in the spot where the tree used to be. Turning the oak logs into oak planks, Jackson crafted a Crafting table and a set of wooden tools. Running to the next tree, Jackson chopped it down faster than he did the first tree. Looking back, Jackson saw Max showing the parents what to do and how to make basic weapons. Jackson continued to cut down trees, and then replant the saplings when he cut all the leaves. The sun was starting to go down. “Uh oh,” Jackson said aloud. Running he ran to Max and gestured to the sun. Max nodded and told the parents what was about to happen. As soon as the moon came up, zombies, skeletons, and creepers started spawning, and most of the parents started to panic. Some of the parents who had played Minecraft before knew what to do, and some went out to defend the parents who had never played the game before. The other parents who have played have begun building basic homes for everyone, while Max tried to get the panicking parents to calm down and to stay away from the mobs. Jackson came out of nowhere and started to attack zombies, skeletons, and spiders. “FALL BACK!” one of the parents yelled. As if on cue, Jackson and the parents who were fighting turned and started to run back to where the other parents were building the homes. “How many homes need to be built?” Jackson asked. “Only one more.” One of the parents said. As soon as the last block was placed, the parents who were building jumped off the roof, flashing red for a brief second. “Everyone get in a house!” Max yelled. The parents all nodded their heads and ran into a nearby house and closed the doors behind them. Once everyone was inside, Jackson and Max went into a house and closed the door. “That was close,” Max said. “Yeah,” Jackson replied. “So now what do we do?” Max asked. Jackson didn’t respond, instead, he placed his crafting table on the ground. “We need to get stone tools when the sun rises,” Jackson explained. “That way, we can mine iron ore if we find any, and we also need to make furnaces.” “Ok”. Max replied. “Did we get any wool?” “No,” Jackson replied. “While some of us experienced players go mining for stone, I need you to go and help the other parents and one or two experienced parents help get wool to craft beds,” Jackson explained. “Once we do that, collect some dye so the beds aren’t all white.” “I understand,” Max replied. “Good,” Jackson said. Looking out the door, Jackson saw some hostile mobs milling about walking aimlessly. Jackson also saw some of the parents with scared looks on their faces. The experienced parents, however, weren’t scared, as they had played Minecraft before. “I wonder what will happen if someone dies,” Jackson thought.
wow. This is intense.
This is cool, good job
Thank you, it’s been hard trying to keep up with working on the chapters for the book. When i finish i hope to get it printed into a book and begin working on a sequel.
Thanks, when i’m finished i hope to get it into a paperback book and start selling it. The one thing holding me back is getting the cover created. I might start having copies sold on amazon. Who knows. I also plan on writing sequels and then another series after.
If you search YouTube for “Self-publishing on Amazon” you’ll find tons of videos showing how to do it. Part of Amazon’s self-publishing software is a cover-creator. You can choose images, type the title, choose the fonts and colors . . . You can even use custom images that you provide, somehow. I’m sure there are examples on YouTube showing how to do that.
But keep in mind, if you’re going to self-publish on Amazon, you’ll need your parents’ help. You must have an Amazon account with a credit card linked to it. You also have to provide some tax information because, if you sell books and are paid royalties, someone must pay income tax on it. Most kids I’ve seen self-publish their books did it under their parents’ accounts.
Also keep in mind – the minimum page count for self-publishing on Amazon is 24 pages. If you don’t have 24 pages, then you can make the font really big, add images, have huge margins, throwing in a couple blank pages . . .
Thanks. i’ll keep that in mind when I finish the book.
Yeah, I might do that. there is also a cover designing website called cover design ai, where you describe what you want the cover to look like and then they create designs on it. I haven’t looked at their designs because you have to pay for them. but I might try Amazon whenever I finish the book.