
As Gamenight ran towards the village, he slashed his sword left and right at the mobs ahead. Then Gamenight saw something he never wanted to see again, on the horizon was Herobrine! As Gamenight filled with anger he ran at Herobrine slashing his sword with all his might. But when he reached Herobrine, he just stopped and saw Crafters face in Herobrines eyes. ” You were the one who killed Crafter!!!!” screamed Gamenight. But Herobrine just laughed at Gamenight and attacked him with his sword. As Gamenight flung back against an oak wood tree, he felt that this was a battle that he could not win. Then he saw that Herobrine had summoned his minions.

Just then Hunter, Stitcher and Herder appeared on their horses with Herders wolves following behind them. Then Gamenights horse appeared out of the blue. So the four of them on their loyal steeds they galloped towards Herobrine. But Herobrine had grown stronger since the last time they had met. But the four heroes of the server didn’t give up hope. Then Gamenight had an idea. He told the other three to run at him while he made a catapult that the four of them would get in and destroy Herobrine for the last time. So when Gamenight had finished the catapult the four of them got in and Gamenight flicked the lever that would launch them towards Herobrine. Just as the cart was going of the edge of the track he told the others to jump out. That’s exactly what they did. But Gamenight didn’t jump out but he placed a piece of TNT in the minecart and lit it. When it hit Herobrine, Herobrine died but Gamenight did as well. As the trio looked around the area were the explosion had happened. But Gamenight was dead. Then the trio of heroes cried as they said their goodbyes to Gamenight by placing some flowers down where he had sadly died.

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