Title: An Untrusting Player
As Gameknight999 strolled through the jungle, he gained the unsettling sensation that he was being watched. He paused to scope out what he could see of the landscape, and when he saw nothing but green leaf blocks and vine-covered jungle wood, he continued on with his walk.
A few minutes passed, and he heard the crunch of a leaf block to his left. He drew his diamond sword.
“Who’s there?!” he asked the source of the sound. He recieved no reply.
Out of nowhere, an arrow struck his back.
“Ow!” he said. He pulled out the arrow and shoved it into his inventory. He pulled out his bow and sharpened his ears. He listened closely for any sound, and he heard it; someone climbing vines, somewhere to his left. He turned in that direction and, guessing whoever it was was climbing a tree, looked up to the treetops.
Nothing… more nothing… there!
Gameknight999 shot an arrow at a something orange in a tree. He made a direct hit and knocked the orange thing to the jungle floor. And, for a moment, he thought he saw a gamer tag…
Gameknight999 sprinted as fast he could until he came across the mystery orange thing.
It was a player, named Crystal__Gem.
At first she looked like a white, tinted orange hairball. She rose up from the ground, brushing herself off. Her skin appeared mostly orange. Her arms and face were orange with a few deep peach colored streaks. She seemed to have on a red uniform, a yellow diamond in the middle of it. (here’s a link to it: http://www.needcoolshoes.com/skin/u3Ysg/steven-universe-jasper ) She had long, slightly tufty hair going down to below the back of her knees, a strand of hanging in front of her face.
When she saw Gameknight999 standing there, she drew her iron sword.
“It’s okay, I’m not a threat,” he said. “How can I trust you?” she said forcibly.
“I’ll give you my leggings, you don’t have any amour, do you?” he said. Crystal__Gem’s face softened as Gameknight999 took off his diamond leggings and gave them to her. She almost instantly put them on.
“So, who are you?” Gameknight999 asked the player.
‘I’m Crystal__Gem, but you can call me Jasper. I’m trying to find someplace to take refuge so I can rid Herobrine from this world. He keeps killing me and taking all my stuff!” she said.
‘So we would respawn in here if we die,’ Gameknight999 thought.
“I’m trying to kill him, too… Maybe you could join my friends and I in it?” Gameknight999 offered.
Jasper pointed her sword at his neck.
“How do I know you’re not going to kill me for the few items I have?” she asked. She started pushing her sword into Gameknight999’s neck so that he had to back up. A few steps backwards, and he was blocked by a tree.
“I’m not a griefer, I promise, I’m the User-that-is-not-user,” he said assuringly.
“I-I’ve heard of you,” Jasper replied. She removed the sword from Gameknight999’s neck and put it away in her inventory. “You for sure aren’t a griefer.”
“Or are you lying?” Jasper asked as if the answer was “yes” she’d try and kill him.
“I promise, I’m not a griefer. I have proof. Come with me and I’ll show you.” He held out a hand to her. Jasper looked at it hesitantly. She looked from his hand to his smiling face, and back to his hand.
She took it, and a smile spread across her face.
Jasper had come to trust Gameknight999 like a best friend. He always had his friend’s backs, including hers. He even saved her life once from Xa-Tul by ramming his body into hers when she was stuck in a cobweb, knocking her out of the way just before the ferocious zombie king brought his golden blade down on her. Jasper was learning how to trust people again.
When will you write the rest????????