
Battle for the Cosmo Realm

By:Joel S


Chapter 1


He waited patiently in his room. What’s taking so long? He thought. They said it’ll be here at 07:00! Maybe i shou- DING DONG!! His thoughts were cut off by the sound of  his doorbell. Finally!  Joel ran down the stairs and opened the door. Hi there, i’m here to deliver the MRLS to… ‘MechaBotZK’. The man at the door said.

“Oh yes that’s me.” Replied Joel. He recently discovered a new device called the ‘Minecraft Real Life Simulator’ or ‘MRLS. Personally Joel thought the name was ridicilous, but after googling more about this ‘MRLS’ device, Joel found out the function of this device; it transports you into MINECRAFT. YEAH REALLY INTO MINECRAFT. Aparently some crazily genius inventor found a way to transport real people into applications.

“Please sign here.” The man gestured to a piece of paper in his hands and offered a pen. Joel signed the paper quickly, sayed thanks and went back to his room with the ‘MRLS’ in his hands. “Okay.. how does this thing work?” He opened the box and pulled out a piece of paper that says:


WARNING: Before you use the MRLS please make sure you are well fed and please wear warm clothes. DO NOT USE THIS DEVICE WITHOUT YOUR PARENTS’ PERMISSIONS.

  1. Turn on your computer.
  2. Open Minecraft and start the game.
  3. Pick a world/server you wish to play in. (Do not go into the world/server yet)
  4. Insert the USB into your computer (You don’t need to do anything, the USB already contains a program that should start automatically)
  5. Turn on your helmet-looking device.
  6. Put the helmet-looking device on your head.
  7. Decide a place to sit or lay on for you will remain on that position for as long as you play the game.
  8. If you are ready join the world/server you wish to play in and get ready to be transported inside Minecraft.

“Well that’s a long list.” Joel thought out loud. Indeed he has asked for permission from his parents, and surprisingly they agreed to let him buy and use the device (After begging for the 4th time). He has been searching on youtube and google for people using the MRLS and based on his searchings, lots of people, even YouTubers used the MRLS and it worked perfectly. “Well i guess it’s time to find out.”

Joel layed in bed, putting on his helmet, he grab a bottle of water and drinked, then he closed his eyes. Did it happen?Am i in Minecraft? He opened his eyes and scanned his surroundings. “Wait what? Why am i still in my room?” Then he realized somthing;he forgot to join a world. Well that was a bit stupid.. Joel thought to himself. Moving to the computer he chose a server that he had heard about.His friends said that this server called ‘Cosmo Realm’ is a special server where only players who uses the MRLS can join and it’s also a HARDCORE server.  If this is the right server.. then this should be a fun trip.

He clicked his mouse and the screen showed ‘Building Terrain’. He quickly ran back to his bed and layed there. For a while he hears nothing, he doesn’t feel anything either. What did i do wrong this time? He was about to check the computer when suddenly a beeping sound filled the air. It sounded like a countdown. I guess that’s a countdown? As excited as he is right now he is actually mostly scared. What if this doesn’t work? What if i VAPORIZE?! He started to panic when all of a sudden, the beeping sound stopped and he felt an intense heat coming from the helmet he is wearing. Then suddenly.. everything went black.

Chapter 2

Into Minecraft

He felt numb. He wasn’t used to being transported between the digital and physical worlds. Ouch… did it work? MechaBotZk (His minecraft username) scanned his surroundings. What he saw almost made his blocky eyes pop. MechaBot was standing on some sort of  hill made out of wooden plank blocks in a clearing. Surrounding him is what seems to be a birch forest biome. Even though MechaBot is an experienced Minecrafter, he was totally new to how Minecraft progresses using the MRLS so technically he is a noob.

“ I can’t  beleive it.. i’m in Minecraft! I’M INSIDE MINECRAFT!!!!” MechaBot jumped around in happiness but unfortunately he forgot he is standing on a hill made of wood. He didn’t see where he was jumping and he falls down the hill. “WOAHHHH!!! OUCH!!!” MechaBot grunted in pain, fortunately the hill is only 5 blocks high so he didn’t take much dammage. “ Man that hurts. Wait, it hurts! IT HURTS! AWSOME!

MechaBot saw a river nearby, he went to the river and looked at his reflection;his skin looks like an adventure boy. He wears blue and white clothes and something on his head makes him look like a white bear. Strapped to his back is a backpack. Yep, it’s my skin alright.

Finally after a few minutes he recovered from his shock about transported into Minecraft.MechaBot ran back up the hill and scanned his surroundings even further, on the horizon he saw what seems to be structures. They are barely visible because of the distance. MechaBot wondered if he could actually control his render distance. Then something caught his eyes. There, down the hill was a sign. It says:

Hello Player! If you are reading this

sign that means that you have

sucessfully use the MRLS and is in Minecraft.

You may have noticed structures seen on the

 horizon in the north. Those structures are this

server’s capitol city named Cosmic City. If you wish

to go into the city, please follow the gravel path.

The journey to the city takes 1 day walk. But if you do not

Wish to go to the city, you are free to do whatever you want

This server ‘Cosmo Realm’ is a server for everyone.

We are excited to see you in the city player! Good luck! 

                                                                                              -The Cheif


MechaBot was stunned. He knows that the MRLS device has been on sale just a few weeks ago, but in that amount of time, they are able to build a civilization. Well one day in Minecraft is 20 minutes so i guess it makes sense. MechaBot decides it’s better to go to the city, after all he is new to the way this MRLS device works.

Even with all his skill with the axe in normal Minecraft he doubt it will be much of use here. In normal minecraft all you do is just click buttons and click more buttons. But here, he is actually terrified about the idea of facing giant spiders,zombies, and skeletons. And creepers!

What would he do about that?! After all this is a hardcore server, which means if  he dies he would not respawn and likely would get banned from the server and wake up on his bed.

MechaBot’s train of thought was cut off  by the sight of the sun kissing the horizon. Uh oh.. what am i doing?I’m a sitting duck out here. MechaBot started to begin to collect materials for his journey to Cosmic City.

By the time night comes MechaBot was already far from the Spawnpoint. He collected some wood and made pickaxes, he found a mine and dug some coal and stone. Luckily he found some iron too. And now he’s prepared with 23 torches, an iron pickaxe, an iron helmet, and his most prized possesion (for now) an iron axe.

MechaBot thought it would be hard to play Minecraft using the MRLS, but surprisingly it’s not that different from how he imagined it to be. Sure it hurts to punch wood but hey, it’s awsome. The only problem now is that he is hungry.

“…. I’m so hungry.” Well that’s one of the disadvantages of using the MRLS. “I should find some animals to kill…” Suddenly he heard footsteps. It’s too fast to be any kind of Mob’s footsteps. More like a guy trying to run from something footsteps. “AHHHHHH!!” MechaBot was surprised to see a player  jump out of a nearby bush. His skin looks like a zombie, except for his clothes, they look like armor you would see in the future. SLAM! “OUCH! Hey what’s the idea?” MechaBot shouted.

“Sorry! But there was a creeper chasing me.” Replied the stranger. “Wait what? Where?” MechaBot asked. The player pointed his shaking fingers to a figure in the shadows. Judging by it’s shadow, the figure has 4 tiny pig-like legs and no arms. Instantly MechaBot’s instincts kicked in, he ran to the creeper then slashed at the thing. The creeper didn’t even got a chance to hiss. It dissapeared with with a cloud of smoke, leaving behind a pile of gunpowder and glowing balls of XP ( Experience Points). The stranger stared with disbeleive at MechaBot. “What?” He asked. “That was amazing!” The stranger shouted. “You are so good with that axe. I’m sorry to jump at you like that by the way.”

“It’s OK, what’s your name?” MechaBot asked. “Zombie_Killer21 but you can call me ZK, what’s yours?” ZK asked back.Zombie_killer21? But he looks like a super zombie.Well that’s ironic.

“My name is MechaBotZK, but you can call me MechaBot. And by the way ZK on my name actually stands for ‘Zombie Killer’” MechBot stated. “Oh! Well that’s cool. Where are you heading anyways?” Asked ZK. “I’m new to the way minecraft works with the MRLS so i’m heading to Cosmic City, maybe they can teach us how Minecraft works using MRLS.”

“Good idea! I was just gonna go and venture myself but come to think of it.. i probably should come with you, if you’re okay with that.” ZK looked as if he is about to be informed weather he will bring home $1000.000. “Sure, we should go together.” MechaBot answered. “YAY! Roadtrip!” ZK shouted.

“By the way, what’s your weapon of choice? Mine’s an axe. What’s yours” “Mine’s a bow, i ran out of arrows back there so the creeper got on my tail.” ZK said. “Oh, i see.. By the way do you have any food by any chance?” MechaBot asked. “Yeah, i have some bread, i found a mini wheat farm in the woods. Here you go.” ZK gave MechaBot 4 pieces of bread.

“Thanks bro” By now it’s already day. None of them noticed the tall magnificent wall standing in front of them until ZK pointed that out. “Woah, that’s a huge wall.” On top of the wall, they could see guards and archer towers. Are these guys preparing for war? MechaBot thought suspiciously. Suddenly they heard players shouting. “PLAYERS INCOMING! OPEN THE GATES!

Chapter 3

Cosmic City

Suddenly a drawbridge opened, giving access to the city. Soldiers started coming  out from the city and surrounded ZK and MechaBot.

“Hey, what’s the problem?” MechaBot was a bit annoyed; why are these men surrounding them? They didn’t do anything wrong!

“Greetings players name is Danny.” A player in a dark suit said. The player reminded MechaBot about Man in Black. Suddenly the players surrounding them hold MechaBot and ZK still and somewhy checked their necks. MechaBot screamed and tried to take his axe from his inventory but he can’t. MechaBot looked at ZK but he just look petrified. After they’re done, they released the grasp and stood beside Danny.

“We are sorry about the inconvienence but we have to be careful with new players coming to our city for we are at war.” Continued Danny. “War? What war?” Asked ZK. They didn’t know anything about a war. “Come, i’ll explain more on the way to chief’s office.”

Danny led them through the drawbridge and into the city. MechaBot had seen very big and impressive structures but they are nothing compared to this city. All around him players lived their lives. Houses filled the streets, buildings stood tall. But something was off, the players around him looks stressed and tired. “Hey Danny, what’s wrong with these players? They all look tired and stressed.” MechaBot said asked.

“Oh that’s just the effects of the war i mentioned earlier. You see, not too long ago a group of  hackers joined this server, their abilities allows them to control legions of mobs. We don’t know what provoked them but they are using their abilities to control armies of mobs and attack the Cosmic City. Even though their number of  hackers are less than 30, they have caused horrible dammage to our city, therefore everyone willing to help will help bring us justice by fighting armies of mobs.” MechaBot and ZK considered the new information. “If the hackers,like you said are controling the armies of  mobs why don’t you just capture the hackers?” Asked ZK.

“Well we have tried, the hackers can control mobs but they also have other unique abilities. For example, one day the cheif sent me out on a mission to go and kill one of the hackers. Me and 10 of my friends went out there and caught him of guard. But even with the element of surprise on our side, the hacker killed 7 of my friends and only i and 3 of my friends escaped. He shot wither skulls out of  his hands and he could fly.” A tear rolled down Danny’s cheek as he relived that moment. “I’m sorry to hear that.” MechaBot said, comforting Danny. “It’s OK, now about this terrorist organization. We have learned a few things about these guys:

  1. They are called the  Legion Of Mobs or LOM.
  2. They are hackers, 20 to be precise.
  3. Each of them has their own unique ability according to the type of mob it controls.
  4. They have a leader, although unfortunately we do not know who.
  5. If we kill these hackers, then the kind of mob it controls won’t be able to join the war any longer.

Danny let the information sink in before continuing. “The war has been going on for 2 weeks now, and we’ve succesfully killed 2 of the hackers (one controls polar bears and the other controls wolves). That leaves 18 left and their leader.”

“Do you have to kill them? Can’t we negociate in peace?” MechaBot asked. “I’m afraid not. They do not care about others. They will kill everyone who stands in their way until they are the only ones ruling.” MechaBot doesn’t like killing other players if not nescessary but in this case, maybe Danny is right.

After a long walk through the streets, passing wooden houses, they stopped in front of a huge tall building. “The cheif is at the top of this building. You guys should meet him and he will just ask you some questions.” Danny informed.


“Ok then see you later Danny.” ZK replied. Danny waved as ZK and MechaBot entered the tall building.

Inside, they saw people looking busy running around with papers in their hands (which MechaBot assumes are battle plans). ZK went to ask directions to the cheif’s office. “You should go up the piston elevator there, and then keep going up until you’re at the top floor. There’s only one room at the highest floor and that is the cheif’s office.” A guy with a turtle skin said.

“Ok, thanks.” ZK said. “Don’t mention it.” The player ran off doing whatever he has to do to take part in this war. MechaBot and ZK followed the directions they were given.  Finally after pushing the ‘Up’ button on the elevator 25 times, they arrived at the highest floor.

MechaBot stepped out of the elevator and looked around. They are facing a huge door at the far side of the hall. “Come on ZK, that must be the cheif’s office.” MechaBot ran to the door ZK following behind.
At the side of the door a sign said ‘Chief’. ZK knocked on the door and there was a loud beep. Then the door opened, revealing a smiling face of an old wise looking player.

He is wearing a military outfit, pins and badges can be seen all over his shoulders. “Why hello players.” The player said in a loud booming voice.

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