
Roaring winds pierced through the deep black sky. Thunder sang and lightning danced through the sea above. Water droplets pelted Olivia’s window. Thunder crackled across the sky as if wild horses racing across a prarie. Olivia’s eyes shot open, she stared out into the darkness. A light flashed lighting up all her windows. She closed her eyes tight, waiting for the growl of the storm…but… there was none. She stood up, walked to her window, and looked out. There was a glowing spot, her eyes grew wide.
Olivia tore down her stair silent but eficently. She grabbed the home phone and called Camden, Grace, and Tyler. Four kids stood at her fawn brown door and rang her bell. Olivia trotted to the door before they could ring it again. “Shhhh!” She hissed opening the door. “What?” Camden asked in alarm. “It’s five o’clock in the morning!” Olivia whispered. “Right.” Grace said. “Where’s Tyler?” Olivia looked puzzled. “Oh…he’s sick…so…I brought Chase and Ayden…” Camden awknolaged.”So whats goin’ on?”Chase asked. Olivia looked at Grace and Camden. “I-I think…I know…guys-it’s callin’ us!” Camden shot her a frightened glance. “Sooo… w-we’re goin’?” Olivia stood tall. “Well, we’ve done it once…” She looked at each of them. “And we’re gon’na do it again!”
“Come on!” Olivia called hopping on her bike. Chase and Ayden looked at one another and obayed. They shot like missles through the rain; each panting like dogs on a hot summer day. Dead leaves sraped across their faces with dry chackled points. Wind thrashed at them, showing no mercy…and yet to Olivia there was a voice, calling, searching for them.
Chapter 2 through the portal
They rode to the glowing door in the trunk of an old oak tree. Olivia shifted off her bike. She looked up at the tree, it’s leaves shaking feirously, trying to break free. And herds of brown snakes slithered their way up the the trunk. She glanced at Camden, his face revealed all sirgns of uncertainty and fright. They walked into the fortress of the Xbox.
Inside the room the air was warm and musty. “Wow! Oof!” Camden, Chase, Grace, and Olivia turned to see Ayden lying on the floor. He lifted his head, dirt covered his face. They all broke out laughing. Suddenly a circle appeared on the floor. Olivia reached down and picked it up slowly. It felt rough and blocky. Similar to a Minecraft shaped circle.
It made an allain like noise and Olivia dropped it, and a hologram of Steve appeared. His friendly eyes forever staring. Although his words were troubling. “”Heros…there’s been-trouble lately. A lot has happened since your trip…worlds have fallen into darkness. Shadows creep out of the dark and devoir the light…as it does to us. If you don’t destroy this darkness-I’m afraid everything will be destroyed. “Why don’t you stop it? Why do you need our help?” He sighed. “I’m a video character I can’t do very much.” A second figure appeared. “Steve! Run!” “Hurry!” He cried. The disk faded to a blackish blue color. It’s glowing blue lights flickered red then off. The room filled with an eerie silence. A startleing aroma filled the air. A moment later the room was ignited with light from the T.V. Not even the Xbox emblem lit up green. Everyone but Olivia picked up a remote. “There’s only 4 remotes!” Exclaimed Chase. “It’s okay, I’ll just jump in when you jump in.” Olivia said.
Camden, Chase, Ayden, and Grace reluctantly hit start. “See you on the other side” Grace winked at Olivia. Olivia walked up to the portal but hesitated. She did not know what would happen. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and jumped.
Chapter 3 Halo
Swirling pixels jumped around them. Green plasma framed the cylinder shaped tunnel. They shot out of the portal in a heap. Camden, Chase, Ayden, and Grace stood up. They all looked around, the same green pipes filled the room with light, while green mongeese shown their bright eyes.
Across the map Olivia flew out of the portal. She got to her feet, strange sounds filled the air. “Guys! Where are you?” Robotical dog-like creatures came from the darkness ahead called “Forunners”.
On the other side the other four were still exploring. Suddenly a Spartan walked up to Camden. “You fairly small…but you’ll do…I guess…” She spun around and began to walk off. Her robotic armor legs making a “Clank, thud. Clank, thud.” At this time a marine around their height walked up to them. “Hi! I’m Balley. And that’s Sasha…” He waited for the “clanking” and “thudding” faded into silence before continuing. “She can be very camanding and hard headed, but don’t worry, you’re gon’na be awesome!”
“Say do you ride mongease?” Camden’s eyes lit up. “Sure!” Balley led the way to the vehicles. There were “Coppers” and “Gungease” and “Mongease”. They chose their vehicles and followed Balley out of the base.
Olivia sprinted through the darkness to the sounds of battle. Neon orange eyes followed close behind. The tunnel grew to a dim gray. The light began to fall brighter and brighter, battle sounds screamed through the air. The area around her then collapsed into light. She stepped onto the battle-worn ground, her face shocked by the vilence of the war. Elites lashed, stabbed, and gunned down Marines and Spartans, while Forunners spat bullets at the Elites. Although, the Marines and Spartans began to destroy the Forunners.
Olivia glanced around the battlefield. An Elite tore a Marine from his mongoose and assanated him. Olivia charged onto the battlefield, shooting her machine gun every which way. She sprinted to the mongoose and started it up. She turned only to see a “Ghost.” A Ghost is a hovering vehicle with a gun, while a mongoose is a vehicle without a gun.
Olivia floored the vehicle jerking forward. The Mongoose let out a low hum almost like a generrater. She flew across the battlefield running over the Elites and charging into forunners. The Elite on the Ghost spotted her and instantly pulled forward, boostmaking it much faster than the mongoose.
Chapter 4 That’s what friends are for
Panic shot down Olivia’s spine. To make matters worse suddenly launched blue missiles at her. An ocean of blue death rained down upon her. She pushed the petal so hard that it dented the floor of the mongoose, as if a baby bird nestled in the hands of a child. Smoke rose from the control panel. “Oh…No!” Fire blasted from the front of the vehicle, pieces of metal flew everywhere. Worms of fear tunneled through her mind. Olivia ducked down, getting ready for an impact. A moment later the mongoose was engulfed in flame. A large pulse projected her from the vehicle, she landed a short distance away on her stomach.
Olivia tried to pick herself up but fell back down. In response she began to crawl dragging her left leg behind her. The Elite let out an evil chuckle as if some animal stuck under the surface of a body of water. He walked slowly almost mockingly up to her, and lifted her up by the back of her torso. In one slick move he flung Olivia on her back. He then picked her back up by her neck, just barely keeping her off the ground. Fear pierced through her. Olivia closed her eyes, the sound of battle crackling in her mind. She opened her eyes again and looked around; an Elite threw a marine to the ground and killed him with a sword. The sounds of the dying invaded her ears. It’s a good thing you couldn’t see through visors, because a tear rolled down her face.
Then a horrifying thought crept up on her, where were her friends? She had to live, not for herself but for her friends. With all her strength she pulled her right leg up and then kicked harder than she ever had before. Epic fail. The Elite stopped laughing and instead glared at her with pure hatred and anger.
She became weak and limp. She felt as if all life had been sucked out of her. A loud sound made her snap back into reality. Olivia looked down only to discover that the Elite had pulled out an energy sword. He pulled it back and then launched it quickly. Olivia closed her eyes.
No pain. She slowly opened her eyes again, a knife now stuck out of the Elites chest.

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