
Operation TPoT – PART II

by Comwiz180


Don’t Worry. Nothing Will Go Wrong. Oh Wait, Something Went Wrong.


I took the upper floor, as James took the elementary wing. Jeffrey took all the meeting rooms and the office.

I sprang up the stairs, glancing left and right. Without the lights, I was a small shadow in the hallways, unseen.

Running into a class, I dropped the note off on the teachers desk. Moving on, I continued the program around the entire upper floor.

Two classes to go, James comes up.


We gotta go. Fast. I’ll take on, you take one. Quick! He signed.

We raced into the final classroom,   delivered. Ten seconds later, we ran out. Three seconds later, all the lights went on.

Oh dear.


Mrs. Freida sat in her car, a single block away from the school. She’d watched them climb in, then turned on all the lights remotely. She then called the police.

If she’d timed it right, the kids would be stuck inside, as the window had just been sealed up. The other exits were blocked. They would never make it out alive.

For you readers, you might be thinking, oh no! Jeffrey, Ethan, and James are gonna die! That’s terrible!

But don’t worry. Like all stories, they won’t die. They’ll cleverly devise a way out, avoid the police swarming theh building, and rishi into the neighborhood. Where they’ll probably get caught by the arsenal waiting in the neighborhood. They are actually doomed this time.

As much as I hate to say it, they might actually die. This is how the story will end and they will never fulfill their destiny as explained in chapter eight.

Anyway, lets see if I’m right.

(#*$&#*&#, signed James. I turned it into random characters for our young readers.

Jeffrey rushed up, then hurried us down. In his hands, his computers at, screen running confusing programs that probably belonged to the FBI.

Two seconds later, the lights turned off.

Before I could breath, the sound of police sirens started up as someone busted a door. The police were coming in.

We ran. I ran to the nearest exit and banged my fists on the door. It didn’t open. I moved to a window. It didn’t open.


Yes, I admit I was panicking. You’re not supposed to panic in a fire. You’re not supposed to panic when you see a bear. You’re not supposed to panic when you’re falling out of a plane.

But this is different. This is me trapped in a building that used to be my school with police surrounding the perimeter and with Jeffrey, the evil little devil that led me here in the first place. So it was perfectly legible to panic.

“I know,” replied Jeffrey, calmly.

He ran to the elementry wing, and moved to a window. Taking out the crowbar he used earlier, he pried open the window, shattering the lock with the pressure of his momentum.

We all climbed out.

“Listen. We have twenty- three seconds before they close   on us outside of the school. I’m gonna initiate our escape routes. Do exactly as I say.”

He ran into a playground, then weaved into the forest. Lights followed behind us. I was panicking. Branches flung into my face as prickly pine needles stung my skin. A squirrel jumped out of the way to avoid being squished.

Jeffrey took out a small canister form his coat, and threw it on the ground as it generated a a thick cloud of smoke.

“Break right.”

We screeched to a stop, turned, then ran. Jeffrey huddled behind a bush as we followed behind. The police, thinking we continued the run, ran forward, ignoring us.

Leading us to a street, Jeffrey breathed a sigh of relief, as the door opened and the taxi driver greeted us with a warm smile.

“That was close.”

The sound of sirens started behind us.

Lesson Epsilon: Something Will Always Go Wrong.


Remember. No matter how well things are going, something will always go wrong. Always.

Yes, I know this is a short lesson. But that’s okay. Either way, remember. Something will always go wrong. So don’t think nothing will go wrong. That is your weakness.

Your Classic Road Case With Jeffrey Defending The Rear. Yes, I Know. Highly Illegal.


Yes, I know. Jeffrey driving, is illegal. But to be fair, Jeffery did tell us a couple pages ago that he was going to break a couple laws in this story and well, here you have it. Where are the others? Oh they’re coming.

Also, why the hurry? Are you really that desperate for Jeffrey to break a couple laws and get arrested? Wow, you really are mean.

Anway, back to Jeffrey breaking the law.

The driver sat in his seat. He did not get out. But he did begin to drive as he accelerated, the car moving quickly with the screech of tires. Jeffrey meanwhile, threw a small device onto the steering wheel. He then reopened his laptop and started typing.

“James, my backpack. Second pocket on the left. Take it, go to the trunk, and start throwing them. They’ll help with our really epic car chase right now,” instructed Jeffrey, more calm than ever.

Here’s another thing I admire about Jeffrey. HiIs skill to stay calm in worst and most terrifying situations ever. He managed to stay one step ahead and hasn’t began panicking. Meanwhile, I had begin to slowly chew down my nails, subconsciously.

Ethan, help me out, will you? He signed.

His head was eatking out a small hole in the floor, one that presumably lead to the trunk. This wasn’t a taxi.

Ethan, you take the trunk. I’ll hand you ammo. The entire bag can be used in smoke. I think.

I climbed into the trunk, coughing in the small space. I grabbed around for some kind of lever to open up the trunk, but there were none.

“Jeffrey! How do you get the trunk open!?”

“Oh. I’m working on that. Hold on.”

Tens seconds later, the trunk opened. James immediately, seeing the open trunk, handed me a bag. I used it and threw it at the nearest car. Upon impact, it swelled, a green luminescent glow coming from the neon. The windshield immediately boggled up as the car swerved right. It continued expanding. Covering the entire car and slowing its impact.


James handed me another one. I threw it. This one hit the tire, as it immediately turned into a gazillion tiny links. The links wrapped around the wheel, making it now a rectangle. The links then connected, changing the car to be driving on two poles. Didn’t work very well.

More and more devices immobilized the cars, but then they took out something. Something that looked like an L. Something with a trigger. Something that shot a bullet. A gun. Uh oh.

The bullet impaled the back of the car, creating a small dent. I threw another thing at the last car. It missed.

He shot. It impaled itself three inches from my head. I screamed.

I threw another ball.

It hit him. It swelled up like a balloon, then popped. The force sending him over the window and into a bush. We were good.

“Good. We’re safe. Go home now. And have a wonderful time on the TPoT express.”



Remember That Letter We Just Delivered? I Wonder What It Says.


The next morning, I woke up with a jolt, my brain still trying to process the events of last night. I ran through my regular procedure, and my first thought was, A dream?

But no. It obviously wasn’t. The events had been too real. And on my way to school, the first things I saw were the police cars, perfectly fine, but unable to do anything productive. The police said something about a bunch of kids, throwing weird devices that had completely wrecked their chase team. Nothing like these ever seen before.

The class with just as off as the police cars. The first thing we saw, being earlier than our teacher, was a card, on the desk. We didn’t dare touch, it as she amay rage when we’d be going polling into her stuff.

The teacher came itn, and the first things she said was, “What!?”

I was confused. “What?!”

“What does it say?”

“Who sent it?”



The class immediately quieted down, the anticipation for the letter being too much for them to handle. ThHe dead silence set Ethan’s mind to work, as he processed.

What does it say? What if it gives away our names! That could set us all halfway to the underworld. James and I could be set to die!

But one thought rang too clear. Would Jeffrey betray us?

She read it out loud.

Dear Mrs. Burkhart,

I am Agent TPoT, a human that will not give away his name just yet. I’ve planned something epic for your class, and every other class in the school. We have several needs, and they cannot be fulfilled alone. I ask for two main things from each and everyone of you. I need a list of all allergies, then a packet of any donations to I, Agent TPoT. The donations will ensure my success in my operation.

If any of you are doubting my existence, think again. I managed to deliver these envelopes to every single class in the entire school, and not a single human has caught me. I managed to out maneuver over seven police cars and got in and out of the school with every entrance and exit bolted shut.

If you are willing to help, place the contents in an envelope. Leave it at the park, under the slide. I will pick it up at midnight.

Don’t even think about trying to figure out my identity, I am quite will hidden in the school society.

Good luck.

Agent TPoT

Lesson Zeta: Getting Known


When doing an operation, one of the most key things to remember is to get known before the operation. You need to spread your name around a   bit so the people know who did it. This also makes it so they have someone to blame when the whole thing comes crashing down.

When spreading your name, one of the most important things is to know how to write. First, you need to give them the impression you know what your doing. The letter has to have some kind of hint to what you’re doing and that you have a good sense on how to do it. Makes sure to ask for a  bit of help if you want. This way, when the whole thing goes great, they’ll be extra amazed because they never expected you to do well in the first place.

Second, make sure to give them a chance to figure out who you are. Make it so they might have an opportunity to catch you in the act, but make sure you do that very carefully. This is the hardest part of the letter, as there are so many places to screw up. If you do it too obviously, they’ll catch you in the act. If you arrive in late, they won’t catch you, but they’ll also lose hope that you’re not just one kind of stupid scam.

These things are very important for a proper letter, as they are the key to success. Remember that, child.



Announcements Of Death


Just when the class was about to blow into a discussion, the announcements came on.

There’s a thing with announcements. You can’t miss them. They have everything you need to know for the day, including the newest hockey score for the NHL.

Don’t listen, you might get your toes frozen off by the weather, get kicked from your favourite club, let your entire school down on the chess finals, or possibly get suspended.

“Today is Jan 28, 2018. On the practice schedule, we have…”

In the end, they always play our national anthem: Oh Canada. Where the entire class is required to stand up and sing along. Most of us don’t know how to sing. Most of us can only stand around like chickens, unable to say a word. Some of us try to fit in but end up making a fool of ourselves and get laughed at for the rest of our life.

When it’s over, we all breathe a sigh of relief as the embarrassment for us none-singers is finally over.

Anyway, the class immediately burst into a discussion, screaming and yelling the whole way through. The teacher didn’t stop them. The teacher, instead, called the office, and a disappointed look came over her face.

But, suddenly, the announcements came on again. The room froze.

“And now, we have a special announcement from Mrs. Frieda herself.”

Oh dear.

“Hello, fellow students. I’ve recently been alerted several times of a magical delivery of envelopes. From Agent TPoT. I don’t know who he or she is, but his actions and plans are clearly against the school rules. For anyone who’s read his messages, please don’t cooperate with his requests and avoid talking to anyone of his sort. If anyone knows who the TPoT agents are, please report to the office and tell me immediately, as I’d like to ensure their demise as soon as possible. Also, will   Ethan Tang, James Zhang, and Jeffrey Feng please report to the office? Thanks.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Frieda, we would also like to …”

The noises of the announcements faded away. I glanced in James’s direction. Worry crossed his face.

Do we go? He signed.

I didn’t know. But if we didn’t, I was certain we would be accused.

Back In The Principal’s Office. This Looks Familiar, Doesn’t It?


Seriously! Are you still upset about Jeffrey getting stabbed? I know their nowhere near danger and are simply in an office, but you have to wait. In fact, this book comes with a one hundred percent refund. If Jeffrey doesn’t get stabbed by a throwing knife by the end of the story, I’ll give you a full refund.

Back I was, sitting in the same chair I had sat in a day and three hours ago. Actually, 2 hours ago. I did that math just today and I also have no sense of time. No one was sure what was going to happen, except for maybe Jeffrey. He sat there quietly, fidgeting with a rubik’s cube he’d magically produced from his jacket. To be fair, no one knows where he got this stuff.

Like the last time I visited, the lights were dimmed, the dull ceilings and floors reflecting my soul as if I was to become theirs next. In a moment, we were were called in, followed by our assistant principal.

Now reader, you might be thinking,.  ‘Oh dear, here we go again. They’re going to get caught, never do their operation, and get sent to juvie.’ But this is different. They are going to make it out. They will not die.

Actually, that’s debatable.

“Jeffrey, Ethan, James, take a seat.

We all sat down.

Jeffrey was still very calm.

Jeffrey continued solving the cube.

“All three of you, I’ve come to talk to you about something very recent.”

My heart sped up. Jeffrey twitched and set his rubix cube into the table, solved.

“One of our school student committee members has quit due to the overpowering pressure from the recent days. We need one of you to replace him.  

James couldn’t go, he was deaf. He didn’t have the ability to talk, and we weren’t planning on teaching the entire school committee how to sign.

Jeffrey had a lot of spirit and ideas. He’d make and ideal candidate for the spot, but I wasn’t sure if they’d fit.

That left one option.

“Me? No, no. No. I can’t. I don’t know how to publicly speak well. I don’t have ideas and I cannot help you like that. Please, I can’t do it.”

Jeffrey put a calming had on my shoulder. “It’ll be alright. If anything happens, I’ll replace you.”

I didn’t trust him. I really didn’t. After all, he’d almost gotten me killed yesterday.  But I should do so. If they were to discuss Operation TPoT, I had to be there, to shut it down or drive them into the wrong wrong direction direction. I had a job and I could take it and help the Operation like this. That would work.

“Ok then.”

Not the answer I wanted, but why not?.

“Good. See you at lunch.”

Lesson Eta: Undercover


To know your enemy, you must be the enemy. You must seeinrpoatin their servces. You must see insider has. Eexactly why Jeffrey sent many forged letters of good results and suggesting Jeffrey, James, and Ethan to be a member of the student committee, which just happens to have lost a member.

See,  mastermind in action. Make sure to know them well, as you can drive the enemy off your trail. This is very important, as you can then ensure the enemies demise learning to tip off your enemy is one of the most important things in an operation, so make sure to have someone do this job role. Remember this when doing Lesson Gamma.

Embarrassment Is The Synonym Of A Meeting


The lunch bell rang, as the hallways flooded again. I weaved past the people, trying to escape the crowd. Eventually, I did make it to the meeting room without dying. Yet.

Once in there, I sat down, as the other students settled down. They were already discussing random things, the recent school basketball game, girls, among other things. I simply sat quietly, trying to fit in, though on the inside, I was quite nervous. They all had friends in here, I was along.


No, actually, reader, don’t feel bad for him. He’s just a human among the 7 billion people on earth. Jeffrey taught me that.

Anyway, the head councilor, immediately blew a whistle, quitting everyone down. One signly teacher sat at his side, ensuring the meetings order.

“Meeting 2938 is now in procession. First thing on the order, our newest member. To replace Jackson, Ethan Tang is now an official member of the committee to help. push out. Everyone, please welcome Ethan.”

I did not like being in the center of attention. When the team clapped for me as I stand, I probably turned as read as a pepper. Not a good sign in front of the head of the school.

“Thank you, thank you. Next, we’d like to discuss the new protocol of our newest rule, rule 53. Councilor 39, please state your opinion.

Some girl with freckles stood up, then gave the most impressive speech in my life. Two minutes later, every clapped. Everyone took a turn, and eventually, I took mine.

“Ummm…. I think… Uh.. We should not do anything about it?…” “

Everyone looked at me blankly.

“I mean.. Of course we should do something. We could hand out posters… Or something.”

I turned red.

The rest of the committee looked at me weirdly.

“May I remind you, this is his first time. Although the topic was originally whether or not we should do something about the banana allergy in our school, having our mascot be a friendly monkey.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“And last but not least, I have another issue. The recent letters we’ve received from the so called Agent TPoT.”

Where everything I predicted would happen happened


Reader, I know. Most of you have probably guessed that something like this was bound to turn up. And it did! What fun. Now let’s pay attention and watch Ethan turn red again and have his butt kicked in every way possibly debatable.

I knew this was my turn, as I immediately stood up, trying to stay confident.

“I think… Actually, I think we should do nothing about it. We all know the prestigiousness of this school, and the fact that no one would dare pull a prank like this. If they do this, I think there must be a good reason for it. We can donate to them, and hopefully not bother them anymore. They don’t want to be bothered, so just ignore them. We can give them support, then forget about it forever. I know the allergies are for piz-, I mean, the allergies are probably for something like data collection for a science fair or something. They’re coming up aren’t they? So let’s help them and not do anything.”

The entire committee clapped outrageously, some even standing. The teacher nodded approvingly. I beamed with pride. Maybe I did something well after all. Or maybe they’re just all really impressed after I failed miserably before.

Yeah, I vote for option two.

Discussions About Doing Something 99% Against The Law.


The next day, I looked to the back of the school. Jeffrey was waiting there, along with James.

“How’d it go? He asked.

“Decent?  I guess..”

Jeffrey furled his eyebrows as he doubtedly look at me.

“I mean, I went well. What else did I do? Well, the entire committee agreed with my option to not do anything and donate and give as much as possible. I’m not sure how the teacher reacted, as they were there as we.. I don’t know either or not they’re onto me, but I have faith we got this.”

“Good. You got faith in the next part of Operation TPoT?”

I shrugged.

“I hope so. The next part relies on us, learning how to break into every single part of the school and a pizza place, which is another law violation.”

“Wait, what?”

“You heard me right.”

“How so?”

“Midnight. We got a lot of work to do. Please, dress appropriately please. And if your dad happens to have a lot of money, take a bit, and bring it here. I happen to need a lot of it. For a lot of reasons. Try 50, 000 if possible.”


“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

Against the law? Breaking in? Trespassing? This didn’’t’ sound very legal.

And believe it or not, it wasn’t. At all.

Lesson Theta: Funding


Not all operations need funding or an incredible amount of money. But some do. That’s my you always need to know how to get your funding.

There are three main ways to do it. The first is called stealing. It’s not against the law if it’s from your own parents. Try to look for the giant stash of 500 twenty dollar bills. Take a bit at a time. By the time they notice, it’s all gone.

The second way is to ask for funds with the letter, I taught you how in the lesson before the last lesson. You should’ve paid attention.

The third way, is only for experienced hackers. Use a fancy code to break into your parents credit card, take out a much as possible from the nearest ATM, and take it all. Make sure to disguise that deposit with something convincing such as a fund for the hospital for food drive.

And remember, don’t get caught. Unless you’vre really really got skills in talking your way out of things like this.

Which you’re probably don’t.

How To Have Jeffrey Break Into Your Home And Happen To Know How To Rob Your Mom


The same thing happened. This time, I dressed appropriately. I wore a black sweater, black socks, and black pants. At least, I tried. Our home didn’t have any black pants, so I just put on the darkest jeans I could find. Before I could retype the code to access the outside world, someone came in, from the front door.


Again, just like last time, he wore his smug look of him about to impress me with something. Which in reality, he did. He plugged his computer into a electrical outlet, then began typing. He crept upstairs, took the credit cards, and started hacking, withdrawing a couple thousand dollars. Two minutes later, he unplugged his computer, closed it up, then headed outside, motioning or me to followed behind.

Like before, James was in the same taxi as before, now with a pack slung over his shoulder. Jeffrey handed the driver a bill, then locked the doors.

“You two sleep. I have to withdraw a lot more money. And a lot of work to be done.”

I didn’t reply. Two minutes later, I was out cold.

Breaking Into A Pizza Place. Great Job.


Hopefully, you don’t know what a classic break into a home looks like and you don’t know how to respond if your friend decides to rob someone’s innocent family $500, 000. If you do know how, you’re either James or a robber. Which in that case, you shouldn’t even be reading this at all. If not, good.

Either way, I woke up seeing Jeffrey in a home I clearly did not recognize. Carrying his laptop, he exited the home again.

“Jeffrey? What did you just do?”

“Nothing much, just a couple hundred thousand dollars. Also, I improved the operation. Anyway, time to leave a couple notes. To a lot of places. We need to deliver to every single pizza store in the city.”

“Wait what! I’m scared to ask why.”

“Oh. Because I changed the operation. We’re sending pizza to every single child in the city. No gonna be much sinha all the money I just took.”

Where or not it’s for a good deed, it’s never right to steal a couple hundred dollars, be super casual about it, and then use it all. It’s just generally unjust,.We made our way to the first pizza stores. Jeffrey jumped out of the car and sauntered toward the pizza place. Me and James followed.

Jeffrey handed me a small device.

“Ethan, put this on the alarm.”

James, make sure to stand guard. It is very important we don’t get caught during this. Stay on guard. Jeffrey signed.

Jeffrey ran inside, then logged onto the nearest computer. A list of every single pizza place in the city popped up, the screen glowing with anticipation.

Composing an email, h. He sent it to every single pizza place the list had showed. He also at attacheding a check for seven hundred dollars to each one..

Peeking over his shoulder, I read:


Hello. I am Agent TPoT, probably the smartest man in the city. I’ve planned out the most elaborate operation ever, and I   need all of your help. Please communicate with each other and deliver enough pizza to feed every single school in the city. Please, everyone must receive. If you need more money, email me, at the account Agent_TPoT5631@gmail.com. This is a message to help. If you do not wish to help, please reply.


Agnet TPoT.


Now I was really confused. Why them?. Won’t the police or someone receive it from some unhappy shop owner? That’ll cause chaos for the operation, that won’t work. But I trusted him. Jeffrey and his ways, and even though sometimes it didn’t look capable of success, it always turned out ok.

So, I decided to help and disarm the alarm that had apparently been ringing for the past 15 minutes.

Your classic road chase with Jeffrey at the wheel, except this time we may get caught. Oops.


James ran inside, frantically signing. @*(@#*&#$(*@&$(@*$&@.!!! O$*(#*&$(#*&$#(*&!!! #)($*#)($*#)($*)!!!

I tried to calm him down, but his signs were frantic.


Oh, so that’s why he was swearing. That was a problem. Jeffrey immediately led us outside, pulling us into a sprint. While running, he produced a computer from his coat (Don’t ask me how he fits it inside) and began typing. The police’s walkie talkies and signal transmissions all shorted out, as they lost communication.

Jeffrey pulled out a walkie talkie, and called, pleading our taxi to get us. He did acome. We got it. But so did the police. Jeffrey immediately kicked the police officer in the chest, sending him back with an ooff. He pulled out a straw from his jacket, then blew, impaling the police officer’s cheek with a crimson dart.

“You have blowguns in your coat?!!”

Jeffrey didn’t answer.

The driver opened the door, ran for it, not willing to take the pressure any longer. Me and James looked at each other. Who was to drive if our driver was gone? Jeffrey crawled up front, then studied the controls.

“Got it.”

The car lurched, then sped off, immediately crashing into a nearby trash can.  The can toppled over, then fell onto the street.


“I know!”

Luckily that trashcan was run over by a police cruiser, whose driver immediately stopped and got out to see whether or not there was a person underneath.

The rest of them sped after us, some even taking out guns. I grabbed Jeffries backpack and began throwing . In a matter of minutes, all of them were gone, safely eliminated from the race.

But it wasn’t over yet. Someone else, in a sleek silver car, was coming at us, their speedometer probably breaking the point of 150.  The car sped at us much faster than any car should go, and without all Jeffrey’s surprises, we were done for.

Jeffrey, seeing the situation, did the most impressive swerve ever seen before, the back tires probably melting. The silver car   nearly smashed into a nearby tree, as Jeffrey continued his drive.

“Ethan, take the wheel.”

“Wait. What!”

Sitting beside him, I grabbed the wheel with both hands, trying to figure out how to drive. Jeffrey activated the convertible sunroof, then climbed out, jumping onto the silver car. On his hands were two flex tape grips, both allowing him to hang on tightly without slipping and falling to his death. Leaning over a window, he took out his crowbar, and smashed it. I

He jumped inside, and before I knew it, he flew out the window.

“JEFFREY!” I screamed. He fell unharmed and leaped, the edge of his flex tape catching onto the cars rear bender.

Heaving himself up, he threw the crowbar inside, then ran to the street, letting go completely. He fell.

The car blew up.

Lesson Iota: Getaway


Like very good mastermind, a person needs to know how to have a getaway. Most of the time, a car is good enough. But there are times when the driver abandons you to die, and you’re stuck with a car nand no driver.

You could be incredibly lucky and the grade 7 beside you will happen to know how to drive. That will be the ideal.

But if you don’t have that person, you need to know how to take care of yourself. For example, make sure to have some person cause a diversion or something. Maybe a hidden alleyway you can hide into.

These things are very important, as you have to remember how to get away from a terrible situation you’ve been meaning to avoid for the rest of your life. So be careful and always have a getaway ready.

Topic For Class Discussion: TPoT


The next day, I headed into class, trying to keep my cool. After all, it wasn’t every day we’re to have Jeffrey majorly injured. We’d made a cover up for him, the fact that he’d been climbing his roof when he fell. The good part about Jeffrey is you never question what he does, so we just had to find something genuinely stupid.

As for the class, that was on. On it, the reporters were busy talking.

“Early this morning, all the pizza places in calgary received an anonymous email from someone calling themselves as Agent TPoT. The email read as follows: Hello., I am Agent TPoT, probably the smartest man in the city. I’ve planned out the most elaborate operation ever, and I…” “

Uh oh.

“If anyone happens to have info on this mysterious figure known as TPot, please report immediately. The agent has now cause many violations of the law and has gotten many people injured. This TPoT will remain unknown until revealed”

Mrs. Burkhart clicked off the TV,  then turned to the class.

“Anyone know who this TPoT person is?”

No hands went up. The teacher, from her expression, wasn’t surprised. After all, randomly asking the class who a guy running around and bribing people wasn’t to get many responses in the first place

“Who here supports this TPoT person?”

I raised my hand. No one else did.   I quickly put it back down, realizing I may have just exposed myself. Oh dear.

Unfortunately, The teacher caught me.

“Sure, Ethan. Go ahead. What do you have to say?”. “

“Well, I think we can’t support them. He may have caused those things but he may have a good intention. He might not want to cause aAll these troubles maybe he wants to help us or make some good things happen? You never know.”

The teacher seemed satisfied with my answer. Moving on to the next question, she continued eyeing me suspiciously, as if she’d figured it out.

But I hoped not.

If she had, I’m dead.

Lesson Kappa: Not Panicking


As Ethan clearly demonstrated earlier, not panicking is a very important part of an operation. Panic drowns thought. When things go wrong, yes, something will always go wrong, don’t panic. If you panic, the operation is destined to fail.

So remember, don’t panic. If you panic, your operation could go more down hill than before, which is even worse than being caught.

Plans to avoid panicking include, but are not limited to: Jumping off of the roof of your house and having to time it so you can land without dying, that is a very important. Getting caught in the middle of your operation is notot ideal.

Either way, someone is doomed to panic and mess things up. Yes, I know. For me, it was me and James. Jeffrey was calm. That’s why you need to train your people not to panic, which Jeffrey, being a professional, forgot.

So great job Jeffrey.

Delivery Underway. Or Not.


According to the rest of the world, when things go wrong, luck will turn. Well, right now, nothing’s turning the slightest bit. Our delivery failed.

This morning, the TV was on. ThHe reporter had been talking, and a lot, a lot, had been revealed.

This morning, the pizza places have made a decision on the recent emails sent from Agent TPoT. It took a lot of time and difficulty, but they decided to reject the money. They did say, however, if the Agent himself wishes to pick it all up, he may go to their places and retrieve the ordered pizza tonight. “

I clicked the TV off. The thing was gone. We had no chance. If we choose to pick it up, I was guaranteed to have police and probably the one hunting us waiting for us. If we didn’t go, our operation would fail and all we’d worked for would be dead.

That morning, I rushed to Jeffrey. We had to fix this.

“Jeffrey! Jeffrey, we have a problem.”

“I know,” replied Jeffrey, more calmly than ever.” “

“What are we gonna do!”

This is starting to sound like one of those five- year- old princess movies where everyone is going, oh no! What are we gonna do? Here, let’s go and attack that army because we have an army of unicorns trying to help us that will save the the day with rainbows and sparkles. Yeah, this is smart.

I don’t think we actually have a plan, but I trust him that everything is fine.

So I headed off to class.



Plan Modification, Again. Anyone Else Getting Tired Of This?


Once again, we have modified our plan. Only to a more difficult extent. Now, we must personally send every single one, as well as break into every school there is.

Which, can only get harder. Jeffrey has gotten and secured 97.058823529% most of the schools. How he did it in one night, I do not know. Jeffrey did a bit of research, and informed me of a total count. 170 schools. In other words, he delivered pizza to every single class for 165 schools. He’s insane.

So to be fair, we now have to do five schools.

And we still have someone onto us.

Lesson Lambda: Adaptation


Before you go off doing your operation, remember Lesson Epsilon, something will always go wrong. That goes for your plan, and your operation. Sometimes, an unknown factor, might interrupt you.

School One: Nellie Mcclung. Status: We’re Being Chased By Someone With Throwing Knives. Really.


I snuck out of the window, careful to stuff a pillow or two under my pillow to ensure my parents don’t find out.

Slipping into the taxi, a new taxi, and raced off. Reaching the school, I pulled down the window, and climbed inside, followed by James and Jeffrey, both carrying a giant suitcase of pizza behind them.

At this point, you may be asking, “When is someone with throwing knives going to show up and start trying to kill them?

Seriously? Are you that desperate to see them get knives thrown at? You’re probably one of those guys that go to spaceship launches just to see them get blown to bits. Like seriously, whats it with you!

But I do respect that you wish to see Jeffrey get stabbed. And I do assure you, You will see a throwing knife that will probably impale itself in his chest. Yes, he might die.

Anyway, the gant kept inside quickly, keeping the rear watched in case of a follower. Dropping off pizza in one classroom after another, everything went successful. Until a knife flew through the air, and buried itself into Jeffrey’s chest.

He fell to the ground, liquids pouring from his wound.

What Just Happened?


See? I told you Jeffrey was going to be stabbed by a throwing knife. All you had to do was listen to the fortune cookies of wisdom.

For those kind humans out there, you might be scared, araid, or utterly disgusted that I decided to kill my friend in my story. Yeah, I know, pretty mean.

But if you if you’ve read Decampment or Redemption, you’ll know, I love sacrifices. I love to have a character die bravely and have them fall to the ground, their friends grieving in pain. Yes, I am a kind person.

But remember, the prophecy in chapter nine, Jeffrey has to live. So he can get arrested, break out, then recause all the mayhem he missed. So either one works.

Me Grieving In Pain And It’s Not Funny. Ok, It’s A Little Bit Funny


“JEFFREY!” I screamed, running to his side. I pulled him into the nearest classroom we could, James heaving the door closed. Another knife flew through the air.

Calling on my instincts from badminton, I hit the floor, the knife embedding itself firmly into the wooden wall behind us.

“James, Search Jeffrey’s jacket for something useful.”

He threw me a weird green grenade.

I didn’t know what it did, but then again, he was Jeffrey. The next time the assassin stepped out to their, I threw the device at them.

It swelled, blowing up like a balloon, then exploded, slime spewing outward and covering the assassins outfit, head to toe. He struggled, but had no success, as he only got more entangled in the slime.


I jumped up in the air, fist pumping in celebration. Then, I remembered Jeffrey.


I ran over, then found James and Jeffrey, on the floor. A large puddle now spilled itself on the floor, the liquids traveling farther outward. Jeffrey’s chest didn’t move. He was most certainly dead.

Jame put his hand onto Jeffrey, checking for a pulse.


HE HAS A PULSE !!! HE’S NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Signed James.

I felt my eyes begin to water. He wasn’t dead. He wasn’t dead!!

Jeffrey immediately, smiling, sat up, taking off his jacket to breathe.

He wasn’t dead.

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