
Operation TPoT – PART III

by Comwiz180


Lesson Mu: Grieving

Ethan failed at this. Really bad. Here’s an example.

Let’s assume you were on the Titanic, and it was sinking. Obviously, you will probably get onto a lifeboat, unless a flying monkey decides to drop a chair on your friend’s head.

Let’s assume they fall over unconscious, and you happen to get the final spot on a lifeboat.  If you’re friends are unconscious, they will never make it. You can choose to leave your boat and save your friend, increasing the chances of your death by fifty percent, and lower his by five percent, or do nothing. You’ll probably get away, unless you get attacked, but your friend won’t.

What should you do?

On an operation, always leave them. Let them die. So you will leave. Like seriously, that’s what Jeffrey would want you to do.

But Ethan didn’t do that. So if he was just the slightest bit off, he would have probably been killed.

And plus, your friend will probably turn out to be faking, so don’t risk it.

Talking to you Ethan.

We Get It. You’re Jeffrey So You Can Do Anything.


Jeffrey brushed himself off, then stood up calmly, wiping the liquids from his jacket. If you had seen him, you would’ve had no idea he got stabbed.

“Jeffrey! You’re alive!”

“Of course I’m alive. I’m not that easy to kill.”

“But, I saw you die. I saw you fall. I saw you die!”

“But I’m not dead you stupid.”

“How did you make it look so real!?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

I facepalmed, then finished walking the lap, fishing out the pizza, finishing the delivery, then heading home.



Lesson Nu: Fake It Til You Make It


Yes, this is an actual lesson. Know how to fake a death, know how to fake a plan, know how to fake basically everything. This is very important, as it may or may not give you an advantage to tipping off your enemy who is trying to kill you.

Also, it’s fun to prank your friends with this. It’s nice to see their expression go to fear when you collapse on the ground, red water spilling onto the ground, as they cry over your dead body.

Like actually, this is a great thing to know. You need to have some skills related to faking things in some way.

News Channels Love TPoT.


Of course, I turned on the TV this morning. If there was anything interesting going ton, then the TV news would have it.

The TV flickered, then broadcasted, showing a picture of Nellie Mcclung, the school. In the general sense.

“Last night, more pizza was delivered, to Nellie McClung, home of over 800 students. The students, walked in school, expecting just a normal day. But insead, they found themselves witnessing the most historical event to ever happen to their school, hundreds of pizzas, delivered somewhere at midnight.

What feared them more was the amount of violence that had occured. Throwing knives were embedded in their walls, and someone had thrown a grenade in there. Two classrooms were completely, destroyed, tables overturned, etc.

Some people are completely against this, from the evidence last night. Some people are all in for him, as the twitter page now up. See more at CTV news…”

Now I was interested. We had followers? Like real followers that wanted to help us? Maybe the world wasn’t such a garbage place after all.  There was some hope for this operation after all.

Lesson Xi: Stay Updated On Life.


Really. This is important. Knowing where your enemies are at in figuring out your identity, and whether they think of you as a superhero god dude, or a stupid nimbuscile is crucial to your survival.

Also, what your enemies know can help you plot out your new plan. It can make future planning much easier. The more you study your enemies, the more predictable they get, which means things get easier.

Jeffrey, having stayed updated on all of this, knows exactly how to outmaneuver out of Mrs. Frieda’s grasp and stay ten steps ahead of his enemy at all times. He can ensure his security and success, because he knows what he’s doing.

The enemy really don’t stand a chance when they can see your every move, so stay updated. Also, posting someone like Ethan inside the student council is wise as you can even participate in the guiding of their thoughts.

An experienced politician can manipulate the enemies thoughts and predictions, along with what they can do. An opponent who can control their enemy is the most powerful of all. Unless you have plot armour. Like that is the best armour of all.

So stay updated.

TPoT Is Now An Acronym!!!


I met up with Jeffrey at school, our usual place.

“Jeffrey! We have fans!”

“I know, I watch the news. I know what’s going on in society and I am updated about it. he said dully, as if he didn’t care.

“But what’s more interesting,” he continued. “ Is that I made an acronym for TPOT! It’s no longer dull and meaningless. ”

Ok, now that was interesting. I had always been confused by TPoT, why it was called TPoT, etc etc.

“TPoT stands for…



Operation and…


“Isn’t it great?” he asked excitedly, jumping   up and down. He was really acting like a four year old, and he didn’t seem to care. And to be fair, he was. But Jeffrey does things like this and isaren’t bothered, so it didn’t matter.

I did admit, this acronym was garbage. But then again, Jeffrey seemed in one of his great day moods, so I didn’t want to ruin for him. But actually, not. He’s always saying that when he’s happy, her never need anything and his day can’t possibly be ruined.

So I told him it sucked.

And he went on being super happy about it.

Like a Jeffrey would.

Lesson Omicron: Acronyms And Operations.


If your operations going to be good, its gotta be an acronym. That’s all I have to say.

Mission Briefing, How Are We Gonna Do This?


It was midburn, as usual. We were visiting a frenchimmersion school, which kind of sucked because none of us knew how to speak french. We would see a slightly easier time doing this, because this time, we weren’t sneaking in.

The school has a band concert, which was held tonight. Jeffrey had somehow, found out about this, and gathered you tell that the classrooms would be locked and lights out by the time the concert was over. Which meant, if we could get in, we would be able to deliver the pizza without having risk, and not be discovered.

The only issue, was the language barrier.

If someone caught us, and we had no ability to speak french whatsoever, it would be obvious we were were sneaking in, which would be very bad for the people trying not to get caught, which in this case, were us.

So lets hope I can learn a new language in two hours (which I probably can’t).

Let’s Break Into A French Immersion School Without Knowing French.


Ok, I was lying. I do know french. I took frenchin grade six and I’m taking it now, which means I can say basic colours, such as red, and I can say how are you, or what’s your name. I said I do not think this will get us very far.

Anyways, we walked in casually, as Jeffrey had bought three sets of the school uniforms on the website. Wwe walked in calmly, and tried to keep a straight face, song that said we knew how to speak french and definitely didn’t have out backpacks full of pizza we were planning to deliver during the concert.

We snuck in, and the teachers at the entrance, greeting parents, didn’t’ even blink when they saw us. We followed the line like everyone else, except when we reached the main hallways, we broke off. No one could see us, we had shut all the lights and had closed the doors.

Jeffrey took out a weird key, and inserted it into the doors, and twisted. The door popped open with a satisfying click, then swung open.

“You guys get the pizza, I’ll keep the doors and get the teachers in case they come along.”

We followed after Jeffrey, throwing in pizzas as we went. This was painful, and impossible, as Jeffrey imply turned a lock, we carried a pile of Pizza.

Also, the lust to eat that pizza was very strong. We finished the hall, then Jeffrey went along, locking all the doors. Good, we were safe.

Dear reader, if you know anything,   we are never ok. When we say we’re going to be safe, or that everything’s going to be well, things are going to go wrong.

Now we honestly don’t know where Mrs. Freida is, she’s probably not here. She probably haven’t picked up the trail, and hopefully, she isn’t here. But never assume anything, because danger is right around the corner kids.

And it was.

Lesson Pi: Know A Second Language. And A Third. And A Fourth


To be fair, Ethan is unprepared. If you’re going to break into a french school, know french! Don’t go to kill Donald Trump without knowing how to carry an AK – 47M. Like this is common sense.

And never rely on French class. It will teach you french, but it’s made to help you out when meeting someone new, or asking how to order ramen noodles in paris. It is NOT used to teach you how to talk your way out of breaking into a school and delivering pizza.

If you want to learn advanced french for operations, try google translate. Write down some excuses for doing what your operation includes, and memorize how to say them in other languages. Doesn’t have to be complicated. Just has to be good enough to talk you out of trouble. And know how to say goodbye.

It’s important to know how to end a conversation.

Wait, Did I Mention We Can’t Speak French? Ok, We Are In Trouble. Like, Big Trouble.


Just when we locked all the doors, click off all the lights, and such, a teacher walked in the hallway. Oh dear.

You see, this is not a good position to be in. If Jeffrey starts turning the locks to escape, the teacher will see that we have keys, and that won’t be pretty. If the teachers go to confront us, she will confront us in french. In that case, it will naturally mean that we will get caught as someone who’s not really french and we’ll be doomed.

She walked up to us.

Dear reader, in this part, things will be said in french. Since you might not want to open up google translate, I’ll help you here.

“Que fais-tu ici? Tu n’es pas censé être au spectacle?”

*What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at the show?*

“Non, Madame Vexin nous a demandé de vérifier les allées pour les enfants et de nous assurer que les portes étaient verrouillées,”replied Jeffrey, who could apparently speak french and listen to french fluently.

*No, Madam Vexin asked us to double check the hallways for kids, and to ensure the doors were locked.*

“Très bien alors. Ne prends pas trop longtemps. Le spectacle est sur le point de commencer. J’ai entendu dire que ça allait être génial.”

*Very well then. Don’t take too long. The show’s about to start. I heard it’s going to be great.*

“Bien en effet. Notre groupe est assez impressionnant. Nous ne prendrons pas longtemps, nous ne voudrions pas manquer le spectacle.”

*Good indeed. Our band is quite impressive. We won’t take long, wouldn’t want to miss the show.*

By the way, I’m going to stop translating. It’s a pain.

“Il est bon de savoir que nous avons quelqu’un en qui nous pouvons avoir confiance pour gérer la sécurité ici. Nous ne savons pas à qui nous pouvons faire confiance après le récent problème TPoT que nous avons eu autour de la ville.”

“Vrai, en effet. Nous devons prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires pour que vos élèves ne mangent pas de pizza d’étrangers aléatoires qui passent leur temps à entrer par effraction dans leurs maisons.”

“Encore une fois, il n’est pas facile de savoir à qui on peut faire confiance et ce qu’on peut faire maintenant. En tout cas, on se voit au spectacle. Je ferais mieux d’y aller. Ce sera une longue nuit, si tu comprends ce que je veux dire.”

“Je vois ce que tu veux dire. Quoi qu’il en soit, dépêche-toi. Vous ne voudriez pas manquer le spectacle. Nous allons finir. Nous pouvons y faire face. Et en plus, nous sommes dans un groupe. Nous l’avons tous entendu. Nous sommes juste dans un autre groupe, alors de toute façon, ça ira. À plus.”

“Bonne nuit.:”


I was still impressed with Jeffrey’s abilities to speak and understand french. Surprising. And eventually, probably convinced by Jeffrey, she left, leaving us to finish our delivery.

And so we did, we it allo, and then made it into the show and witnessed a french band, which to be fair, wasn’t as good as our band.  Like actually, those were all french pieces. We’re in Canada boys. No French songs.

Meeting 02


Today was Tuesday, which meant another meeting. I headed off to the student council, then sat down, nervous.

On the outside, I was simply a new member. On the inside, I was secretly praying that they wouldn’t bring up TPoT. But then again, nothing went my way.

One of the members stood up with papers, addressed as the meeting plan. A couple things were written, date, key topics, etc. But one thing stood out drastically.

  1. Operation TPoT thoughts. What should we do?

This was going to be troublesome. I knew already that I didn’t want to talk about this. I was going to lose our cover. And even worse, one line at the bottom meant trouble for me and the whole operation.

Special attendants:

Mrs. Friesen

Mrs. Burkhart

Mr. Hotzel

ETBT french teacher.

Mr. Stanke

Mrs Frieda

In case you’re curious who those people are, they’re the people who teach me. In every subject and option. And if they’re here, that means they have something to be talking about. It’s no coincidence, considering we just pulled off a major move here.

During the first half of the meeting, I hardly listened. But during the second half, the teachers stood around, observing our every word. The pressure was on.

Mrs. Freida instructed for every single one of us to share our thoughts, probably trying to see which one of us here is from TPoT. And more academically,who could process the information and give an opinion

“Ethan. What do you think?”

Mrs. Freida looked at me expectantly, as if hoping for me to say something that didn’t need to be said. And in that moment, I recognized, that she, was our attacker. She knew we were TPoT.

A Little Foreshadowing.


Ethan has been caught. Indeed. And this isn’t bad. This just means we’re reaching the climax. We’re going to see more knives, some violence, and Jeffrey save the day like an idiot, or maybe like a moron.

We’ll run off finishing this story with a bang, and Mrs. Frieda will be sent to jail for an attempted murder, and we’ll be fined. This will all be great, as our story will come to an end. As you can see, we’re on page 87, so we have time.

So don’t be surprised when things start getting epic.

Time To Make Some False Evidence.


I stood up calmly, trying to mask the surprise I held in my face.

“I believe, we should try to prevent this from happening. Lock our schools down, security cameras, all of that. This is some stranger. When we were in grade one, we learned to not to take things from strangers. Well, now, we can probably prove that once and for all. “

For a second, I stood there, looking proud of myself. The committee members looked convinced, and my teachers looked surprised to the brilliance of my speech. Even Mrs. Frieda looked stunned.

But nothing lasted for long.

“Good speech Ethan, but we’re here to expose who you really are.”

She turned to the rest of the committee.

“This person, is really TPoT. He is one among us that has been cheating our thoughts. He’s been misdirecting you all. Now, Ethan, what do you have to say for yourself?”

I didn’t say anything.

Actually, I should say something. If I didn’t, I’d be convicted of something I really didn’t want to be convicted of.

“I’m not TPoT. Why would I be. I came into here trying to help our school. If you have evidence, why don’t’t’ you show us?” I asked.

This was one of our tactics. We make her question her truth, then she avoids bringing it out. But there was one forgotten variable. She was Mrs. Frieda, one equal of a match to Jeffrey. She saw past this. She should take out her evidence and convict me guilty.

There was nothing I could do about it.

I watched as she pulled down the smart board, which isn’t actually smart. Her computer already had the file ready, I could tell by the sly grin on her face.

I couldn’t do anything but wait for my doom to come.

Playing the video, she looked straight into my eyes, victory gleaming. But the video didn’t play..

Actually it did play. Just not what needed to be shown. It showed  a gif, of a cat jumping up and down saying thanks. Like wow, I didn’t not see that coming. At all.

Lesson Rho and Sigma: Plant False Evidence And Embarrass Your Opponent.


Someone, one day, is going to mess things up. Whether it’s your enemy, or your teammates, someone’s bound to rist some suspicion upon the ranks. When this happens, people will try to rat you out, or expose you.

For amature like you, don’t go complicated. Simply delete the evidence. But if you’re Jeffrey experienced and know how to plant false evidence do what he did.

Doing a Jeffrey, will require practice.  A simple second worth of time, you have stuff planted and ready for your enemy. This is also very good for embarrassing your enemy. This will infuriate them, and lead them to make rash choices, which will most likely lead to their ultimate downfall.

When picking the false evidence, make it funny. Or make use of it. If they’re secretly been black marketing, then post direct evidence of that. It will ensure the raging of your enemy. That will be nice.

So when planting evidence, do it well.



Thank You Jeffrey, Once Again.


Wow, I did not see that coming. At all. But then again, time to thank Jeffrey.

ThHe next day, I met up with him in CTF where Mrs. Friesen was busy talking about ideas and prototyping. He was busy prototyping and writing down ideas on how to break into Fort Knox, which really isn’t smart.

“Thanks Jeffrey. You really saved me back there, with the Pusheen and all. If you hadn’t done that, I would’ve been doomed.”

“Your welcome. Also, I finished three more schools yesterday. We have one to go. Guess which one?”



Reader, in case you’re confused, this is the basic gist of it. They’re going to break into their own school to deliver an operation. Also, it just happens to be that their enemy [that person trying to shut them down] works there. So they don’t really stand a chance.

Oh wait, I forgot to tell Jeffrey.

“Um… Jeffrey? I forgot to tell you something.”


“Mrs. Frieda knows we’re TPoT.”

“I know. I’ve known since the beginning of time. She’s posted security cameras at the back of our school to catch us at every opportunity. We don’t have anything to be scared of. She already knows.”


“I know what you want to do. You are angry at me because I didn’t tell you. Well, go figure. Life won’t give you answers every single time. You have to find your own answers sometimes,” replied Jeffrey.

I would’ve slapped him as hard as I could, but I considered his words. So I only pinched him as hard as I could.

To be fair, it’s lighter than a slap.

Lesson Tau: Vengeance Isn’t Good. And Don’t Pinch Your Boss. That’s Not Nice.


Listen to El Patron. “Establish your authority before anyone has time to question it.”

To start, act like you don’t care about anything. As your peasants report information to you, you act like you already know it. This way, they seem to be lower in rank no matter what they find for you.

With Jeffrey, you can never tell whether or not he already knows what your reporting to him. So just be aware.

Second, know how to react. When they pinch you, don’t react. When they don’t expect it, take revenge and publicly embarrass them in front of their crush. Something like that.

With Jeffrey, he’ll probably wait until the operation is over before doing anything fun to Ethan. Ethan needs to cower in fear as long as  possible.

Also, when someone does something remarkable, they tend to forget everything else. As in they will forget about the revenge their boss wishes to take on them.

So be careful.

How Ready Are We To Break Into An Enemy HQ?


So, here we are, preparing to pull off one final heist. Jeffrey started off, coming to our house, suitcases worth of stuff ready. Some of them including the pellets he had the other day, a crowbar, and some bubblegum.

“You need to stay occupied when on an operation.”

He also brought us some suits of armour, which were unusually light. He told us, that we should put it on. If Mr.s Frieda shown up and tries to kill us, we’ll have some protection. No, not enough to stop the knife. Just enough to stop it from stabbing in completely.

He, on his back, first contained double scabbards for two katanas. I have no idea how he got them and why he’s bringing them. But I’m not arguing.

Second, on top of the scabbards, he wore a massive backpack, which most likely contained all of the pizza.

So, we were ready.

Lesson Upsilon: Be Ready.

This one’s quite simple. I’ll even write out a list for you.

  1. Katana’s. They’re good as a hand to hand combat weapon.
  2. Chainmail armour to keep you from dying if you have an assassin trying to kill you with throwing knives. Warning, this doesn’t stop throwing knives.
  3. Slime pellets. These can help you immobilize an enemy before they have a chance to attack you., Make sure you have a good arm so you don’t miss. Also, if you drop these things, you will be immobilized.
  4. A giant backpack to take pizza. This is important.
  5. Tastes great and is good to keep you occupied. I suggest Soft chews or Hubba Bubba original.

“Just one last time…”


Ok, here we were. Just one last time, armed to the teeth. We were going to break into our own school, and deliver pizza to our own classmates, and try to get out alive. This will not be easy. But we will try.

We started off sprinting to the school, our taxi dropping us off half a kilometre away. We were told to surprise our enemy, not pop up with a taxi. This would catch our enemy off guard and we would be able to make it inside without raising much suspicion. Hopefully, all will be well.

But yet again, we all knew something was wrong. The second we stepped in the building, knives flew at us. Jeffrey whipped out a katana and deflected one, the other two missing us.

Our attacker ran down the halls, disappearing in a moment. We had no time to lose. The more time we spent here, the longer we would be exposed.

Another tripwire was triggered. Nothing happened. Except for the fact that maybe one of our phones dialled 9-1-1. That was really bad.

“Jeffrey, how long do you think we have before the police arrive?”

“Five minutes. At most.”

“How do we do this? We can’t finish the whole school in five minutes, not to mention we have someone trying to kill us right now.”

“Simple, we split up. Like last time. Ethan, you take the upper floor. Make sure to destroy Trevors desk just for fun.”

And so we did what we definitely shouldn’t have done. We split up. And it was not going to help us anymore than a katana was going to help keep Jeffrey from getting stabbed with a throwing knife. Actually, this is a terrible analogy.

So whether we liked it or not, we were doomed. And things weren’t going to go well. So let’s hope we don’t all die.

Lesson Phi: How To Arrive At An Enemy Base.


This one can be done in a multitude of different ways. To start, you can choose to drive. This will announce your presence quite nicely, and is mostly unwanted unless you’re Jeffrey and can plan ahead and this is secretly part of your plan.

Which in that case, is good.

But for most of you regular stupid human beings, you will want to try something more discrete. Bikes work quite nicely. Since plenty of people go around on bikes at midnight, which isn’t safe, you’ll blend in. Also, this is less tiring than walking.

Lastly, you can use the simple method we know as walking. This is the most efficient, and will eliminate almost all suspicion. Unless your principal is Mrs. Frieda. Than you’re in trouble.

So just hope your principal isn’t Mrs. Frieda.

So, We’re Going To Split Up? Ok Then. Because Jeffrey Should Be The Main Target, Right? Wrong.


If you’re reading along right now, you’ll be interested in how well Jeffrey will do in the next chapter. Your answer, Very well.

You might be a little less interested in what James is doing. He’ll be delivering pizza and will be fine.

You might not even care what happens to Ethan. But I’ll tell you anyway. He’ll probably get chased by Mrs. Frieda, take a badminton racquet, start sword fighting, rush down the stairs, deliver the last pizza and jump out the door, and maybe find something great that’ll save him.

And Jeffrey will pop up somewhere during this part.


Splitting Up. Things Will Be Fine.


Let’s do this. That’s what I’ve been thinking the whole time. I wasn’t confident, I was scared. Very.

Imagine running through a pitch dark school, while a psycho maniac principal is going around, trying to kill you. How do you think you’ll do?

So I was running about, very scared. I delivered pizza and even bothered to grab a badminton racket for self-defense, as if that would help with a throwing knife. But it felt reassuring in my hands as if it would help. I ran out again, and went to the next one, glancing around nervously, hoping to catch our enemy.

No one. The next classroom was a science lab, where coincidentally, Jeffrey had left a note. Somehow. Don’t ask.

It read:


If you’re reading this, I’m dead. No, I’m not dead. I just wanted to scare you. In reality, the world is good for me. What’s probably going on with you, Find some trinitrotoluene in cabinet two twenty. Take a tiny dose of it, load it up a science tube, and get ready to throw, Only take a little bit, two tubes at max. If you encounter her, two it. Just throw it.


I did as I was told, grabbing small dosages of this. I had no idea what it did, I didn’t pay attention in science. So I hoped it would do me good.

The second I exited the classroom, a shadow stood at the end of the hallway. The moonlight casted from a window gave her a shimmering silhouette, making her look more fearsome and deadly. Then, she took out a katana. And charged.

At me.

Oh dear.

Lesson Chi: Don’t Split Up. Under Any Circumstances. Especially If There An Assassin In The Building With You.


Just don’t. You will regret it. Nothing else to say here. Like legit, just don’t split up. This is where every single movie dude gets picked off and the hero is alone and kills the bad guy. But that’s not reality.

So don’t.

I Don’t Know How To Sword Fight. And Someone’s Coming At Me With A Katana. This Is Not Good.

Ok, I admit, I don’t know how to sword fight. Much less with a badminton racquet. So I simply swing. My racquet hit her in the shoulder, and she stumbled back.

I did a mini celebration in my heart, but it was short lived. She swung at me, and the blade sliced into my shirt. No pain, just impact. The armour underneath, being damaged, poked into my skin, stinging.

She swung again, this time missing by a mere inch. I ducked, the blade whistling past my head. But before I could do anything, she swung at me again.

More damage.

You know, this is reminding me of a video game. I get   hit, I lose health. When it’s the final hit, I die. Quite simple. And in reality, it basically means when I have armour, I’m good. When my armour gives out, I die.

So according to that, my analysis was judging me somewhere between 60% health. Which wasn’t good.

The next time she swung, I raised my racquet, and deflected the blow. The shock shook me and I stumbled to regain coordination. She attacked, raising her blade height above her head. I raised my defender, but the blow sliced through the racquets netting. The blade protruded out the other side, just an inch from my face.

Oh wait, I forgot to mention something.

In video games, there’s something called a critical hit. Its normally the head, sometimes the chest. That critical hit spot is the place where armour is absent.

In my case, its the head.

I struggled to push upward, but her blade was still edging closer. I could feel the cold blade on the tip of my nose.

I didn’t want to die.

So I pushed, as hard as I could, the sudden movement pushing her off of me. I stood up, wiping the blood from the nose, and stood ready, prepared to defend if necessary. She charged at me.

But this time, I wasn’t as ready. It sliced my racquet in half. Then she brought it upon me. Blood. Gushed out of my head. The world spun. I fell to the ground and I was aware of a flash.


And of course, she fell back, the bright light disorienting her. She fell over, then was encased in slime. The figure then turned to me.


“Let’s finish this operation,” insisted Jeffrey, blowing a bubble he spoke.


Lesson Psi: Popping Up:


As a true hero does it, you need to know when to pop up, and how to pop up randomly. Preferably, its when your teammates are on the verge of death. This makes the story much more suspenseful and interesting. Also, if they get stabbed first and then you pop up, you failed, so don’t mistime it.

This is a common skill all heroes in movies and books have, popping up at the last moment and saving the day. However, the reality is not so merciful. Reality may kill your friends before you can do anything, and that is definitely not worth it.

Don’t mistime it, no matter what.

And the phrase, “Better late than never,” does not apply here. The difference between late and never when popping up to save your friend’s life is exactly 0.0000000027.


We did it.

The city has received pizza, and Mrs. Frieda got what she deserved. She was exposed by that flash, which was a camera. It caught her and was sent to the police department.

Best of all, no one suspects anything. Like who would think a couple twelve-year-olds could pull this off?

Not me. But we did it anyway.

TPoT forever.

Lesson Omega: Do Your Operation


Now that you know how to do it, all, your last step is to do your operation. Take it to reality. Follow the steps of TPoT and create your own operation. Finish it and accomplish what you’ve always wanted to accomplish.

TPoT forever.


~Agent TPoT

The End.


If you enjoyed. If you did, please leave a comment!


Oh, wait, epilogue.

Epilogue thing

Mrs. Frieda was utterly disgusted.


THE END. (For real)

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